Dreams among Stars (2 page)

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Authors: Pirx Danford

BOOK: Dreams among Stars
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And this in turn means that there has to be a functioning supply of energy.


So the data connection to the waking area had been cut.

I try to come up with reasons why something like that should happen and try to find hints in the system protocols.

Maybe one of my predecessors has left a clue.

But nothing.

Merely one odd part of the puzzle shows up, all ship data has been kept current until 225 years before.

Actually at that time all ship systems were working, some areas which had wear within the expected parameters needed an inspection or replacement, but nothing truly critical was to be found.


My search for further data traces from that time yields an interesting protocol entry, which logged an attempt to circumvent the opening mechanism of the waking area. It was a hasty hacking attempt, which resulted in activating the automatic defense systems.


With a queasy feeling I check if I am able to access the cameras of the exit area. To my relief no battleground is to be seen, yet why should my fellow space travelers - the “active staff” - try to breach the isolation?

According to the system protocols the outside data connections had been cut shortly after the failed hacking attempt and there are records of subsequent tries to enter by brute force.

With an uneasy suspicion I analyze the dates of the entries.

The schedule designated the awakening of maintenance technicians like me each 25 year.

Actually at the last 4 awakenings there had been attacks or other events which resulted in the defense systems becoming activated.

Right then I decide to arm myself before going out there.

The policy expected the maintenance technicians to regularly submit reports, obviously this became impossible after the data connection had been cut, but what about the time before the last 225 years?

With that thought I find the last report, which dates back 227 years.


It got late and I resolve to read the report directly after waking.

I barely used Marples services throughout this day, but remember that she uttered soothing statements, when my physical readings indicated a critical mental state.

At dinner she addresses me unexpectedly “Helen my darling, the main computer would like to advance a proposal to you.” With her words the strange dream from last night comes to my mind, but I signal my attention. “I presented your health data to the main computer and the analysis of your increased stress levels in correlation to the data you accessed at that time, results in the conclusion that your stress has been caused by the data entries about the cut of the data connection.” This was pretty obvious and I decide to silently wait for her next words “Throughout the last awakenings the standard operating procedures have been dutifully followed, which for you would signify that tomorrow is your last day in the waking area. However all of the last four awakened personnel had been armed at exit time and directly after the discharge heavy battles have taken place.” A bitter taste fills my mouth, while Marple continues “It is obvious that the permanent ships staff around the exit area has become very aggressive. We do have recordings of the last exit attempts. Since the main computer did show these recordings to the last two awakened technicians, which discharged on the sixth day anyway, it suggests that you should consider taking more time.”

My relief had to be distinctly measurable, because Marple tells me with a very soft voice “Get some rest my dear - I have notified the main computer of your consent.”


With mixed feelings I seek out my cod, but Marple displays a map and directs me to another room, which contains a real bed.

Only my fatigue is stronger than my appreciation as I let myself fall on the soft mattress. “Sweet dreams” says Marple as I remove her and I fall fast asleep.


With relief I wake up without remembering any kind of dream.

What kind of silliness is it with the beautiful stars? To strengthen my confidence, I decide to change my plans for today.

Investigations can wait, now I want to know what kind of weapon arsenal I have available and also I will have to train myself to use them effectively.

There are quite some brutal uses for nanite maintenance robots, but in a real battle there is barely any time to employ programming skills.


Show me the armory Marple” with these words I greet my glasses.

Dutifully she displays the directions, which I follow.

The room I arrive in offers weapons that would suffice to arm a complete army.

For now I pick an energy blade and a normal blade made of a very strong alloy, also I take a pistol with smart ammunition. After some hesitation I chose to grab a sniper rifle for good measure.

At breakfast I keep fondling the pistol lost in thoughts, its weird but to be armed gives me a feeling of safety.

However, this safety is deceptive, as my predecessors sufficiently demonstrated.


By now my body is as fit as it was before I was put into cryogenic sleep.

For a technician I was in pretty good shape back then, once I even finished a marathon a bit under three hours.

Yet I never trained knife fighting before, the improvised training program raises my doubts about this truly being a good idea.

The training with the pistol though manages to raise my confidence again.

My depth perception is working splendidly and my reaction time is sufficient to even hit fast moving targets.

For now I waive trying out the sniper rifle.

After exploring my abilities it is high time to find out about the opposition I have to face, what is it that I have to prepare for?


Marple applauds my performance, while I seek out a comfy place to continue my investigation.

Before watching the recordings I read the last available report.


Maintenance report on the 23 of March in the year 4612, Bernhard Nwosu:

The trouble with the canalization is shaping up to a dramatic scale.

Sadly there have been some miscalculations about the abilities of the permanent active staff, expressly in regards to maintaining the systems throughout such a long-term duration. Within the enclosed attachment are contained my suggested improvements for the next generation space ship our descendants might want to construct in the future. In particular the ship systems need to become even more self-sustaining and less dependent from human maintenance.

The societies which formed themselves aboard in the course of time are quite fascinating, but are very variously developed in regards to their ability to maintain the systems.

Nonetheless all systems are functional and I am very confident about the ship reaching the destination.

Additionally attached is a list of spare parts the next awakened technician should bring along.


Neither the improvement suggestions, which sound very reasonable, nor in the spare parts list I can find any explanation about the escalated situation.

At the time of the report everything seemed to be working well.

