Drekinn 3 - Reaching Rissa (3 page)

BOOK: Drekinn 3 - Reaching Rissa
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“Let’s go,
,” Brenda said.




Chapter Two


“Victor, you need to help me out with this,” Vivi said slowly. She was totally excited about her purchases.

“Sure, sweet pea,” Victor said and followed her into the hallway. “Wait, where are we going?”

“Shhh, everyone is going to hear us!” Vivi said.

Victor frowned and then looked down at his mate’s feet. She was still wearing those black heels she had worn earlier today.
Oh yeah, he was gonna get lucky



“They did WHAT?” Calli screeched and turned to the men who were reporting to them.

“Ma’am, I'm sorry, the GPS said she was not where she said she was. We went looking and searched for hours, we were just ready to call in when Cherri’s mom showed up. They kept switching back and forth. We finally realized that two of them had gone off somewhere, while the other kept us occupied. However, the first time, they were all together. From where the patches show, they were in the Prentiss Agency for at least thirty minutes,” the Enforcer said and bowed his head as if she was going to hurt him.

Calli rolled her eyes at the boy and then snorted, “At least you brought them back without getting caught,
and do
you know what they were doing?”

The Enforcer blushed and shook his head, “Your mom said ‘prove it’ whenever I confronted her."

Calli took a deep breath, dismissed him, sighed, and put a hand up to her face.

Rissa turned around in the chair she was sitting in. “Well, when are we gonna have the showdown?”

"When I gain some strength. Kade is in a meeting with one of the men who is being a spy for us. Ms. Praton, uh, Pilar, brought them in a few days ago, I have no idea who they are, I'm going to join the next meeting.”

“One of them is an Eagle,” Cherri said absently from her seat as she studied her nails.

“How do you know?” Rissa asked curiously.

“I was outside for a run when I saw an Eagle flying in, it landed on the roof,” Cherri said absently.

“I saw one too, the second night we were here. I was looking out the window and saw an Eagle fly in. I wonder who it could be. I don’t know any eagles, do you?” Rissa asked.

“Nope, let’s get back to the problem at hand. The moms did something we should know about, who is going to confront them?” Calli asked hopefully, like one of her friends would jump up and volunteer.

“Not me, bitch!” Cherri laughed.

Kiki and Sabrina, one of the Enforcers, walked into the room laughing. “Girl, I swear you need to get laid,” Kiki said.

He was their resident drag Queen and a member of the leadership. They all loved it when they found him, he was in a show, and the witness to knowing one of the men they were currently hunting. Mr. Twisted, as Calli and her friends called him. They had no idea who the man was, but he seriously was pissing them off.

“Hey, ladies, what’s up?” Kiki asked smartly and cocked his hip. He was wearing a holey pair of jeans and a bright fuchsia shirt that was open to the chest. Man or woman, he was hot, they all agreed. Cherri even briefly thought about testing the waters with him. That was squashed when he looked better in a dress than she did.

“Moms,” Calli muttered.

? What did she do now?” His extremely uptight parents had disowned Kiki. So Vivi and the others felt the need to make up for it. He was their project, they said. He just needed affection and acceptance. The girls had rolled their eyes.

“Come on, let's just get it over with. They are supposed to be in your mom's suite going over the stuff they bought,” Cherri said. “I have places to be and mates to bang.”

“Nice, Cherri,” Rissa laughed.

"What? They love it when I say that,” Cherri said and flounced to the door in only the way Cherri could.

“Fine,” Calli grumbled and led the way to her mother and father's suite. It was on the other side, so they had to go through the common area. Everyone always stopped and stared when the three girls and Kiki were in a group moving somewhere. Someone was in trouble.

The eyes followed them until Calli turned and glared. Everyone loved the Alpha, but they were also scared of her. Everyone suddenly found something to do.

By the time they reached the room, Calli had built up a head of steam. She was ready to get this over with.

She grabbed the handle to door of her parents’ room and pushed it open, what she saw would scar her for life. Calli screamed loudly, “Fuck Ma, really?”

