Dream Keeper (4 page)

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Authors: Gail McFarland

BOOK: Dream Keeper
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Humming “Jingle Bells,” Jeannette set her box down and looked toward the kitchen, sniffing. “Those cookies sure smell good.”

“Forget about ’em, you’ve tortured those children enough for one night.” Connie opened a box labeled
. “What you need to do is sit your Santa-slandering, cookie-lovin’ self down and help me untangle these lights.”

Chastened, Jeannette dropped her chubby body to the floor beside her friend.

“So that leaves you to help me grab the other stuff from the library.” Rissa gave Marlea a nudge with her hip when the door to the garage opened and closed again. Dench and AJ emerged with ladders over their shoulders.

Turning quickly, Marlea managed to hook her arm through Rissa’s, towing her down the hall. “So, what did he say when you told him?”

“I haven’t told him yet, so you haven’t won.”

“Uh-huh, I saw how he looked at you, how he keeps looking at you. What happened? He got through the door, you got him in bed, and then you told him, didn’t you? I mean, you have every right…but we had a bet.”

“I didn’t tell him, okay?” Refusing to face her, Rissa grabbed bags and loaded Marlea’s arms. “Take them and go,” she ordered, relieved when Marlea went. Following, trying to hum along with the music filling her house, Rissa prayed for an interruption, something to get Marlea off her trail.

“Raydeer claw!” Nia charged into the living room with Mrs. Baldwin in pursuit. “Raydeer claw!”

High on ladders, Dench and AJ looked down. “What is she saying?”

“Dude, that’s your daughter.”

AJ sent a dark look at Dench, then watched his happy daughter wade through a swath of tinsel toward her mother. “Raydeer claw, Mama!” Holding a frosted cookie in each hand, she graciously offered one to her mother.

Marlea looked from her daughter to Mrs. Baldwin. “Raydeer claw?”

Taking a second to straighten her snowflake etched sweater, Mrs. Baldwin laced her fingers in front of her and nodded. “Reindeer claws,” she enunciated clearly. “The cookies are called reindeer claws. See the shape right there? Jabari fell asleep and I made those for her.” Near her knees, Nia jogged in place and held onto her cookies.

“Did you say thank you to Mrs. Baldwin?” Nia nodded happily. Marlea bent to inspect the cookie Nia was trying to fit into her mouth. Smiling, she broke the treat in two, gave the child the smaller portion and folded the rest into a napkin. Aware of the reduction in size, Nia stopped jogging, but was more than ready to follow Mrs. Baldwin back to the kitchen. Connie and Jeannette tagged along, promising to bring a plate back.

“Bet they won’t. They’ll get in my kitchen, start sampling those cookies, and it’ll be all over for the rest of us.”

“Speaking of bets…” Marlea stuffed the napkin into her pocket and faced Rissa over an open bag. “The night is young, and I’m going to keep my eye on you.”

“Over a silly bet? Girl, it is not that serious.”

“Silly or not, you made the bet and I intend to collect on it.”

“I know you’re a teacher and they don’t make a mint, but I thought my brother made a little bit of money. Why are you trying to hold me up for a hundred bucks?”

“You told.” Marlea looked wise. “I knew you would.”

“Did not,” Rissa hissed back.

“Told what?” Climbing down from their ladders, AJ and Dench looked curious.

“Nothing,” Marlea and Rissa said together.

“And you’ve just got to know that that means something,” Dench said softly.

“I actually forgot to tell,” Rissa said quickly. Marlea’s neck gave a satisfying snap when she twisted to face her. Calmly, Rissa dug deep into one of the bags and pulled out a red beaded garland. “Mom called as I was coming in this afternoon.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, AJ. She’s fine, loving Greece, but she’s not going to make it tonight or tomorrow. Something about missing a plane and being stranded on Mykonos and not getting home for another week.”

“Sounds like ‘something’ means ‘someone.’ ” AJ grabbed a bundle of lights and handed one to Dench. “Does ‘something’ have a name?”

Dench slung his lights over his shoulder and swung a long leg onto the ladder. Climbing, he looked over at AJ. “Dude, you’re wrong for that.”

“Maybe.” AJ stepped up on his own ladder and began to anchor the lights on the tree. “But I’m not the one sitting on an island in the Aegean sipping drinks with ‘something.’ ”

“Hey, your mother is an attractive woman.” Dench reached around the tree, exchanged light bundles with AJ, and moved down a step on the ladder. “She’s done all she needs to do with you and Rissa, she’s a widow, and in good health. She deserves some fun.”

