Dusk Til Dawn (14 page)

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Authors: Kris Norris

Tags: #Paranormal Erotic Romance

BOOK: Dusk Til Dawn
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Their conversation reran in her head, and she couldn’t resist running her fingers along his skin, assuring herself he wasn’t a figment of her imagination. He’d opened up to her in a way she couldn’t have anticipated, and knowing he trusted her enough to share the one moment when he’d been most vulnerable, humbled her.

“That’s a pretty serious look for a woman who fell asleep with me still deep inside her.”

She blushed at the thought, swatting his firm chest as she stared up at him. “I was just thinking.”

“That we should wash up and spend the rest of the day entwined on this blanket? Me too.”

She laughed, loving the way his arms tightened around her. Though she considered herself independent, there was something sinfully delicious about being wrapped in his arms, feeling the strength of his muscles, knowing he’d keep her safe.

She dropped a kiss on his pecs, grinning at the way his skin twitched from the gentle contact. “Is that before or after we dispose of the ghost?”


“As much as this place holds fond memories…” She levered up on one elbow, drawing her fingers along his shoulder. “I’d much rather roll around on your bed.”

“You’d look fucking hot tucked beneath my sheets.”

“Be careful what you wish for, sweetie. ‘Cause I have a feeling you’re a hard habit to break.”

He smiled, sitting up and flipping her onto her back in the space of a heartbeat. “Everyone needs a vice.”

He leaned down, slanting his mouth over hers, stealing what little breath she had. Damn, just a hint of his touch and her heart thrashed against her ribs as heat pooled in her groin. The air seemed to thin around her, and it was all she could do to suck in some much-needed breath when he finally eased back, hovering over her as if it’d pained him to release her.

She trailed her fingers along his jaw, wondering if he felt even remotely as attached as she did. If he’d really meant what he’d said last night about her making him feel worthy.

Dylan raised an eyebrow, shaking his head as he kissed her nose. “Don’t you ever stop analyzing things?”

She firmed her jaw. “Do you ever stop being suspicious of every situation?”

He sighed. “Guess we’re two of a kind, only different.”

“Like hearts and clubs.”

“I’d like to think my heart’s in much better form, thanks to you. But I’ll still be the club in the relationship.”

. God, was he actually thinking of this as a relationship?

Her mouth went dry and she had to force herself to swallow.

He gave her another quick kiss then sat up, winking back at her as he pushed to his feet.

She stared at his ass, wishing she’d had more time to touch his body. The man was magnificent, with thick thighs and sculpted buttocks. No wonder he’d exhausted her. He was built like a damn Greek god.

“See something you like, honey?”

She dragged her gaze up to his face, noting the view was no less spectacular. He was simply too handsome for his own good.

She tilted her head, not hiding her blatant perusal of his body. “I see a lot of things I like. And they’re all you.”

“Good to know, ‘cause if I have any say in the matter, you’ll be seeing a lot more of those things.” He walked back to her, extending his hand. “As much as I love staring at you dressed in nothing but a smile, we should get going. Avery and Temperance are bound to be angry we haven’t checked in since last night.”

She accepted his hand, nearly knocking into his chest when he popped her off the ground as if she weighed no more than a child. “You had dispatch leave him a message explaining we weren’t reachable for the night. Can’t see that there was anything else we could have done short of driving back over to the house.”

“Under normal circumstances, he wouldn’t question it. But nothing about this situation is normal.” He released her hand, walking over to the other side of the room to retrieve her clothes. His eyes narrowed slightly and the fine lines around his mouth creased as he took a deep breath, holding out the garments. “You do realize we won’t be able to hide this from him and his weird voodoo mind powers. He’ll know everything the second I say hello.”

The inklings of fear churned in her stomach as she took the clothes, pulling them into her chest. “Tempie isn’t much better. I’ve rarely been able to keep things from her unless she makes a conscious decision not to pry.” She fisted her hands, not sure if she wanted to know the answer to her next question, but aware it needed to be asked. “And were you planning on that? Keeping it a secret?”