Vivi stood in the middle of the room, in a black leather corset and panties, fishnet stockings with Cherri’s high heels, a black leather hat fit over her once again blonde hair, and she held a riding crop.

Calli’s father was bent over the couch naked, with his ass in the air; they could all see the thin marks that were pink across his ass. It didn’t take a scientist to figure out what was going on.


Cherri and Rissa stood next to their friend with their mouths open and slowly put their hands on Calli’s shoulder in comfort. At least they hadn’t found their moms like this.

With amazing agility, her father flipped himself over the couch. It was then, when she noticed his hands and feet tied together. She sent a glare at her mom, who was looking at them with a smirk. Kiki was sobbing in Sabrina’s arms about seeing Calli's dad and his white ass.

“Get a grip, Kiki,” Calli snapped. “WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?!”

“Well, my dear, if you don’t know, I may have to have a talk with your mate.” Vivi smirked and walked slowly towards her daughter. “Now, why haven’t you left, obviously you interrupted a private moment with my mate.”

“Please, MA, put a fuckin' robe on. I can’t talk to you like this,” Calli yelled.

“No, you are in my suite, this is the place we can be ourselves. You leave if you are offended. Why are you here anyway?” Vivi sniffed.

“I wanna know where the fuck you went today when you ditched the Enforcers?” Calli demanded.

Vivi narrowed her eyes at her daughter, and shook her head, “Really, that is why I get barged in on? YOU want to know where the hell I went today? Listen here missy, you may be the Alpha of this Pack, but I am your mother, and the only one you will ever have. I am pretty sure I can still give you a run for your money too, if you wanna pursue this. If not, I suggest you get your scrawny ass out of here. I will come down to be interrogated with the big light in a little while, when I'm done.”

Calli stomped her boot clad foot and ground out, “Dammit, Kiki!”

Kiki was still sniffling over Sabrina’s shoulder, “What? Dammit, this is traumatic, it's like seeing the Great White Whale and Trixie the Ancient Dom. I think I need therapy.”

“Would you just leave?” Calli growled and turned to her friends. “Can you handle this or do you have to leave, too?”

“Please, like I haven’t seen an old white man’s ass before,” Cherri said. Being a doctor Calli knew she had.

Rissa rolled her eyes, “Yeah, me either!”

All eyes turned to Rissa with a look of astonishment. “What?” Rissa said indignantly.

Calli just shook her head and turned back to her mother. Things were getting out of hand. She heard Kiki and Sabrina walking down the hall laughing. “Where the fuck were you this morning and no more games? They tracked you to inside the Prentiss Agency. Who were you seeing and what were you doing there?”

Her father poked his head up from behind the couch. “
, what were you doing?” Victor said firmly.

Vivi turned and looked at her mate, they may play games in the bedroom, but when he used that tone with her, she knew she was in deep shit. Damn her daughter for blabbing things out. She sighed and said, “Fine,” throwing up her hands in defeat.

Walking slowly over to where the bag sat that she wanted, she bent over.

“Wow, my heels look amazing on you,” Cherri muttered.

Vivi looked upside down at her daughter's best friends and smiled, “I know, right!”

“MA!” Calli bellowed.

Vivi stood up slowly and looked beyond her daughter to the doorway. There stood her daughter's mate and Cherri’s two mates. With the Alphas and Betas together, the power flowed into the room.

“Uh, Calli, what's going on? I felt your anger and came to see what was happening,” Kade said smoothly coming into the room and grinning largely. He stood up on his tiptoes and looked over the couch to where her father still lay naked and bound, and then put a hand to his mouth to hide the smirk.

Calli elbowed her mate in the stomach and said, “My mother and her infamous friends have decided they were going to go to the Prentiss Agency on their outing this morning. I am waiting for an explanation as to what the hell is going on.”

“Shit,” Declan said from next to his mate as his gaze caught Victor.

