Dreamscape (19 page)

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Authors: Christie Rich

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: Dreamscape
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Her chin dips toward her chest, but I catch it with my
fingers and bring her gaze to mine. For a moment I think she will not answer
me, until she says, “I don’t know how to show emotions. They’ve never served
much of a purpose for me.”

I cup her cheek in my hand and whisper my fingers over her
petal-soft skin. “You no longer live in that world, Amelia. I hope in time you
find you may trust me completely. I desire only to please you, to help you, to
cherish you. You need only ask for whatever you desire, and if it is in my
power I will make sure you get it.”

She won’t hold my gaze, but she allows me to continue to
caress her. Her next words send a flood of empathy through me. “I’ve never
thought about what I really want. I wouldn’t even know how to ask for something
I’ve never had.”

I slide the gold cuff down her arm and place it on the
countertop for safe keeping. She watches me but doesn’t comment. Her erratic
emotions boil over into me. I soak up the sensations as I lift her into my arms
and carry her to her bed.

Her eyes cloud with a wary veil, but I keep my expression
open. She probably thinks I will take advantage of her weakness. Part of me
desires nothing more than to consume all of her until I’ve learned every inch
of her, yet the urge to protect her wins out.

Keeping her close to me, I lower her onto the mattress.
“Sleep, Amelia. I shall not disturb you further. When you awake we will have
much to plan and discuss, but for now, know that I love you. I have loved you
for as long as I’ve known you and nothing you do will ever change that.”

Taking in the scent of her, I brush my lips against her
forehead then turn to go. Her fingers clasp mine gently. When I look over my
shoulder at her, her eyes are closed and she swallows hard. Moments pass, but
she doesn’t say anything; she just lies there with her eyes shut tight, yet she
will not release my hand.

I sit on the bed next to her. “Would you like me to stay
with you?”

Her breathing becomes shallow as she nods. When she finally
looks at me, fear and anxiety mix together in her troubled eyes.

I stand and remove my jacket, then my shoes and socks. She
watches me the entire time, which I find to be unexpectedly alluring. This,
however, is not a moment for passion. This moment is for building trust between
us. For her to trust me enough to yield to my will in the Dreamscape, she must
know that her needs come before mine. Here, she may test me any time she likes,
and a secret part of me hopes she will, but for her to question me in the
Dreamscape could be fatal. She has only had a taste of the dangers that await
her there. I am putting her in untoward danger necessarily, but I do not like
taking such a risk.

When I unbutton my cuffs, her eyes widen in alarm. A smile
lifts the corners of my mouth and I move my fingers slowly to the row of
buttons at my chest. One by one I set them free, before I shrug out of my

No need to be uncomfortable if I am going to face the agony
of holding her while she sleeps. She moves to rise, but I nudge her over and
push her shoulders back to the mattress. Slipping in beside her, I count the
seconds between each of my breaths to keep my mind from exploring what I’d like
to do to her in this moment.

Her heartbeat sings to me as I stare at her beautiful face.
Without uttering a word, I pull her against my chest and stroke her hair.

At first, she stiffens in my arms, but I continue to stroke
her hair and then her back. Before long, she relaxes against me. It only takes
a few minutes for her breathing to steady and soon she has drifted into a
dreamless sleep.

I keep her mind cocooned in a sea of darkness, letting her
rest. Tomorrow will bring change. I hope she is ready for what I will require
of her, but even if she isn’t, I will assist her along the way.

I force myself to stay in this moment, for I have no idea
when or if I will be able to hold her like this again. She will most likely
erect another wall for me to traverse, but I’ll worry about that later. Right
now I enjoy the feel of her against me.

Right now, I cherish her.



When I wake, my body floats on a blissful state of
weightlessness. I reach out for Seth, but he’s gone. Disappointment floods
through me, yet I can’t expect him to stick around when he has so much to take
care of.

In the brief time I was actually in the Dreamscape, I
noticed a few things. First, people were a lot more aware than I thought they
would be; second, I made them stare at us. My actions have a direct impact on what
happens in that place.

Unlike actually dreaming, I remember every emotion, every
word uttered by those around us. Most were curious, but some were disturbed.

