E Virus: The Diary of a Modern Day Girl (The Beginning of the End)

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E Virus
The Diary of a Modern Day Girl
Book 1
The Beginning of the End




Written by Jessica Ward
Cover by
Nixxi Rose




I would like to thank
Nixxi Rose for graciously letting me use her fabulous designs for my front covers in this series. If you would like your very hand crafted zombie skin products check out her online shop on Etsy!


I would also like to thank all my family and friends who have supported me throughout and spread the word about my books and even taken the time to read them.

I hope you all enjoy the series, and I look forward to hearing all your feedback, enjoy!



E-Bola is a viral illness, in which symptoms include sudden fever, weakness, intense muscle pain, internal and external bleeding, redness of the eyes, vomiting, and diarrhoea and in most cases, death.

There is a 21 day incubation period in which anyone who comes into close contact with the infected, can contract the virus. For at least one of those weeks, carriers are not aware they are infected.

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) Ebola first appeared in 1976 along the western coast of Africa. 2 simultaneous outbreaks occurred in Sudan, Nzara and Yambuku, Demographic Republic of Congo, situated near the Ebola River, where the virus gets its name.

E-Bola was first transmitted to humans through direct contact of infected animals, primarily fruit bats who are considered to be the natural hosts to the virus.

E-Bola is transmitted through close contact via blood, secretions, organs and other bodily fluids.

There are currently no cures or vaccinations against the E-Bola Virus.


              *              *

Think about how you feel when there’s a power cut. What about when your water is switched off. Think about all those times your phone had no signal, or had run out of battery. Imagine your phone, laptop or tablet running out of battery and you
had no way at all to charge it… ever.

How much work can you really get done when there’s no internet in your office? How far could you get if you didn’t have your car, or if the transport links were cut off?

Now imagine all of the above, happening at the exact same time. What would you do? And how would you survive?

Nowadays people drive their cars to the gym, only to go inside and run on the spot on a treadmill, all the while watching the latest episode of

We do it because we can, because we don’t know any different.

Think about what we do at home. If we get peckish, we log onto the internet. We click a few buttons and before you know it, all kinds of cuisine are delivered straight to our doors, 24 hours a day. Nowadays, even those that burn toast never go hungry.

I am no different to you. I relied massively on today’s technology. Whether it
be my iPhone (which never left my side), my iPad that allowed me to watch TV, stream movies and keep up with the latest gossip, even wake me up in the morning. Or my car that gave me complete freedom to go wherever the hell I want. I’ll admit it; I still used the car when walking was a completely doable option.

In pretty much every single aspect of my life, I relied on all these things. I did it because it was there, I couldn’t function without it.

You don’t realise how much you take for granted, the simple things in life.

We rely so much on these things, that if they were to be taken away, then mankind simply cannot function.

This is my story. The story of how I had to survive the demise of the modern world, and witness the birth of a new, horrifying and deadly world in which there were no rules, no technology or comfort, and the infected walked among us.

The E-virus turned the whole world upside down. It left death and destruction in its wake. The only problem was
, the dead didn’t stay dead.

So let’s go back to the beginning. What happened? How did it start? What makes your story different to any others?

Well I’ll tell you all about that. But as to what makes it different? Well that’s for you to decide. My story is different because it’s what happened to me. Each person in this world has lived a different life to another. Circumstances, backgrounds and thought processes are different for each of us, and are what sets us apart from the rest. This might be like every other survival story you have ever heard, but I doubt it.

















Chapter 1 – The Outbreak


I first found out about the outbreak in its early stages. It was from a BBC news story, I remember it so clearly. I was sat in the office on a typical dull and dreary day swivelling on my chair, waiting for my next assignment to come in.  The story was titled “Ebola Outbreak ‘most challenging’ as Guinea deaths
pass 100”

The picture at the top of the page really drew my attention. Three people carrying a stretcher covered with a plastic sheet. The people in the photo were all dressed in biohazard type suits with aprons, turquoise rubber gloves and snorkel masks on. The outfits looked comical, but I found it quite worrying at the same time.

The article read like this:

The number of people believed to have been killed by the Ebola virus in Guinea has passed 100, the UN World Health Organization says.


It was "one of the most challenging Ebola outbreaks we have ever dealt with" and could take another four months to contain, the WHO said.


The virus had now killed 101 people in Guinea and 10 in Liberia, it said.


Ebola is spread by close contact and kills between 25% and 90% of its victims.


Many West African states have porous borders, and people travel frequently between countries.


Southern Guinea is at the epicentre of the outbreak, with the first case reported last month.


