Read DREAM Online

Authors: Mary Smith

DREAM (20 page)

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“I don’t intend for us to be sleeping.” I seductively say.

“Well,” he grabs my hips, pulling me closer. “Haven’t you turned into a little sex vixen?”

“And to think I’ve only just begun having sex.”

“To think,” he hums against my lips. “Go and have your bath; I’ll be up soon.”

“Okay.” I kiss him and then head up to the bathroom.

Soaking in a hot tub is exactly what I need right now. I focus on Gable relying on me to get Jacob out of our lives. I’m not exactly sure what I’m looking for. The last time was fluke and it’s good Gable saw the information before Larissa took it.

I need to get more of the orders and accounting books and maybe take pictures of the guns in the back. No, wait, those might be marked with a customs stamp, and I can’t have that going back to Gable. I’m not cut out for this sort of work. All I ever wanted was to work for Dad and JE.

Now, look at me. I’m trying to figure out how to take down a criminal. I swear my life could be a movie sometimes.

Once I’m dried off, I slip into a white lace bra and thong set, to be sexy. Even though Gable’s never said anything about my colored ones, I’ve been leaning away from them more. I need to make sure he’s comfortable, but I draw the line at my heels. I will not give up my colorful heels. If Gable has a serious problem with it, then he just shouldn’t look down.

I pull the covers down from the bed and crawl in, waiting for Gable. I will myself to stay awake, but the stresses of the day and unpredictably of tomorrow forces my eyes close.





I moan.


I flutter my eyes open and see Gable looking down at me.

“Wake up, Dream. It’s time for work.”

I pop up. “What?” I’m disoriented and I glance at the clock. It’s eight in the morning. I felt like I only closed my eyes a moment ago. “Why didn’t you wake me when you came to bed?”

“You needed your rest.” He stands up, already dressed. “I have to go into the office. Now, if you want to remain here that’s fine, but if you leave the house, Leo, Stacks, and Trent will be with you, okay?”

I nod. Gable kisses my forehead and rushes out the door. I rub my eyes and try to focus on this day. It’s going to be long one.

After spending too much time on my makeup to cover my bruises, I’m out the door, with Leo, Mrs. Stones, Trent, and Stacks.

Trent is driving and looks a lot like Leo, but younger. He has the same stern gaze, wavy hair, and brown eyes. Stacks, is the polar opposite. He’s the biggest man I’ve ever seen. He’s at least six feet eight inches tall and as big as a defensive lineman. However, they are both quiet when we pull up to JE’s building. Mrs. Stones along with her security guard, whose name I can’t remember, head into the office to work. The rest of us head to Matherson’s Printing.

I do my best to keep my nerves under control. I know Jacob won’t be there; at least I don’t think that he will be. I know that Leo will not let anything happen to me.

I miss you.

The text message brings a smile to my face. Ah, I love being in love, but I’d like it more if Jacob and Gideon would get the hell out of my life.

Leo walks in first, and I follow him, with Trent bringing up the rear. Jacob’s security is still in their usual places as the three of us stroll past with no words uttered. Leo halts when he crosses the threshold and I almost run into his back.

“Mr. Butler advised you not to be around when Mrs. Butler is here.” Leo’s tone is strong.

“I didn’t know she was coming this morning.” I heard Jacob’s voice and I walk around Leo.

“Wow,” comes out before I can stop it. Jacob’s eyes are still black and blue. His nose is encased in a brace where Gable broke it.


“Mrs. Butler.” Leo corrects him sternly.

“Mrs. Butler, I’m glad you decided to rejoin me.”

“I didn’t.” I cross my arms. “My
asked me. Trust me when I say I don’t want to be here.”

“I do sincerely apologize for our last meeting.”

“Stop.” I throw up my hands because I don’t want to hear him. “I have work to do and I’m sure you do as well. Somewhere else.” I raise an eyebrow, hinting for him to leave.

“I will leave you to it.” Jacob walks out along with a lone bodyguard.

The second I hear Jacob leave my body relaxes. I didn’t even realize that I had been that tense. I walk over to the desk, drop my bags, and get started. The sooner I’m done, the faster I don’t have to come back here.

