Read Eagle (Jacob Hull) Online

Authors: Kindal Debenham

Eagle (Jacob Hull) (31 page)

BOOK: Eagle (Jacob Hull)
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“Nothing left but bad news, I’m afraid.” Al-shira’s expression grew serious, though Jacob could sense a hint of humor behind the façade. “There have been a few administrative changes within the Navy since you left. Apparently, the Council and the House have decided the Navy cannot effectively oversee the operations of an intelligence agency while still performing their other duties.”

For a couple of seconds, Jacob stared at her. “Are you serious? They’ve got to be joking! We’ve just barely started to piece together the intelligence network again, and they’re going to take that capability away from us? How stupid do they think I am?”

Al-shira wagged one slender finger at him. “Actually, the Council and the House haven’t tried to take control of the Intelligence operations either. They’ve just been convinced they should split the Intelligence community off into its own service branch. It would have more independence compared to the Marines, but the agency would still interface with the rest of the military without causing problems like awkward transfers between Intelligence and the rest of the Navy. We could avoid creating the sort of empire-building among flag officers we’ve been used to as well.”

The fact the words were too well-practiced penetrated the haze of anger in Jacob’s mind. He checked his own building temper and cast Al-shira a second look. She had a familiar look of amusement in her eyes, and he began to suspect he knew exactly who had proposed the idea in the first place. “Well Captain Al-shira, go on. If they are planning on building a whole new organization, who have they picked to lead it?”

With a smile, Al-shira plucked the reader from his hands and set it down on the desk. “Well, that’s where things start getting tough.” She started to walk away from him across the room, ticking her points off on her fingers. “First, it would have to be somebody already entrenched in the community, someone we could trust to select a good team to lead it. Second, it would have to be someone respected in both the Navy and the Intelligence worlds, preferably someone with extensive tactical experience and strategic oversight.”

Jacob felt his suspicions settling firmer into reality. “Sounds like that narrows it down a lot.”

“It does, and it only gets worse.” Al-shira turned back to him, approaching him slowly. “Third, it would have to be someone you trust. This batch of politicians may not like you very well, but they also recognize how close a call they just had. They aren’t about to let anything like this happen again, and they recognize whoever they choose will have to work well with you.”

“Interesting.” Jacob let a smile grow on his lips. “I imagine the fourth point is that it should be someone with the foresight to suggest the change to begin with?”

Al-shira smiled. “Why Admiral Ironsides, you got that one all on your own!” She leaned in a little, still grinning openly. “This opens up all kinds of chances for us. We can screen out Kenning’s cronies as we go, build an entirely new network of agents, bring in officers and create departments specializing only in information warfare…” As she trailed off, her grin grew. “The sky’s the limit, as the old saying goes.”

Jacob felt a glow of joy run through him, though it was tempered with more than a little irritation. “So you’re taking off with my Intelligence section and getting yourself put at the head of the monstrosity. Not the best welcome home present, Naomi.”

There wasn’t a trace of remorse on Al-shira’s face. “That’s Director Naomi Al-shira to you, High Admiral. My transfer to the new agency was effective the moment you received my new orders, which happen to be on that reader over there.” She pointed at the discarded device and turned back to him with one eyebrow arched. “And if you don’t like it, maybe next time you’ll decide to take me with you, Ironsides.”

Jacob threw up his hands in surrender. “That’s enough, I get it. Any other surprises I should be worried about, Naomi?” Then a sudden, brilliant moment of insight froze him. “Wait a minute. Are you still going to be in my chain of command?”

An utterly innocent and completely unconvincing expression stole across Al-shira’s face.
“Why no, High Admiral. Naturally an independent organization will have its own chain of comm—”

Jacob kissed her before she finished the sentence. When they broke the contact a few minutes later, he was laughing and didn’t quite know why. “You are one devious woman, Director Al-shira. I have no idea how I’m going to keep up with you.”

She brushed a hand along his face and smiled. “I’m sure you’ll figure something out.” Then Al-shira stepped back and raised an eyebrow at him. “Now, Admiral Ironsides, would you like to take your new intelligence chief out to dinner, or are you really going to sit here and go over briefings all day?”

Jacob followed her out the door, grinning. As he slid the door shut on the office and walked with her down the hall, it was hard to keep from laughing. He’d thought the end of the war had been an ending for everything, but now he knew better. What he faced now was a new beginning, and with Al-shira by his side, he had no doubt things were going to be interesting from then on.

Telling stories has been a part of Kindal Debenham’s life ever since he first put down a book, looked around and asked himself ‘But what happened next?’ That question led him to write his own stories to find the answer he was looking for, and from then on he was hooked. Writing became a passion that followed him through school and led him to the writing group where he met his incredible wife-to-be, Emily. Somehow, she continues to tolerate him, and they have on baby girl, born in March 2011, and are expecting a new baby boy in December 2013. Writing has brought him this far, and he hopes it will continue to accompany him for the rest of his life. He’s still trying to find the answer to what happens next, and he is grateful to all those who are supporting him in his journey. Thanks for your support, and he hopes you enjoy the story!

Other Series by Kindal Debenham

Jacob Hull Series


Ensign Jacob Hull never intended to be a hero. As a newly commissioned officer in the Celostian Navy, his goal was to serve well until the day he could retire. Then disaster strikes on his first cruise aboard the
CNS Wolfhound
, and he will have to display all the courage, skill and determination he has in order to keep the remaining crew members out of danger. Because if he does not, the only ones to tell the tale will be prisoners of war—if there are any left at all.


