Dusk Til Dawn (3 page)

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Authors: Kris Norris

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance

BOOK: Dusk Til Dawn
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The guy deflected the attempt, not even giving the blanket a second glance as it puddled in a gray heap on the floor. Instead, he moved, pinning her to the wall before she could do more than palm his chest. The flashlight knocked against his shoulder as it got trapped between them, the glare illuminating his face. Bright blue eyes stared back at her, half hidden by strands of dark brown hair tousled across his head. He had several days’ worth of growth on his jaw, the scrubby hair adding to his rugged appearance. High cheekbones and a full mouth completed the picture until those eyes widened as his lips parted in shock.

“Shit, you’re not—”

Annie shifted her weight, cutting him off as her knee collided with his groin. His grip loosened as he bent forward slightly, giving her just enough space to dart beneath his arm.

“Wait. I’m not trying—”

His voice rumbled through the air as his hand snagged her wrist, once again spinning her around. Her momentum sent a small piece of furniture skidding across the floor and into the wall, the sound of breaking glass splintering the air. She yanked against his hold, wondering how Avery and Temperance hadn’t heard the scuffle, when her boot caught on the edge of the blanket. The fabric slid sideways, toppling her backward. There was a frenzied moment of free-fall before he was on top of her, his arms bracing her fall as they landed together on the blanket, a shower of dust shooting into the air. One of his hands cupped the back of her head while the other snugged her waist, protecting her through his embrace. She gripped his shoulders, ignoring the jolt of energy that seemed to fuse her skin, and tried shoving him off, when twin beams of light pooled around them. Annie turned, gazing up at Avery and Temperance as the couple stood there, watching, amusement tilting both their lips.

Avery glanced at his wife before his focus settled on the guy. “Well, darling, it appears you’ll get to finish your ass research sooner than planned. Temperance, Annie, I’d like you both to meet my big brother—Dylan.”


Chapter Two



Dylan Smith closed his eyes, secretly praying a hole would form in the floor and swallow him. He’d known the moment her flashlight had illuminated her face, he’d gotten the wrong sister. He’d seen pictures of Temperance, and Avery had mentioned she had a sibling often enough that there was no mistaking the connection—the same shaped jaw, the same brilliant blue eyes—not that the realization had done him much good. He’d been too far gone to do more than attempt to calm her down. Then she’d bolted on him, and he’d been lucky she hadn’t broken her neck when she’d tripped on the blanket, not that having him land on top of her had been much better.

He took a deep breath, unsure what to expect as he opened his eyelids, instantly mesmerized by the vivid blue eyes staring back at him. Flecks of gold wove through the irises, making them sparkle in the glaring light. He glanced down her body, groaning inwardly when he realized she wasn’t wearing a shirt. Warm skin moved beneath his hand as she squirmed slightly before huffing out an exasperated breath.

He cursed, wishing he knew what to say when she laughed. The sound held a lilting quality to it, and he had a sudden urge to hear it again.

She relaxed her head into his hand, a cocky smile capturing her lips. “Not to play favorites, but I much prefer the way Blake introduced himself, though there’s something to be said for a more physical approach.”

“Sorry…Annie, right? I thought you were Temperance. Avery’s mentioned she’s a spitfire, and I thought I’d surprise her and…well, obviously I didn’t
enough.” He shifted, uncertain how to untangle himself without squishing her breasts more fully into his chest. Already he could feel the tight buds pressing against his body, the hard points threatening to unhinge his control.

Annie seemed to take his indecision as another prank and simply shook her head. “Are we waiting for someone else to jump out and say ‘boo’ or can we get up now?”

He cursed again. Shit. This wasn’t going at all like he’d planned. Dylan nodded and gently eased his hand out from underneath her head, placing it on the blanket beside him. He shifted his weight, trying to pull out his other hand when the cover slipped again, and he fell sideways, taking Annie with him. She gasped as he tumbled onto his back, dragging her onto his chest as his watch caught in the clasp of her bra. She flopped down on top of him, bewilderment creasing her brow. He scrambled to right them, but only succeeded in sending another piece of furniture over on its side.