Leo and Trent never left my side the entire day. They are my silent shadow as I rummage through the computer. I download several new worksheets to my flash drive. Gable told me to get as much information I could. I know that some of these files will be decoys, if not all of it, but maybe Jacob slipped up somewhere.

The day goes by and I finish up by updating the rest of the employee files for tax purposes. I also make sure that payroll is finished, and the new machine are working correctly. Business is beginning to pick up for Matherson Printing and that’s good for the bottom line.

“Dream.” I look up and see my husband standing in front of me.

“Gable.” I smile.

“You ready to go home?”

“Yes,” I say exasperated.

“Long day?”

“Yes, but I had two great guys with me.” I nod over to Trent and Leo. “They were protective of me when Jacob was here.”

“What?” Gable turns to stone. “Jacob was here.”

“Dream handled herself well and he left.” Leo jumps in to explain.

Gable shoulders sag a bit. “Really?” He slowly beams at me.

“Yes. Now, let’s go home.” He wraps his arm around my shoulder and leads me out. I watch as Jacob’s guards quickly part ways to let us through and without even asking me, Gable loads me up in the white Mercedes and Bruce drives us home.

Chapter 18


I lotion my freshly shaved legs, arms, and stomach, and then I check my hair and makeup free face. I had purchased this silk white baby doll nightie and matching thong and it arrived today.

Tonight is the first night in two weeks Gable and I will have the whole house to ourselves. Mama Butler, Mrs. Stones, and Joy have all gone home, but they still have security with them. However, Jacob hasn’t attempted to speak to us or approach us. Gable was able to have Shona reassigned to another area away from his shipyard. All of Jacob’s shipments were declined and/or never made it to Gable shipyard.

Gable is waiting for Jacob to make a move but nothing has come yet. Gideon has been more withdrawn because Gable is keeping him out of almost everything still. However, Mama Butler has been keeping Gideon busy at her house with ‘home improvements’. Gable is convinced Gideon would never hurt their mother.

I’ve been going to Matherson Printing, but I’ve not seen a sign of Jacob and the files I’ve taken to Gable aren’t showing him anything but legitimate accounting. I’ve become so frustrated because there’s nothing to get him on. Luckily, I’ll be done working there soon.

I’m pushing all of that out of my head. Right now, it’s just Gable and me. We’ve only been able to have sex one other time since that first night because we’ve been so tired trying to catch Jacob that we go to sleep. But, not tonight.

I’m going to bed and HOPE I’m not alone.

I send a text to Gable as I get comfortable in the bed. He better take the hint or I will have to tramp down there to him in this nightie. Although, desk sex doesn’t sound bad right now.

“I’m here.” He says still looking down at his phone as he walks into the bedroom. “You’re not going to bed alone.” Gable is still typing on his phone.


“Hhmm.” He still stares at his phone as I get out of the bed and stand with my hands on my hips.

I count to ten and he isn’t paying attention to me.

“Gable.” I stamp my foot.

“Yes.” Finally, he looks up and his eyes go wide as he searches me up and down.

“I don’t want to go bed alone, and I sure as hell don’t want your phone to be more important than me.”

Gable holds up and finger and then I hear his phone power down. “What’s the special occasion, baby?”

I sashay over to him and grab his tie, leading him over to the edge of bed, and push him down. I take his phone and place it on the nightstand. “I haven’t seen my husband in a while. It’s Friday night and tomorrow we’re going to be so busy at the charity event I thought tonight I could show you some attention. I know how
you’ve been working.” I use my best seductive voice.

Gable is trying not to laugh, but his dimple is giving him away.

“What?” I stand up and cross my arms.

“Nothing.” Gable’s still chuckling.

“What?” I say firmly.

“I swear it’s nothing.” He’s trying to keep a straight face. “I’ve just not heard you flirt before.”

“Am I bad at it?”

“No.” He quickly says. “You’re not bad at it.” He pulls me back to him. “I’m not used to it from you. You’re usually straightforward with me.”

“True. But,” I pout a little bit. “I was trying something new.”

Gable softly tugs my hair until my face is close to his. “I like it.” He kisses me. It’s not a hard kiss; rather, it is tender and sends a shiver through me.

“I’m going to take care of you tonight.”

“Are you?” He lightly grasps my neck and runs his thumb up and down the base of my throat.

