Duty Bound (1995) (29 page)

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Authors: Leonard B Scott

BOOK: Duty Bound (1995)
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"Bo, it's gotta be this way. I'll call Henry once the op is over. If he doesn't hear from me in a week, you'll know I failed. Wait at least a month before coming for the money.

Now get in the truck, Bo."

Bonita climbed up into the cab. Ted patted Baby's head, then Bonita's shoulder. "You both take care of yourselves ... I'm gonna miss ya."

Chapter 15.

7:10 A. M., Friday, Key Biscayne.

Raul paused before opening the second glass door. Taking a breath, he strode inside into the heat, stink, and all that green. He heard a peacock in one corner of the glassed-in structure, then heard another return the call from the other corner. Great, now the computer is running mating calls. Do horny peacocks turn the plants on and make them greener? he wondered. Raul found his boss seconds later squatting over a leafed plant that looked like it had fingers. "Colonel, I'm sorry to disturb you, but our DEA contact just called and--"

"They found her?"

"No, Colonel, our friend was not calling about Bonita; he called to tell us--"

"This is a Digital begonia from the tropical rain forest of the Amazon," Mendez said, bending over the plant again.

"Within ten years it could be extinct."

"Colonel, the investment capital we had in Georgia could be extinct right now."

Mendez shot up. "What?"

"Sir, our DEA informer says Logan is dead and Inez's squad is in cust--"

"Where's my money?"

"It's gone. An unidentified crew took it."

Mendez dropped the mist bottle he was holding.


"Yes, at least for now. Our attorneys talked to those who are in custody. The crew that stole our investment were wearing hoods but were obvious professionals. Inez and his people were taken by surprise and tied up, and it seems Logan and his people arrived but were ambushed. Logan and another were killed; the rest of his men were wounded."

Mendez spoke between clenched teeth. "Surprised? Inez was surprised? You are telling me he is alive?"

"Yes, Colonel. He was taken into custody along with the others."

"No, Raul, he is dead. All of them are dead for being lax with my money. Make sure of that, but not now, later. Now, we must find who has insulted me."

Raul took in another breath before speaking. "Colonel, our DEA friend says Inez and the others were identified as past employees of ours. And Colonel, the authorities are aware of the missing investment."

"Inez and the others were employees of one of my companies, Raul. You must learn to think like an attorney,"

Mendez said. He stepped away from his plant. "They have no proof, no witnesses, and no evidence of our being involved with the group--they have nothing."

Raul nodded as if in agreement. "Yes, Colonel, you are right about the authorities, they have nothing, but I am very concerned about these raiders who took the money. Inez told our attorney that he saw four men--and a woman."

Mendez took a step back as if slapped. "A woman? A woman and only four men stole my money?"

"Colonel, I believe the woman was Bonita."


"Sir, Inez described the woman to our attorney and told him he saw a dog as well."

"Bonita knew nothing of our affairs with the Yona Group!"

"We don't know what Bonita overheard when she was with you, Colonel. She may have not been what she seemed.

Perhaps she was working for someone. I did some checking and it is too much of a coincidence that the lake house where she was staying is only thirty miles from Dahlonega."

Mendez viciously kicked the mist bottle by his foot.

"That whore will pay! Find her!"

Raul nodded. "Colonel, I sent a team to Georgia to have a talk with the security guard who killed the Fat Man and his associates. Once they convince him to talk, we'll know what Bonita was doing in the lake house and who she talked to. We'll find who the raiders are--but, sir, with eleven million dollars in cash, they could disappear for quite some time."

Mendez closed his eyes for a moment before lowering his head. "She and the four men are our first priority. They must be found. Call a meeting of our associates, and I will ask their help in finding her--she cannot do this to me."

"There is another possible problem for us, Colonel. A media person from Georgia, a television news investigator from an Atlanta television station, has called some of our friends and is making inquiries. She is aware of the missing investment and is attempting to find who had dealings with the Yona Group. She is flying down tomorrow to conduct interviews for her investigation."