The geographical spread of the outbreak is continuing to make it particularly challenging to contain - past outbreaks have involved much smaller areas.


My first thought was, this is happening miles away from me. It will never make
its way over here. I’ll be fine, it won’t affect me. All the same, I was intrigued.

I read the whole article and soon after I found myself
Googling E-Bola and the history behind it. I never knew it then, but the information I learnt would become invaluable in the future.

You’re probably all thinking
, what the hell does this girl do? Does she have nothing better to do all day then read pointless articles and Google random health issues? Well, ok that was a slow day. But before the outbreak I was just a normal girl, I had a good job and my focus was my career.

I worked for printing company dealing in food packaging; my job was to manage the web advertising. I loved my job, not many people can say they spend all day on the likes of Facebook and get paid for it, but I could. Work wise I was going in the right direction. Since I started the web sales shot
up, and my work was even beginning to get noticed by the board of directors.

Like everyone else, it wasn’t perfect. There was the office bitch in finance, the one who everyone hated. I’m sure you know the type. The busy body that should have spent more time getting her own job right, and less time criticising everyone else’s. As you can tell, I’ve had a few run-ins with her in my time.

Diane, the troll in question was a particularly large woman, in her late 40s. She had a face like a piranha and a personality to match. She was vile. Luckily for me, I didn’t work in her department. Believe me, I felt for all those poor people who did. I was able to have minimal contact and avoid her where possible.

However, like most places. For each nasty, soul sucking member of staff there, you could also find their polar opposite. For me it was a sweet, bubbly and kind-hearted lady called Joyce. She was in her early 60s and had children around the same age as me.
She had short mousey brown hair; the signs of grey were only just starting to creep up. She looked great for her age, she was always very active. Yoga was her new favourite hobby; she always told me how good it was for the mind.

At 25, I was one of the youngest in the office. Everyone was set in their ways and had been there for a great number of years. Joyce took me under
her wing from my first day. I felt I could confide in her about anything, and she would guide me in the right direction. Everyone needs a Joyce in their life.

So in terms of work, not only did I act the part, but I also made damn sure I looked it. I wore stiletto heels all day every day, 7 days a week. In fact I wore them that much; I was only comfortable on my tip toes. I could not, and would not wear flat shoes. I felt like I waddled, not a pretty sight.

I always made sure I was immaculately dressed both inside and outside of work; I lived out of pencil skirts and dresses.

I never left the house without my iPad, iPhone and Chanel Rouge lipstick, safety tucked inside my Hermes bag. I loved my designers, Selfridges was my second home. I knew my way around that place like the back of my hand.

Like most people, I was fully dependent on technology. It’s how everyone communicated. In those days you were considered sociable just by sitting in a room trolling through Facebook. Social Media ruled cyber space. One picture taken at the Oscars was popular enough to crash Twitter. It was extremely powerful. Just like everyone else I had them all.

In life, I was very independent. Everything I bought, I paid for myself. I was financially secure and to me, it was the best feeling. Although I had a well-paid job, and I enjoyed the finer things in life, but I took pride in the fact I was still
very grounded.

Most of my friends were like me. They all lived in heels but were very much into shopping, and all had their fair share of boys, and the drama that comes along with it. However, for as much as I looked the part, I didn’t always share their interests.

Yes I could shop until I dropped however I grew up on a farm in the country. I was very into my fast cars, shooting guns and jumping in puddles in my wellies. I loved adventure and I loved watching films so scary, I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night.

Back then I would have loved to have been part of a Zombie Apocalypse. I watched every single zombie film I could get my hands on, I begged and begged my fiancé to take me on one
of those zombie experience days. You know, the ones where you get taken to an abandoned shopping centre or abandoned building, and have to make your way through, whilst being attacked by various actors dressed like in the films. That was my idea of an unforgettable day out.

The reality is not as fun as I imagined it to be, that’s for sure.


                            *                            *


The outbreak started as any other, swine flu, avian flu, foot and mouth. You hear about it in the news, but precautions are put in place and eventually it dies down. This particular outbreak the “Ebola Virus” started in the west coast of Africa. It was only a small story at first. Only a minute or two was dedicated to the stories of the E-bola outbreak and what was going on around us.

The world seemed
to be more interested in the missing Malaysia Airlines plane and the war which seemed inevitable between Ukraine and Russia.

Only those who paid close attention from the beginning were truly aware of how fast the virus spread. Now I won’t pretend to know how it started, it just happened. I started to get worried, when I was hearing
about how various countries were closing borders because of the virus. It seemed a bit drastic.

