Dystopia: The Long Road (9 page)

BOOK: Dystopia: The Long Road
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Amy turned, reaching for the fresh pot of coffee, when the lights flickered off briefly before coming back on. She had accidentally touched the hot pot, startling her and causing her to cry out.

Matty and Georgia came running in from the offices telling John that Rita had sent for him.  She was on watch at the office door, they said she had told them to tell him she saw something and wanted him to come and check.

John already wasn’t sure how he felt about some of the members of the group keeping watch and this was surely a dog or something roaming through the parking lot.  He let out a heavy sigh and rose to go to the offices.  It was no secret how he felt about Rita and she knew his eyes, she could do nothing right.  As he reached the place where Rita was, the lights flickered again and went out.

John grunted and with exasperation in his tone said, “What’s the issue Rita?  Show me what you saw.” Rita hushed him by placing her hand on his mouth.  It was dark with the lights out and she could barely make out his form in the moonlight.

They crept up to the doorway and keeping low to the floor, they peered out the door.  John was shocked, she had indeed seen something.  There, standing in the middle of the parking lot, not even trying to keep hidden were five figures, obviously looking for something.

They were silently watching them when John felt a tap on his foot.  He looked back in the direction of a whisper, “John a word please?”  He could barely see that it was Mark waving him to retreat into the next office.

Looking at Rita he pointed to his eyes and then to the outside hoping she would understand that he wanted her to keep watching.  She nodded that she understood and responded by pointing to the small flap on the door that mail could be dropped into and tapping her ear questioningly.  John was impressed that she not only understood, but had the idea to try and listen to what they were saying outside.

He signalled her no, but put up his finger meaning ‘in a minute’ pointing in Mark’s direction and covering his ears.  He figured she would figure out he didn’t want to take the chance of them hearing him and Mark talking in the next office.  She nodded in agreement and understanding as John slid himself backwards into the next office.

Mark whispered to John, “What’s up?”

John said, “There are about five people outside in the parking lot sniffing around.”

Mark said, “I needed to let you know Amy, Danny and I were observing our new guests and we don’t trust that couple.  Something isn’t kosher there.”

John nodded as he replied, “Dickie and I were just discussing the same thing a little bit before we ate. We were planning on keeping an eye on them.”

Mark replied, “So what’s up at the door?  Do you think there is a threat out there?”

John said, “I don’t know, but I don’t want to give away that we are here either, so go get everyone into the very last office and have them stay quiet.”

Mark nodded and turned to leave when John added, “And keep a close eye on those two, I’m curious if they are somehow tied to this group outside.”

Mark nodded and headed off in the direction of the warehouse, while John crawled back to the doorway, tapping Rita’s foot as he crept alongside her to let her know he was there. Rita looked at him with wide eyes that instantly sent chills down his spine. Rita was tipping her head toward the door indicating for him to look outside.  He leaned in her direction and saw what had her scared, one of the guys was sitting outside on the step in front of the door smoking a cigarette. It wasn’t the person that had her nervous so much, as it was the shotgun carelessly slung across his back, as he sat smoking.

John motioned for her to retreat into the office doorway and followed her. Once in the office, he whispered to her, “Go get Dickie and Ray, but be quiet about it.  Just tell either one of them that I said ‘it is go time and I have no fire’.”

She whispered, “They will know what that means?”

He replied, “They should get the hint, but mostly I don’t want to give anything away about the situation.  I have a bad feeling about that couple and in case they are involved with these guys we don’t want them to try to send a warning.”

She nodded in understanding, but stood wringing her hands as if overcome with anxiety. 

John could see how unsure of things she was and continued, “After that I need you to go to Roger and quietly tell him what is going on, he will tell Mark.  Then go get Matty and sit near Amy, make sure to keep the kids quiet.  Let the girls know what’s going on too, but do it quietly.” She nodded; a tiny tear glistened on her cheek in the moonlight. 

As Rita turned to retreat into the darkness of the inner offices, John whispered, “Oh, and Rita? Good job spotting these guys.”

She smiled and returned the thumbs up before disappearing into the darkness.

Rita went into the warehouse and quietly made her way over to Dickie and Ray, telling them what John had instructed her to. Hoping they understood, she looked at each of them with raised eyebrows seeking acknowledgement, both nodded to her and silently made their way to the office door; hoping to not raise suspicions that there was anything out of the ordinary.

