Drowning in the East River (11 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Pierce

BOOK: Drowning in the East River
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"Drink," Elise said, passing him the bottle.


David pressed the bottle to his lips, taking a big sip of the sweet tasting absinthe. He slumped back against the bed; his head instantly feeling light and feathery. Elise giggled and reached over to grab the bottle from him, taking a long drink herself.


Feeling the effects of the liquor, Elise stood up and looked around the room. Carl came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her narrow body. One arm wound around her waist, the other cupped her breasts. She turned around to face him, sliding the satin straps of her nightgown off her shoulder. The thin sheath dropped to the floor, revealing the flawless curves of her body.


Elise moaned softly as Carl ran his hands between her legs, fingering her playfully; her body bucking and writhing against his touch. She swiftly worked the buttons on his pants, letting them drop around his ankles. They were lost in the moment, having completely forgotten everyone else was there.


Elise backed him onto the bed and climbed on top of Carl. With her free hand, she grabbed

William, who began kissing her exposed neck.


David looked down, taking a moment to adjust his awkwardly expanding erection in his pants.


Alexander, who was still sitting next to him, scribbled half-heartedly in his black, leather notebook.


"You look uncomfortable," Alexander said, meeting his eyes. A mischievous smile spread across his face. He tucked away the notebook that was open in his lap and shifted to face David.


"I'm a little out of my element," David replied, thankful for a distraction from the uninhibited display happening on the bed. He closed his eyes, successfully stopping the unnerving sensation of the room spinning. Shutting out the sound of Elise's emphatic moaning from his head was proving to be more difficult.


David felt Alexander's warm breath on his neck as the boy's fingers went to the button of his slacks, undoing them in one swift motion. David opened his eyes, and looked toward Alexander.


David tried to speak, but the words were quiet, almost slurred. His tongue tripped over the words which were drifting into his foggy head. "I'm not...that is... I don't... I've never...".


Alexander licked his lips and ran his fingers through his unruly red hair. He took off his glasses. His voice was breathless and husky as his eyes took in David, "Just lay back and close your eyes. I don't bite." With light fingers, he unhooked the buttons on David's shirt one by one.


In no condition to argue, David closed his eyes, exhaling deeply as Alexander's soft, full lips kissed their way down his neck.


David exhaled sharply as expert fingers worked his shaft, eventually pulling his erect penis free from the restricting confines of his shorts. David moaned softly, writhing gently against the soft mouth going down on him.


The oppressive, close air of the small room, Elise's emphatic moans from the bed, as well as the lingering smell of reefer in the air, all combined to make the room feel fuzzy and hazy. David grabbed Alexander's head, running his fingers through the boy's thick hair, moaning as the sensations rocked his body. His muscles seemed to be quivering in protest of the pleasure overtaking him.


David cried out as an orgasm jolted his synapses. He could hardly lift his head from where he was laying, as the room seemed to be spinning at a dizzying pace. He focused on breathing deeply as the sensations slowly abated, relaxation spreading through his tired muscles.


Alexander reappeared in his field of vision, kissing David gently on the lips. In return, David felt himself wrapping his fingers around Alexander's erection, trying to duplicate what he liked on himself. The smell of alcohol and marijunna hanging in the air overrode any awkwardness in his head. Alexander moaned, his body writhing in response to David's touch.


"That feels amazing," Alexander whispered into David's ear. The boy's gaze was soft, but direct pleading for him to continue. "Keep going."


Alexander slid the flimsy white shirt off David's narrow shoulders, letting the scratchy material drop to the floor.


David inhaled deeply as Alexander moved behind him, his fingers gently exploring his body and sending ripples of pleasure through each and every one of his frayed nerve endings. The sound of Alexander's voice in his ear only increased his desire to extend the sensations pulsing through his body.


David closed his eyes, his body shivering as Alexander's playful fingers trailed over his body. He didn't fight as Alexander guided him towards the bed, leading him to lean forward.


David's fingers clenched at the sheets as Alexander's initially gentle thrusts increased in intensity. The sound of Alexander's rapid breathing hung in his ears.


David wrapped his fingers around his own hardening shaft, waves of pleasure wracked his body with each stroke, bringing him to the brink.


Alexander came with a yelp, positioned deep inside David. The weight of his body briefly giving out, resting on David's shoulders.


David cried out as he came once again, every muscle in his body giving out from underneath him.


After a moment, Alexander rolled off David's back. He gently dropped to the floor, panting.


Opening his eyes, David found himself staring at an unfamiliar ceiling. His fuzzy eyes slowly adjusted to the uncomfortable, early morning brightness of the bedroom. Harsh sunlight streamed in through the dingy lace curtains, spilling onto the cluttered floor. Clothes were scattered around the room, discarded where they were kicked off in the flurry of frenetic activity.


Using the little strength left in his tired muscles, David lifted his head off the floor to get his bearings. Elise was passed out in the bed, her nightgown laying in a gauzy heap below her. Carl and William were both jammed next to her in bed. They'd kicked the thin blankets off in the heat, creating a sweaty sculpture of intertwined limbs on the mattress.


Alexander was sprawled out next to him completely nude, his arm draped over David's torso. The boy's face was pressed into the floor, his shirt on the floor next to him, his pants sloppily heaped under his cheek as a make-shift pillow.