I remove his tie, take his cufflinks off, and toss them on the stand. He doesn’t say anything as I unbutton his shirt and push it off his shoulders. I motion him to stand up and I unhook his belt and drop his pants, along with his boxer briefs and free him.

I don’t hesitate to slide him into my mouth. His low growl as I take him deeply into my mouth, lets me know I’m doing it right. This is the first time I’ve given him a blowjob. The velvety steel that I usually feel is harder in my mouth as I continue my motion up and down his length.

“Dream,” he moans my name and fists his hands in my hair. In the past, the guy would pull my hair too tight and I have to stop sucking him off for them to let me go, but not Gable. He’s affectionate tugging turns me on more.

I lick his underside and I feel him quivering at my touch. I suck him deeper until I can feel him in the back of my throat.

“Baby. Dream.” I can feel him drawing up and I know what’s coming next. I pull my mouth back and suck the tip, before taking him for the final time and his hot liquid hits the back of my mouth.

“Dream.” Gable shakes and holds me in place until he’s finished and I’ve swallowed him all down.

I release him and push him down on the side of the bed. I stand up and his dark eyes are bright again. I bite my lip to hold back my smile as I take off my nightie and slowly sway my hips to remove my thong. I watch as Gable strokes himself and it makes my body clench. That’s hot and I feel myself growing wetter as he becomes harder. I place my hand over his and kiss him.

“Lie back, please.”

Gable scoots to the middle of the bed and I straddle him. I watch his face as I position him at my opening and sink down. I toss my head back as he slides deeper into me. I rest for a beat, feeling Gable roll my nipples between his fingers making them stiff peaks. He glides his fingers down and guides my hips back and forth.

I begin to move and moan Gable’s name at how full he is inside me. He rubs my clit and it doubles my efforts. Before I can register how amazing he feels, the tension is tight around me and he continues the circular motion on me. I rock faster and Gable lifts his hips, causing me to scream and collapse on his chest.




I have the stylist leave my hair down for the event tonight. I know Gable likes it that way; so I have a complete blowout done. My makeup is a little heavier and my lips are a bright red and will match my gown perfectly. After my pedicure and manicure, I follow Trent out to the car, where Leo and Bruce wait for me. I still don’t know why Gable sent Bruce with me, but he did and I didn’t argue.

Leo opens the car door for me and I stop in my tracks. The hairs on the back of my neck stand up and I feel like someone is staring at me. It’s unnerving. I turn and see a woman in her late thirties staring back at me. She has a long bob and it’s jet black, but her green eyes are almost like daggers aimed straight at me.

“Are you Dream Jackson?” She asks, looking me up and down. Leo and Trent flank me and I hear Bruce jump out of the Mercedes.

“No, I’m Dream Butler.” I inform her firmly. I don’t know why I say it that way, but I felt it necessary.

“Ms. House.” Bruce stands in front of me almost to the point that I can’t see her. “It’s nice to see you again, but we need to get going and you know Mr. Butler wouldn’t approve of you speaking to his wife.”

“Wife?” She scoffs at the term. “Gable doesn’t approve of anything if it isn’t part of his grand plan.”

I step around Bruce and stare at her. “Who are you and how do you know my husband?”

She gives me a sly smirk and narrows her eyes at me. “Oh, I’m just a friend of Gable’s. A very dear and close
.” We stare at each other as my stomach drops at her words. How close of a friend? “Nice to see you again, Bruce.” She flicks her tongue and walks away.

I study her thin frame as she strolls away from me and into an awaiting black Cadillac Escalade. I swivel to Bruce and growl at him.

“Who is she?”

Bruce’s face drops. “Mrs. Butler, please don’t put me in this situation.”

“Is Gable cheating on me?” Bruce starts to open his mouth, but I shut him down. “Get me home now.”

I jump into the SUV and I’m bouncing my leg up and down. That fucker has been on me since day one about cheating. How could he do this to me? I thought we were really connecting and I was rebuilding my trust in himagain
Gable’s lies and cons have been prevalent since day one, and now cheating. I won’t stand for it. I won’t be a doormat for anyone.

“Mrs. Butler—”

“Don’t talk to me right now, Bruce.” I seethe at him and stare out the window as he speeds through the city to Butler Mansion.

