Dusky Rose (10 page)

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Authors: Joanna Scott

BOOK: Dusky Rose
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Laura left the building and hailed a cab to take her home. When she had paid the driver, she climbed the stairs and wearily let herself into the flat. Midge was apparently not overly concerned about her absence because the apartment was empty. She stripped off her clothing and let the scalding water of a hot shower run over her. Rubbing her skin briskly with the soap, she tried to remove every trace of the spicy scent that clung to her body, but she knew in her heart that no amount of soap and water would cleanse her of the unclean feeling she had felt ever since she woke up that morning. Walking from the shower, she wrapped herself in a deep rose colored velour robe. Then she dried her hair with the blow dryer, brushing it vigorously until it fell in a shimmering cascade of loose brown curls around her face.

As she walked into the bedroom, a wave of exhaustion overcame her. Sighing deeply, she sank into the white cottony softness of her own narrow bed. When she finally drifted off to sleep, she had fitful dreams about David, loving him, yet hating him at the same time. Suddenly she was awakened by the harsh glare of a bright light. Rubbing her eyes and sitting up in bed, she was confronted by the angry faces of Midge, Steven and Roger. A glance at the window showed her that night had fallen.

"Where have you been?" Midge asked. "We've been worried sick! We've been all over San Francisco looking for you!"

Laura held her head in her hands, unable to look her in the eye, as she tried to think of a believable answer to Midge's question.

"I met Janine Hartmann for dinner and decided to spend the night at her place."

"Couldn't you have called? Didn't you consider how worried we'd be? Honestly Laura, I don't know what's gotten into you lately. You're not behaving at all like yourself."

"Well, maybe she's just overtired from all the work she's been doing out in Hillsborough," Steven said. "Really, Laura, I think you should sell the business when Midge and I get married. It's going to be much too difficult for you to run things all by yourself. Chances are that I'm going to be transferred out of San Francisco and Midge won't be around to help you. Why don't you go back to Carmel and stay with Aunt Estelle? You know she could use some assistance now that she's getting on in years. I just don't like the idea of you living alone in the city."

"I might have something to say about that," said Roger. "I didn't realize how much Laura meant to me until I was away from her and then came back to find her missing. I know that we haven't known each other very long, but I wish Laura would consider marrying me, if she feels she can learn to love me, in time."

Midge ran to Laura and hugged her. "Laura, I'm so happy. Why didn't you let me know? I had no idea that you two had gotten so serious. Maybe we can have a double wedding. Wouldn't you like that, Laura?"

Laura looked at Roger with downcast eyes. "I'm sorry, Roger. I really do like you, but I'm just not ready for marriage, to you or anyone else. I need more time to think things out."

"Of course, Laura, I didn't mean to rush you. It's just that I don't want to lose you to Aunt Estelle and Carmel. I just want you to know how I feel about you and I hope that in time you'll come to feel the same way about me."

Laura's head was swimming. How could she tell them that she couldn't contemplate marriage to Roger, now or ever? Perhaps it
be best to go back to Carmel and help Aunt Estelle. She was still trying to get her thoughts in order when the doorbell rang.

"Who on earth could that be, at this hour?" Midge asked, as she went to answer the door.

Laura heard Midge's startled voice as she opened the door. "Who are you? What do you want? Where do you think you're going? You can't go in there!"

Laura looked up to see David's towering frame dominating the doorway. This was the first time she had seen him dressed in business attire. The well-pressed dark gray suit was perfectly tailored to outline every masculine inch of his muscular frame. His deeply tanned face loomed forbiddingly above a soft white silk shirt as his eyes blazed into Laura's.

She was mortified. Was there no limit to the man's arrogance? Must he shame her before her own family? Yet her heart skipped a beat as she saw the veins in his neck throbbing with anger while he looked down at her. No matter what he had done, this was the man she loved. She steeled herself, determined to maintain her composure in front of her family.

"You have your nerve, coming here. Get out! I never want to see you again."

David stared at Laura with unbridled hatred. She could not remember ever having seen such a look of loathing and disgust on his face.