David took a deep breath as he sat up, gently sliding Alexander's arm to his side. He moved cautiously, incredibly aware of his breathing, hearing every random crack of his body in the still room. David gently picked his shirt off the floor.


Alexander sat up and looked around the apartment, quickly reorienting himself. He wiped the sleep out of his eyes and looked up at David. A curious smile spread across his face as he watched David button his shirt. "Running away?"


"Sshhh," David said, glancing over at the bed. He continued, dropping his voice to a soft whisper. "They're still asleep."


"They're unconscious," Alexander said, working his fingers through his unruly hair. "They were popping pills before you got here. Between that and the absinthe, I'm pretty sure locomotive couldn't wake them right now." He reached over and grabbed his pants. He looked David over. "What do you remember from last night?"


"Enough." David said, adjusting his shirt cuffs and rebutting them around his wrists. His white shirt had wrinkled over the course of the night. It fell loosely around his waist as he tucked it into the waistband of his slacks. In truth, his mind was reeling from the night before. He stopped and looked down at Alexander, speaking quietly. "At least up until I passed out..."


Alexander looked up at him with warm green eyes. David hadn't noticed much about him in the haze of the night before. He had delicate features; he was at most twenty years old, probably a student at Columbia. He slid on a pair of eye-glasses. "I'm sorry if I..."


"Tell Elise it was...interesting," David said, cutting in. He slid his jacket over his shoulders. They briefly looked over as someone mumbled something indecipherable from the bed and stirred quietly. He started towards the door.


Alexander scrambled to his feet and moved after David, keeping pace with him stride for stride. He sloppily tucked his shirt into his pants as he walked. "Where are you going to go?" Alexander spoke quickly, trying to delay the quiet exit David was trying to make.


"I don't know," David said, stepping back out into the hallway and pulling the door shut as quietly as he could. He leaned against the wall, the indulgences of the night before had given way to a painful reminder of the reality waiting for him at home. He squeezed his eyes shut as a thought of Thomas flashed in his head. "I need to figure out what the hell I'm doing with my life."


David shielded his eyes as they stepped outside onto 116th Street. This part of the city, which had exploded in the last few years, was lined with massive apartment buildings stretching high into the sky. David's head was throbbing, and all he wanted was to curl up into a ball on the pavement. He glanced towards Alexander, who didn't seem phased.


"I could use some breakfast," Alexander said. He rubbed his hands together, surveying the quiet street. "Would you care to join me?"


David put his hands in his empty pockets, grateful for the offer. Almost on cue, his stomach growled. "Thank you," David replied, mustering a tired smile. "I could use some food."


Alexander reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. He held one out for David.


"Thanks," David said, pulling one out for himself. He licked his dry lips before resting it between his lips. He dug in his own pockets, searching for a book of matches.


"I'm sorry about your wife," Alexander said. He lit his own cigarette and held the match out for David to use, before dropping it into the gutter. The flame was quickly smothered in the flowing water from a nearby fire-hydrant. "I can only imagine how shattering that must be."


"She was my best friend," David said, taking a long drag. He chuckled to himself, running his fingers through his hair as he exhaled a lungful of smoke. He looked towards the sky. Early morning sunlight glinted off the East River. "You know, I think you're the first person who's said that to me since-.”


They stopped at the corner of 116th and Second Avenue, waiting for the flow of automobiles to chug to a stop so they could cross the street.


David thought for a moment before continuing. "I just don't know what to do," he said, looking up at the buildings. He exhaled sharply, trying to put words to the thoughts racing through his head. "She made things so easy- I feel like a big part of me is missing." He stopped, feeling a familiar frog in his throat.


They turned into a tiny diner just off Third Avenue. It was early enough in the morning that most the crowd had yet to arrive. A few early stragglers ate in scattered booths. Many looked like students, their pockets padded with the security of family money. Their clothes showing their Saturday nights were wrapping up, even though Saturday had long passed into Sunday.


"I assume you're at Columbia?" David said, glancing over the menu, searching for something unchallenging on his stomach. Absinth on an empty stomach had been one of the stupidest decisions he'd made in a long time. His stomach lurched at the thought of something heavy.


"For as long as I can take it," Alexander said, flipping through the menu himself. He wrinkled his nose slightly at the thought of school. "The first play I finish, I'm leaving as quickly as I can."


"I can't stay here," David said, looking out the window at the city. The morning crowds were beginning to fill the streets, most on the way to work, moving on with their lives. He exhaled sharply, "There's nothing left for me here.”




"The city," David replied. He dabbed his cigarette out in the ash tray. He leaned back in the booth, looking up at the ceiling of the restaurant. "I need to find somewhere else.”


"Didn't you say you had a kid”


David shifted his glance, looking out the window as he pulled another cigarette out of the shabby gold-plated case. "Thomas." David lit another cigarette, and took a deep drag. He felt a pang deep inside his stomach.


Outside the window, people moved quickly through the streets as there was a crack of thunder. Thick gray clouds had moved in over the city, muting the early morning sunlight. He looked back at Alexander, continuing. "I don't know what to do." He forced a chuckle out of his throat to cover the sobs he could feel building in his chest.

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