Read Dreaming of Jizzy Online

Authors: Y. Falstaff

Tags: #Fiction, #erotica, #Fantasy

Dreaming of Jizzy (15 page)

BOOK: Dreaming of Jizzy
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“There he is! There is the cat thief! Get him!” the villa owner shouted, pointing him out.


Scared out of his mind, Rick just reacted, and he pointed his shotgun down the lane and pulled the trigger. The loud bang of his shotgun and the resulting blast sent the giants ducking, and they disappeared completely from view as they dived out of the way of his peppering blast.


“By Kull, what was that!?” breathed one of the giants in shock.


“I don't know?! Perhaps he has some kind of crude hand-cannon?!” breathed another.


“That's right, bitches! Show your faces again, and I'll blow your fucking heads off!” Rick threatened, and then for good measure, he pumped the gun and shot it again down the open alleyway.


Rick knew that he couldn't hope to hold off an army of giants, and the next minute, he heard two whistles down the alleyway blowing repeatedly.


“I'll go get more help!” Rick heard the villa owner cry out a heartbeat later.


“Tell them to bring the hounds!” urged one of the Constables.


“Fuck! How am I going to get out of this mess?” Rick thought out loud, looking for a window low enough that he might be able to jump into in order to escape.


The only problem with that plan was all the nearby windows were on the second and third stories only. Now that his shotgun blasts had shattered the peace of the festival-like atmosphere, Rick could now hear people screaming and running for their lives nearby. It sounded like wherever he was, he was surrounded by dozens of people on all sides, but he just couldn't see them because he was deep in this alleyway. Then, just as he thought to shoot another blast down the lane for good measure, Rick heard something that made him stop.


“Meow!” came Kitty's urgent voice behind him.


Spinning around, Rick saw that Kitty was no longer directly behind him, but she had somehow managed to scale the high wall at the end of the alleyway, and she was offering her hand down to him to pull him up. Without a second thought, Rick dashed down the dozen or so feet to the wall, and he jumped up and seized Kitty's hand. With strength that belied her petite body, Kitty then grit her teeth and pulled him up onto the top of the wall with her.


“Fuck, you're strong, Kitty!” Rick breathed, seating himself on the wall that was easily a few feet thick.


“He's trying to escape!” suddenly shouted one of the Constables at the far end of the alley, peeking his fat head around the corner.


“I warned you, asshole!” Rick shouted, and he hastily pointed his shotgun down the narrow lane and pulled the trigger again.


The Constable's frightened face immediately disappeared behind the wall though, and Rick saw buckshot pepper the ground and the alabaster wall of the alleyway instead.


“Meow!” Rick heard Kitty urge a moment later, and he looked up and saw that she had now scrambled onto a neighboring roof and was once again offering her hand down to him.


Standing and taking her hand, Rick was pulled up onto the tiled roof of the adjoining villa, and the two of them then stood and started off over the steep grade of the roof. Behind him, Rick could hear whistles blaring, voices calling out, and people screaming in terror. Though the giants might have been tall, they didn't appear to have a remedy for his loud hand-cannon. As he scrambled through the city over roofs, down garden terraces, and through narrow alleyways and into the evening with Kitty by his side, Rick was at least thankful that he had brought along good ole Betty Buckshot.








To Rick's horror, he found out very quickly that he wasn't only in a single villa full of giants, but that singular villa was within an entire walled city full of giants. With Kitty leading the way, Rick raced after the agile feline and just managed to keep up with her. In all honesty, she moved so quickly and seemingly with little effort, Rick thought she could have very easily raced far ahead of him and abandoned him if she had wanted to. But she didn't, and Rick was thankful for that. After fleeing over rooftops, through flower-filled gardens, and skirting by a bizarre filled with colorful tents and equally colorfully dressed giants, the two dropped down into a narrow sewer tunnel and fled under the white-walled city and into darkness.


While the odor of the sewer was initially oppressive and the two raced down tunnels where the floor was literally lined with filth, they very quickly manage to gain some distance from their pursuers once they entered the wretched tunnel system. The sewers were like an enormous labyrinth under the city with a myriad of crisscrossing corridors, and with Kitty beside him, the two very quickly lost their way in their desperation to lose their stubborn tail.


Rick soon found that the noises within the underground maze echoed in strange ways over distances, and at times, he felt like the Constables with their giant barking hounds were just right on their heels, and at other times, their pursuers sounded as if they were miles away. One thing that definitely helped them though was the sewers were dark, and that darkness aided in their escape. In fact, the sewers were so dark in places that he couldn't even see Kitty running right beside him at times. The only light that pierced the emptiness of the tunnels was the outside light streaming down from the iron grates spaced sporadically overhead, so as he ran along, Rick saw ahead of him long stretches of dark corridor punctuated randomly with brief windows of light streaming down from high above. When he took a moment to glance up at these iron bars high overhead, they eerily reminded him of prison, and he had to consciously move his mind away from a reflexive fear that he and Kitty would somehow get lost down there and never find their way out.


