Dreams A-Z (36 page)

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Authors: Gustavus Hindman Miller

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A broken rudder, augurs disappointment and sickness.

Ruins To dream of ruins, signifies broken engagements to lovers, distressing conditions in business, destruction to crops, and failing health. To dream of ancient ruins, foretells that you will travel extensively, but there will be a note of sadness mixed with the pleasure in the realization of a long-cherished hope. You will feel the absence of some friend.

Rum To dream of drinking rum, foretells that you will have wealth, but will lack moral refinement, as you will lean to gross pleasures.

See other intoxicating drinks.

Running To dream of running in company with others, is a sign that you will participate in some festivity, and you will find that your affairs are growing towards fortune. If you stumble or fall, you will lose property and reputation.

Running alone, indicates that you will outstrip your friends in the race for wealth, and you will occupy a higher place in social life.

If you run from danger, you will be threatened with losses, and you will despair of adjusting matters agreeably. To see others thus running, you will be oppressed by the threatened downfall of friends.

To see stock running, warns you to be careful in making new trades or undertaking new tasks.

Rupture To dream that you are ruptured, denotes you will have physical disorders or disagreeable contentions. If it be others you see in this condition, you will be in danger of irreconcilable quarrels.

Rust To dream of rust on articles, old pieces of tin, or iron, is significant of depression of your surroundings. Sickness, decline in fortune and false friends are filling your sphere.

Rye To see rye, is a dream of good, as prosperity envelopes your future in brightest promises.

To see coffee made of rye, denotes that your pleasures will be tempered with sound judgment, and your affairs will be managed without disagreeable friction.

To see stock entering rye fields, denotes that you will be prosperous.

Rye Bread To see or eat rye bread in your dreams, foretells you will have a cheerful and well-appointed home.


Saddle To dream of saddles, foretells news of a pleasant nature, also unannounced visitors. You are also, probably, to take a trip which will prove advantageous.

Safe To dream of seeing a safe, denotes security from discouraging affairs of business and love.

To be trying to unlock a safe, you will be worried over the failure of your plans not reaching quick maturity.

To find a safe empty, denotes trouble.

Saffron Saffron seen in a dream warns you that you are entertaining false hopes, as bitter enemies are interfering secretly with your plans for the future.

To drink a tea made from saffron, foretells that you will have quarrels and alienations in your family.

Sage To dream of sage, foretells thrift and economy will be practised by your servants or family. For a woman to think she has too much in her viands, omens she will regret useless extravagance in love as well as fortune.

Sailing To dream of sailing on calm waters, foretells easy access to blissful joys, and immunity from poverty and whatever brings misery.

To sail on a small vessel, denotes that your desires will not excel your power of possessing them.

See Ocean and Sea.

Sailor To dream of sailors, portends long and exciting journeys.

For a young woman to dream of sailors, is ominous of a separation from her lover through a frivolous flirtation. If she dreams that she is a sailor, she will indulge in some unmaidenly escapade, and be in danger of losing a faithful lover.

Salad To dream of eating salad, foretells sickness and disagreeable people around you.

For a young woman to dream of making it, is a sign that her lover will be changeable and quarrelsome.

Salmon Dreaming of salmon, denotes that much good luck and pleasant duties will employ your time.

For a young woman to eat it, foretells that she will marry a cheerful man, with means to keep her comfortable.

Salt Salt is an omen of discordant surroundings when seen in dreams. You will usually find after dreaming of salt that everything goes awry, and quarrels and dissatisfaction show themselves in the family circle.

To salt meat, portends that debts and mortgages will harass you.

For a young woman to eat salt, she will be deserted by her lover for a more beautiful and attractive girl, thus causing her deep chagrin.

Saltpeter To dream of saltpeter, denotes change in your living will add loss to some unconquerable grief.

Salve To dream of salve, denotes you will prosper under adverse circumstances and convert enemies into friends.

Samples To dream of receiving merchandise samples, denotes improvement in your business. For a traveling man to lose his samples, implies he will find himself embarrassed in business affairs, or in trouble through love engagements. For a woman to dream that she is examining samples sent her, denotes she will have chances to vary her amusements.

Sand To dream of sand, is indicative of famine and losses.

