Dreams of Darkness Rising (72 page)

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Authors: Ross M. Kitson

BOOK: Dreams of Darkness Rising
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“She’s a natural—at all of it. It unnerves me a bit. Look at her swim. She’s never even learnt. It must be the mermaid in her.

“Indeed,” Jem said, stroking his moustache in thought. “I am being over anxious—as is my wont—when I express concern about her uncharacteristic confidence. I can hardly keep up with her ideas. There are clearly depths yet untapped in our protégé.”

“Better hurry and tap her then, mate,” Hunor said with a bawdy laugh.

Jem raised his eyebrows and with a swift gesture sent Hunor hurtling through the air and into the sea with a mammoth splash.

The sound of Jem’s laughter rang out for the first time in weeks.




To be continued in Volume 2: Echoes of Empire’s Lost.





Alcas bread—a spicy bread made with alcas seeds imported from Midlund

Artoria—the great western realm. Post-empire now divided into two nations both ruled by monarchies.

Artorian empire—the second empire(c1300-1700)

Asha—Water father. Elder God.

Azagunta—the isle of thieves in the Sea of Mists. Once a mightymagical nation

Beeros—demon duchess of insanity and lies. Duchess of the Pale

Black Brotherhood—Artorian assassins guild based in Belgo

Burke—a heavy robe favoured by the merchant class in Mirioth

Coalition—the combined councils of the three Mirioth districts

Coonor—City of the Mists, capitol of Eeria

Craven—wolf headed humanoids

Eeria—the easternmost nation. Ruled by a council of nobles.

Eerian empire—the first empire (c 860 to 1060)

Egos—God of courage. A younger god.

Engin—God Of Luck. A younger god. Patron of thieves.

Feldor—the southern Trimenal monarchy. Famed for its vineyards and weather.

Ferenge—mages specialising in combat

Galvorian—the elemental race of earth, from Orio

Ghast—the Vampyr-lords. Dark-mages of great power

Gilibrion—the first high king of Trimena

Goldoria—pious nation, formerly in Trimena

The Godsarm—the warrior inquisition of Goldoria

Gondland—one of the seven tribal nations that united to form Trimena c750am

Hârdan—the Shorvorian warrior caste

Hêtar—a Shorvorian warrior without a lord or master

Imperial—the “common” language, derived from Eerian in the days of the First Empire

Ingor—Demon duke of pain. Duke of the Pale (called Eht-Raa by lizardmen)

Iyrit Crag—the prison of Coonor

Jitkn—the noble ruling class of Shorvoria

Kanshar—the land of the horse lands north of Goldoria.

Karabister—a broker for contracts of servitude

Kevor—the nation which split in c700pm to become Ssinthor andMirioth.Ruled ultimately by dark mages

Kisarti—a warrior caste of ancient Thetoria c. 750am.

Kirit’s eye—a card game from Artoria, originating in the time of the second (Artorian) empire. Suits are named after ancient houses ofArtoria: Valgansi, Idriki, Porosti, Holgorki

Kokis—the gilded city, South Thetoria. Famed for its many theatres

Magnate—‘God-silver.’A rare metal able to hold magical power

Mâlkar—the head of council in one of the three districts of Mirioth

Melange—mages specialising in elemental manipulation

Midlund—the small nation of brewers between Eeria and Mirioth

Mirioth—a nation of traders and weavers. It southern lands are threatened by the Lizardmen of Ssinthor

Moons—four moons. Silver Eerian, Red Pyrian, Green Orion and Blue Aquatonian

Mortis—god of light. The father of all. God of life

Miria—goddess of dark. The mother. Goddess of time

Nekra—goddess of Death and evil. Elder god.

Neobalt—a woman’s dress in Goldoria covering all skin except the face

Netreptan—elemental race of air. Winged humanoids living in Eeria.

Ni-Faris—festival of choosing in Coonor for the entrance to the Air-mages

Nolir—Earth Mother. Elder god

Nurolia—‘new place’- the lands inhabited by the five races

Onor—demon duke of decay. Consort of Nekra. Duke of the pale

Orio—an island far to the west, home to the Galvorians

Pale—The Pale: hell, the underworld. Realm of demons

Paristar—A mage who is on a period of leave from the Order

Pyrios The desert lands to the arid south of Nurolia

The Sacred Knife—a spy network working with the Godsarm in Goldoria

Shorvor—the small island. Feudal. Similar to medieval Japan

The Silent Knife—the Azaguntan assassin’s guild

Shurk—Fire mother. Elder god

Sirgos—demon duchess fear and terror. Duchess of the Pale Subaquan—the elemental race of water. Mer-men and mermaids.