"Get your clothes together. You're coming with me."

"You must be insane. I'd never go anywhere with you. Get out of my bedroom. I hate you."

"I can believe that. But you're not going to pull that innocent little girl act on me anymore. Now I know you for what you really are, so get dressed so that we can go home."

By now Midge was completely astounded. "She
home. What on earth are you talking about? Laura, please tell me what's going on."

"There's nothing to explain, Midge. David is very confused about our relationship. But he's going to leave right now."

Steven grasped David by the arm. "You heard the lady. She wants you to leave. I think you'd better go."

"On the contrary," David said, "it might be better if all of you left so I could be alone with Laura. I don't intend to leave here without her and it appears that I'm going to need some time to convince her that her proper place is with me."

Roger moved to grasp David by his other arm but David simply stared at him until he backed up in confusion. Steven, too, moved away from the naked anger he saw burning in the other man's eyes.

Midge stood in front of him, hands on hips, legs firmly fastened to the ground. "What right do you have to walk in here, demanding to talk to Laura, when she obviously doesn't want to talk to you?"

David smiled benignly down at Midge. "I have the right of a husband to speak with his wife in private and attempt to convince her that her place is with him."

The room was blanketed by a cloud of stunned silence. Laura bolted from the bed.

"Wife… husband… what on earth are you talking about? Surely you aren't claiming any marital privileges because of last night?"

"On the contrary; surely I am. Did you think I would let you get away with a stunt like this? It's only too bad that I didn't see you for the gold digger you are before I married you. Your little scheme may have worked your way until now, but I intend to start calling the shots from this point on. So get your things together, we're going home."

"Just a minute," Roger said. "You can't barge in here, claiming to be married to Laura and start giving us all orders. Just who do you think you are?"

"I told you, Addison, I'm Laura's husband. A position, apparently, that you were applying for. Well, you're too late. Laura is no longer your concern." The younger man walked quietly from the room after turning a hurt gaze to Laura.

Midge's anger flared as she looked into David's flashing eyes. "Well, I'm still Laura's sister, regardless of who you may be. And I believe that I'm entitled to some explanation of your behavior."

David looked disdainfully at Laura. "Your sister is right, Laura; why don't you explain everything to her? Then maybe we can get out of here."

Laura hid her face in her hands as the tears streamed from her eyes. "There's no way I can explain the situation. I made a mess of everything. I lied about last night. I didn't spend it with Janine; I spent it with David. But I don't ever want to see him again. Please make him leave me alone."

"No way," said David, "you're not going to run out on me now. Don't think I'm going to pay you a bundle of alimony just because of last night's little escapade. You're not going to make a laughingstock out of me. It's too late for an annulment and divorce is out of the question, so you're stuck with this deal. Just remember, I don't like it any better than you do."

"Laura, is this true? Are you married to this man?"

"No, Steven, I'm not married to him. I just spent a night at his apartment and I think he expects a repeat performance."

Steven looked at David, then addressed him in a soft, controlled voice. "I think you've caused enough trouble around here. Why don't you just leave peacefully? You're not Laura's husband and frankly, I don't care
you are. Just get out of here."

David whipped a piece of paper from the inside pocket of his jacket. "Maybe this will convince you," he said, handing the paper to Steven and smiling grimly.

Steven looked at the paper and his face turned white. Silently, he handed the paper to Midge. She looked at it and her face became as ashen as her fiancé's.

"This explains quite a bit about the decoration of Lattimer Lodge. I just don't understand why Laura was lying to us. It's not at all like her." She looked at David. "I expect we owe you an apology, Mr. Lattimer. Laura never told us she knew you."

Laura looked at Midge, eyes blazing with anger. "What are you talking about? I never lied to you. I
know Mr. Lattimer. This man's name is David. And just what are you holding in your hand? What sort of phony document has he schemed up now?"

Midge handed Laura the document.

"I'm hurt and disappointed by your behavior, Laura. This is a valid marriage certificate and it bears your signature
that of
Jonathan Lattimer. Apparently, this man is Mr. Lattimer—and your husband."