He scowled at her. “Are you serious? If I had my way, I’d have ‘property of Dylan Smith’ tattooed across your forehead. But somehow I doubt that’s a viable option.” He closed the distance between them. “So no, I wasn’t
on keeping it a secret. I just wanted to make sure you were okay with them knowing about…” He waved his hand. “Us. This.”

“Of course I’m okay with it.” She shuffled her feet, glancing at the floor as she gathered her strength. “But just to be clear…what exactly were you going to say?”

His gaze narrowed. “Is that your subtle way of asking what I think

“I’m thinking it wasn’t so subtle. But yes. I suppose I’m curious as to how you feel about me.” She held up her hand. “Not that I’m pressuring you or saying you have to know how you feel, I mean everything’s happened so fast, and I know we’ve just met, but—”

Dylan chuckled as his finger cut her off, those blue eyes brimming with something she hadn’t noticed before. He took a deep breath, slowly easing his finger back as he wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. “Do you remember yesterday when you were cleaning the burns on my neck and you asked me why I was laughing?”

She nodded, not sure where he was heading.

“The truth is I’d just realized that if I was going to be crazy enough to believe in ghosts and evil spirits, then I’d be a fool not to trust in the most elemental condition of all…love at first sight.” He lowered his head, brushing his lips across hers. “I know it’s insane—all the things you’ve mentioned. That we’ve only just met. That there are a thousand reasons why we should tread lightly and take it slow. Put in a few years before we make any real commitments. But the simple fact is…I know how I feel. Maybe it’s because I haven’t felt anything in a long time, or maybe it’s because you’re smart and beautiful, and you make me want to take that final leap of faith. Whatever it is, I could spend a lifetime searching and never find someone remotely as incredible as you.”

Annie choked back a sob, his words making her heart sing. She opened for his tongue as he pressed his lips against hers, sealing his words with a kiss. His mouth lifted into a smile when he drew back, his hands squeezing her waist before letting go.

He gave her a light pat on her ass then moved over to the bag as he started to pack up their supplies. “I’m thinking we should head over to the precinct. I’ll see if forensics can give us any information on the hair and photo. I’m not expecting much, but…I don’t trust our friend not to make another appearance, sunshine or not. And I’d really love to have some answers before he materializes out of thin air again.” He looked up at her. “Annie. Honey. If you don’t put some clothes on, you’re going to find yourself up against the wall again, and I have a feeling once I get inside you, it’ll take a few days for me to find my way out.”

Heat burned up her cheeks as she shook her head, dressing as quickly as she could. His hand curled around her waist as she tugged the pants tight, knotting the string keeping them up. She glanced at him over her shoulder, noting the way his eyes had darkened as his thumb caressed her hip.

She leaned into him, trusting him to bridge their weight. “Do you think Avery and Tempie have had better luck?”

“We can only hope. Since the ghost’s been shadowing us, maybe they’ve had a chance to finish their investigation. Either way, I’m calling my brother the moment my damn cell has enough power, and the man’s not getting off the line without some straight answers. Paranormal or not, there’s got to be something concrete we can latch onto.”

“Not sure ghost and concrete go together.”

“Maybe it’s time they did.” He gave her the bag of salt. “Stay close, and if anything moves, toss a handful first and worry about what it is second.”

Chapter Eight



Dylan scrubbed a hand down his face, staring at the results of the tests they’d preformed on the hair sample. He’d had to call in another favor and ask a buddy of his to make the request. His friend had looked at him as if Dylan had grown an extra head, but had thankfully asked few details surrounding the origin of the items. Now all Dylan had to do was make sense of the findings, and maybe they’d have a lead.

He pulled out his cell and tried Avery’s number again, cursing when it went straight to voice mail. The couple had left more than a few animated messages on his cell, but had yet to pick up when he called.