Captain Jacob Hull has seen better days.

The Celostian Union
is under attack on all fronts by the Oduran League, now allied with the pirates of Telos. As Jacob struggles to help stem the tide of Oduran aggression, he has to face political machinations and bitter divisions at home that are as much a threat to the Union as any Oduran task force. Yet in spite of the challenges, Jacob must learn to overcome these obstacles and once again lead those under his command to victory, because if he does not, the alternative will mean death for the people he holds dear.


The Celsotian Union has stopped the Oduran League’s offensive, but only at an agonizing price. Now the leader of the Celostian Navy, Jacob Hull receives the responsibility to pick up the pieces, but even as he struggles to rally the remnants of the crippled Navy a new danger looms. Rebellion simmers on the Frontier, and on the eve of yet another Oduran invasion, the Union experiences the bitterest division in its entire existence. At the center of the storm, Jacob Hull must outwit treacherous conspiracies and merciless foes. He must win—or else the entire Celostian Union will be left in ashes.


Wayfarer Series

Iron Angels

No journey is ever easy.

For the followers of the Way, that statement rings doubly true. Isolated, persecuted and despised throughout the Known Worlds, the Wayfarers have decided to flee into the unknown. Their hope: to find some refuge among the stars where they can live in peace.

But a threat lurks in deep space. A band of mercenaries, hired to wipe out the Wayfarers, is now closing in on their last sanctuary. Only the efforts of Gabriel Miller, the son of the leader of the Wayfarers, and those of Susan Delacourt, a former Directorate officer, can lead the fleet to safety. As time is running out, they must work together to defend their home and to help the followers of the Way reach freedom—or watch their last hopes die.

Broken Halo

Every journey has a cost.

The Wayfarers have escaped their former home in the Known Worlds. Their fleet, battered but unbroken, now searches the unknown regions of space for a new world to call home. Under the leadership of Susan Delacourt and Gabriel Miller, they have continued to survive despite obstacles and setbacks.

Yet their trials are not over. The Directorate of Defense, the military of the Known Worlds, has neither forgiven nor forgotten the defiance of the Wayfarers. A task force, led by the corrupt Admiral Nevlin, has followed them into the unknown with the intention of destroying their fleet and dragging them back to the Known Worlds for trial. As the two fleets race through the stars—one searching for a new beginning, the other hunting for prey—another threat waits within the darkness of unknown that could destroy them all.

Shattered Wings

Not every journey is good for the soul.

The Wayfarers have crossed the stars in search of their new home. They’ve been forced to abandon all that they’ve ever known for an uncertain future, and despite many threats to their survival, they’ve managed to endure. Thanks to the ancient technology uncovered by Susan Delacourt and the mysterious allies found by Gabriel Miller, they have even managed to face the power of the Directorate and triumphed.

Still, darkness lurks amidst the glory of victory. The strain of their journey begins to take its toll on the fleet. As division and conflict strain the bonds that hold the Wayfarer fleet together, Susan and Gabriel have to fight to prevent civil war among the very people they have sacrificed so much to protect. Even if they succeed, there are new signs of danger in the darkness of space—and this time, the threat is more terrible than they could ever imagine.


Hector Kingsley Series

The True Adventures of Hector Kingsley

The year is 1860, and the world has been rocked by Change.

The discovery of the Distillation has inspired technological marvels beyond anything previously conceived—but the same crystal that drives these mechanical wonders can also
change the unwary into monsters. Lives have been altered, fortunes have been won and lost, and society will never be the same.

Working in London as an investigator, at the center of this time of opportunity and danger, Hector Kingsley takes on two new mysteries. Between the attempted murder of a local lord and the threats against a school full of Changling children, he has plenty to occupy his time. He soon finds himself plunged into a dangerous web of plots which threaten his life and those of his friends.  In a city of werewolves and golems, inventions and intrigue, he must find the culprits responsible—or face the horrible consequences of their schemes.

The True Adventures of Hector Kingsley: Murders in Whitechapel

Hector Kingsley must face an impossible task.

The events of his previous investigations have left Hector with a deadly enemy. His nemesis is powerful, connected, and able to frustrate every attempt to bring him to justice. Even worse, his ultimate goal remains to be seen; all Hector can be sure of is that he faces a criminal mastermind who is more than willing to kill anyone who stands in his way.

At the same time, a serial killer branded the Dollmaker is terrorizing London. His victims vanish, never to be seen again, with only a small, mutilated figurine left in their place. Patricia, drawn to the hunt, asks for Hector’s help, and he has no choice but to agree. He quickly finds himself battling for both her life and his own against crime lords and murderers, and very quickly finds himself in a race to catch a killer—one he may be too late to stop.

The True Adventures of Hector Kingsley: Airships Over London

Lord Devonshire has won again.

Hector Kingsley, once on the verge of stopping the merciless crime lord’s plans, has been driven underground. He is now wanted by the law for crimes Devonshire has committed, and only through the aid of his friends has he remained free. Constables and criminals alike are hunting him, threatening his friends and family. All hope of stopping Devonshire seems lost; it is all Hector can do to stay alive.

Then, as all hope seems gone, an unlikely opportunity arises. Hector is approached by a former employer to carry out an investigation onboard the French embassy, an airship moored over the Thames. Though he faces danger and intrigue on an even more lethal scale, it is a chance that Hector must take, for Devonshire’s treasonous plans also involve the floating citadel—and Hector is sure that this time, he must finally defeat his foe or die in the attempt.


BOOK: Eagle (Jacob Hull)
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