Driven to the Limit (4 page)

Read Driven to the Limit Online

Authors: Alice Gaines

Tags: #Romance, #Anthologies, #Paranormal, #Collections & Anthologies, #Werewolves & Shifters

BOOK: Driven to the Limit
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He pressed her head upward so that he could gaze into her
face. Her eyes had taken on the heavy-lidded appearance of a woman aroused. No
doubt, he looked much the same. His rapid pulse, the difficulty getting air
into his lungs, the way every inch of him felt eager for her touch, all those
things signaled his human body’s readiness to couple. Now, to draw out the

“Let me kiss your breasts,” he whispered.

“That’s not going to let you off the hook. I’m still going
to suck on your cock.”

“I’m looking forward to it.” What an understatement.

“Okay.” She stretched forward, bringing her chest to his
face. He took one nipple into his mouth and teased the other one with his hand.
Using his tongue, he teased the peak into a tight bud and then sucked her

She squirmed against his torso as he worked, and her pussy
spread moisture against his abdomen. “God, that feels good.”

Switching to the other breast, he lifted it with his hand
and ran his tongue along the underside. Her perfume filled his nostrils --
cologne and clean woman. She groaned, telling him without words of her
pleasure, and her pelvis moved faster. He sucked the second nipple into his
mouth and worked it until her moans turned to gasps. She’d grown so hot, so
aroused, her passion enveloped them both. In another moment, he’d have her
close enough to orgasm that she’d slide back, take his cock, and guide it inside
her body.

She didn’t, though. Working for breath, she sat up and
squeezed her breasts with her hands. The sight might have come from an erotic
dream -- her nipples tight and hard, moistened from his kisses, while she
kneaded the soft flesh around them.

“You are so beautiful,” he said.

“So are you.” She climbed off him and grasped his cock.
“This is beautiful.”

“It wants to be inside you.”

“In a minute.” Her hand stroked his shaft while she bent and
took the head into her mouth. He couldn’t stifle a groan, the pleasure was so
intense it felt as if it would take the top of his head off. Hot and wet, her
lips and tongue worked him, sliding along his length and then flicking at the
tip. And all the while her hand pumped him, even reaching below to rub his sac.

She lifted her head. “Good?”

Ach, Schatzie.

“Do you want to come?”

“Inside you.” And yet, he’d have to stop her from the blow
job, as she called it, before much longer, or he wouldn’t be able to control
himself. Klaus had told him a lot, but he hadn’t prepared him for this.

She chuckled and stroked his cock harder until a drop of
pre-cum appeared at the tip of his cock. Then, she blended it with the moisture
from her mouth, massaging it into his skin. After a moment, she went back to
sucking on him, sliding her lips as far down on his shaft as she could.

He grasped the bedspread on either side of him and
surrendered to her loving. In a minute, he’d stop her. Just another minute. But
for now, it felt too damned good.

In another moment, he was lost. The passion claimed him as
the real world disappeared. Only Lauren existed, her hand and mouth making him
wild. The climax loomed, gathering strength at the base of his spine. He needed
to be inside her. Now.

“Stop!” he shouted.

She lifted her head but continued pumping him with her hand.
“Had enough?”

“Not nearly enough.” Before she could say another word, he
sat up and tossed her onto her back. He only paused to part her legs before
climbing between them and driving his cock deep inside her.

“Yes!” she cried. “Oh God, you’re big.”

“I’m sorry,” he gritted as pulled back and thrust into her,
even deeper this time. “I can’t be gentle.”

“I don’t want gentle. Fuck me, Jake. Please, fuck me.”

He did. He plunged into her over and over again. Fucking was
the only word for it. As hot as she’d made him, nothing less would do.
Mindless, blind lust took control of him. Each thrust made him wilder, drove
him closer to an explosion of his soul. He’d empty himself into her in a
moment. No power on earth could prevent it.

“Don’t stop,” she cried.

Stop? He could no more stop than fly.

“I’m going to come.” She grasped his buttocks, squeezing
with her fingers. “Don’t stop. Make me come.”

“Yes.” His voice came out human, but in his mind, he’d
become a machine. Pistons pumping, engine revving, he drove them both along the
road to oblivion. Closer and closer to a precipice, both of them flying
together. Harder, faster, they reached the climax and shattered. Her body
convulsed first, tremors racking her pussy and gripping his cock. He came right
after, the semen shooting out of him and into her core. They screamed together
as they came with a force that tore them loose from reality.

After a long, shuddering moment, it ended finally, and they
rested together, her legs still curled around his body.

“Hey.” A voice from the doorway. “Who the fuck are you?”