More glass splintered in the darkness, the shrill echo sending shivers skating down his spine. He groaned and let his head fall against the floor. In all his thirty-three years, he’d never fucked up as badly as he had tonight. Annie sighed, the soft sound like a brand on his heart. He glanced up at her, his breath stalling at the amused smile lighting up her face. God, she was stunning.

Avery cleared his throat. “Should we leave you two alone?”

Dylan glared at his brother, knowing that one comment would kill the sensuous atmosphere that hovered over him and Annie. He clenched his jaw, pushing up onto his elbow when an ungodly howl resonated through the air.

Years of training took over, and Dylan moved, gaining his feet in the space of a heartbeat as he gathered Annie behind him, shielding her body with his. One hand unholstered the gun nestled against his ribs as the other curled around her, keeping her snug to his back. Her startled gasp rustled the collar of his jacket, but he didn’t ease up on his grip, determined to stand between her and whatever had cried out.

“Avery. Get Temperance out of here. Now! I’ve got Annie.”

Avery cursed then moved over to him, shaking his finger before pointing at Dylan’s gun. “Don’t you ever leave that thing at home?”

Dylan growled at him, searching the room for the source of the sound. “Damn it, this is what I do. Now get the hell out before whoever made that sound shows himself.”

“Not who. What.”

Dylan gave his brother a sideways glance. “What the hell are you mumbling about now? And why are the two of you not hiding inside the car yet?”

“Because this isn’t something you can fight. At least not the way you’re thinking. This is our territory.”

Dylan furrowed his brow. “Your territory? But you’re a ghost hunter…”

His words trailed off into a harsh rasp as the air off to his right began to swirl. A dark mist whirled like a cyclone over the floor, slowly growing as another howl bounced off the walls. Dylan scooted back, taking Annie with him until her back pressed against the wall again. He gripped his gun, not quite sure what to aim at when the mist seemed to ignite in a flash of light. He squinted at the sudden glare, not taking his gaze off of the spot when the shape of a man materialized out of the fog.

Dylan aimed his gun just as Avery and Temperance shot forward, flinging handfuls of some kind of powder at the form. Another shriek erupted as the silhouette tilted its head back, rising off the floor on a blast of hot air. Pieces of wood and small ornaments flew across the room, circling the entity before crashing to the ground. Dylan shielded his face with his arm, wondering what the hell was going on when the man scattered into a swirling haze then vanished.

Dylan forced himself to swallow, staring at the empty space, half expecting his other brother, Cal, to emerge from behind a screen, laughing and pointing at him. Though he’d asked his twin to join him in the prank on their new family member, Cal had sworn he’d had previous obligations.

Avery sighed. “Well, that was…unexpected.”

Dylan turned to his brother, still waiting for the obvious answer to leap forward, as he glanced around the room, his heart beating a tattoo in his chest. “Unexpected?” He took a single step forward. “That was fucking crazy! Shit. I don’t even know what that was!”

Avery walked over to him, gently pressing on his arm until Dylan lowered it, placing his gun back in his holster.

“Easy, Dyl. Just take a few deep breaths.”

Dylan growled, releasing Annie as he stalked forward, searching the area where the mist had disappeared. “Don’t tell me to fucking breathe. I know how to handle myself. Shit, I didn’t spend a decade running maneuvers only to lose it when some jackass plays a prank on me. It’s Cal, isn’t it?” He spun around. “Fine, Cal. You can come out. You got me good, but the joke’s over.”

Avery released a weary breath, glancing at Temperance before joining Dylan in the middle of the room. “I’m well aware of how highly trained you are, but this isn’t what you think it is.”

Dylan gave Avery a smug smile. “It’s Cal. I know it. I told him I was coming here to surprise Temperance…even had him call that investigator friend of yours to ensure you’d be here. But then he bowed out. And now he’s turned the tables on me…literally.”