When he pulls into the driveway, I leap out before the car stops and rush into the house. I see Joy’s car and I know they will be in the office. I stomp all the way down the hall and fling the door open. Joy, Gideon, and Gable are all sitting there. Gable has been keeping Gideon in the loop of a few small projects, just to keep an eye on him.

“You two.” I point to Joy and Gideon. “Get out, now.” Joy doesn’t say a word and races out of the room. On the other hand, Gideon just looks at me. “I’m not in the mood, Gideon. Get the
out.” He slowly rises and strolls out of the room and I glare at him the entire way.

“Dream.” Gable is standing in front of me. “What is it?”

“She saw Ms. House.” Bruce answers for me from the doorway.

“What?” Gable panics. “Are you okay?”

“No, I’m not okay. How could you cheat on me?”

Gable’s jaw drops. “Cheat on you? Dream, I would never.”

“I was trying to tell her.” Bruce explains.

“Who is she?” I cross my arms.

“She’s Aven House, the ex that cheated on
.” Gable narrows his eyes at me. “You really think I would do that to you.”

“No.” I snap without thinking about it, even though I had thought it. “But, the hell does she want with me?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t spoken to her in years. Are you okay, though?” Gable grips the top of my arms.

“I’m fine,” even though I feel a little silly. I know how hurt Gable was at catching her in bed with his friend, even if he says he didn’t love her. “I need to finish getting ready.” I move away from him and around Bruce to go to our bedroom.

I’ve turned my bedroom into my closet since Gable doesn’t handle all the colors well in his. However, it’s why I picked a red dress. It’s a halter top with a slit almost all the way to my hip. As I wiggle my foot into my high heel, I catch the glimpse of Gable in the doorway.

“Are you okay?”

I nod. “I shouldn’t have jumped to the conclusion you were cheating. I know better.”

“I would never.”

“I know. Now, hurry up and get ready, please.” I blow him a kiss and turn back to the array of clutches on my bed as I try to figure out which one will go best with my dress.

Once I pick one and gather all my items, I study my
Gone with the Wind
poster. I softly touch the sides of the frame and I know deep down that Gable loves me and he’s trying to do everything to keep my trust. Our marriage was a sham and began because of lies, we both know this, but this past month has been different. It’s been a real relationship. I’m in love and he is too. It has become a real marriage.

I twist my wedding ring around. It hasn’t left my finger since the day he put it on, not even the night I left him. The day he put it on, there were no words or vows to go with them. I didn’t even put his on, but he wears it every day with pride. Again, there were no vows.

I spin on my heels and head into our bedroom. Gable is fixing his bowtie in his closet. He looks dapper in his tux, styled hair, and freshly trimmed beard. I don’t say anything; I walk in and grab his arm, drag him to the bed, and make him sit down.

“Dream.” He looks confused and almost afraid when I take my ring off and then tug his off, too. “What are you doing?”

“Be quiet.” I order him and place my ring in his hand, as I hold his. “We never had a wedding nor did we exchange vows, and I think we need to. Right now.”

“Um…okay.” He’s perplexed, as he should be, because I’m a bit erratic now.

I take his ring and slide it onto his finger. “Our marriage didn’t start from love at first sight. I didn’t even like you when we got married. However, your kindness, your caring way wore me down and I grew to like you. Then you became a lying bastard and I hated you. I hated you because you broke my heart. I’ve never loved anyone the way I love you. You kept your word and were truthful with me from that point on and you protected me from Jacob. Now, we’re here and while I did think for a split second you cheated on me, I know deep down you would never do that.

“So, every time you look down at this ring I want you to know I love you. I might not like you all the time, but I will love you.” I lean down and kiss the ring. “And I seal it with a kiss to bind my promise.” I throw that in for a little for a bit of dramatic effect.

Gable is quiet and I almost thought he might cry, but he doesn’t. He clears his throat and takes my ring and slips it on my finger.

“It was love at first sight for me. I saw you sitting on a bench reading a textbook, and I thought you were the most magnificent being I ever laid my eyes on. I knew I wanted to be with you. When your father died, I would have moved heaven and earth to protect you. I lied to get you to be my wife, Dream. I’m sorry, but I wanted you safe and I used the one means I had at my disposal.

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