The various news sites I checked, kept reporting on how it was apparently all under control. Probably to stop mass hysteria and panic, however it inevitably left people unprepared for what was surely about to happen.

Now this didn’t happen in the space of a few days, the outbreak took months to reach us here in the UK. It got to the point we all believed we were safe.

Don’t get me wrong, we went about it the typical British way. Countless politicians gave grand speeches on how terrible the outbreak was, and how our hearts are with individuals, in these difficult times. There was even a broadcast from the Queen once the outbreak reached Paris.

We had a big concert and ploughed money into various charities which were set up almost overnight, in order to help other countries in need. This did more damage than it did good.

We sent planes filled with food and medical supplies and countless volunteers and troops to help our European Allies, only for them never to return again.

And what was I doing whilst this was all going on? Well at first I carried on as normal. I went to work every day, I went home, spent time with my friends, my fiancé and my family. I carried on with life as normal, but I kept a close eye on the events unravelling before me.

I knew there was more to it than
meets the eye. I tried to push it to the back of my mind. I didn’t want to believe that something bad was going to happen to us all. I felt sympathy towards the people who contracted the disease, but I couldn’t empathise with them. I had no idea how it would feel being in that situation. I wasn’t in it, and I hoped to god I never would be. That was enough for me.

still checked the news on a daily basis; I monitored the events going on all over the world. All the facts pointed to a global outbreak of some sort. Although a zombie apocalypse seemed extremely farfetched, I couldn’t help but think this is the closest thing to it, I had ever heard. I have always had a tenancy to be right, I didn’t realise then how spot on I was.

The symptoms were worrying me. The way the virus transmitted is through blood, saliva and other bodily fluids. Now I’m not a medical expert, but if this is the only way it can be transmitted, then why is it affe
cting so many people so quickly? There had to be more to it.

The symptoms were headaches,
progressing to increased leakage of blood and fluids within the body, a
mong many others. The virus took a week from infecting the host to death. My mind went straight to the film 28 days later. If any of you have seen the film, you will know the way the virus transmitted was identical. Perhaps Danny Boyle was onto something when he directed the film.

I waited, and I watched events unfold, and took in everything that was going on. Once it spread to the whole of Africa I started to panic. I knew this couldn’t be contained and that eventually it was going to happen here in England.

I watched news reports come in as the virus consumed Africa, then the Middle Eastern countries and eventually Europe.

Once the virus arrived in the UK, it caused complete chaos.

International flights had been cancelled long ago. Now all domestic flights ceased along with all train and bus operators. Public transport was no longer in existence. The only way to escape was by car.

Not that you could get anywhere fast. The roads were blocked by the amount of traffic; motorways were a complete no

When it finally came, Dover was the first to be dramatically hit. It spread north, and London was compromised shortly after.

As soon as the outbreak reached Britain, schools were cancelled. Everyone had been advised to stay indoors, and not to approach anyone who looked unwell or had a fever. Not everyone listened. Hospitals were the first to be infected, along with the built up city areas.

At first the authorities were confident that it could be contained. After another day or two it became apparent, that there was no hope.

When it hit London, it was first compared to the Black Plaque with the trail of death and destruction it left in its path, but this was much worse.

We all saw on the TV what was going on. It was complete chaos. People flocked to nearby churches, mosques and synagogues praying to be spared.

Bodies were littering the streets; those not infected were looting nearby shopping centres grabbing anything they could get their hands on. Fires were breaking out left, right and centre. Smoke could be seen in the distance coming from high rise buildings, now ablaze. People were jumping out of buildings; trying to end it all before they got infected. Most preferred death to the infection. I wouldn’t blame a single one of them. I’ve witnessed first-hand what it can do, it was disturbing to see.

The virus was spreading quickly. News reports were coming in thick and fast, from cities, towns and villages all over the southern regions. It was rapidly heading for the Midlands. It was only a matter of time before Birmingham collapsed. Once Birmingham went down, we knew that Manchester would be next.

Although we were getting news reports in daily, and could see the catastrophe happening in front of our eyes, as far as we were concerned this was still, just a virus.

We were not aware at this point, that the virus had mutated since it started its path of destruction, taking countless lives along its way. We certainly weren’t aware the bodies were reanimating themselves and coming back from the dead. If I had known this, I wouldn’t have left my bed, let alone my apartment.

At this time, the outbreak was currently raging in Birmingham however, all news reports and broadcasts assured us that the virus hadn’t been seen this far up North.

I will always remember the day it first hit Manchester. I had my first encounter with an infected that day. It was also the last time I wo
uld ever set foot in the office.

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