I need to talk to Seth about this because I don’t want him
to be ambushed when he goes there again. There’s just so much I don’t
understand about the place, and the last thing I want to do is put him in

It still seems rather odd to me that there would be a
being, or several beings, that are assigned to deliver dreams to people. I
always thought dreams were just the mind’s way of sorting through the crap of
the day, but I’m beginning to understand there is much I don’t understand.

My desire to learn has overshadowed any fear I might have
of going in the Dreamscape again. It was so real. The sights and sounds and
smells still linger in my memories, most of which star Seth. His presence has a
way of blocking out all else. That probably isn’t such a good thing if he wants
me to help him find that guy, or the rest of the key.

Since I’m not sure what the plan is for today, I dress
casual, more than happy to discard that sleazy dress I happened to wake up only
half in. Heat rises up my neck at the thought of Seth seeing me unclothed. It’s
not like it hasn’t happened before, but I was dreaming at the time, and he
totally crashed my Blue Lagoon moment.

He’s perfection in the flesh. I still can’t believe that a
guy like him has to pretty much kidnap a girl to have any chance at a
relationship. He’s not really creepy, now that I know him better. It must suck
to be him. I’ve got so many questions to ask him with no way of knowing if I’ll
offend him.

He told me about that girl who betrayed him, and I want to
know more. I need to find out what happened between them because I don’t want
to end up hurting him, no matter how this ends up. He’s counting on me to help
him, but the weird part is I kind of want to now.

When I look in the bathroom, the cuff is gone. I never
expected to be able to keep it, but I did want to compare it to the wardrobe
and see if I am right about the images. I’ll ask Seth about it later. Wanting
to get the day going, I twist my hair into a sloppy bun before I head into
Seth’s room. Not surprisingly, he’s not here. The fire wall isn’t activated, so
he can’t be in the Dreamscape, either.

He’s probably with Baltek. Poor dog has suffered since I
came along.

It doesn’t take me long to find the solarium or whatever he
called his enormous sunroom that would rival Central Park. The door is open and
the air carries the scent of autumn leaves, even though everything in here is
varying shades of vibrant green. The light overhead seems brighter today and
reflects off the myriad panes of crystal overhead.

When I don’t see either of them, I meander deeper into the
space. “Seth?” I call, probably too quiet for him to really hear me, but for
some reason, I can’t bring myself to yell in this place.

After I get a big fat zero of a response, I stroll through
the trees. It really is quite beautiful here, yet Seth’s right. Knowing the
sunlight is merely an illusion kind of kills the moment. Even so, I allow
myself to enjoy the breeze and the warmth.

Pretty soon, I catch the soothing melody of gurgling water.
I glance around the nearby area then listen more closely. Does he seriously
have a river in here somewhere? It’s either that or a wicked loud generator.

As I move further into the trees, the place loses the park
feel and takes on rugged countryside qualities. I’ve been a city girl most of
my life, so the trees and the silence close in on me.

It’s relatively easy to find the river in question, which
is good sized. In front of me is an ancient stone bridge that arcs high above
the rumbling water. Across the bridge, what looks like a running trail shadows
the river in both directions. Curiosity takes over, so I decide to explore the

It’s strange how easily I connect with my surroundings. I’m
beginning to think Seth’s holding out on me. I could get lost here, both
figuratively and literally.

After a while, I lower to a moss-covered rock and close my
eyes. The soft breeze tickles my skin, and I allow myself the small pleasure.
The woods remind me of Seattle in an odd way, but these woods emit an ancient
vibe that Seattle could never compete with.

My body slowly relaxes until I’m almost in a trance.

I don’t even hear his approach, but Seth’s energy calls to
me. I scan the area until I catch him in the act of studying me. Offering a
complacent smile, I pat the rock beside me.

Baltek doesn’t need an invitation and bounds over in four
long strides. He nuzzles his wet nose under my chin and licks my neck. A giggle
springs out of me so fast he startles away, but he’s back for more in an

“Seems you have a fan,” says Seth in a casual tone,
striding up to us. When he sits beside me, our shoulders brush against each
other, reminding me of how he held me all night.