Moving to gather the children to Amy and share what was going on she failed to notice the strangers were keenly aware of her every move. 

Mandy spoke, “Excuse me, miss?”

Startled, Rita turned, looking at her like she had seen a ghost. 

Mandy came close and in a whisper said to her, “I’m sorry I can’t remember your name and I don’t know what is going on.  I can tell there is something so I think someone needs to know… so can they.”

Tossing her head in the direction of Martin and Cindy she continued, “I don’t know if it is anything but, they are watching every move you people make and whispering.” 

Rita squinted her eyes to see in the dim light of the candles and it took only a moment to see what Mandy had been talking about, Martin and Cindy were definitely keeping tabs on everyone.  Tilting her head quizzically at Mandy she gave her a slight nod and motioned for her to follow.

The ladies made their way to where Amy was sitting; with her were Jules, Matty and Georgia. When Rita approached, she looked relieved and let out an audible sigh of relief to see Matty.  After Rita conveyed John’s message to Amy and the others, she sat with Mandy and Aaron, and motioned for Matty to join them.

Everyone sat quietly, looking about the room waiting to hear from the guys at the door.  Kimmie let out a faint scream when a bright flash lit up the room, immediately followed by thunder sounding like an explosion.  Mark quickly cupped his hand over her mouth.  Between the lightning and the scream it had inadvertently triggered Martin to act.

Chapter 12
“The Storm”


“I have noticed even people who claim everything is predestined, and that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the road.”

-Stephen Hawking


The lightning flashed, illuminating the silhouettes of at least six people, John could see that they were each armed with some kind of long guns, although in the darkness he couldn’t make out what kinds.  He felt a tap on the back, turning he could see Dickie. He handed him his M9 and gave a slight nod with his chin, silently asking what was going on and with a toothy grin he whispered,

“Someone order up a rifle?” 

Grateful they had understood what Rita told them he quickly made hand signals for silence followed by pointing to his eyes, then out the door, the sign for watching.

John glanced over to Ray, who was looking back into the offices with a troubled look. He tapped his ear pointing into the offices and whispered,

“I heard something.”

John tilted his head as though he were straining to hear and shrugged his shoulders, nodding a ‘No.’

With a slight head shake Ray disappeared into the darkness, back the way he had come to investigate.  John and Dickie look at one another, wondering if they should follow or continue to keep watch at the door.

John whispers to Dickie, “I think we need to keep an eye on these guys.  If Ray needs help he will let us know.

Dickie nodded in agreement and whispered back, “So what's is going on here?  Have you been able to figure it out?”

John crouched low and waved Dickie over to where he could see the door.  He pointed to the guy still sitting on the steps saying, “This guy has been sitting here the entire time smoking or just making hand motions to the others over near the dumpster.”

Dickie asked, “The leader?

John replied, “Maybe, but I’m not sure.  Something doesn’t look right about him.  I’m thinking maybe just scout or decoy.”

Dickie raised his eyebrows as if to express wonder and said, “How many?”

John put up 6 fingers pointing to the guy on the steps.  They both slid backwards into the shadow.  The guy who was sitting was now climbing the steps towards the very door they were just observing from.  He put his hands on the glass to cup his face so he could peer into the office.  Pulling on the door, he shouted behind himself,

“It’s locked, try the other one.”

Dickie quietly pulled the slide back to check he had a round chambered, taking up a crouched position on the opposite side of the doorway from John.  He had done the same, maintaining his position lying flat on the floor, his eyes straining in the darkness to see.

Ray entered the room where the others were sitting, it was as if everything was happening in slow motion.  He could only watch in horror as the pale light of the candle glistened off the knife, Martin lunged at Danny seemingly without provocation.  Danny hadn’t expected it and wasn’t quick enough to avoid Martin’s attack.  The knife met his flesh with ease sinking into his thigh, creating a long gash as Martin drew the knife back toward himself.

Like a nightmare, out of nowhere Cindy fired a pistol at Mark missing him but hitting Jules in the back between her shoulder blade and spine, covering Ray in her blood as she fell limp to the floor in front of him.  Danny cried out in pain, writhing with Martin, who was inching the knife toward his neck.  Danny’s eyes filled with fear when it became clear Martin was a lot stronger and would eventually win this struggle for his life.