A cold shiver snaked down his spine. It wasn’t like Avery not to answer his cell, and just the thought that something might have happened to him…

Annie’s hands curled around his shoulders, easing the tight feeling constricting his chest. “I’m sure they’re both fine. They’re the experts, remember? If we’ve managed to dodge this thing, I’m certain they’re just off burning the grave or something equally as weird.”

He smiled as she gave him a squeeze before sitting down beside him. He still couldn’t believe she hadn’t run screaming out of his life after they’d talked in the old station. Or that nothing more than a few words from her could bring him back from the edge.

He sighed. “It’s just not like Avery. The man’s a pest at the best of times.”

“But he’s also a professional. And I can’t see him stopping in the middle of something important to answer his phone. Not when he knows we’re okay. You left more than a few messages. I’m sure one of them will call us back as soon as they can.” She pointed at the paper fisted in his hand. “Is that the results from the chemical analysis on the hair?”

“Gary just handed it to me. Told me I owe him a case of beer and your phone number.” He winked at her. “I told him I’d give him two cases, but that’s it.”

“Maybe I should get that tattoo.”

“Funny.” He moved the paper closer to her. “Now all we have to do is see if there’s anything remotely useful here.” He scanned his finger down the page. “Great. All that fancy machinery and all it can tell us is that this guy lived by the ocean. That really narrows it down.”

Annie took the paper, glancing at the information. “There are a few trace compounds in here, but you’re right. It doesn’t narrow down our search any. Don’t suppose you got anything off the photo?”

“Other than a bunch of crazy looks because of the pictograms on the back? Not really. The lab confirmed the paper is a composition consistent with turn of the century, but again, they can’t tell where it was made. Most of the records got destroyed in the 1906 earthquake.”

Dylan palmed his head. The lack of sleep was catching up with him. That, or he hadn’t quite recovered from his encounter with the ghost. Either way, the fuzzy feeling in his brain wasn’t helping any.

Footsteps sounded behind him followed by a hand pressing on his shoulder. He glanced up, groaning inwardly when his gaze clashed with the captain of his unit. The last thing he needed was the man thinking Dylan had lost his mind.

He turned in his chair, extending his hand. “Captain Walsh.”

“I thought you’d agreed to find a suitable pastime for your days off, Dylan. It’s really not healthy to work the kind of hours you do.” The man’s focus shifted to Annie, and his brow arched in question.

Dylan hid his smile. Annie had turned more than a few heads in the station, and it seemed the captain wasn’t immune to her charms anymore than the other officers had been.

Dylan laid his hand on the small of Annie’s back, waving the other at Walsh. “Annie Dunnigan, this is Captain David Walsh. Captain, my suitable pastime, Annie Dunnigan.”

Annie rolled her eyes at him, shaking Walsh’s hand. “Pleasure to meet you, Captain. I believe I’ve worked with a few of your officers before.”

Walsh drew his brow together before his face widened into a smile. “You’re Dr. Dunnigan. The psychologist who does consulting work for us from time to time. I’ve caught some of your lectures at Berkley. You’re an excellent speaker and might I say, very easy on the eyes.”

Dylan bit back the growl rumbling through his chest, reminding himself the man was simply being polite.

Walsh motioned to Dylan. “I have to say, Dylan. I’m quite surprised to see you with someone I consider…”

“Normal, sir?”

“Enchanting. So what brings you two here if you’re not working?”

Dylan glanced at Annie, hoping she’d play along. “Just trying to track down some information. Annie was given this photo by a client. She thinks it might hold some relevance in her prescribed treatment. That maybe there’s a family secret infringing on the person’s mental state. I was hoping the lab could give us a bit of insight…maybe tell us where the paper was made or where the picture was taken. A place to start if nothing else.”

Walsh picked up the photo. “And did you get anything helpful?”

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