Laura gasped and fell back on the bed. "You're lying! It can't be! You're not Jonathan Lattimer. You're David…" Laura halted, unable to finish, realizing that she did not know David's surname.

"Come off it, Laura. You've known who I was all along. You intended to trap me into marriage and make me pay handsomely for the rest of my life. Well, I admit your little act had me fooled for a while, and you did succeed in getting me to marry you, but a well paying divorce isn't going to be so easy. Now that I know the game, we're going to play according to my rules. So get your things together, you're coming with me."

Laura glared at him, vehement anger shooting from her eyes. "No, I don't care what you say. I'm not going anywhere with you. You're lying, and I don't ever want to see you again!"

David turned to Midge. "Under the circumstances, I believe you can give me a few minutes alone with Laura."

Midge looked at Steven. "I think the man deserves a few minutes alone with his wife. We'll be right outside the door, if you need us, Laura."

David waited until the door had closed behind them, then his voice turned harsh and dictatorial. "Get moving, Laura. I told you, the ball is in my court now. You know who I am, you know I play rough, and you know I don't relish the idea of being made to look like a fool. You're in the big time now, so you'd better start listening if you want to avoid trouble."

"Get out of here! How dare you speak to me like that!? I'm not one of your—your cheap women. I'm finished with you. And if you don't leave me alone, I'll have my attorney double his alimony demands."

Laura didn't know what prompted her to say that. She just wanted to do something that would scare David and make him back off. He seemed so upset by the thought of high alimony payments that Laura felt threatening to increase her demands might frighten him and make him leave her alone. She realized she was wrong when she saw the look of grim anger that appeared on his face.

"So you finally admit what your game was. Well, at least we both have our cards out on the table. The only difference is that now I'm in a position to stack the deck. You've wasted enough of my time. I'm a busy man; I have a business to run and I can't waste any more time on an insignificant matter like you. Whatever the circumstances, you are my wife and will remain so until I see fit to terminate the arrangement. If you don't get moving right now, and start obeying all my orders, I am prepared to destroy Midge and Steven."

"What do you mean? Why would you do that? How could you hurt them?"

David sneered. "Let me explain, but briefly; we really must be going. I will do it because I am ruthless and will stop at nothing to get my way; you yourself told me that. Second, I'm powerful and it would be a simple thing for me to destroy Steven's career. Johnston Brothers does some accounting work for Lattimer Corporation and they wouldn't hesitate to dismiss Steven if I were to suggest that I questioned his honesty. When word of his dismissal spread through the industry, I doubt that anyone else would consider hiring him." David folded his arms and leaned against the wall. "Well, are you ready to go now?"

Laura got off the bed. "It doesn't seem that I have much choice, does it? I think you're the devil himself."

David bowed. "At your service, my dear. Now get moving!"

"Would you mind leaving while I get dressed?"

David leered at her. "Just make believe I'm not here. After last night, there are no secrets between us."

Laura's face turned a bright red as she snatched her clothing and walked into the bathroom, locking the door behind her. The unnerving sound of David's arrogant laughter echoed explosively against the bolted door. How had she ever gotten herself into this mess? Would she ever be able to convince David that she hadn't known he was Jonathan Lattimer and that she wasn't a gold digger, only after his money? How could she ever explain the situation to Midge? Her life was now at David's mercy, and he was a man totally without that quality. Her face was streaked with tears as she steeled herself and opened the door to face him.

He was stretched out on her bed, hands comfortably placed behind his head. "Don't bother packing anything. I doubt that any of your clothes would be suitable for your new position as my wife, anyway. I'll arrange for my secretary to take you shopping in the morning. Now, let's say our goodbyes and go home, my dear," he said, as he opened the bedroom door.

Laura walked over to Midge and kissed her on the cheek. "I'm sorry, Midge, I hope you can forgive me." Then she turned to Steven. "Please try not to hate me too much." She saw that Roger had already left and knew there was nothing else to say. As she opened the door and walked out, she heard David speaking to Steven.

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