Lauren gasped and looked over. “What are you doing here,

Jake looked in that direction. The man stood there, a look
of pure fury on his face.

“What I’m doing,” Dagger said, “is watching my woman fuck
another man.”

Lauren slid out from underneath Jake and sat up. “I’m not
your woman.”

“Everything here is mine.” Dagger pointed at Jake. “Except
for this asshole. Who is he?”

Jake stood up, putting himself between Dagger and Lauren.
The bastard had made threats against her before. If he thought he’d touch her
now, he’d have to fight Jake first. Klaus had designed him for lovemaking, but
he’d also given Jake a great deal of human strength. If Dagger tried something,
he’d regret it.

“Lauren invited me here,” he said.

“The Pit is my place,” Dagger answered. “She has no right.”

“Go away, Dagger,” she said from behind Jake.

“If you fuck anyone, you’ll fuck me.” Dagger tried to push
Jake aside, but Jake held his ground.

“She doesn’t want you anymore,” Jake said. If, indeed, she’d
ever wanted him.

Dagger lifted his hand and made a fist, but he didn’t swing.
No doubt, he realized he wouldn’t win a fight with Jake. Bullies were cowards
at heart and seldom picked on anyone who could fight back.

He glared at Jake for a minute before lowering his hand
again. “I want you gone tomorrow, asshole. I don’t want to see your face

“No problem,” Jake answered. “We’ll leave first thing in the

“Not ‘we.’ You. Lauren stays.”

“She’s had enough of you. I’m taking her with me.”

Dagger looked around Jake to where Lauren sat on the bed,
still naked. “What do you say? Are you going to go with him?”

She lay on the bed and rolled over, facing the opposite
wall. “Go away, Dagger.”

Dagger glared back at Jake. “You leave tomorrow. She stays.”

Then Dagger turned and left the room. Jake followed him and
closed the door. It didn’t have a lock. Finally, he went back and sat on the
bed beside Lauren. “That settles it. Tomorrow, we leave.”




Chapter Four


Lauren lay curled up on the bed and listened to Jake closing
the door and then announcing that they’d be leaving the next day. She’d enjoyed
the sex so much. In fact, she’d probably enjoyed the secret of his existence
even more. They both took her out of the cesspool of normal existence at The
Pit. Now, her reality would collide with her dream. She’d have to tell Jake she
wasn’t going anywhere with him tomorrow or any other day.

“I’m glad that’s settled,” he said.

She sat up and pulled her knees up under her chin. “Uh,

He sat next to her and looked into her face. “What?”

She stared into his crystal blue eyes and fought with
herself for the right words to tell him that she was an abject coward.

“We are leaving tomorrow, aren’t we?” he asked.

She shrugged. “I don’t see how.”

“You pack some things. I shift into my machine body, and we
ride out the front gate.”

“I wish it were that simple.”

“Perhaps you should explain why it isn’t.”

She hugged her legs to her chest. “I don’t have anywhere
else to go.”

“You must have some money saved,” he said.

“Not much. Drug habits cost a lot.”

He smiled. “Well then, we’ll live on that until we can get

“You’ve been a motorcycle too long.” She reached out and touched
his face. “What kinds of jobs could we get?”

“I could…” His voice trailed off, and for good reason. What
could he put on a résumé? Part-time man, part-time motorcycle? He didn’t have
any degrees or work experience. Maybe he could model. He was so damned good
looking with his platinum hair, remarkable eyes, and full lips. Neither of them
knew a whole lot about modeling, though.

“You could work, and I could keep you happy.” He gave her a
wicked grin. “I wouldn’t mind being a kept man.”

She had to laugh. “I’d love that. If only I had the money to
keep you.”

“Someone else would hire you for the same job you have

“Booking manager?” she said.

“You’ve done well by Dagger, no?”

Had she ever. The man was, literally, a rock star, with one
of the largest egos in that narcissistic firmament. Everyone, but everyone,
wanted him, and he’d only do appearances for mega-bucks. Even then, his
contracts included a list of demands that would give a hijacker a woody. She
dealt with all that plus Dagger’s toxic personality and hair trigger for
violence and pulled off miracles.

“You’d think someone else would want me, wouldn’t you?” she

“You won’t know until you try.”

“I have tried. Multiple times. I didn’t exactly set the
world on fire.” For months, she’d sent queries and résumés by snail mail and
e-mail. Dozens of them, to anyone she could think of. She’d never received
replies. She’d finally gotten sick of being ignored, and she’d given up.

“No one wanted to hire you?” he asked.

“No one even wanted to talk to me.”

“That doesn’t make sense.”

“Look, Jake. I’m no prize.”