No one noticed Amy grab the mop, swinging it with all her strength she hit Cindy in the face.  Cindy stumbled backwards, dropping the gun reaching for her face.  The metal clip holding on the mop head tore into Cindy’s face just below her right eye.

Seeing his moment Ray fired at Martin, killing him instantly with a single head shot.  Barely noticing the blood that splattered him, Danny scrambled out from under the lifeless body of his attacker.

Amy was already at Jules’s side checking her while Laurie was in a trot headed for Danny.  Rita ran to the truck and grabbed the first aid kit and was feverishly pulling gauze from its packaging for Amy.  Leaving a number of packets there she made her way to Laurie and began opening gauze for Danny’s leg.  His leg had a gash in it about 5 inches long and was very deep.  Laurie began to cry, saying,

“There is so much blood.”

Rita took the gauze from her saying, “It’s not all Danny’s blood.  We just need to get this a little closed up so we can get it covered.”

Laurie looked at her with a spark of realization, saying, “I’m sorry, I am generally good with this sort of thing, but when it’s your son?”

Rita nodded eyebrows raised, “I know I would lose it if anything happened to Matty.  Let me take care of Danny, how about if you go help with Jules, ok?”

Laurie nodded, and reaching out she brushed a wisp of hair from Danny’s face.  Danny shrugged and said, “C’mon mom don’t get all weird.  I’m ok.”

Ray reacted instantly and was standing over Cindy, who by now was whimpering and cursing at them.  Shouting profanities, bellowing in some form of guttural howl and at times screaming that they had killed Martin.  Ray kicked her in the side scolding her to shut up.  She continued her tirade until Ray hit her harder, knocking her out.

Mark came over and started tying her up, looking at Ray he said, “Something is not right here Ray, we have been keeping an eye on these two.  You need to go check the front with John and Dickie, I have a bad feeling about all this.  I can handle this one, I’ll come check in when I’m done.”

Don’t say anything to Dickie yet about Jules.  I’m sure she will be ok, it is not that bad, the bullet passed right through missing anything important I think.”

Ray agreed and was headed for the front office when they heard multiple gunshots. He dropped to the floor motioning everyone else to do the same and began to crawl toward John and Dickie’s position.

Roger, who was on watch at the rear of the warehouse came running to the group, panting, he said, “There are two guys at the back door trying to force it open.  I jammed a pry bar in it to help secure it, but I don’t know if it will hold.”

Amy heard him, looking up, she said to Renee, “Can you get the kids into the vehicles and have Kimmie and Jenny help you get things packed into the vehicles for what I think may have to be a quick exit?”

Barking out instructions Amy had everyone doing something.  She and Rita were tending to Jules and Danny, while Mark and Kevin were attempting to question Cindy.  Renee had the rest of them breaking down the camp getting ready to move out.

They had no idea that there were at least six more at the front door, but Mark was sure Martin and Cindy were connected to them. 

They could hear gunfire from the front offices and a lot of it.  Roger and Mark returned to watch the back entrance while Kevin was to continue to question Cindy.

Kevin was a quiet man who could not get any information out of her.  His wife Morgan came over to help him, she was a brash and loud woman, Amy didn’t like her, but Morgan was quite chummy with Renee and Kimmie, which made Amy not very fond of them either.

Something felt wrong to Amy about Morgan but she was pretty sure it was just because she was so loud and uncouth that she grated on her nerves. Renee and Kimmie were much the same and likely why they were close with her.  What Rita had said before they left was a constant source of wonder whenever she observed her.  Amy found herself constantly wondering even what could have made John and Matt such unlikely friends.

Shaking her head, she considered herself and John, many would think they were an unlikely match.  She was already sick of this nomadic adventure and feared it would last forever.

Getting Jules to her feet, she helped her into the vehicle and instructed her not to move around too much, telling her, “You need stitches, but I can’t do them now, we need to keep you still so you don’t start bleeding again.”

Jules said, “Thank you Amy, is there nothing I can do to help?”

Amy chided her, “Yes, stay put unless you want me to tie you down.  I need to help Rita with Danny and get us all together.”

Jules reluctantly agreed and slumped into the seat with a sigh.

Approaching Rita, Amy asked, “How’s it look?”

