Driver, T. C. (22 page)

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I got a letter from my ex-wife patty. She would be here in Pearl to meet me. Her letter had a Bill Ayer’s stamp on it. Bill was on the famous Wright commission, credited for saving billions of dollars and millions of Jobs using the new “Safety checkpoints across America” One million new police. They looked for bombers, anti-gay, hate speech Christians, and Jews trying to take “wealth” out of the country. Yes these one million police were stemming violence, and guns, many hired were good right-minded minorities. No test was given to make it fair for all. American Jews moving to Israel was a big problem. The closing of businesses in black communities made them
“hardest hit” Free rent was offered to any non-Jewish minority who could or would dare open shop. Many of these shops were confiscated from tax cheat Jews trying to run out on America and steal our wealth. The Democratic Socialist party was firmly in power. Millionaires must pay more. Mothers Need Milk was the title to Bill Ayers last book. This book was all over the Oprah network. Oprah herself came out with ten million dollars to buy digital audio video books for inter city youth who had been robbed of reading skills by racist teachers. Here in Hawaii there were no road side pat downs or safety check points, as was the case on the mainland. The Red Chinese had declared the islands free of American tyranny, and Osoma was scared to act. The Bill Ayers postage stamp said “The good of the many outweighs the rights of the few” it made me sick. As we slowly docked at Pearl, I was glad that the last survivor of the attack had died. They didn’t have to witness the surrender of the colors, or the foolishness of their blood sweat and tears for freedom. Still officially a state, the islands now get more money from China than from the old U. S. After the so called Walmart wars, Osoma dares not try to “take back” his home state. Now many Jews have landed here trying to get to Israel. All types of people were running from American IRS agents. One thousand Americans a day moved to both Australia, and Canada, all
of which was illegal!

I was ashamed that my generation had stood by and let America fall. Not by war, but by idiot voters. People had demanded rights to food, TV, phones, healthcare, and so called jobs, all in complete safety, and freedom from responsibility. The humanist false religion and the socialist revolution elites sang sick dogma filled songs hand in hand as they pulled America down. The trash education taught in government schools that mankind was good, and was getting even smarter and wiser with each generation. That man did not need a redeemer and that resources were all in short supply. This must be true because the blessings of God were no longer to be trusted in. Big government was the only way to
achieve fairness. By teaching false science and these simple lies each day they soon brought down the last free republic on earth. President Osoma caught this sick wave into power, a man who was dull minded enough to ride his own horse to its death. He was a symptom not the disease. A weed that quickly grew strong on the rotting fallen American godless corpse.

Patty had sent me a now outlawed newsletter inside
her letter to me. I threw it down in anger. That big Christian College in Lynchburg had lost its case and was now closed for good. They could not pay the federal income tax bill. They had lost their tax exempt status by supporting Israel and using hate speech. Those students at the ship’s Gospel Café had been so nice. I didn’t know they were haters. I guess you just don’t know! People can fool you! I had enjoyed their newsletters for years, but this was the last one to be printed. The sons of the old pastor who founded the school were both in jail and apologizing for losing the church buildings and property in the law suit also. The talk of a new mosque had the city of Lynchburg up in arms. Police from across the country were being sent in to quell the feared redneck hick violence. Osoma stated that he was for religious rights for all, and not just for Christians, also that some non English speaking black Muslims were not offered free books at that college. These racist extremists were the main problem, most church goers were pretty nice folks, said Osoma, but rich churches like this one in Lynchburg needed to pay more and that was only fair. After the ship docked it was great to watch all those many cargo containers leave the Ark. We would soon be able to fly again. But first a few old Navy contractors would be doing some work around the ship. A month leave was given to most of the crew. Many crew members stayed on the ship anyway because of the bad “Jewish problem”. There was simply no place to stay anywhere. I don’t know what the contractors in Pearl did but all four of them billed the Ark for ten to twelve million dollars apiece. This Pearl Harbor lay- over was a honeymoon period for me and my then still ex-wife Patty. We would one day drop the ex and be a family once again. Good times can still be had by saints and sinners alike even as Rome burns around you. Yes even when most people have been played for fools, “as in the days of Noah, so shall it be!”

