Dungeon Games (15 page)

Read Dungeon Games Online

Authors: Lexi Blake

Tags: #Masters & Mercenaries, #1001 Dark Nights, #police officer, #Dom/sub, #erotic romance, #bdsm, #undercover, #McKay-Taggart, #Lexi Blake

BOOK: Dungeon Games
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She felt her lips tug up. Caveman. “No touching. Got it.”

He kissed her forehead and then strode up the stairs because Derek never just walked. He stomped and marched and stalked. And cleaned. She couldn’t help but smile as he proved he really did carry around a package of antibacterial wipes. He set his kit down and started to work on the bench where he would very likely make her ass red.

She felt someone bump against her and glanced up. Liam didn’t look her way. He merely stared out over the crowd and let her know he was there. She looked around and saw Sean was on the opposite side of the crowd doing the same thing. No one would get past those men. It was all right for her to find her peaceful place, all right to take a few minutes of blissful rest.

Every muscle in her body seemed to melt. So much of her day was spent tense and anxious. She always had to be on watch.

Sometimes she wondered what she would have done if she hadn’t found this space, hadn’t allowed Kevin to take her to a place where she could center and find peace. At first it had seemed freaky and weird, but she’d been so in love with him she would have done anything to keep him. She’d been a kid barely out of rehab, holding on to the only family she’d been able to find. The first time she’d let him tie her up and spank her, she’d shook and cried and somewhere in the middle of it, she’d stopped. Her brain had relaxed, shut down to a place where she could simply feel.

Kevin had worked hard to get her there. Derek merely had to look at her the right way and she melted. How could he do that to her? Why did she trust the man who was likely going to break her heart in the end?

“Karina?” He stood at the top of the steps, a length of rope in his hands.

Everything inside her responded to him. She took his hand and climbed the steps.

He led her to the center of the stage, placing her in front, showing her off. His lips were right against her ear as his hands went to the hooks on the front of the corset. She’d loosened the laces before coming out for the scene, knowing what he would very likely want to do. They needed to make her a big target.

“I’m here with you,” he whispered. “Let me take you out of yourself for a while.”

She let herself relax again. It didn’t matter why they were here. They were here and they had tonight and she wouldn’t look beyond that. She knew better than anyone else that tomorrow was a promise that didn’t always get kept. She really only had the now and she wanted Derek. She wanted to be his sub and take everything he could give her.

His hands moved, pushing in and then pulling out, expertly unhooking the corset and setting her skin free. He set the corset aside and then his fingers were playing along the indentions where the corset had been tight against her skin. “I’m going to give you more of these. You’re going to be so pretty when I’m through.”

She shivered at the thought. He was going to tie her up. He was going to bind her with his rope and she would be utterly dependent on him. She’d watched him bind other subs, his hands so careful as he worked his ropes.

“Silk.” He let the rope dangle between her breasts, drawing it up from behind. Every inch he pulled lit up her skin. Her nipples peaked and she felt the whole world going soft and a little out of focus. “I’ve never used it before. I won’t use it on anyone but you. Submit to me, Karina.”

There was only one answer. “Yes.”

“Hands together, behind your back.” His voice had gone deep, deeper than usual. Like rich dark chocolate deep.

He was a master, wrapping the rope perfectly, binding her tight. She let her eyes drift closed, shutting out everything but the feel of his hands on her, the sound of his voice, the rope sliding along her skin. He moved her breasts into place so his ropes would frame them, showing her off. Even without looking, she knew the pattern he was creating. Tortoiseshells. It would form a dress of sorts. Her Master draping her in a garment of his choosing. He worked slowly, methodically. She could almost see his face. He got so serious during a scene. She loved the way his brow furrowed, his jaw tightening as he worked the complex knots.

It bit in some places, holding her limbs to her body, and after a while, she was able to imagine that the rope was the only thing holding her together. Her body was light. If she was unbound, she would float away, drifting through the air.

“Karina, are you with me?”

She nodded.

“Then let me help you to the bench. You know what you’re being punished for?”

She let her eyes drift open, glancing at him. He was so big and strong, with his chest covered in a leather vest. “I do, Master.”