Mendez shook his head irritably. "The media are like jackals--they don't leave their prey until every bone is gnawed white. Have Vargas eliminate the problem."

"This person is quite well known, Colonel. It is Miss Stacy Starr, formerly of Channel--"

"Stacy Starr?" Carlos said. "I remember her. Yes, I remember her beauty. Make arrangements for her to meet with me--secretly, of course."

"Uh . . . Colonel, that would not be a wise course of action. She doesn't know of our involvement and--"

"True beauty is a rarity, Raul. It must be seen and touched to be appreciated. We will use her--such a pity. It is time to give the authorities what they want--those responsible for the killing of the senator and all the others. Miss Starr will help us accomplish what we want. Just ensure we send our best--I don't want her damaged in any way; that will come later."

Raul smiled. "There are the bothersome Colombians: they would be perfect for our needs. It will take me no more than a day to brief our friends on what should be leaked--I will also have the necessary evidence planted."

Mendez leaned over his plant again. "I want it to be a lesson. A very loud and destructive lesson to those who seek glory at my expense. The authorities who pursue the Colombians must find they made a fatal error in underestimating their capabilities. I should think a rather large, destructive device would do it."

Raul felt a chill run up his spine as he nodded. "I will send Vargas--he knows what is required."


11:20 A. M., Dahlonega, Georgia.

Eli knocked on the motel room door and backed up a step. A few seconds later the door opened, but only a crack.

A sleepy voice said, "You, already? What time is it?"

"Almost noon, Sutton. Aren't you dressed?"

"Tanner, we just got back from the scene three hours ago.

Let me sleep a little longer."

"You want me to tell Agent Bowlan you needed more sleep? I don't think so, Sutton."

"Okay, okay, give me ten--no, you'd better give me twenty minutes."

Eli sighed. "Okay, Ed and I will be at the diner across the street having lunch. You want me to order you a big salad?"

"For breakfast? No, just coffee and--"

"Sutton, I just told ya it's almost noon. You missed breakfast. Never mind, you can order when you get there." He turned and began to walk toward the diner.

"A tuna salad sandwich on toast. Wheat toast, not burned, and lettuce and mayo," Ashley blurted. She suddenly realized she was hungry.

He nodded as he kept walking. "Yeah, and a diet Coke. I know."

Twenty-five minutes later Ashley took a seat in front of her tuna sandwich and Coke. Ed Faraday took the toothpick out of his mouth and exchanged looks with Eli. "You want to tell her, or me?"

Eli pushed his empty plate away. "You tell her, Ed. She's not a morning person, has a tendency to get bitchy with me."

Ashley picked up half her sandwich. "Tell me what?"

Faraday raised an eyebrow. "Yesterday a security guard shot and killed three men at a Lake Lanier cabin. The guard said he was looking after a woman who was hiding out, waiting for her divorce to go through from her mobbed-up husband. The guard's story is the woman was taken by wise guys and he shot three of them who lingered behind."

Having taken a bite of the sandwich, Ashley spoke with her mouth full. "Anybody believe him?"

"No, but he's stickin' with the story. The interesting part is our guys checked out the house. Guess what? The missing woman wears a size eight shoe. They found all kinds of her shoes but no sneakers . . . and get this--the guard said the woman worked out all the time. She's some kind of physical fitness nut. Tell me, you work out in flats or pumps, Agent Sutton?"

Ashley put down her sandwich. "This is getting more interesting."

Faraday took the toothpick from his mouth. "Funny, that's what Agent Bowlan thought, too. He's teamin' you and me up, and we're goin' to the lake house along with some of your lab folks. Bowlan wants us to have a little chat with the security guard and the elderly lady who also worked for the missing woman."

"You and me? What about Tanner?" Ashley asked.