“Not true.” His eyes widened, and he looked honestly hurt
and surprised. “You’re my treasure.”

“Yeah, I know.” She sighed. “But you’re nuts.”


“Look, Jake. I’m a high school dropout. The only job I’ve
ever had was for the biggest dick in the music business. For most of my adult
life, I’ve been gorked out on anything I could smoke or snort. I’m a waste of

“No!” He jumped from the bed and paced the room. “You will
not talk about yourself that way.”

“Jake, you don’t know who I am.”

“Then, perhaps you’d better tell me.”

“All right.” Shit. She’d had to go through all this crap in
rehab, and they hadn’t let her make her whole life into a sick joke. They’d
made her face it straight on. Hard to say which was worse -- telling her sordid
history to other people or accepting it herself. Jake was the first good thing
that had happened to her. Hell, he was a fucking miracle, when you got right
down to it. Now, she’d have to repeat everything to him. He wouldn’t think her
much of a treasure at the end, but -- hell -- he was going to find out all
about her some time. Might as well get it over with. Then, when he rejected
her, she could get on with her life. Again.

“I was a real stinker starting in junior high,” she said.
“Cutting classes, hanging out with boys.”

Actually, she’d been putting out for boys, but she didn’t
feel like telling Jake
. Maybe he’d figure it out for himself.

“I drove my parents crazy. They tried to help me. God, how
they tried, but I knew better what was good for me.”

“Lots of children are rebellious,” he said.

“Jake, I was hateful. Foul mouthed. Smoking, drinking,
anything I could do to piss them off. I even hurt my little brother.”

He stared at her. “You hurt him?”

“Not physically, but I made the house into a battle zone.
Screaming, flying vases. Everything was about me and my problems. Timmy told me
once he hated me, and I couldn’t blame him.”

“That was a long time ago.”

She threw her hands up. “Then, I got worse. I dropped out of
school and got in trouble with the law. I fought anything anyone did to try to
pull me back from the brink. I lashed out -- sometimes physically. Always
verbally. No one could do anything with me.”

He sighed. “So, what happened?”

“I ran away from home, finally,” she said. “One night, I
went to one of Dagger’s concerts. I thought his music spoke to my soul. I know
now it was only his hatred speaking to my own.”

Jake crossed his arms over his chest. “When was that?”

“When I was eighteen. I snuck backstage to meet him, and
that was the end of my ‘normal’ life.”

“He seduced you then?” Jake asked. “When you were so young?”

“I was legal. Dagger’s too smart to go for jail bait.”

Jake clenched his fists by his side. “Too young.”

“I wasn’t a virgin, Jake.”

He ran his hands through his hair. Frustration. He was
getting to know her for real and didn’t like what he was discovering. No
surprise there.

“I haven’t done anything much better since I hooked up with
Dagger, either,” she said. “At least I’ve worked for my keep.”

She didn’t add that she’d worked for the drugs Dagger had
supplied. She’d talked to him often enough about her life when she’d thought he
was only a motorcycle. He’d heard her drunken, drugged-out ravings.

“I stayed here. Kept working for Dagger,” she said.

Jake’s jawed tightened. “Kept sleeping with him.”

“Sometimes.” She hesitated. “Worse, I said nothing when he
brought home newer, younger meat.”

“And got them hooked on drugs.”

“All right.” She put her face in her hands. That seemed less
childish than covering her ears to keep out his words. “You know who I am, what
I’ve done.”

“The woman I know -- the hurt, little girl who used to hide
in my garage -- has a treasure inside her that no one but I see.”

“Jake, you’re an innocent.” What else could he be? Until
today, he’d only experienced the world as a machine. A beautifully designed and
hand made machine, but still not human. He still had to learn about humans and
their imperfections.

“You knew enough to rescue yourself by going to be cured,”
he said.

“Self-preservation only. I didn’t have any higher

“I don’t believe you.”

“Why in hell not?”

He sat on the bed again. “Because Klaus made me for you. He
wouldn’t do that if you weren’t worthy.”

“He made a mistake.”

Jake took her face in his hands and forced her to look up.
“The Designer doesn’t make mistakes.”

Gazing at him -- at the utter openness of his expression,
the determined set to his jaw, the adoration in his eyes -- she could almost
believe him. For the first time she could remember, a tiny spark of hope warmed
her heart. Surely, if some mythical Designer could have created a creature like
Jake for her, she must have something inside her to earn his goodness and

“You know I’m right,” he said.

“I know you’re nuts.”

. I love you, and I’m going to prove it
to you.”

? He could love her? He said he knew her. He’d
sat beside her during her darkest moments, and he still said he loved her.