She was being punished because she liked it. She was being punished because it was part of their cover. She was being punished because if he didn’t spank her soon she was going to die.

Glancing down, she saw the way he’d trussed her up. She’d been right about the tortoiseshell pattern. Her arms were behind her back and her whole torso had been bound in the lovely circular pattern. She was held tight, but nothing that would cut off her circulation. He’d avoided her joints, but paid particular attention to her breasts. They were out there for the world to see, boldly thrust up by her Master’s ropes.

And he was a kind Dom. He’d given her a perfectly placed crotch knot. Yep. Even as he helped her to the spanking bench, she could feel it moving against her clitoris. She’d wondered why he’d left her thong on, but now she knew. He’d wanted that barrier of silk to aid in the rope’s slide.

He placed her on the bench, her breasts on either side of the thin, padded seat. She let her cheek rest against the leather, perfectly satisfied that it was clean and ready for her. Derek wouldn’t allow anything less.

How long had it been since a man had taken care of her the way Derek was? Maybe never, she had to admit. Kevin had been loving and kind, but he hadn’t had the attention to detail Derek had.

Maybe it was time to stop comparing them and let them be. Her two lovers. Maybe it was time to simply admit that she was lucky to have had them both.

“You’re already crying. Use your safe word if you’re scared.” His hand was in her hair.

She had to make him understand. “It’s not bad. It’s the only….”

“It’s the only time you can let yourself go. Then let me help you. Let me give you what you need. Forget about everything except what you need.” His hand touched the cheek of her ass and he began.

He was methodical. He was devious. He never struck the same place in the same way. He gave her long, hard smacks that shook her body and then short, sharp ones to keep her on edge. Every single smack made the knot press against her clit. Pleasure warred with pain, but at the heart of all of it was that amazing sense of relief she found. It was so much stronger with Derek. She’d always needed this, craved it like the addict she was, but this particular drug was stronger than the rest. The other Doms had gotten her to a place she needed to go, but it was like a stop along the way to the destination she hadn’t known she was searching for. Derek took her to heaven. Nirvana. Anywhere a woman found herself, that was where he took her.

She didn’t even realize when he’d stopped. She was so deep into her subspace that she wondered how much time had passed between the spanking and his calling her name.

It was dangerous. She slipped into subspace so quickly with him that it could be bad if he weren’t so damn trustworthy.

She’d been a bitch to him in the past and yet she knew he would never hurt her, never take advantage of her trust. She’d wronged him, made his life hell because he pissed her off, and yet his hands were so gentle on her.

“Karina, I’m done. I can’t do any more without hurting you.”

And he would never hurt her even when she didn’t care. “Let me serve you.”

“Karina, you don’t have to.”

She wanted to give back to him. He was such a giving Dom. She’d been around long enough to know the type. Some Doms lived to be serviced. Not this one. Derek needed to be needed. He needed a sub who thrived under his care, his affection. But what she’d figured out about service tops was that they often forgot about their own needs. They gave and gave to their bottoms without requesting return.

She wanted to give to him, to finish the unspoken agreement between them. They had a contract but it was heavily weighted in her favor. She was the sub. She controlled the bargain.

Love was something different. She was suddenly pretty damn sure she loved Derek Brighton.

“I want to. I want to serve my Master openly. I want everyone to see how much I submit. Derek, please.”

This wasn’t about the case. It was about him. He’d given her more than she could have imagined. More affection. More honesty. More truth about himself. He’d held up his end of the bargain. He seemed to enjoy lying in bed with her and talking. He’d told her about his life, and she loved hearing his stories. He was a hero. He deserved so much and she wanted to give it to him.

His hands went around her waist and he picked her up without even a grunt of recognition to her weight. He just lifted her and placed her where he wanted her to go.

On her knees. In front of him.

Yes, that did it for her. He’d been so open with her pleasure. Every time he’d taken her, he’d gone down and licked and sucked until she screamed. But he’d been in charge and he’d pleasured her, only taking his own after he’d secured her orgasm. She wanted to give back, wanted him to know it was okay to take from her, too. And damn, but she wanted a taste of that man. She’d only ever sucked one other cock. She’d never wanted another.