Sanskrit To dream of Sanskrit, denotes that you will estrange yourself from friends in order to investigate hidden subjects, taking up those occupying the minds of cultured and progressive thinkers.

Sapphire To dream of sapphire, is ominous of fortunate gain, and to woman, a wise selection in a lover.

Sardines To eat sardines in a dream, foretells that distressing events will come unexpectedly upon you.

For a young woman to dream of putting them on the table, denotes that she will be worried with the attentions of a person who is distasteful to her.

Sardonyx To dream of sardonyx, signifies gloomy surroundings will be cleared away by your energetic overthrow of poverty. For a woman, this dream denotes an increase in her possessions, unless she loses or throws them away, then it might imply a disregard of opportunities to improve her condition.

Sash To dream of wearing a sash, foretells that you will seek to retain the affections of a flirtatious person.

For a young woman to buy one, she will be faithful to her lover, and win esteem by her frank, womanly ways.

Satan To dream of Satan, foretells that you will have some dangerous adventures, and you will be forced to use strategy to keep up honorable appearances.

To dream that you kill him, foretells that you will desert wicked or immoral companions to live upon a higher plane.

If he comes to you under the guise of literature, it should be heeded as a warning against promiscuous friendships, and especially flatterers.

If he comes in the shape of wealth or power, you will fail to use your influence for harmony, or the elevation of others.

If he takes the form of music, you are likely to go down before his wiles.

If in the form of a fair woman, you will probably crush every kindly feeling you may have for the caresses of this moral monstrosity.

To feel that you are trying to shield yourself from satan, denotes that you will endeavor to throw off the bondage of selfish pleasure, and seek to give others their best deserts.

See Devil.

Sausage To dream of making sausage, denotes that you will be successful in many undertakings.

To eat them, you will have a humble, but pleasant home.

Saw To dream that you use a hand-saw, indicates an energetic and busy time, and cheerful home life.

To see big saws in machinery, foretells that you will superintend a big enterprise, and the same will yield fair returns. For a woman, this dream denotes that she will be esteemed, and her counsels will be heeded.

To dream of rusty or broken saws, denotes failure and accidents.

To lose a saw, you will engage in affairs which will culminate in disaster.

To hear the buzz of a saw, indicates thrift and prosperity.

To find a rusty saw, denotes that you will probably restore your fortune.

To carry a saw on your back, foretells that you will carry large, but profitable, responsibilities.

Sawdust To dream of sawdust, signifies that grievous mistakes will cause you distress and quarreling in your home.

Scabbard To dream of a scabbard, denotes some misunderstanding will be amicably settled. If you wonder where your scabbard can be, you will have overpowering difficulties to meet.

Scaffold To dream of a scaffold, denotes that you will undergo keen disappointment in failing to secure the object of your affection.

To ascend one, you will be misunderstood and censured by your friends for some action, which you never committed.

To decend one, you will be guilty of wrong doing, and you will suffer the penalty.

To fall from one, you will be unexpectedly surprised while engaged in deceiving and working injury to others.

Scaldhead To see any one with a scaldhead in your dreams, there will be uneasiness felt over the

sickness or absence of some one near to you.

If you dream that your own head is thus afflicted, you are in danger of personal illness or accidents.

Scalding To dream of being scalded, portends that distressing incidents will blot out pleasurable anticipations.

Scales To dream of weighing on scales, portends that justice will temper your conduct, and you will see your prosperity widening.

For a young woman to weigh her lover, the indications are that she will find him of solid worth, and faithfulness will balance her love.

Scandal To dream that you are an object of scandal, denotes that you are not particular to select good and true companions, but rather enjoy having fast men and women contribute to your pleasure. Trade and business of any character will suffer dulness after this dream.

For a young woman to dream that she discussed a scandal, foretells that she will confer favors, which should be sacred, to some one who will deceive her into believing that he is honorably inclined. Marriage rarely follows swiftly after dreaming of scandal.

Scarcity To dream of scarcity, foretells sorrow in the household and failing affairs.

Scarlet Fever To dream of scarlet fever, foretells you are in danger of sickness, or in the power of an enemy. To dream a relative dies suddenly with it, foretells you will be overcome by villainous treachery.

