Dreams Ltd (67 page)

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Authors: Veronica Melan

BOOK: Dreams Ltd
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“She met you out of her own initiative.”


“I know.” Drake looked at Hulk, “and you've changed. Not outside, but inside.”


Hulk didn’t know what to say. And what could he say? Anybody would change under pressure. Yes, some time ago he was hot-tempered, more aggressive, but water can smooth the edges of the hardest stones, and that infuriation he felt about Drake’s decision before, was almost gone now. There were times when he thought he would never even talk to him again, the accumulated resentment was so strong, but then he’d come to realise that it just was his immaturity. Only by speaking with each, can other people get a chance to change any situation for the better. He figured that out later.


“Why did you want to see me, Drake?” Hulk scowled looking at the sky, “I’m grateful that you’d changed your mind. Now I am free to do whatever I want.”


“True.” his commander agreed, staring at the former soldier, as if trying to grasp what was on his mind, and how to turn the conversation so they would both like the result, “Have you worked out what you’d like to do in future?”


Hulk didn’t show any emotions - he looked as calm as ever, and didn’t even shrug his shoulders. He didn’t want to admit that he missed his friends and his former life. There was no need to give any additional strings to Drake to manipulate him - he already had enough of them.


Yes, Hulk had been thinking about the future, and he couldn’t find the type of business he could devote himself to. Everything seemed too boring even if it was profitable. He loved his previous lifestyle not for its safety or plentifulness, but for the feeling of unity with his team, for the adrenaline that was bubbling in his blood, for the joy he felt after a successfully completed raid, when he could say to himself - "I’ve done it! We’ve done it". He was not just a trained soldier; he was a natural warrior from birth.


And more than anything else he was missing those nights, when, after another completed task they - hectic and strong- would go to the bar for a chat and a drink and a pat on the back. He missed exhausting training sessions that would suck out the last drop of his energy, but somehow still bringing some incomparable moral satisfaction to his mind. He missed the gun ranges, shooting and accomplishments. He missed the moment when he knew that he was covering someone's back and someone was covering his; when they worked as one.


But he’ll never be a part of that team if he starts with another business.


No, his friends wouldn’t say a word and never show that he became a stranger, but the feeling of unity will be lost. Even if he still attends their gatherings and hears about new jobs, he’ll never be the one who participates in them, and therefore he’d feel uncomfortable and a fake joy from being in the ranks where he actually is not listed anymore. Hulk didn’t want that - to pretend that he was still "one of them".


So, he had to choose, either he was in or out - there were no other options.


Hulk never asked who they’d replaced him with and was now regretting it. They couldn’t have worked for three years without a sensor, could they?


But he didn’t mention any of it to Drake. The “Area 33” has taught them well when they should remain silent and when to speak.


“No, I have not yet worked that one out.” he said shortly, in order to say something, so the silence wouldn’t seem rude.


They had reached the end of the lane and turned into one of the side alleys. It was empty and quiet.


“Then that's what I want to tell you.” Drake suddenly stopped. Hulk turned to the chief and also slowed down, “I haven’t found a replacement for you. Not sure whether it’s a good thing or not, but I searched and searched but I just couldn’t find one. Yes, there were some candidates, but they didn’t show anywhere near your impressive results and the team didn’t accept them. Therefore, if you want to come back, the doors are open for you.”


This time Hulk tried his hardest to hold his emotions back. Only his heart bumped loudly from the ray of hope. Only his wounded pride was still there in the same old place like a splinter, not allowing him to grab this opportunity hovering in front of his nose. There was only one organisation like that in the all the Levels. And only one team like that. God knows, Hulk really wanted to just open his mouth and say “yes”, but yet he couldn’t, and he almost hated himself for this weakness.


Drake seemed to notice it. He peered into Hulk’s eyes and somehow transformed from this impenetrable commander into almost a human.


“Get back to us”. He said unusually quietly, “I'd be happy if you came back as I’m sure the guys would be. As for me, I can promise a generous increase to your salary and an apology cake for you and Shereen.”


And not waiting for an answer he turned around and walked off. Hulk saw his clothes changing – the silver trousers slowly replaced the faded jeans, and a second later a matching jacket with a white stripe on the sleeves complemented the suit. Where did his plain clothing go?


The grey car was waiting for Drake behind the fence; he sat in it without looking back. The door shut and the engine started.


Watching it, Hulk was still standing in the middle of an empty alley, breathing in damp air. The old splinter that was causing him pain suddenly disappeared and his healed pride, like a new copper water tank was now shining in a light of this sudden relief.


Shereen will enjoy the cake - silly but happy thoughts came to mind, and a salary increase is always a good thing.


Smiling, Hulk headed towards the exit of the park with a springy gait. There was no rush, but his raised to the sky spirits made him want to run, and Hulk, following that sudden impulse, raced ahead at a full speed, just like he did a long time ago, when life was easy, and there were only joy and freedom in his heart.


He asked me to return. He said that he hadn’t found a replacement!


It felt great to run, just like that, without choosing a specific direction, giving in to the bursting energy. Life gave him a second chance and presented it so beautifully, without asking for anything in return.