“Lie back,” he said. “I’m going to show you your own

Show her her own beauty? That made no sense at all. She
stared at him, searching his face for understanding. All she found was love as
he guided her back against the bed and covered her body with his own.

He stared at her for a moment, smiling, and then closed his
eyes and kissed her. So softly, his lips felt like rose petals brushing over
her own. She tasted him. Drank the nectar of his breath as he continued, first
to one corner of her mouth then the other and finally kissing her full on.

Who could have guessed the world could hold so much
sweetness? She surrendered to it. Doubts, fears, cynicism… all of them
evaporated in the heat of his kiss. When he sighed, she answered. When her
heart skittered in her chest, his own beat strong above it. When he ended the
kiss, she opened her eyes to find him smiling down at her with that look on his
face. Love. Reverence. All the things she didn’t deserve but would accept,

Du bist so schön
,” he whispered.

“I’m not beautiful.”

“You are. Every inch of you.” He nibbled her earlobe and
then placed kisses along the line of her jaw. “Beautiful here.”


“Beautiful here too.” He dipped beneath her chin and
caressed the length of her throat all the way to her collarbone. “Soft.”

She’d slept with a lot of men and had even made love with a
few, but none of them had ever treated her body with such reverence. He moved
lower, his lips gliding over her chest and down the furrow between her breasts.
His tenderness could draw tears from a stone, and as hard as she’d become over
the years, her heart hadn’t petrified yet. She could have fought, could have
made a wisecrack, but in truth, he’d won. He’d gotten inside her and touched
her soul. Now, she could only lie back and accept his love. Love. Who would
have thought?

When he took a nipple into his mouth, she arched her back.
Her body took control, responding to the pure pleasure of his mouth against her
skin. He moved to the other breast and loved that peak too. Her heart raced in
her chest, and she had to work for breath. Then, he released her nipple and
moved lower, over her ribs to her belly. Oh, God. He was going to kiss her
pussy. Take her clit into his mouth and suck until she came.

On and on he went, his lips leaving a trail of fire while
his arms separated her legs. She began to throb there, aching while she waited
for the touch of his mouth where she most needed it.

Please. Oh, please

Although she expected his mouth on her pussy, the shock at
the contact made her hips jerk upward. He ran his arms around her thighs and
held on, pulling her sex harder against his lips. His tongue flicked out and
grazed her clit. Pressing, rubbing, teasing. She gasped, struggling for breath
as heat spread from the point of contact to her entire body. Too much, too
intense, and yet, not enough.

He didn’t stop but continued tormenting her with his tongue
and lips. Faster, harder. Sending her to the edge of reality and pausing just
long enough for her to breathe. Then, starting all over again.

She floated in a world filled with lust and love, unspent
passion and tenderness. She’d climax soon, and the orgasm would change her
forever. No matter what lay on the other side for her, she’d open herself to
it. Jake would keep her safe. He’d make her whole.

The tension built as her body prepared itself for the
explosions. Deep inside her, the pleasure built into a huge wave. Towering
upward. Ready to crest.

A cry started in her chest and rose to a shout as her pussy
clenched and then erupted into spasms. All through the ecstasy, through the
madness, only one thought remained.
Jake. Oh, Jake!

As if she’d called his name aloud, he came to her. As her
orgasm ebbed, he rose above her and drove his cock deep inside her pussy.
Massive, powerful thrusts drove her farther and higher. His voice joined hers
as she came again. They clung together, sharing orgasms, as he spilled his seed
into her.

The storm raged inside them for several heartbeats, and
then, they lay together as the world returned. Still impaled on his hardness,
she drifted into a half-world of sounds and touch. The warmth of his body
against hers. The smoothness of the comforter below her. His ragged breathing.
Her own sighs. Heaven.

His lips grazed her eyelids. “Sleep, my love.”

Surrounded by his love and cradled in his arms, she drifted

* * *

Jake watched Lauren sleep. She’d finally let him touch her
tonight. They’d made love before, but this time, she’d truly let him know her.

Before, when she’d only thought him a machine, she’d talked
to him. She’d revealed her pain. Always masked by cynicism, of course, and
vicious humor aimed at herself. She’d never shared the details, though. She’d
never told him how she’d allied herself with a sadist like Dagger. And then,
most of what she’d told him had come out slurred by alcohol and other drugs.
Tonight, she’d shown him the woman who listened to Beethoven and regretted how
she’d hurt her little brother.

She had a family somewhere. Why hadn’t they tried to find
her? Dagger and his entourage were public figures. Her family could have
tracked her down if they’d wanted. Had they searched for her and met resistance?

She whispered something in her sleep. Mumbling, followed by
his name. “Jake.”

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