Regardless of these fears though, Rick pushed Kitty to keep moving at a fast pace, trying to put as much distance as he could between the two of them and the giants somewhere behind them. It was maybe twenty minutes into their flight into the sewers and after Rick knew that he was clearly lost in the maze of tunnels, that he then heard the terrified screams of the Constables and the painful howling of the hounds on their trail. Their crying voices sounded as if they were being attacked by something, and Rick immediately reached out and seized Kitty's hand. Pulling up to a halt in the dark and intently listening, Rick could distinctly hear the panicked shouts of the Constables and the fearful howling of the hounds for several minutes.


Glancing behind him, Rick could see only a long tunnel that was mostly filled with darkness and punctuated only here and there by light. He didn't see any movement down there though, and after the brief commotion, he heard some words echo down the corridor followed by silence.


“... cursed.... it is cursed... get the seers...!”


Steadying his breath, Rick stood there in the darkness holding Kitty's hand for several more minutes until he didn't hear any more echoing footsteps or barking hounds. Finally, for the first time since being caught in the villa dick-deep inside Kitty, Rick couldn't hear any signs of pursuit. Finally relaxing a little and feeling like he had dodged a real bullet, Rick caught his breath and privately thanked his lucky stars. He honestly couldn't imagine what had caused the Constables to quit their dogged pursuit, but he was thankful for it nonetheless.


With sweat dripping down his face and neck, Rick finally took a few more steps and pulled up under the light of an open grate and took a deserved break. Nearby, Kitty, her ivory flesh layered with glistening sweat, didn't seem nearly as spent from their escape, and she looked over at him with a questioning expression, not understanding why they were stopping.


“I need a break for a minute, Kitty,” Rick answered her unasked question.


Running his empty hand down his face and wiping off many drops of perspiration, Rick quickly ran over their narrow escape in his mind and wasn't honestly quite sure how they had pulled it all off. Recounting all his near-brushes with being captured and seeing giant hands groping for him left and right and hearing giant feet stomping in pursuit, Rick exhaled and shook his head. Really, he was just lucky, and he knew it.


“That wasn't exactly fucking up a client's portfolio transaction at work. Those giant fuckers were out to get me!” Rick spoke out loud to no one but himself.


Through the circular iron grate overhead, Rick could distinctly hear the noises of the city above; the people talking, beasts of burden mewing, birds chirping, and the sounds of that haunting Arabic-like music played from flute-like instruments.


Staring up at the grate a dozen or more feet overhead, Rick then felt Kitty's hand brushing up and down against his penis in his pants again, and even though he was tired, he felt the excited churning of his semen deep in his sack at her gentle strokes.


“Fuck, you're a horny little slut, aren't you?” Rick chuckled, looking down into her intense eyes as she bat her long eyelashes at him invitingly.


As she continued to massage his stiffening penis with her gentle touch, Kitty licked her lips with her little pink tongue and smiled seductively at him. Reaching down though, Rick stilled her hand.


“You know what? We should give it a break for a minute. I still need to figure out what the hell is going on,” Rick told her, and she flashed him a sad expression and tilted her head curiously at him. “Ya, ya, I know it sucks, but I don't know what's going on, Kitty. Why am I freaken here in this city of giants, and where the hell did Asha and Seeka run off to?”


In reaction to his questions, Kitty only shrugged her round shoulders and shook her head.


“So you didn't see them? Two women with four arms? I mean, they are kind of hard not to notice,” Rick asked.


Again, Kitty only shook her head in reply though, but she gave him a pitiful expression, as if she was upset she was letting him down.


“God, I wish you could talk. I don't even know where the hell I am,” Rick grumbled in frustration. “Fuck, I haven't been this lost since I dropped acid when I was college, forgot who I was, and thought my dog was god.”


Kitty only gave him a confused expression in response to his words though.


“I know, crazy right? The real kick was when I went into the bathroom and was watching my face fall off,” Rick continued to explain. “You want to talk about being in a panic.”


In response to his continued rambling, Kitty only stood there under the light streaming down from the grate overhead and waited patiently with a coy smile painted on her cute face. Stopping for a moment and examining the sexy curves of her delicate female form, Rick couldn't help but shake his head.