Sceptre To imagine in your dreams that you wield a sceptre, foretells that you will be chosen by friends to positions of trust, and you will not disappoint their estimate of your ability.

To dream that others wield the sceptre over you, denotes that you will seek employment under the supervision of others, rather than exert your energies to act for yourself.

School To dream of attending school, indicates distinction in literary work. If you think you are young and at school as in your youth, you will find that sorrow and reverses will make you sincerely long for the simple trusts and pleasures of days of yore.

To dream of teaching a school, foretells that you will strive for literary attainments, but the bare necessities of life must first be forthcoming.

To visit the schoolhouse of your childhood days, portends that discontent and discouraging incidents overshadows the present.

School Teacher To dream of a school teacher, denotes you are likely to enjoy learning and amusements in a quiet way. If you are one, you are likely to reach desired success in literary and other works.

Scissors To dream of scissors is an unlucky omen; wives will be jealous and distrustful of their husbands, and sweethearts will quarrel and nag each other into crimination and recrimination. Dulness will overcast business horizons.

To dream that you have your scissors sharpened, denotes that you will work to do that which will be repulsive to your feelings.

To break them, there will be quarrels, and probable separations for you.

To lose them, you will seek to escape from unpleasant tasks.

Scorpion To dream of a scorpion, foretells that false friends will improve opportunities to undermine your prosperity. If you fail to kill it, you will suffer loss from an enemy's attack.

Scrap-book To dream of a scrap-book, denotes disagreeable acquaintances will shortly be made.

Scratch To scratch others in your dream, denotes that you will be ill-tempered and fault-finding in your dealings with others.

If you are scratched, you will be injured by the enmity of some deceitful person.

Scratch Head To dream that you scratch your head, denotes strangers will annoy you by their flattering attentions, which you will feel are only shown to win favors from you.

Screech-Owl To dream that you hear the shrill startling notes of the screech-owl, denotes that you will be shocked with news of the desperate illness, or death of some dear friend.

Screw To dream of seeing screws, denotes that tedious tasks must be performed, and peevishness in companions must be combated. It also denotes that you must be economical and painstaking.

Sculptor To dream of a sculptor, foretells you will change from your present position to one less lucrative, but more distinguished.

For a woman to dream that her husband or lover is a sculptor, foretells she will enjoy favors from men of high position.

Scum To dream of scum, signifies disappointment will be experienced by you over social defeats.

Scythe To dream of a scythe, foretells accidents or sickness will prevent you from attending to your affairs, or making journeys. An old or broken scythe, implies separation from friends, or failure in some business enterprise.

Sea To dream of hearing the lonely sighing of the sea, foretells that you will be fated to spend a weary and unfruitful life devoid of love and comradeship.

Dreams of the sea, prognosticate unfulfilled anticipations, while pleasures of a material form are enjoyed, there is an inward craving for pleasure that flesh cannot requite.

For a young woman to dream that she glides swiftly over the sea with her lover, there will come to her sweet fruition of maidenly hopes, and joy will stand guard at the door of the consummation of changeless vows.

See Ocean.

Sea Foam For a woman to dream of sea foam, foretells that indiscriminate and demoralizing pleasures will distract her from the paths of rectitude. If she wears a bridal veil of sea foam, she will engulf herself in material pleasure to the exclusion of true refinement and innate modesty. She will be likely to cause sorrow to some of those dear to her, through their inability to gratify her ambition.

Seal To dream that you see seals, denotes that you are striving for a place above your power to maintain.

Dreams of seals usually show that the dreamer has high aspirations and discontent will harass him into struggles to advance his position.

Seamstress To see a seamstress in a dream, portends you will be deterred from making pleasant visits by unexpected luck.

Seaport To dream of visiting a seaport, denotes that you will have opportunities of traveling and acquiring knowledge, but there will be some who will object to your anticipated tours.

Seat To think, in a dream, that some one has taken your seat, denotes you will be tormented by people calling on you for aid. To give a woman your seat, implies your yielding to some fair one's artfulness.

Secret Order To dream of any secret order, denotes a sensitive and excited organism, and the owner should cultivate practical and unselfish ideas and they may soon have opportunities for honest pleasures, and desired literary distinctions.

There is a vision of selfish and designing friendships for one who joins a secret order.

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