“Even if it is with ‘something.’ ” Boxes of glass bulbs came out of Rissa’s bags. She stole a glance at her watch.
Dang. Only eight-fifteen and I can feel Marlea watching me like a hawk, just lying in wait, trying to make me confess.

Marlea looped small wire hangers into a dozen glass ornaments. “I’ll know if you cheat.”

“I’m married to the sexy man on the ladder over there, I don’t have to cheat,” Rissa hissed, trying to keep her voice low. “What do you think of these?”

“Love them.” Marlea reached to hold a pair of the beautifully crafted African kings in her hand. Turning one, admiring the real silk of his purple and gold robes and turban, she sighed. “Maybe next year, when Nia is a little older, something like this will stand a chance at our house.”

“A little problem I can’t wait to have.”

Marlea looked up. “You really didn’t tell him?”

“Cross my heart.”

“Hmm. AJ said…”

told,” Rissa gasped. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped. “All that about
telling, and

Marlea dropped the tiny king and clapped her hands over her mouth. Horrified, her eyes went to AJ and Dench—both apparently oblivious. “He guessed, sort of, but I never confirmed it! Rissa, I didn’t think…”

“Damned straight, you didn’t think.” She eyed her brother closely, then snapped her attention back to Marlea. “No wonder he’s been watching me since he came through the door.”

“He was watching to see if you two could survive what you’d obviously started—him being half naked, and you looking like you needed a cigarette.”

“Don’t try to change the subject.” Rissa struggled to keep her low voice from growing shrill. “What if he said something to Dench while we were out of the room?”

“He didn’t. I just know he wouldn’t. Besides, you’re the one who can’t keep a secret. That’s why we made the bet, remember?”

“Don’t you talk to me about bets and secrets, you old blabbermouth!”

Marlea’s skin sizzled beneath the scathing look Rissa sent her way.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking. When he said, wouldn’t it be nice,” Marlea shrugged helplessly, “I think I said something like this Christmas would be the nicest, and he said if you were pregnant, that’s all. I wasn’t thinking, and I said…”

“I guess we should have bet on whether or not you could keep
mouth shut.”

Looking meek, Marlea tried again. “He’s happy for you and Dench.”

“What’s not to be happy about?” Rissa folded her arms. The bright strains of “Joy To The World” rang through the air around them and it was hard to hold onto her anger. “He’s my brother. He loves me.”

“What he’s really happy about is that you’ll both have what you want so much, and even if he was sure of it, he would never tell, Rissa. Not until you told him that it was okay.”

“I know.”

“Forgive me?”

“Not yet.” Rissa sucked in her cheeks and looked away. “I want to savor this moment of sanctimony first.”

“And then you’ll tell.”

“Will not.” Rissa’s lips twitched and her resolve cracked. She tried to glare, but it washed away when she smiled. “You sure know how to suck the fun out of savoring.”

Folding the ladders, AJ looked at his wife and sister, then across at Dench. “What do you think they’re over there talking about?”

Dench shouldered his ladder and headed for the garage. “Dude, you know those two as well as I do, and I don’t have a clue.”

Following, AJ moved the ladder on his strong shoulder. “Then I guess time will tell.”

An hour later, the tree was decorated, gifts were opened, cookies had been eaten, and carols sung. Two sleepy children were dreaming of Santa, their laughing parents were ready to assemble and play with the toys, and two grateful ER nurses were glad to have the weekend off. Mrs. Baldwin had plans of her own and nothing more was said about that as the front door closed behind everyone.

“Hungry?” Rissa watched Dench turn off lights. “I could warm up dinner, if you like.”

“I’m not starving.” Dropping onto the sofa beside her, his arm stretched long, and he gathered her close, his fingers stroking her shoulder. “What did we have?”

“Baby back ribs, baby carrots, baby asparagus, and baby…” He looked at her and she could see the question before he asked. Her stomach lifted and fluttered, but she couldn’t look away.
Forget you, Marlea!

“Are we eating on a theme?”

Pulling her knees up, tucking her legs beneath her, Rissa settled deeper into his embrace. “You could say that.”