Hulk knew that Drake will be waiting for him, as he knew that he’ll go back.




A week later I was hanging on Hulks neck and squealing joyfully.


“Is it true?! That you decided to go back?”


“Not just decided, but I’ve already got my ammunition and all the documents that I am on a new rate of pay.”


Hulk’s face shone brighter than a sunny day. This morning he went to see Drake at the office and just returned home a few minutes ago, unbelievably happy, bursting with strength and confidence.


“The training will begin in two weeks, and today we will have a magnificent banquet. The guys will come. Ren will bring his girlfriend, so you’ll have some female company.”


I sighed happily and looked at his smiling face. It was great to see him like that - solid, agile and without deep weariness in his eyes. Now he was glowing from within.


“How is everything going at the new shop? Have you already mastered the new territory?”


He was talking about a place that he, without me knowing, bought in "Somerset" - an incredibly expensive shopping centre I used to visit sometimes after work. Only the most expensive and prestigious boutiques were located there. One evening Hulk just brought the documents saying that he bought a space there and I could set up a new shop if I wanted to. I won’t go on about the amount of joy that his gift made me feel. I’ve been thinking about the expansion for a while now, and Hulk’s acquisition met all the requirements perfectly. This mischief didn’t want to confess the price he paid for it, no matter how hard I tried to extort it out of him, so I gave up these useless attempts and began to happily develop a new business plan. Linda was the second person who almost cried with delight when she learnt that I needed a manager to lead our new branch.


There was so much to do, but it was nice, exciting and inspirational.


“The interior decorators are working there now, they won’t finish until Monday, so there is no need for me to go there. Linda is managing them.”


“Great! Do you think we can prepare everything for tonight’s party?”


My enthusiasm was boundless. I nodded confidently.


“I know who can cook heaps of tasty food for a crowd of people. Can you guess?”


Hulk laughed.


“Do you have her phone number?”


“Of course!”


A minute later I was dialling the number of one of my best friends.


“Tabitha? Hi! Do you think you could help me out today? Such a gluttonous bunch is going to be here tonight, so I have to cook in large numbers.”


The joyful female voice answered.


“What? Yes, I have some large pots. Will you come to help? I owe you a raspberry pie!”


An hour after she arrived, she was seething with energy and looking younger than ever.


The doorbell rang again.


It was a delivery service, they brought a huge, tiered cake, decorated with white icing and flowers, which I have only ever seen in “Luxury desserts” catalogues. I took out the note, and then turned to Hulk in surprise.


“It says only two words From Drake.”




And he smiled, like the cat who’d got the cream.


A week later.


Hulk enjoyed a hot summer evening, sitting on one of the benches by the shore and watching people. The sea was calm, almost lazy, allowing the beachgoers to relish a late night swim in the warm salty water. The taut palm’s trunks were creaking on the wind; music was playing at the coastal cafes. Cocktails, short skirts and colourful swimwear, tanned guys accompanied their no less tanned ladies – some home, some to the nearest luxury car in order to continue their night elsewhere.


Paradise. This place was a beautiful tropical paradise for those who loved to swim not only in the sea, but also in money.


There were no primitive houses. All villas were divided in three categories - expensive, very expensive, and unbelievable expensive.


Hulk smiled. Almost gentle and relaxed. Then he took out a cigar, bought specially for this occasion; lit it, exhaled a cloud of smoke in the tropical humid air and looked around again.


It felt good being here. The climate was allowing people to enjoy the summer all year round, and the temperature of the sea water, even during the coolest days would never go below twenty-three degrees.


And Alex Viver was living in this paradise for three months. Alex, who caused this whole adventure to happen - the money, Shereen, Tally, Hulk and his freedom to follow.


Hulk was grateful. But while his other half was convinced that there was nothing good about the revenge, Hulk thought that it was ignoble to let people who loved to live in such places at someone else’s expense, go unpunished.


Injustice must be always punished and things like that had to be fixed, sometimes, fixed in the most "sophisticated" way. More so, the plan had been prepared a long time ago, and has just been waiting to be put into action.


Hulk followed another couple with his eyes - a woman in high heels, walking a tiny dog, and her muscular companion, and grinned - what a show-off and how cheap. Vile bling, pulling the wool over people’s eyes - could anybody really like this lifestyle?


He still had two hours before catching his plane and he could allow himself to enjoy the sunset, feeling the breeze rustling the sleeves of his light cotton shirt, decorated with boats.


Everything went just fine. Even more than that, it went brilliantly.


Tomorrow precious Alex will learn that his life has changed irreversibly and for good. Just with a click of the fingers, it made a sharp turn in completely the wrong direction. And the show will begin with him finding his new girlfriend wallowing in bed with her fitness instructor in Alex’s own bedroom. It didn’t take much to find out that Lillian - the girl from those photos that he showed Shereen, was having a fling with the muscular Claudio. Whether Viver screwed up as a lover or Lillian appeared to be a bit slutty or just couldn’t walk past a good looking guy - Hulk didn’t care, but it was easy to discover her private secrets.


A short conversation with Claudio was rather successful. The handsome guy was short of money and for a hundred dollars he quickly agreed to meet Lillian at her home next time.

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