Read Dream of Me Online

Authors: Delilah Devlin

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Military

Dream of Me (12 page)

BOOK: Dream of Me
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Her heavy hints weren’t lost on anyone. From what he’d heard, only a couple of days were needed for her and Jax to hook up, and then only a couple more before they were firmly a couple. But he wasn’t looking for a love connection, and he suspected the beautiful woman next door wouldn’t consider an out-of-work SEAL a viable partner. “All right. Introduce us. But, I have to warn you now, I’m not good with women.”

Suri gave him a long onceover that sent his nerves tingling. “I think you underestimate your appeal, frogman.”

Jax shifted in his chair. “You really are asking for a spanking now.”

“We don’t need special occasions,” she said, her voice dipping low.

Jax jumped up from his chair and dashed toward Suri, who threw a dishtowel at his head and ran squealing for the stairs.

“Guess she won’t be introducing us any time soon…” So, maybe a little twinge of disappointment stabbed his chest at that thought. It was for the best, though. The last thing Piper needed was him.

BOOK: Dream of Me
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