“Shit! What I wouldn't have given to have you back in my condo,” Rick speculated, chuckling and putting his heavy shotgun up on a ledge to give his arms a break from carrying it. “I wonder if you would have been like other cats and tore up my furniture with your claws? At least I could potty-train you to use the toilet. Ha! I can see you hanging out in my front window all day when I'm at work too. I can just imagine what my uptight neighbors would think!”


Kitty only continued to smile at him in response to his words though, and she put her two hands behind her back and just stood there patiently waiting. Taking a minute then, Rick loaded his shotgun back up with shells out of his backpack, and he thought back on their escape and wondered if he had killed anyone during their flight. He honestly didn't think so, but he couldn't be totally sure? He had peppered plenty of walls and the ground with good ole Betty to scare off their pursuers multiple times, and though he consciously sought to avoid firing directly at anyone, he just couldn't be sure if he had in fact hit anyone? After all, the assholes that were chasing them were giants, and he had emptied out all the shells in his gun during their narrow escape. While being a thief was one thing, and he had no idea what the punishment for that would be here, he instinctively guessed that murder would be punished a little more severely, if he managed to get caught at all.


By the time he was done reloading his gun, Rick had finally regained his breath and wasn't sweating nearly as bad. In fact, down the sewer, Rick found that the air that blew in from the wind overhead cooled, and the sewer was actually slightly cooler than the scorched, sandy ground above it. In addition, though at first the stench of the sewer was wretched, now that he had been down in the tunnels for some time, if he didn't think of the odor, he really didn't even notice it.


When he finally turned around after reloading his gun and placing it back up on the shelf, Rick saw Kitty was bent over and studying something in the filth of the sewer tunnel at her feet. Examining the wonderful rounded curves of her backside, Rick felt his cock thicken up almost instantly. He never did get his nut off and was kind of rudely interrupted as he was knocking the stuffing out of her before, so his dick immediately reacted, eager to empty its full load inside of her.


Taking a couple steps closer to her then, Rick reached down and took a handful of her ass in one hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. Surprised, Kitty glanced back at him, but then seeing him behind her and his dick already pulsating inside his jeans, she reached up and undid the many belts holding her leather panties in place and dropped them, so that they hung suspended between her knees and in-between her spread legs.


“Meow,” she begged, looking back up at him with a pouting expression.


Seizing her nice warm asscheek again in one hand, Rick squeezed and took his thumb and probed her little butthole with it. He wasn't sure her little butt had ever been explored, and it resisted his initial few teasing gestures. Then, grabbing her other bubbly asscheek, Rick moved both soft cheeks back and forth, squeezing them together and then rotating them away from one another. As he did this, Kitty's breathing soon picked up, and she reached out and put her hands against the sewer walls as she remained bent over with her legs spread.


“You sure do have a nice little tushy there, Kitty,” Rick told her, staring down at it as if hypnotized.


Spitting down upon her tiny asshole then, Rick watched his phlegm slowly snake down the inside of her asscrack and then onto her bulging lips, which were once again moist and ready for him. As he moved her ass around in circles with his two hands, he could hear the yawning of her moist pussy lips as they parted at his groping and then closed once again. Staring at her lovely ass mounted on top of her thick, inviting thighs, Rick wanted to immediately pull his cock out, ram himself balls-deep inside her, and let every drip of cum blast out of him right then and there.


But, he was also enjoying playing with her, and he noticed her breaths shift and change, as he continued to tease her lovely rump. Taking his thumbs, he then placed one thumb on either side of her juicy lips, and then he gently pulled them apart. As if they were stuck together with syrup, her moist lips only slowly broke apart from one another, and inside her lips, she looked like a steak ordered rare, as her insides were burning red and glistening, ready for his long shaft to freely pump away on her.


While his breathing hadn't changed at all, Rick's cock was rock-hard, his heart was beating more rapidly, and he felt a deep longing inside to insert himself inside her as far as he could go and feel the pleasure of her insides lovingly embrace him once again.


Her body was trembling now from all his continuous teasing, and Kitty looked back at him with a begging expression and meowed to him in a pitiful way, begging him to mount her and reach deep inside her with his penis.


“You want some fat dick, little Kitty? Huh? You want some fat dick-treat? Is my dick kind of like catnip, huh? You want a some dick-nip, Kitty?” Rick asked, reaching down and undoing the belt on his pants.


Before she was able to answer him though, Kitty's pristine eyes suddenly bulged in alarm, her ears perked up, and she immediately upright herself and stared down the tunnel they had just come down. Not sure what was going on, Rick paused, still holding his belt in hand, and he stared down the tunnel too.


“What is it, Kitty?” Rick whispered, not sensing anything himself but seeing her locked in a trance, just staring down the dark corridor.

BOOK: Dreaming of Jizzy
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