Dreaming of Mr. Darcy (29 page)

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Authors: Victoria Connelly

BOOK: Dreaming of Mr. Darcy
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Many thanks to my lovely agent, Annette Green, who has been hidden under a pile of manuscripts since taking me on!

To Kate Bradley, Helen Bolton, Charlotte Allen, and the rest of the marvellous team at Avon. And to Deb Werksman and the team at Sourcebooks. I love working with you all.

Thanks to Clive and Sheila Anstey for their peaceful cottage, where it's always a pleasure to write, and to Tracey Marler for her perfect place in Lyme Regis.

To Natalie Manifold at the marvellous Literary Lyme Walking Tours, which I highly recommend.

To Teresa Flavin and Lynne Garner for their expertise on illustrations, and to Kath Eastman—an expert quotation finder.

To my dear friend, Gael, who is such an inspiration.

To Jo Terry for introducing me to lemon drizzle cake.

To Ann Channon and the team at the Jane Austen's House Museum in Chawton for their enthusiasm and support.

And to my wonderful friends on Twitter and Facebook—especially Heather Zerfahs and Emma Dye, who helped me choose Oli's car. And to my lovely friends at
—a wonderful website for Janeites.

And, as ever, huge thanks to my husband, Roy. I'm so lucky that he loves Lyme Regis as much as I do.

About the Author

Victoria Connelly was brought up in Norfolk and studied English literature at Worcester University before becoming a teacher in North Yorkshire. After getting married in a medieval castle in the Yorkshire Dales, she moved to London, where she lives with her artist husband and a mad Springer spaniel.

She has three novels published in Germany, and the first,
, was made into a film. Victoria and her husband flew out to Berlin to see it being filmed and got to be extras in it. Her first novel in the UK,
Molly's Millions
, is a romantic comedy about a lottery winner who gives it all away.

Mr. Darcy
is second in a trilogy about Jane Austen addicts, which is a wonderful excuse to read all the books and watch all the gorgeous film and TV adaptations again. First in the trilogy is
Mr. Darcy

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