Drowning (Tears of Sin Series) (27 page)

BOOK: Drowning (Tears of Sin Series)
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About the Author bit from a third-person point of view like they tell us we have to, but this is my book, and I want to tell you about ME. I’m a mother of 2.5 children—I inherited one from my hubby’s divorce—and I have a multitude of animals. Fish, Dogs, and Sheep…oh my! I’m a Texas native, but plan on transplanting north as soon as our baby has graduated. We’re just about done with this heat.
I’m not a great cook, but we survive. I’m not a great housekeeper, but I always know where everyone’s shit is. And if you need laundry done, well, it’ll happen eventually. I am a loving mother who will get take-out when I burn the food, an attentive wife if you know what I mean, and a dedicated friend—unless I’m on a deadline.
I’m a thyroid cancer survivor, a victim thriver, and a wordless book reviver. I like to dance, sing off key, and am addicted to music videos. Oh, and I love cheesecake. Like, I’ll suck your…you know, for a large slice of the creamy perfection.
That’s me in a nutshell. It’s pretty simple. I like to write books and have a lot of naughty thoughts. Some make it out into the world and others never see the light of day…
I love hearing from readers, so please contact me at [email protected] and or friend me everywhere.

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very loved family—Ben, Madison, Tucker, and Ashley—for sticking through this book with me. We survived cancer, drama, and life-changing medical events. I’m not sure how we did it, but I know I couldn’t have made it without you. You guys are my life, and I’ll love you forever.

I’d like to thank Lynn Rush for being there when the idea behind this book came about. You are my sounding board, my motivation, and sometimes my cheerleader.
To my bestie, Shelley, thanks for listening to all of my whining. No seriously. I know there was a lot of whining. I adore you for always taking the time to listen and for sometimes calling me on my bullshit.
I’d like to offer a special thank you to Jennifer James. She helped me make this book shine! I’m so glad I found you. Please don’t ever change. And remember, we will always love a little geekdom. Without you, there would be no Seth Fucking James.
To Milly Taiden. Ah, my sweet Milly! Thank you, thank you, thank you, for everything you’ve done. You’ve taught me so much about marketing. You’ve been there to remind me that I’m awesome when I felt less than. And you remind me that it’s okay to be focused and to go after what I want. Heart you!
I’d like to give a mega big thank you to Marion Sipe—my fabulous cover designer. Didn’t she make Alice and Seth look so pretty?
To Henry Ojida, thank you so much for helping me make Seth’s song rock. You helped me get the dark into the light. I’ll never forget that.
To my SIL, Jennifer, thank you so much for staying up into the wee hours of the morning, losing precious sleep to do a final read of Drowning. I know the boys probably wore you out the next day, but their Aunt Rachel sure does adore you for it.
And to you. Thank you for reading my book, for giving Alice and Seth a chance, and for hopefully telling a friend—if you loved it. That’s all any author could ask for.
But, if you’d like to post a short review to any of the fine book sellers, I’ll take that too. If you have a question or comment and would like to chat about this book, please contact me at [email protected].

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