“Not one word!” Cherri ground out as Nik joined in, laughing.

Then Paul and Shelly came in, followed by Richard and Brenda. Calli threw up her hands this time and just sat down in a chair and waited, while they all exclaimed about the situation.

Brenda and Shelly clapped when they saw their friend and smiled, while walking around their friend commenting on the attire and the whip.

“Oh, I totally want that one, I just got the smaller size, that crop looks like it handles better,” Brenda said.

“OMG!” Rissa cried and put her hands over her ears.

Brenda rolled her eyes, “Honey, I'm saying this with all the love I have for you, you need to get laid.”

Rissa dropped her hands and frowned at her mom, “I thought I was supposed to be a virgin.”

“Please, if we wait until you find your mate, we are going to be old and grey,” Brenda mused.

Rissa made a noise in frustration. Paul, Cherri’s father, went behind the couch and untied Victor. “Dude, not the first time any of us have been caught in this.”

“Dad!” Cherri yelled.

“Please, now that we all know that everyone in the room has sex, well except for Rissa apparently, can we move on to the task at hand? Why were you at the Prentiss Agency?” Calli demanded yet again.

Vivi turned to her daughter and raised an eyebrow at her, “Tone, young lady!”


Everyone in the room looked stunned at her outburst. Kade put a hand on her shoulder and squeezed. Calli leaned toward her mate, trying to take in his reassurance.
Why did things with her mother always spiral out of control?

“Fine, you want to know why we were there? This is why we were there,” Vivi said and held out the small device they had taken off one of the guards.

“What is it?” Calli said suspiciously.

Brenda stepped forward eagerly. “It was from one of the guards. He was using this thing to see if we were shifters or magical people. When we lifted it, we realized it had to have a password. So we went to the Agency and snuck behind the back desk, after creating a magnificent distraction, and stole the passwords. Ta-da!”

Calli looked at the older women with her mouth open, “I'm sorry, on what fucking planet were you given the okay to complete such a mission? You could have gotten caught or worse, tagged. They could have followed you back here,” Calli yelled.

“Listen, chicky, this is not my first rodeo. I was completing missions like this when you were in your diapers, don’t you forget who the General of the Shifter Army was during the wars,” Vivi announced and then looked at Kade, saying, “Ungrateful bitch. Now, Kade, this technology was made by a shifter who they have captive. I'm pretty sure they have been using it to see who they can arrest and who they can't. While we were shopping, all of the shifter stores were closed up. I think they are doing a round up. Have we heard anything on the outside?”

Kade looked at his mate helplessly. He was planning on sharing the information that was brought to them in the meeting they were having in a few hours. However, it looked like they were going to have a weird family meeting first.

“Well, uh, we have an informant that Pilar knows. He is giving us great Intel. They put a lockdown on the magical community from leaving their houses until the Prentiss Agency has cleared their family. I think they know what's going on somehow. From what we can
they are looking for the other ancestors. When Calli and I mated, it woke up some dormant Prophesy or something. Our informant is trying to get his hands on it, but so far, he has not been given access.”

Vivi nodded and looked at her friends. They’d been through this several times in the past, humans flexing and trying to keep them under their thumb. The bad part is, this time they may be able to do it, because they had shifters fighting shifters. This will not turn out well for the magical community.

“So what’s the plan?” Shelly asked.

“That’s what we have to talk about,” Kade said and looked at Rissa. “We have to find Rissa’s mates.”

Brenda clapped her hands, made a ‘whooping’ noise, and punched her hand into the sky. “Finally, we are going to have grandbabies.”

“Hell no, Calli will be first,” Vivi said proudly.

“Bet,” Shelly said.

“The usual?” Vivi sneered.

“You're on,” the women said.

“Wait, what?” Calli said in a panicked tone. “Ma, don’t be betting on kids.”

“Whatever,” Vivi said and then held her fingers to her eyes, and then pointed them to her friends.

“I'm outta here,” Rissa said and walked out of the room.

“Ditto,” Cherri said.

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