Patty (my Tweedy) is my own hotter by half version of Goldie Hawn. Patty flew in commercial to Pearl; when she met me she had already rented a car, and we quickly sped off. This month of shore leave was the beginning of the end for years of painful divorce. Being with Tweedy again was wonderful, a true blessing. We stayed mostly on the northern island of Kauai. That island has always been Patty’s favorite, but she liked Waikiki also, she would
sing and hum the song, “I’m gonna wash that man right out of my hair” and then grin at me. This girl is crazy about me, I can tell. Patty and I were allowed to stay in one of Mitch Johnston’s time shares for two weeks while in Kauai. Wow what a nice place, it had five bedrooms, a great balcony and huge windows. Don’t say anything to Janet Johnston about that rubber seal dish thing in the kitchen, we kind of kept it accidently when we left. It was just like old times when Patty did her Christmas shopping early at the Pearl merchant’s road side tents. The grass around the tents is great for sleeping on. Men should always avoid going shopping with their wives at all cost. This rule might not be in the Bible but it is in marriage 101.

The Pearl merchants didn’t have any mushrooms for me anyway (ha-ha) no Christmas spirit. Patty and I both thought about and talked about my father while we were in Kauai. My dad was the real Cornelius. Memories of him were everywhere here. This island became his second home towards the end of his life. He seemed to us, to still inhabit the island paradise he so loved. I often wonder what the old NASA scientist and the original “anti-professor” would think of today’s world. Osoma would very much upset him I do believe.

My own son, Shawn T. Cornelius and his girl friend Monica joined us for twelve days of our stay during this month long layover, just as my wife and I would do when my father was still alive I guess I’m the old man now. Gods garden is always turning under don’t take the flower of youth or yourself too seriously. God tells us plainly that this life is but a season, and to live life Gods way. I reminded my son and Monica to keep their heart, mind, and spirit on things eternal. We so often live for earthly garden rewards, things that God has designed to fade and die.

Our close friends Howard and Betty Janey came for a long week visit also during this month, but our time together was mostly Patty and I together by ourselves. This special time together was a much needed second honeymoon for us that helped heal our broken marriage. Short time lovers like Sarah can’t really compete with the joys found in the arms of a true soul mate and life partner. Surprise, God does know what he’s talking about. His way does work. Who knew this, and why has no one told modern man and all of his silly experts.
I guess man just got to smart to read the Bible, much less believe it or live by Gods
Holy Word.

The good life on this earth has never been better than the time we spent together on the island of Kauai. The large resorts and hotels are always spectacular and we love to visit them. Why a Hotel would ever build a lobby that is five acres in size or a swimming pool large enough to water ski in is above my pay grade. If you demand luxury or even opulence, you can find it here, but don’t forget your wallet.
Patty and I talked about how great our life back together in Virginia will be. The rocking chair on the front porch with
my Patty sounded pretty good to this old foolish sailor. I promised her this cruise would be my last tour of duty. There would be no more Saint Augustine for me, my old friend Rosie ran the business anyway.

We drove up to the National Park at the North end of Kauai to a wide cave there that was very close beside the road. This cave reminded me of Island Number Two. Of course I didn’t say anything to Patty, but I just could not help myself from taking a close look at the caves back wall.