Faraday shook his head as if distressed. "I'm afraid your SAC has personally selected poor ol' Tan for a different and very difficult assignment."

Ashley waited for more information but Ed kept shaking his head. She shifted her unbandaged eye to Eli, who was gazing out the diner window with a vacant stare. "What are you going to be doing, Tanner?"

Eli sighed. "Tell her, Ed."

Faraday shrugged. "He's been ordered to have a talk with Miss Starr and try and convince her not to ask questions about our player. If she doesn't listen, ol' Tan has been told to stick to the lady reporter like hide glue."

Ashley's eye narrowed into a slit. "You volunteered for the duty, didn't you, Tanner?"

"Me, volunteer?" Eli said, motioning to himself. "Sutton, the first rule I learned when I joined the Army was never volunteer for anything. The same goes for the boo."

"You watching Miss Glamour News is like a fox watching the henhouse. You volunteered for the duty, and I know it." She glared at him.

Faraday shook his head. "I don't think he did, Agent Sutton. I was with him when he got the call from your SAC.

Seems Miss Starr is flying down to Miami tomorrow to interview some people for her story. The SAC is very worried, and since ol' Tan seems to have rapport with the lady, he got the tag. You should have heard Tan bitch and try to get out of the assignment."

"I'll bet." Ashley was eyeing Eli with suspicion. "So when does this duty start?"

Eli finally spoke as he rose from his chair. "My ride just pulled in. Bowlan is taking me to the little airport outside of town. They're flying me to Miami today so I can talk to the guys in the Miami office and also get brought up to speed by the DEA. Ed, keep an eye on my partner and don't let her feed you too many salads. See you all later."

Eli turned to leave but stopped and put his hand on Ashley's shoulder. "You take care, huh?"

She nodded but wouldn't look at him. He headed for the door. She waited a long moment before lifting her head.



"Take care of yourself, too, okay?"

Eli smiled, turned, and walked out the door.

Ashley couldn't help but smile as she sat in the passenger seat of the car.

Faraday glanced at her as he started the engine. "Why you grinnin'?"

"It's the first time I've gotten to ride as a passenger in a long time. Tanner hates driving."

Faraday backed the Ford up then slipped the gearshift into drive. "You like Tan, don't you?"

"He's a good agent, if that's what you mean."

"Yeah, that's what I meant, but you like him, too. I can tell."

Ashley turned so her good eye was fixed directly on him.

Faraday shrugged his thick shoulders. "Hey, I'm just statin' the facts as I see them."

"You're blind then, Detective."

Faraday nodded as he watched the road ahead. "Okay, I'll drop it. It's about a thirty-minute drive to the cabin."

"Where did you get the impression I liked Tanner?"

"Because you two fight all the time."

"Is that Georgia logic, Ed?"

"Kinda. Y'all fight but never go over the line, you know, say things that hurt each other's feelings. It's been fun watching you two bite and swipe each other-reminds me of younger days when I was courtin' the missus. She was a fighter like you, Agent Sutton. She gave as good as she got."

"Detective Faraday, I assure you I have no feelings toward Agent Tanner other than those of a federal officer who respects her fellow officer. We are partners, and this `fighting,' as you call it, is our way of relieving the boredom of the job, that's all."

Faraday gave her a quick glance before looking back toward the road. "Sorry, Agent Sutton. I guess I shouldn't have said anything. It's probably just wishful thinking on my part-I like the guy. And even though ya have a spot of mayonnaise on ya chin, you're okay, too."

Feeling very uncomfortable, Ashley wiped her chin. She looked out her window and tried to sound as if the previous conversation had never happened: "So, Ed, tell me more about this missing woman."

Days Inn Motel, Brunswick, Georgia Ramon knocked on the room door and waited only a few seconds before the door was opened. Ted smiled. "You made good time."

Long-faced, Ramon motioned behind him. "I tried, man, but she wouldn't listen to me."

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