Sugox—Demon duke of disease & Plague. Duke of the Pale

Synod—the Gold Synod:the ruling council of Goldoria

Thetoria—A feudal monarchy renowned for its warring barons. Tindor—God of Pride. A younger god

Torik—Air Father. Elder God

Trimena—the nation formed in c750am from the seven tribes. Included modern Thetoria, Goldoria and Feldor

Unoristara—mage who is absent from the order without leave

Umar—God of Knowledge. A younger god

Valia—Goddess of Love. A younger god

Varistar—a mage who has forsaken his Order and the Codex

Visaline—mages with administrative and bureaucratic responsibility

Xirande—mages with academic and research role

Yarkel—a hairy cattle found in northern Eeria. Famed for its fur and hide

Yris Tu—the druid ritual of initiation




Significant events in the history of Nurolia.


am~ ante-magi            pm ~ post-magi


The Era of Legends


c970 am—settlers from Aquatonia settle the coast of modern Artoria

750 am—The Great Goblin War. Vildor slain by King Gilibrion

749 am—The birth of Trimena

c550 am—the four kingdoms have developed in lands of Artoria

200 am—The beginnings of Kevor


The Era of Magic


0 pm—The discovery of magic by humans. Gift of Gems of Power by Umar

50 pm—The City of Erturia established by the Lochden

65 pm—The Knights of Air form during a Giant attack on Coonor

139 pm—King Valgessin II of Lochden invades Belgo. Nation of Artoria born

162 pm—Keresh and Olgon (two southern kingdoms) fall to north Artoria

162 pm—The Iron Dynasty is established in Artoria, ruling a hundred years251-263 pm—Artoria wars with Aquatonia over Orio263 pm—War of Artorian succession. War with Aquatonia ceases.

282 pm—End of War of Succession; King Otis (the Unfortunate) beginsreign

283 pm—The First War of Brothers begins

285 pm—Goldoria gains its independence from Trimena

285-305 pm—The War of Succession in Trimena. King Echtolin Ivictorious

305 pm—Trimena (now Feldor and Thetoria) re-named Echtolia

325 pm—Barbarians from Foom sack Nth Artoria

326-330 pm—War against the barbarians. Artorian knights formed by Targik I

330-860 pm—The Gilded Age of Artoria

420 pm—The beginnings of the infiltration of Kevor by dark wizards

520 pm—The Second War of Brothers as Feldor fights for independence

524 pm—The Treaty of Flags signed and war ends

524 pm—Prince (now King) Thetorin I establishes Thetoria

690 pm—The Mage Wars: The Fall of Kevor

691 pm—The Mage Wars: The civil war in Azagunta.

691 pm—Tilmoth I comes to power in Eeria upon the death of King Bilroth IX

692 pm—The Plague of Dust devastates Azagunta. The demise of the Cabal

695 pm—The first Codex is written and signed by the four schools


The Era of Empires


792 pm—The first Coalition of the Three Cities forms in Mirioth

861 pm—The First Empire begins under Tilmoth VIII in Eeria

930 pm—The monarchy of Goldoria slain during Eerian occupation

980-1010 pm—The Eerian Empire battles to occupy Artoria (allied with Shorvor)

1010-1059pm—Eerian occupation of Artoria

1059 pm—the collapse of the First Empire.

1059 pm—four houses take power in Artoria: Valgansi, Idriki, Porosti, Holgorki

1060 pm—The church of Mortis gain power in Goldoria

1125 pm—The Synod of Goldoria convene.

1140pm—Tarir’s Dyke begun by Eerian engineers working with Mirioth

1352 pm—The Second (Artorian) Empire begins with the invasion of Feldor

1519 pm—Vildor resurrected during a coup. Irvin III becomes Emperor

1550 pm—Emperor Orix I creates East and West Praetorships in the Empire

1703 pm—Civil war erupts in the Artorian Empire between the two Praetors


The New Age


1706 pm—The Codex of the Magi is rewritten during the Accord of Belgo

1707 pm—The Declaration of Kâlastan establishes the influence of the Guild of Goldsmiths

1722 pm—Treaty of Parok negotiated between Goldoria and Eeria to protect Eerian traders

1773 pm—Declaration of Birin signed after conflict between Eeria andThetoria over the Azure Isles

1865 pm—Statute of Servitude in Eeria greatly diminishes the slave trade

1899-1900pm—The Summer War (4th Goldoria-Thetoria war)

1906 pm—Spring Rising in Thetoria



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The Tower of Bones; by Connie J Japerson

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Table of Contents

Map of North-Western Nurolia. c 1920

Map of South-Western Nurolia. c1920.

Map of North-eastern Nurolia c1920.

Map of South-Eastern Nurolia c1920.

Map of South Goldoria and North Thetoria c1920

Prism Book 1

Prologue  The House of Preparation

Chapter 1 The Air Mage

Chapter 2 Kirit’s Eye

Chapter 3 The Carnival

Chapter 4 Dark Intentions

Chapter 5 The Lamb

Chapter 6 Funerals and Forts.

Chapter 7  Cutting the Cord

Prism Book 2

Chapter 1 The Dead City

Chapter 2 Trial by Fire

Chapter 3 An Unexpected Reunion

Chapter 4 The Half-Ogre

Chapter 5 Defiance

Chapter 6 The Crypt.

Chapter 7 Escape into the Mist.

Chapter 8 Darkness rising

Chapter 9 The Necromancer

Chapter 10 The Feast of Blood

Chapter 11 Blackstone Bridge

Prism Book 3

Chapter 1 The Farm.

Chapter 2 The Wake

Chapter 4 The Barrowlands

Chapter 5 The Sanctuary

Chapter 6  Death in the chapel

Chapter 7 Spectres of the Past

Chapter 8 A Cold Future.

Chapter 9  A Low Profile

Chapter 10 The City of a Hundred Bridges

Chapter 11 Terror at the Ball

Chapter 12 Goldoria City

Chapter 13 Darkness in the City of Gold

Chapter 14 Childhood’s End.

Chapter 15 Blood on Steel

Epilogue The Realisation of Dreams


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