Avery chuckled. “Sorry, bro, but Cal’s out east. Massachusetts, I believe. Though that explains why Roberts was so quick to give us this job. He didn’t think there was anything out here to investigate.”

Dylan took a step closer. He had four inches and thirty pounds on his younger brother, though he hadn’t tried to intimidate the man since he’d left home. “Enough. This isn’t funny anymore.”

Avery gave him a slap on the back. “Never said it was. Though seeing you completely out of your element is somewhat interesting, especially when I know you could kill me without breaking a sweat.”

Dylan’s gaze darted to Annie for a moment. But if Avery’s statement frightened her, she hid it well. “That’s not what I do.”

“Not anymore. But that doesn’t change the fact you’re a lethal weapon in your own right, which is why I find it so amusing you insist on carrying a gun. We both know you don’t need it.”

Dylan scrubbed a hand down his face, glancing from Temperance over to Annie and back again. This wasn’t the place for
conversation. “Okay. So what’s really going on here?” He held up a finger. “And don’t tell me it’s the work of ghosts. You know I don’t believe it that shit.”

Avery nodded. “Yes, you’ve made a point or reminding me how my life’s work is nothing more than smoke and mirrors on more than one occasion.”

Dylan released a weary breath, spearing his hand through his hair as he looked at Temperance. She seemed more than unhappy, and he couldn’t blame her. He hadn’t meant to be a complete ass straight off the top.

He offered her an apologetic smile. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to imply what you do isn’t…”

“Real,” Temperance suggested.

“Worthwhile. It’s just…damn. I must have followed Avery around over a dozen times, but I never saw or felt anything. Avery insists I put out this negative energy that drives spirits away, but…”

He let his voice trail off. How the hell did he say that
seeing ghosts as he’d grown up had felt like a personal attack, especially when everyone else had seemed to have some kind of inane talent for unearthing the unknown?

Temperance sighed. “If it makes you feel any better, Annie shares your doubts.” She glanced at her sister. “Though she might be a bit more open-minded after tonight.”

Annie stepped forward, joining the crude circle. “I’ve never actually told you they don’t exist.”

Temperance grinned. “You didn’t have to, honey. It was written across your forehead.”

Annie stomped her foot, waving her hand when more dust cascaded into the air. “Can we get past the part where we’re disbelievers and jump straight to the explanation of what the hell just happened?” She wrapped her arms around her chest, rubbing her hands along her skin.

Dylan muttered under his breath as he removed his jacket and handed it to her. “Do I want to know why you’re only dressed in a bra…albeit a rather beautiful one? Not that I’m complaining, of course.”

Her gaze cut to the holster strapped over his shoulder then back again. He waited to see if she’d expect a better explanation than Avery hinting at his occupation, but she merely accepted his offering, slipping it around her shoulders. It dwarfed her, but something about the way it hung around her made his chest tighten. He took an involuntary step forward before catching himself. Hell, he’d only just met her, and somehow tackling her to the ground wasn’t exactly romantic.


Damn, since when did he worry about being romantic around a woman? He hadn’t so much as stayed the night with a lady in years, opting for a more hit-and-run approach to sex. No commitment, no complications. No complications, no chance of getting hurt. And he’d already felt enough pain to last a lifetime.

Annie tugged the sides closer. “Seems one of the residents decided to pour kerosene all over me.”

He arched an eyebrow. “Residents?”

She shrugged. “Trust me, I’ve spent the past several minutes trying to conjure up something, anything, to explain what I’ve seen, but I’ve got to admit. I’ve got nothing.”

He nodded, swinging his gaze back to Avery. “Okay, Av. Out with it.”

“You won’t like what I have to say.”

“That’s generally a given when you start talking about ghosts and demons. Just don’t do any of that mind-reading crap. I hate even the slim possibility that you might be able to get inside my head.”

A devious smile touched Avery’s lips. “You don’t have anything to hide, do you? Like a sudden attraction you can’t quite explain but scares you more than the prospect of ghosts?”

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