Read Dreams Take Flight Online

Authors: Jim Dalton

Dreams Take Flight (21 page)

BOOK: Dreams Take Flight
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She took his dick and placed its swollen head at her entrance while Lucas slid his hands under the cheeks of her ass, pulling her slightly off the ground. With a little guidance from Heather, his dick entered her effortlessly and slid in deeply. Both made small adjustments in their positions to get his hard dick in as deeply as possible.

The head of Lucas’s dick throbbed as it pressed hard against the inside of Heather’s wet cavern. After no more than thirty seconds of penetration, Lucas began to come. His dick throbbed with each wave of ecstasy. Feeling Lucas climax deep inside her was all it took for Heather to let go and do the same, causing her insides to throb around Lucas’s dick as her climax repeated itself time and again, draining all of her energy and leaving her limp in Lucas’s arms. As Lucas’s excitement and energy subsided, so did his ability to hold Heather off the floor. As Lucas lowered Heather, his dick began to slide out, bringing with it a combination of their juices.

“Lucas, do you have any idea how wonderful that was?”

Lucas took a deep breath as he replied, “It was quick but fantastic, and probably the craziest thing we’ve ever done.”
Wow-she is good.

Heather looked down at her watch and then back at Lucas, “Know how long we’ve been in here?”

“Tell me.”

With a silly grin on her face, she said, “About three minutes.”

“That was the best three minutes of my life,” said Lucas.

Checking herself and Lucas before leaving the closet, Heather nervously announced, “I have love juice all over my skirt, and it’s starting to run down my leg!” She helped tuck the little general in. “You’re dripping wet too, Lucas. I think the little general is oozing its cargo. We both need to run to the restroom. Let’s say our good-byes now so we can dash to the restroom and avoid any unnecessary scrutiny, if you know what I mean.”

“Sure do. This was crazy, but worth it. Unfortunately, I feel like I peed in my pants.”

With that decision behind them, they embraced in the privacy of their closet, each telling the other to have a nice night. Heather immediately scooped her panties from the floor, turned around and opened the door slowly, listening for any unknown customers who might have surfaced. Hearing nothing, she slowly looked around the corner and pushed the door open a little farther. Seeing no one, she immediately stepped out. Certain that they were by themselves, she announced to Lucas that they were clear. He exited quickly and headed straight for the restroom, followed closely by Heather.

Once he’d finished cleaning himself, Lucas left the restroom and headed straight to the flight office, hoping to see Mike.

“Mike,” he said upon entering the office. “Glad to see you’re here. I have my follow-up interview with Global on Wednesday. They’re flying me out early Wednesday and back Wednesday night. I’ll need one of the contract pilots to cover me tomorrow night, but I should be back for Wednesday’s flight.”

“Hang on. Our flight tonight is being assigned to a contract crew and you and I are to take a group over to New York tomorrow in the Lear and come back Wednesday.”

“I can’t go. Can you find a sub?” Lucas asked, with concern in his voice.

“Don’t get excited. There are a ton of pilots out there who would love a little Lear time. I’ll make a few calls in a minute. But first, tell me about your interview. Are you OK with the citation from the feds?”

“I’m not really sure. I talked to Dean Weaver from the FAA today and he doesn’t think it’s a big deal, but suggested that I get a letter from Clyde explaining what happened. He also needs to get a letter from you explaining that you were the PIC that night.”

“Hanging me out to dry, are you?”

“You know how the feds are. If a regulation says the pilot in command is responsible for something, they want the PIC held responsible, not the copilot.”

“I know; just giving you a hard time. I’ll put that letter together for you tonight since we aren’t flying. Why don’t I leave it at the front desk and you can pick it up whenever you like? Did you get the letter from Clyde?”

“I did, and appreciate your help in this as well.”

“Not a problem; that’s why they pay us the big bucks.”

“Big bucks or not, I appreciate your help. I’m still not sure how Global will see this.”

“They should see this like the feds will. You didn’t do anything wrong. You haven’t violated any regulations. In my book, you’re squeaky clean. Lucas, just do your best and be honest and they will do right by you. Besides, I thought they’d already hired you.”

“They did, but they wanted to move my start date so I asked if there was anything I could do to keep the original date—the second interview was sort of my idea. That’s what triggered another background check. Wish I’d kept my mouth shut.”