Delicious warmth spreads through me, but I’m more
interested in figuring out what’s up with Seth’s secretive smile. I rub
Balteck’s neck and smile. “He’s not so bad now that I’m pretty sure he’s not
going to take my head off.”

Seth quirks a brow, yet refrains from commenting. I smirk
at him because I’m not going to fall for his trap. That dog loves me. The weird
part is he’s growing on me too.

Silence stretches between us, but this time it’s not that
uncomfortable. I want to talk to him yet I have no idea where to start.

I nod at the trees. “This place is full of surprises.”

A strange look crosses his face before he says, “It’s not
the place. It’s you.”

I frown at him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“This is a new addition to the conservatory. I have never
traversed this part of the garden.”

“What?” I ask, sitting up straighter, not sure I heard him
right. “You mean it just showed up?”

“Yes, Amelia.” His warm fingers brush my hand. “You called
it here.”

I stand up, not wanting his touch to distract me. Confusion
courses through me. “I didn’t do anything.”

“Ah, but you did.” His blue eyes study me for a moment
before he speaks again. “Somewhere deep within you this land exists, and you
brought it with you.”

My mind rushes with excitement. Amelia
the one I
have been looking for. In so little time she has changed my entire existence.

I’m still having problems processing what just happened.
There is no mistake now. Her desires affect my realm, as well as the Dreamscape.
I gaze up at her vivid green eyes that might as well be a reflection of her
impromptu creation. Give her a pair of sparkling wings and she’d make an
entrancing wood sprite.

She stares down at me in utter bewilderment, and I cannot
help myself from laughing. Joy sprouts from the deepest parts of me. It has
been so long since I have felt an actual breeze rush against my skin. The sky
has changed too.

No longer is the light contained within the air. It’s
coalescing into one bright spot above us, mimicking actual sunlight, just like
in her dream world.

Temptation like I have never known bombards me. If I keep
her here, she will remain mine. If I keep her from the Dreamscape, no one can
take her from me. Spending an eternity cursed with her would be exquisite. No
Erobos can enter my realm. We would be safe.

Only a moment passes before utter darkness washes over me.
If I take her only chance for freedom, she would hate me.

Worse, I would hate myself.

I love Amelia, but I have already taken all that I will
from her. She is not fragile, but she is a woman that needs nourishment I
cannot provide.

They say if you love someone set them free. Am I strong
enough to let Amelia go? The real question lies unanswered. If I let her go
will she come back to me, or will she flee my cage, never to be seen again?

I grasp a twig, pretending to study it while my thoughts
rush ahead. It snaps easily under the slightest pressure, plucking me from my
contemplation. She cares for me, yet how much pressure will it take for her to

Time is my enemy. I must pursue this course I have set;
however, I am loath to traverse the path.

A cool touch alights on my arm. “What’s wrong?” Amelia asks

I offer her a flimsy grin. What should I tell her? That she
holds my very survival in her hands? That she is meant to save me from this
hell? I open my mouth, yet the words will not come.

The only way for me to develop trust with her is to leap
forward into the void of unknown.

I glance at her beautiful, worried face and say, “Will you
help me, Amelia?”

She blinks in rapid succession, and I wonder if the
movement is a mirror of her thoughts. “I wouldn’t even know where to start,”
she says before her hands adjust her ponytail and cross over her chest.

When she shifts on the rock again, I take her hand,
relishing the feel of her skin against mine. “How about we train some more?”

Her lips twitch into a smile. “I wouldn’t mind getting back
into the Dreamscape… I just hope that someday it will be for real.”

Her enthusiasm is what I’m counting on and dreading. If
given too much leeway, she could fall out of my grasp. I give her a nod and
stand beside her. If I’m putting myself out there I might as well go big. I
pull her into my arms, hugging her to me.

To my surprise, she relaxes against me. I breathe her in,
memorizing the feel of her, the sweet taste in the air. “Thank you,” I say. My
throat tightens until I cannot utter another word.

She moves away, but taps my shoulder playfully. “I
technically haven’t done anything yet. Who’s to say that I won’t totally end up
ruining every plan you’ve ever made?”

“I have faith in you,” I tell her, placing my arm around
her shoulders to lead her out of this seemingly endless maze of trees and plush

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