Rita shook her head saying, “It needs stitches, but for now I have it closed up with some medical tape and the bleeding has almost completely stopped.”

Amy asked her, “Can we get him moved into the truck?”

Rita said, “I think that is a good idea.”  Then looked at Danny saying, “I know you think we’re just girls but no pressure on that leg.”

Looking at Amy, she said, “Let’s get him up.”

Her and Amy each grabbed an arm, Amy put her foot in front of the foot on his good leg and said, “On three, and don’t use the other leg.”

Danny did as he was instructed and hopped over to the truck and was settled into the passenger seat.

He said, “Rita, can you give me my gun?”

Rita went over and picked it up, wiping the blood off it as she handed it to him. 

He said, “At least I can be on watch.”

Rita nodded and returned to Amy’s side waiting for instruction for what to do next.  She was scared and wished for the gunshots to stop.  Amy saw the fear in her eyes and said,

“I know, I’m scared too.  Last week my biggest fear was that the colorist at the salon would make my hair too brassy.”

Rita laughed with tears in her eyes as Amy continued, “We have to try and keep it together, I mean look around you.  The only other woman amongst us with any kind of backbone just got shot.”

She handed Rita a Glock 9 mm and asked, “Can you shoot this?”

Rita shook her head and Amy said, “Well, we ain’t got time to teach you right now.  So this is the crash course.”

She handed her two extra Mags and showed her how to eject the old one and saying, “Other than that just point and pull the trigger.”

Rita said, “I don’t think I can do it.”

Amy looked at her sternly and said, “If someone were trying to hurt Matty you would surely find the courage in an instant, don’t you worry about that.”

Glancing over to the offices she noticed Kevin gathering the sleeping bags and wondered who was watching Cindy. Snapping her head in the direction Cindy was tied up, she saw Morgan hovering over her.

Morgan had her back to them, but she could see Cindy’s face, there was something about the mannerisms in their conversation and the look in her eye that made Amy feel like she needed to look closer at the situation.

Going over to them she thought she heard Cindy say, “Company.”

Morgan stood abruptly and shouted at Cindy, “You better start talking.” Half-heartedly kicking her in the leg.

Cindy cried out, “You didn’t have to kill him.” As she glared at Amy with hatred in her eyes.

Amy instructed Morgan to go help Kevin and she would watch Cindy. 

Morgan glared at her saying, “We are all adults, and we don’t need you to babysit us or tell us what to do.”

Amy defiantly looked at her and said, “No one said you did.  I need to sit for a few minutes and thought I would take over watching her till the guys came back.”

The gunfire was slowing down, but still steady so Amy said, “Never mind, I’ll go see what else might need doing.”

Morgan yelled out to Kevin, “Hurry up with that before Miss Bossy Pants here starts ordering you around too.”

Rita watched the exchange and saw Amy look back in her direction.   She nodded at Amy and gave her a thumbs up.  Rita knew Morgan all too well and hated her.  Morgan had been part of the reason she and Matt divorced.  Although there was no proof of anything going on between them, Morgan was always right in the middle of every issue they ever had.

Amy crawled into the office and to her horror saw that John had blood running into his eye. 

She turned and screamed back through the doorway, “Rita, I need the first aid kit now.”

Rita grabbed it and sprinted for the office, she saw why Amy was so shaken and quickly started wiping the blood from his face. 

John shooed her away and continued to fire into the darkness when Rita said, “You can’t even see what you’re shooting at with blood in your eyes.”

Amy took up a position beside him and began to fire blindly at the unseen foe just to make John let Rita look at his head.  The bullet had grazed his head, leaving a two inch gash from his forehead back.  Rita quickly planted a gauze pad on it and wrapped it with a bandage.

Dickie shouted to the girls, "Get everyone ready to move out." they both nodded and made their way for the door.

Amy was crying by now saying, “I can’t do this.  I tried to be strong, but I can’t handle it.”

Rita shook her and said, “Look around you.  Remember what you told me?  You were right, we have to step up.  Let's do this.”

Amy sniffled and nodded and began grabbing the things that were strewn around the office saying, “I don’t think it matters where we put everything let’s just get it all stowed.”

Entering the warehouse, she shouted, “Everyone into your vehicles.  Kids in the back seat on the floor.”

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