“Serve me, gorgeous. Let them all see that you belong to me.” His hands went to the ties on his leathers.

And she watched as he released his cock. Usually he was all over her. He never gave her a moment to really stare at him. She took it now. He was beautiful. His cock was freaking gorgeous. Thick and long, he had a beautiful cock. With a plum-shaped head and pretty pink skin, she couldn’t help but have her mouth water.

He stepped in, bringing that glorious cock closer to her mouth. He’d helped her to her knees. The dress he’d wound around her body stopped at the middle of her thighs so she had some wiggle room. She let her thighs fall open slightly, allowing the knot on her clit to tighten. So good. She only had to move up and down to work the knot. Her sweet Master had prepared her for pleasure.

His hand was on his cock, that big hand that had brought her such peace. He stroked his cock, running his hand all along from the base to the gorgeous bulbous head of his dick. He stroked himself a few times, allowing her to watch him before pushing his dick to her lips. “Suck me.”

There was nothing she wanted more. She wanted to suck him, to make him crazy, to make him come. She wanted to taste him the way he’d tasted her. He’d spent so much time on her that she felt the need to pay him back. Like a lover. Like a Dom.

She leaned forward, deeply loving the way his bindings held her. She couldn’t touch him with anything but her mouth. Her hands were securely bound along with the rest of her torso. She could feel his mark on every inch of her skin. It was like he touched her everywhere.

She licked the head of his dick. So long. It had been so long since she’d performed this service and now she remembered why she liked it. She wanted to pay back her Dom. She wanted to be a part of a D/s couple, to be necessary.

A low groan came from his throat and she knew she was doing the right thing. She was doing the thing that brought her Dom pleasure. She sucked the head of his cock inside and let her tongue worry the soft, sweet underside. There was a delicious
on the underside of his dick that she could play with. His fingers found her hair and she knew damn well she was making him crazy. His pelvis thrust forward, a groan coming from his throat.

He pulled on her hair, forcing his dick in farther.

She could taste his pre-come, knew he wouldn’t last long under her teeth and tongue. He might talk a good game about wanting a sweet sub who never ever did what she wasn’t told to do, but he liked it when she was rough with him. She gave him the bare feel of her teeth along his cock and she felt him pulse in her mouth.

“Take more.” He shoved his dick farther in, his hands tangling in her hair.

The desperate quality to his voice made her pussy soften. She worked her pelvis up and down, loving how the knot felt against her clit as she sucked his cock.

She let her tongue coat his cock. He would never fit perfectly. He was way too big for that. She had to relax her damn jaw to get him even halfway in. He stroked her, setting a sweet rhythm. Her tongue whirled. She ran it all around his cock and sucked deep.

Over and over she drew him inside. His tangy essence coated her tongue and she sucked harder, taking him deeper into her mouth. Inch by inch she worked him to the back of her throat. She sucked him hard, loving the flavor of his pre-come. She wanted to touch him, but his bindings forced her to focus on him, on the feel of his dick on her tongue, the way he held her head, the taste of him. She pushed all thoughts of herself down. He’d done that with her. He’d focused on her so it was easy, so easy to give him her attention.

Down and back. Down and back.
She loved how his hands tangled harder in her hair. Like he couldn’t stop himself. Every motion brought her closer to climax because that knot he’d tied rubbed her clit.

Pleasure swamped her, making her work him even harder. The music thrummed through her system, pulsing against her skin. The fact that there was an audience only made it better. They might not see his climax, but she would give them a show. She was powerful and beautiful in the moment. It didn’t matter what anyone else thought. It only mattered what she felt. And she felt like she was ten feet tall. Derek groaned and shoved his cock in, harder and faster than before. He was losing that control of his. He always took such care with her. It meant something that he would let go.

It meant that he was hers.

It might not last forever, but in this moment, he belonged to her. Her sweet Master.

She inhaled his cock, working the knot at her clit the whole time. As she drew him to the back of her throat, she felt the orgasm bloom. He’d worked his magic and he didn’t have to keep a hand on her. He’d set her up to come to her pleasure. Every knot he’d built had brought her to a sweet spot. She pulled hard on his cock, thrilled when she tasted the first of his come on her tongue.

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