“You can’t worry about that now; I don’t see why this would change their decision.”

“I hope not. I think I would die. So we’re OK for tomorrow and Wednesday?”

“Sure. Take off and relax; enjoy your trip. Don’t even worry about Wednesday night. They already pulled both of us from the schedule because of the New York flight.”

“Thanks, Mike. I appreciate your understanding and support. If you need me, call. Otherwise, I’ll plan on seeing you Thursday evening.”

“Go dazzle the big guys!”

While Lucas was still in the area, Autumn arrived uncharacteristically early for her evening shift. Heather immediately interrogated Autumn about her early arrival. Arriving early wasn’t her intention, explained Autumn, but she’d had a really bad dinner date. She decided she had two choices, neither of which she liked: she could either stay with her worthless date and make it a long night, or go to work. She chose the latter.

After a few minutes of chitchat, Autumn decided to replenish the popcorn, coffee, and paper for the copier while waiting for her actual shift to begin.

“Heather, they still keep the copy paper in the storeroom back here behind the counter? The last time I looked, there wasn’t any there.”

“Sure is; I saw some there earlier.”

Autumn headed for the supply room, opened the door, and stopped short.

“Heather,” she said inquisitively, “I smell the sweet scent of sex in here. Trust me; I know that smell. It almost makes me excited. Come here, and you smell.”

Heather walked over to the open door. Careful not to give off any signals that would suggest that she knew anything about what Autumn was talking about, Heather stuck her head out while leaning toward the storeroom, as though trying to get a whiff of what Autumn was talking about without actually going in.

“I don’t smell anything, Autumn.”

“I may be wrong, but that aroma speaks to me; I love it.”

The way the girls were standing, Lucas could only see Heather as he rounded the corner. “Hey Heather,” he said. “Great news: we can finish—Oh, hi, Autumn. Didn’t see you standing there.”

No one said anything. Autumn cocked her head and looked at Heather with an expressionless face, as though saying

Heather shrugged and said, “What?”

Lucas looked sheepish and said, “Am I missing something?”

“Lucas, you were saying something to Heather,” Autumn said knowingly.

“Oh, uh—I just want to tell her that if anyone looked for me tonight I would be at home. Mike and I were pulled from the flight tonight.”

Not satisfied with Lucas’s response, Autumn said, “You were telling Heather you could finish something.”

“Oh, I don’t know. I’m sure it will come to me.”

“Lucas, you’re right. When the time is right, it will
to you, if it hasn’t already,” retorted Autumn.

“Yes, uh…” Lucas said slowly. “Well, goodnight, ladies. Have a good evening.”

Lucas quickly headed for the parking lot.

“OK Heather, what’s going on? You and Lucas a couple now?”

“No, we’ve just gotten to be good friends.”

“Bullshit. Is that what it’s called when some guy takes you to the lake for the weekend? Good friends? Come clean! This is your buddy Autumn talking.”

“It wasn’t the weekend; it was one night,” responded Heather sharply.

“I see. So one night of fucking means you’re just good friends? What would two nights mean?”

“Come on, Autumn. You know I’ve had a thing for Lucas for a long time.”

“I know that, but I always thought he wasn’t interested in getting involved. So, Heather, is he a good lay?”

“Autumn, I don’t discuss that stuff with others.”

“Knock it off, Heather. I’m not ‘others.’ This is me, Autumn—the person who helped you get fucked the other day.”

“Autumn, you don’t know that.”

“Yes I do. You fucked all weekend.”
If he fucked Heather, he’ll fuck me again. I’ll make that happen.

“It wasn’t all weekend.”

“Whatever! How many times did he ring your bell?”

“Autumn, why are you preoccupied with Lucas and me?”

“It’s not you and Lucas I’m preoccupied with; it’s your sex I want to know about. How long have you been screwing on the job?”

“If you have to know, we had a quickie in the closet. Satisfied?”

“The question is, are you?”

“This is the last comment about Lucas and me. We have good sex and where this is going is anyone’s guess. He is a private person and hasn’t been looking for a relationship, like you said. We get along well, so time will tell. Period! End of this discussion.”

“Well, I still have questions, but I’ll wait for a better time.”

“There won’t be a better time, Autumn,” responded Heather in a stern voice.

“Bet I can get more information from Lucas.”