For lunch, we stopped in a big resort hotel with a reflecting pool in the lobby. They had an all you can eat brunch special for only $99.00 dollars a person plus tax. This was cheap in the high class snob section of Kauai. One silly little local market likes to advertise itself as the most expensive grocery store in America. I do believe that they might just be right. These large world class hotels are a pleasure to visit but even Mitch and Janet’s big time share suite was too grand for my taste. During our brunch, I looked at a Health Dept license on the wall, and sure enough the manager’s name was Patel. I asked for the manager and told him to say hello to my friend Jediah, and mentioned the town and province in India were he lived. The hotel staff sprung into action and started treating us like the Queen of Sheba. Many servants begged for forgiveness for
having brought shame to themselves for not knowing our station in life. Patty enjoyed all of this attention. We had drinks over looking the ocean. Red wine for me, and white for Patty. We talked for hours. Patty said she would help me open a Gospel Café back home, just like the one on ship with a big round corner table and everything. We dreamed of singing Gospel music again together just like we did back when we started. Maybe we could still find or invite some of the singers from that big closed down Church in Lynchburg. Our hearts ached to sing Gospel music and praise God once again. It started that very week. A flood of simple Gospel songs started pouring out of my mouth almost too fast for me to write them all down, just like songs had done in my youth. Have you ever been commode hugging drunk? Most people have at least a few times in their life. Writing music for God is just like that, when it comes, it comes and you must be ready to obey. The process is not always easy or comfortable, or convenient.

One late night on the beach, I borrowed one of those giant over-sized acoustic twelve string guitars and started to sing some of my old songs. This night begged the age old question? If you write down a song one day and then try to sing it years later and have now forgotten or changed the words have you made a “mistake” or have you just changed the song to a newer version since it was your song in the first place (ha-ha). That beautiful night on the beach will go down in the record books of my memory as a song singing, and love making classic. Men always like to recall times when we were well, at out best! Tips on beach sand removal and fancy one chop coconut opening cost extra (ha-ha) fellows. Let us face facts, sometimes the coconut does not pop open even for the best of us. The only problem with my Patty compared to “new girls” is I can’t lie to her, she knows me too well. She knows when I mess up a song, and hates it when I sing the wrong part. My Patty is the best! I hope you have a lifetime women in your life my friend, a true soul mate. If you do don’t ever let her go, don’t be a fool like me.

On our last day of Patty’s visit we were back at Pearl Harbor. Our old friends Howard and Betty Janey came in from Maui to join us again at the end, just as they had done twice before during this trip. We all still talk about the night of the big luau, even to this day. Also we met up with Daniel and Double De again. In every culture the women folk always work out the details of all of this meeting up with who and when or where. Men should never get involved in the meeting up with other couples. Leave this to the women just like the shopping.
Take my word for this and don’t doubt me. Everybody’s favorite day on the trip was the chopper ride, but it was not mine. I tried not to talk about the Great Ark and all of my adventures. I did talk about being Holiness; first to Patty and then to Howard and Betty.
They didn’t run off like most but I was driving the rental car at the time with the doors locked (ha-ha). We were all old friends back through our youth. Yes through all those dumb days, and the “drug days.” Howard is a little bit unstable or Zaney (ha-ha). Betty is friendly and a little bit on the quiet side. Betty is a great hugger but only if she has a chair to stand on (ha-ha). I’m sorry I did promise no more short jokes.

Our whole group went through the Arizona memorial together on Patty’s last day at Pearl Harbor. That is except for my Son Shawn and his girl Monica they left for home the day before. We picked out the name of Fred Driver a relative of ours and all the pain heartache, and cold reality of war flooded in. Our vacation and honey moon was about over.
We Thanked the Lord for allowing
the Japanese people to buy and maintain this war memorial. Please forgive the many selfish Americans of my age
group who were born with so many blessing just to throw them all away. Out in the water of the memorial I kept seeing and hearing a black dinghy sinking motor end first into the waves. Rubbing my eyes I scrubbed Doc and the boy’s blood from my memory one more time. It never works for long. I looked down into the water again. No dead boys, no sharks, no words with the power to deceive! That is good! Thank God. You just married a Cracker son, you’re not blood kin Cornelius, please don’t go all crazy on me.

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