The functioning water supply indicates that the problems that have been mentioned could be resolved.


Very well, maybe the camera recordings are able to deliver the answers that keep eluding me.


The first recording from 100 years ago proves to be quite unhelpful, a young man, which obviously had been put into cryostasis directly after finishing his degree, looks around nervously while leaving the exit.

Nothing is happening at first and apparently he does not see anything unusual.

Suddenly he gets startled and is looking towards a close by grove at the left.

Someone is hailing, a very low sound of a female voice is audible.

At least I believe its female.

He gathers himself and keeps his pistol primed, while carefully moving towards the grove.

Shortly before he arrives a very loud racket arises, it could very well be caterwauling from many throats.

Something hits the young lad and he crumples to the ground, from the right side a large horde of attackers closes in, then the defensive turrets activate.

The following bloodbath is as cruel as pointless and I wonder what lunacy has befallen the humans aboard.


In the second recording a man in his prime is leaving the exit area with an authoritative stride.

Sure-footed he scrutinizes his surroundings. Marple mentions that he refused to watch the recording of the previous attack. Something catches his attention and he raises a rifle and takes aim.

After witnessing the unfolding events I am torn which recording is more gruesome.

After only a very short pause he shoots and continues to do so, while moving away from the exit.

The grove I saw earlier is gone by now.

In the distance I can sometimes see persons, which fall one by one - I am unable to comprehend this man, either fright drove him crazy or he is completely without any scruples.

Without asking any questions he just mows down every human shape which is visible.

I almost feel relieved when finally an arrow pierces him.

When some of the people try to get to the fallen technician the turrets prevent them from coming close to him.


The next recording shows a young woman, probably also fresh from the academy, which is not acting as brutal. She is kneeling rifle at the ready.

When someone hails from the distance she yells back “Do you come in peace?” the reply seems to satisfy her, as she is lowering her rifle and moves away from the exit. A group of uniformed soldiers is coming closer someone yelling “… o intent to harm.” Suddenly one of the soldiers points “Attention, there are rebels!” and while the soldiers take formation against the out of frame enemy I can hear the shrill shrieking of the woman “You mustn’t fight here!” while she is shaking the troop leaders arm.


He shakes her off and she takes to her heels and tries putting as much distance between the soldiers and herself. I root for her and while the both troops clash and massacre each other assisted by the defensive turrets, which have sprung to life by now, she seems to have a chance.

Suddenly the troop leader of the soldiers appears from the raging mass and my breath halts as with the drill of a veteran warrior he sends a spear towards the path of the awakened woman.


She has no chance and this recording ends as the two before with tragic - no idiotic carnage.


But I was able to learn something new.

There are organized humans, a faction that sends soldiers and a faction that sends rebels to watch the exit, so at least two groups are out there.

But how the hell could some troubles with the canalization result in such heavy social problems?

And why all these primitive weapons?


Before drawing premature conclusions I decide to watch the latest video.

But first I have a small break and drink some nutritional paste, which lies heavily in my stomach, while the gruesome images float through my head.

You poor thing” Marple tells me “I am so sorry you have
to watch all this, but we really hope you manage to survive out there.”


The technician in the latest recording is a portly old man, which I do imagine probably even bribed someone to get a place on the ship. Nonetheless he would need to have the abilities needed to actually fulfill a maintenance technicians duties.

His strategy seems to bear fruit, right after exiting he activates an energy shield.

After slowly taking in the scenery he yells “I know you are out there! Show yourselves - I want to negotiate!”

Low calls are audible and after a while an unarmed elderly soldier is nearing, wearing the familiar uniform. Now I am able to distinguish that it consists of red and blue squares and that he wears something like chain mail above it. This relapse into barbarianism stirs sadness within me.

With a difficult to understand dialect the soldier reassures my colleague from the past that no harm to him is intended and that the threat from the rebels has been eliminated.

To the question against what the rebels where rebelling the soldier only replies that the Benefactor could answer this and all further questions.

This reply yields a very dissatisfied from the technician, but apparently he still decides to come along with the company.

After the group leaves the line of sight Marple exclaims “The next 15 minutes nothing happens, but then we recorded this sequence” the empty landscape extends on the screen, then suddenly a loud bang shakes the screen and shortly after I see one, two no at least five burning people running in the distance and then thrashing themselves on the ground.


Its becoming pretty clear that heavy arms are insufficient to overcome the dangers outside.

Nonetheless I fetch multiple energy shields from the arsenal.


The rest of the day I spend with endurance training, while I ponder the freshly attained knowledge.

In a fit of heroism I decide that my discoveries have to provide a better survival chance to my successor.


Marple and I concur with the assumption that the witnessed conflict has taken hold of a large portion if not even the whole of the ship. Possibly even more than the two already witnessed groups are preparing for the exit of us awakened technicians, taking place every 25 years predictable as a clockwork.

With such amassed concentration of conflicting powers all around the exit my chances are looking very grim, to say the are slim would mean playing it down.

I figure that speed could be key to survival, considering the primitive state of technology on board the best course of action might even be to exit in the midst of the night.

Regrettably I cannot take too much equipment with me, else I would be weighed down far too much.

The main computer suggests an alternation of my mission parameters.

It was not envisaged that the data connection could be cut, so to mend the situation the main computer would like me to reconnect it.

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