Pulling her close, Dench leaned back against the cushions and listened for her heartbeat against his own. “Baby back ribs, baby carrots,” he repeated, “baby asparagus, and baby…baby…Baby?” He sat up carefully, large hands cradling Rissa’s shoulders, and blinked at her. “Baby?” She nodded and his brown eyes misted, the gold and green flecks swimming in a sudden wash of emotion.


He sniffed and turned his gaze to the ceiling, the fire, over her left shoulder, anywhere but her face as he struggled for control.
Tough guy
, Rissa thought.
My big old soft tough guy.
She let herself be folded into his embrace and waited.

“When did you find out?”

“Just this morning.” She could feel his smile, his acceptance and grace as his chest rose and fell against her.

He pulled back and looked at her. “And you kept it to yourself? All day?”

“Yes, I did. Mostly.”

He blinked and the green and gold flecks settled in his eyes. “Mostly?”

“Mostly…” Rissa scooted her hips into his lap and accepted the tiny kisses he placed along her cheek. “I can tell you that our little bundle of joy will be making an appearance in mid-July, Big Poppa.”

“Big Poppa.” He grinned. “Is that what you plan to call me?”

“Oh, yeah.” Her hand slipped between them and squeezed.

“Dude!” He jumped and shifted, almost spilling her from his lap, but she held on. “You can’t be doing that, not knowing that it will be a whole nine months before we can…”

“Now who told you that?” She squeezed again and laughed when he moaned. “We can have pre-baby sex.” Rissa tightened her arms around his neck and brought her lips to his ear. “We can have really
pre-baby sex,” she whispered. His mouth opened in wonder and closed in anticipation when she let her teeth close along his jaw line. “
great,” she whispered again, nudging his knees apart so that she fit between them.

“But what about…”

“The baby and my body?” She gripped his hands and led them beneath her shirt—no bra. “Yeah, well, these will change some.”

“I can live with that,” he said, easing his mouth along her neck, finding the spot she swore had a direct connection to her very core as his fingers danced over the fullness of her breasts.

“You should stop that…in a few minutes.”

“Because I’m so good at it, right?”

She wanted to answer him, but his voice was part of the sensual haze drifting over her. Pressed against his chest, offering her mouth to him, her brain began to fog. The taste of him, already coded into her very DNA, came alive and she wanted more. Her heart hammered and she knew it had nothing to do with pregnancy. When she rose, holding his hand, he followed.

In their bedroom, cast in ambient light, she was warm and naked, and he didn’t remember or care how she’d gotten that way. On their bed, she moved into his arms, as close as a dream, all scent and touch and shadow. His muscles tensed under her impatient hands, fueling them both, making them greedy for each other. Flesh pressed and she took him inside her, holding tight as the thrill rushed after him.

He moved and even from the beginning, she was hot, wet and trembling. With the first lift of her hips, his body quivered against her, fighting for control, until it shattered under need and pleasure. Blood pounded in his ears as he gathered for her, again and again. In his world, there was spinning and there was Rissa, color and scent gone mad, until the storm inside him was spent.

On his back, feeling his body cool, his desperate heartbeat slow, he smiled. Turning his head, he looked at his wife. On her back, the molten gold of her skin still warm and flushed, she used the back of her hand to brush hair back from her eyes. She smiled and Dench swore he would walk through fire for her.

“Does AJ know?”

“Not unless he guessed.” Hoping her sister-in-law was right, Rissa’s smile broadened, showing the bright white of perfect teeth. She linked her fingers with her husband’s.

Dench looked at their fingers, then back up into her eyes. “Bet it killed you to hold out on him.”

“Yeah, it did but, you know me…” She kicked at the top sheet until it was close enough to reach, then pulled it high enough to cover them.

“Yeah, baby—you’re a rock. You told Marlea, didn’t you?”


“So I got it secondhand?” He pulled her close and the pat he gave her was anything but brotherly. It made her shiver. “It’s okay, baby. I know that it must have killed you to hold it in for as long as you did, and you had to tell somebody.”

“But Marlea…”

“Is pretty tight-lipped, so you trusted her.”

“Yeah, because…well, can you think of anyone better? I wouldn’t have stood a chance of telling you if Connie and Jeannette had known. And I didn’t want to tell Mrs. Baldwin, or Jabari and Nia. But just think, Big Poppa, we’re having a baby.”

“Funny. I never thought about a baby for Christmas. I was going to ask if you wanted a kitten, just so there would be something small and cuddly in the house.”

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