
Read Dyscountopia Online

Authors: Niccolo Grovinci

BOOK: Dyscountopia
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Niccolo Grovinci


The young doctor stood slack-armed before the long wire rack.
Waxy, shiny little packages of chewing gum stretched beyond human sight in both directions, in a million colors that nature never intended, offering up an orgy of base, seductive flavors.
Tangerine Watermelon Blast.
Purple Pineapple Passion.
Huckleberry Hedonism.
Cranberry-Grape Ape Rape.

The doctor sucked the sterile air into his lungs and let it go slowly.
He arched his neck back as far as he could manage, blinked into the fluorescent lights above, and searched the heavens for the eyes that he knew were watching him.
Solemnly, he lifted a small orange-pink package from the rack, as if removing a tiny brick from the foundation of civilization, and placed it in his pocket.
He walked on.

He ignored them.

Lights flashed and sirens blared.
An armored golem of rubber and plastic blocked his path, extending its gloved hand.

“I’ll need to see your receipt, sir.”

“My receipt?”
The doctor squinted deep into the Guardian’s glossy black visor, staring stupidly at his own reflection.
He let his hand drop to the crotch of his trousers.
“Yes, of course.
I have it right here -- in my pants.”
He sneered.
“But you’ll have to get it yourself, you fucking pig.”

Seconds later he was on the floor, crumpled into a tight ball of flesh, struggling in vain to defend himself from a savage and unhurried beating.
His act of defiance seemed to have lost all its poetry as he felt the warm fluids flow from his body, pooling onto the floor around him in stark crimson and pale yellow.

But the past was gone to him, like the future now.
With a sigh of relief he faded from consciousness, into the comforting certainty of a life with no more choices….





an imaginary place where people lead dehumanized and often fearful lives
, but the deals are out of this world

-- Webster’s New New Dictionary


It was the year 2047.
Retail ruled the world.

In 2011, Captain Choculo, the manufacturer of the world’s premier breakfast cereal, merged with Inteletron, Inc., the world’s largest provider of silicon computer chips, forming The Chocutron Corporation.
In 2013, Chocutron merged with Dynomation, owners of the then popular Crazy Mona’s fast food and car wash chain.
By 2015, Chocutron was the largest corporation on the planet, having newly acquired Grabbinger’s Mini-marts and fully absorbed the Yummy-Yum Candy Corporation.

ChocuDyno-Yumminger, as it was now known, assaulted the market like a mad, googly eyed farmer, reaping the ripe wheat of capitalism.
Whoosh, there went Tribisco, and all of their three-cornered cracker factories.
Whoosh, down with American Rocketry and all of their gizmos and hoosamawhatsits.
Whoosh, again, and there went Dunderdorf, the planet’s leading supplier of German cars, microwaves, toothpaste, calculators, fitted baseball caps, prophylactics, helicopters, candy canes, tennis balls, radial tires, and rubber bands.
The rest fell like dominoes.

Stocks soared.
TriChocuDyno-Yumderdorfetry was king.
Its name was stamped on everything you could imagine, from your refrigerator to your panty hose to your favorite tasty chocolate treat.
TriChocuDyno-Yumderdorfetry seemed to own everything.
That’s because it did.

By 2021, TriChocuDyno-Yumderdorfetry had swelled to such a size that even large retailers like Happy-Mart and Zippy-Drug couldn’t keep up.
That’s when TriChocuDyno-Yumderdorfetry decided to cut out the middle man, gobbling retailers up like a college student with the munchies, converting their assets to a fine powder.
Now TriChocuDyno-Yumderdorfetry had some elbow-room, and they started to build.
By 2022, every major city had at least three TriChocu-Marts.
By 2023, every minor city had at least eight TriChocu-Marts.
By 2024, every TriChocu-Mart in the world had expanded to twice the size, and by six months time, three times the size.
TriChocu-Marts grew so vast that they were expanding into one another, forming giant MegaTriChocu-Marts that covered thousands of square miles.

And then it happened.
On September 3, 2030, the entire planet Earth was officially covered in a single, massive TriChocu-Sphere.
Structural supports were removed to make space for more sunglasses kiosks – the immutable laws of physics now holding the ceiling in place.
The sunglasses retailed for $3.99.
It was a bargain and everyone knew it.
TriChocu-Mart’s sales for that year increased by a margin of 15.2 percent.

Only they didn’t call it TriChocu-Mart anymore.
Now they had another name for it.
They called it Omega-Mart.