“Autumn, leave him alone. I’m going home. You have a good night.”

“Easy for you to say; you got fucked tonight and all I had was a stupid-ass date with a moron who couldn’t find his dick if you handed it to him. Now I have to think about fuckin’ every time I get something from the storeroom.”

“Autumn, cut it out and have a good night.”

On Wednesday, Lucas caught the first flight to Dallas and headed straight to the Global customer service desk, where he was told to report. Once there, he was told to wait for a rep from HR to swing by and pick him up.

After a twenty-minute wait, a nice young lady named Desiree pulled up on a golf cart with “Global Airlines” painted in large letters across the side. Desiree appeared to be in her early twenties. She had long blond hair and blue eyes and was dressed in a dark suit.

“Hi! My name is Desiree Jackson. Are you Lucas Sanders?

“Sure am.”

“Well, climb aboard! Frank Morrison asked me to swing by and pick you up and deliver you to Gil Ferguson, our ops manager. Guess you’re going to fly for us?” Desiree asked.

“That’s my plan.”

“You’ll love Global.”

“I’m sure I will. I’ve been looking forward to this since I was a kid.”

“Sounds like a dream come true.”

“Pretty much,” said Lucas.

When they pulled up in front of a door marked “Operations,” Desiree said, “We’re here. Let me get the door for you.” She scooted out of the cart and proceeded to enter a code to unlock the door. With the door open, Desiree stood back to allow Lucas to enter. She told him, “Go on in and tell the receptionist you are here to see Gil. She’ll take good care of you.”

“Thanks for the ride, Desiree. Have a nice day.”

“Good luck—hope to see you around.”

“Me, too.”

Lucas entered a typical office area—not at all what he’d expected behind a door marked “Operations” at a busy airport. The room was carpeted and had all sorts of pictures hanging on the walls. Some were of the old planes flown when the airline got started, and some were of the new fleet. The atmosphere was warm and pleasant. Lucas proceeded directly to the receptionist, as instructed.

“Hello. I’m Lucas Sanders, here to see Gil Ferguson.”

“Yes, we’ve been waiting for you. Please sign in.” The receptionist pointed to a guest book located on the corner of her desk. “Here is a guest badge you need to wear while in this area. Please have a seat and I’ll tell Gil you are here.”

“Thank you.” Lucas located a comfortable-looking chair and took a seat.

Gil emerged from his office and walked straight up to Lucas. Lucas immediately rose and began walking toward Gil, all the while extending a hand.

“Lucas, how you doing today? Your flight OK?

“Sure was. On the wrong side of the cockpit door, but otherwise fine.”

“I love it. We’ll see what we can do about that. Let’s run back to my office to talk for a while, then we’ll get you out as quick as we can.”

With pleasantries out of the way, Gil and Lucas retreated into Gil’s office.

“So, Lucas, we originally had a start date of September first, but it looked like we would have to move you to November. If you recall, that was the purpose of Frank Morrison’s call several weeks ago.”

“Right. I think that was the worst call I’ve ever received.”

“You’ll feel better after today. Following that conversation, we pulled your file. Based on our previous background check, your interview, and experience, we decided to save a seat for you in that September class. We just have one little issue to clear up. Agreeing to bring you back also triggered another background check, and this time we turned up a pending citation from the feds. What can you tell me about that?”

“OK, here is exactly what happened. My partner and I were flying a Convair 440 with a load of freight. We’ve been flying together for a long time, and although we are both qualified to serve as PIC, Mike has that title and corresponding responsibility—and, I might add, pay. Mike deals with the paperwork component of the flight while I do the preflight and confirm proper loading of the plane. Apparently Mike overlooked the maintenance record one night, because we were both notified several weeks later that we had flown that night without the hundred-hour inspection. In reality, that was not the case. The inspection had been completed, but it had not been entered into the maintenance log we keep in the office. So the maintenance had been done; Mike just missed the fact that it had not been entered into the log. I received that violation letter because we are both qualified as PIC, but the feds didn’t actually know who had that responsibility. I brought a letter from the director of maintenance, confirming that the maintenance had been done. And here is a copy of a letter Mike wrote to the feds explaining that he was acting PIC. According to Dean Weaver at the St. Louis FAA office, this letter will clear me completely.”

BOOK: Dreams Take Flight
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