And that’s how we got here – to 2047.
Like I said.

In 2047, Albert Zim was still just another 40 year old floor manager of Grid Square 717, Produce, Alpha Quadrant.
But fate demands that every world and every time have a hero, and Earth, ca. 2047 was no exception.
There was a vacuum to be filled and somebody had to fill it.

Why not Albert Zim?,
thought Earth, ca. 2047,
then fate will stop bothering me and I can go back to watching my stories

Why not Albert Zim?
He was just as good as anybody.
And so the vacuum was filled, and fate was happy again.
Incidentally, vacuums were on sale for $29.99.
It was a bargain, and everyone knew it.

On April 4, 2047, Albert was already on the path to hero-dom.
He just didn’t realize it yet.
If you paid very close attention, you could hear the wheels of fate turning that morning when he shuffled around the corner into Grid Square 717.
But Albert never paid very close attention.

“Ooooof, s’cuse me.
Sorry ‘bout that, Javier.
I should pay more attention to where I’m going.”

“No problema, Seenyor!” Javier replied in a sing-song tone, brushing off the front of Albert’s purple vest.
“I deedn’t see you neither, boss.

Albert liked Javier.
Albert liked everybody, even the people he didn’t really like.
But he liked Javier especially, because he
liked him.
Javier was sometimes hard to understand because he mostly only spoke Spanish.
He’d never really learned to speak the official language of Omega-Mart, which was of course Chinese.

“Good Morning To You, Sir!”Albert replied, speaking very slow, deliberate Chinese so that Javier would understand.
“How Are You Today?”

“Not so gooood, Jefe.
My tooths is hurting bery, bery bad.”
Javier smiled.
His teeth were small and shriveled and brown.

Albert sucked in his breath, then smiled stupidly in a lame attempt to recover.
Then he closed his mouth, mindful of his own teeth, which were shiny and white, if just a little crooked.

“Ummmmm,” Albert struggled.
Maybe, er……dentist.”

Javier nodded rapidly.
“Sí, Meester Zeem.
I like dat bery much.
But I don’t have the dental insurance.
Not like the big bosses.
Not like you.”

Albert looked away.
He hated being reminded that he was better off than other people, and suddenly resented Javier for not being better off than he was.
Then Albert remembered his training.

“Javier, it’s important to remember that by saving money on the services we provide to you, the employee, we are able to offer fine goods at rock-bottom prices to you, the consumer.”
Albert smiled, unabashedly showing off his gleaming teeth now, and swept his arm in a semi-circular motion.
“Like this fine produce you see before you.
Red Delicious apples, just eleven cents a pound.
You can’t beat that deal!”

“Sí, Boss”, said Javier.
“But what good ees apples, eef you got no teeth to eat them with?”

Albert was stumped.
But once again his training guided him through.
“That’s a wonderful question, Javier.
And I’ll bring it up with Management just as soon as I can.”
But what he really meant was, “That’s a wonderful question, Javier.
And I’m going to pretend like you never asked it.”

Albert smiled stupidly again and hurried away, as fast as he could, from his friend Javier and his horrible, disgusting teeth.
He went to his office, shut off the lights, and hid under his desk until lunch.




All floor managers, Alpha Quadrant


This month is safety month, just like every other month.
Safety is paramount in everything we do here at Omega-Mart, so please remind your troops to remain vigilant in their work environment.
Foster an attitude of safety in your grid squares.
Make it a part of your team’s culture.
Any combination of liquid spills, electrical cords stretched across aisles, swinging doors, untied shoelaces, inappropriate eyewear, open-toed shoes, unnecessarily loose clothing, head-phones, loose handrails, improper lifting procedure, failure to inspect equipment before use, improper disposal of refuse (i.e., banana peels), failure to wear proper head gear, or lack of attention can be a recipe for disaster.
Keep your working area clean and tidy.
This cannot be emphasized enough. A clean work space will enable you to identify problems and tackle them more effectively.
Remember, safety is everyone’s responsibility – there are NO unavoidable accidents.
A safety plaque will be awarded this year to the quadrant with the fewest work-related injuries.
Together, we can make it Alpha Quadrant.

As a part of our ongoing effort to reduce work-related injuries in Alpha Quadrant, no accident report should be filed for any of the below items:

Injuries that occur during lunch and coffee breaks

Minor injuries not involving internal bleeding or broken bones

Injuries not witnessed by a second party

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