Drawn To You (Paloma's Edge) (26 page)

BOOK: Drawn To You (Paloma's Edge)
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Nico,” Pierce said, and he held a finger in the air. He signaled him to send two more scotches on the rocks, and I hadn’t drunk half of mine yet.

It occurred to me that we were sitting on the same stools Beth and Cassidy had been on when she’d came out for her first night
in Paloma’s Edge. Man, I missed having her lush body on me. I’d had to do two hundred one-handed push-ups to tire myself enough to doze off last night.

“What’s up?” I asked him as put his glass back on the counter.

“Cassidy did the waterworks act at family therapy today and Dad fell for it until the therapist redirected the focus to the rest of us. She’d made Cassidy’s manipulative patterns noticeable without calling her out on it.”

I motioned
with my head. “So Cassidy couldn’t complain about everyone attacking her.”

He swigged another glass of scotch that
Nico had quietly served him. He shook his head. “I’ll go for four more sessions ’cause I promised Mom, but if Dad doesn’t get his head out of the fucking clouds and Cassidy doesn’t finally admit you and her never were, I am not gonna talk to Dad unless it’s about work.” He paused and twisted his lower face. “I wanna wash my hands of Cassidy, because she is one hot mess who attracts trouble. I can’t protect her. I’d only get mixed up in her in shit.”

“Hmm…” It sounded like he was running away from his problems, but who was I to tell him that? A fucking hypocrite is what I would’ve been. So I sipped some of my drink and let the taste wash over my tongue. Pierce had good reasons for wanting space from his
dad and Cassidy.

Chase cut his gaze from the wall to me. “And why are you in the doghouse? It looked like you and Beth would be in that honeymoon phase forever and a day.”

“I’d thought we’d be in that phase a while longer.” I heaved in a breath. “Where are Joel and Rylan, anyway?”

A wicked grin touched his lips. “They’re at a party for the upcoming seniors.
” He shot me a meaningful look. “Beth wasn’t been herself today and since Jake and Mariska assured me that they were all tight as ever, that leaves you.” Pierce put three hundred dollars on the counter. He eyed Nico until he collected the money. Pierce slapped my shoulder and followed a tall, voluptuous blonde out of the bar. At least my boy had someone to keep him warm for the night despite her being a Mona lookalike.


Chapter 15




I had the hardest time keeping my hands from trembling in the small coffee shop that Hunter had asked me to meet him at in Little Havana. Jake and Mariska were at a table three feet away from me. We’d arrived early. I hadn’t heard the end of it when Mariska and I had told Jake about Hunter almost a week ago. Jake had told me to break it off with Chase, but I ignored his request.

I’d thrown Hunter’s business card in the trashcan at work and in my guestroom multiple times. I’d picked it back up. I would’ve torn the card to pieces and acted like he didn’t exist
, but it wouldn’t take away from the fact that Hunter was Chase’s twin brother. I would’ve driven to Anderson’s and asked Mike for Hunter’s number if I destroyed his business card. It was sad, desperate, and wrong, but that was how much I wanted to hear from Hunter. I couldn’t be with Chase like I’d been before I learned that he’d told me a partial truth. And I couldn’t bring myself to kiss him like I desired to, or make love to him. I’d woken up in the morning and had fallen asleep with Chase in my heart. As corny as it sounded, that was how Chase had impacted my life and continued to today. But I wasn’t sure who he was. And if I had confided and been involved with a completely different person other than whom I thought Chase was, I’d be devastated. It’d make me such an idiot. I felt like an idiot.

Jake’s eyes sprang open when Hunter came into
the shop. After we’d told Jake that Chase and Hunter were fraternal twins, he hadn’t seemed to care about Chase being a twin anymore, just Chase’s lying. Hunter headed straight for Jake and Mariska, introducing himself. Afterwards, he went to the counter, where Atagracia, the barista and one of the other employees greeted him. He was dressed like he’d been the other day, in an aged vintage shirt, worn-in jeans, and another pair of boots that made him appear like he was six-five instead of six-two or six-three. His hair fell down the either side of his face.

Atagracia handed him a tall, steaming cup of coffee, he sat across from me. He didn’t have Chase’s straight posture.

“What were
you doing in Franklin Parks?” I asked him.

“I did Brady’s ink. And as you saw, he works at the dealership. Why did you wanna meet me?”

“You asked me to meet you. You don’t remember that I was gonna back out?”

He stared at me with an unreadable expression and I shifted my gaze to Jake. I picked myself up and
walked towards Jake and Mariska when Hunter’s big hand hooked around my wrist. In less than a second, Jake pulled Hunter’s hand away from mine. “My man, we got a problem here?” A frantic expression raced over Mariska’s face. Hunter released his strong hold on me.

“I didn’t think you’d come,” Hunter said in a small voice that made Jake narrow his eyes at him. “My
bad. Sit back down.” He gulped what I saw was black coffee. “Please.”

“This dude isn’t jack like Chase,” Jake told me in a low tone
, and maintained eye contact with Hunter. “Can’t believe he’s worse.” He nodded his head toward the door. Mariska and I followed him, but we didn’t get far from Hunter.

“I wasn’t gonna hurt you, Beth.”

Jake spun around. “Who’re you trying to convince of that? Yourself or Beth?”

“I am the one who fucked up his face,” Hunter announced. We all stopped walking. I didn’t look at Jake and Mariska. I marched over to Hunter and slapped him
hard on his face. Honestly, I hadn’t known I’d done it until I felt the burn of my hit on my hand. I shouldn’t have slapped him. Hunter could’ve slapped me back, or worse. And as fit as Jake was, he was no match for Hunter. He’d marked Chase for life. His own brother. And I felt like he’d messed with me too.

“Fuck, Beth!” Jake yelled behind me with exasperation. “What’s gotten into you? Huh? You slap someone who cut his own brother’s face?” Motionless, Hunter
looked at me with a blank expression. There wasn’t any rage or remorse in his eyes for what he’d just said. Why would he think that telling me that would make me return to the café and talk to him? Maybe he was warning me that he was bad news. That was not the way to start a conversation or continue one.

Jake and Mariska tugged my arms and I moved in time with them as if I had a choice. Their fury at me made them stronger than they would’ve been otherwise.

“If you look back at Hunter again, I think I’ll slap you myself,” Mariska cautioned.




With my guestroom shrouded in darkness, I lay on the bed wondering how many hours had passed since I’d tried to zone out from the world in the comfort of a deep sleep. I felt incredibly guilty for not telling Chase that I’d seen Hunter in Franklin Parks. Particularly worse for seeing Hunter this afternoon. My chest was tighter from learning that Hunter had scarred Chase’s face. Weeks ago, Chase had said that he had gotten into a fight in his youth. Could Chase and Hunter have been a part of a gang like Mariska had proposed? Or could Hunter have been and Chase had been targeted as a result?

I’d given Jake and Mariska my word that I wouldn’t meet up with Hunter again, but it didn’t mean that I could keep ignoring his messages. He’d apologized in over fifty messages and had called me twice. But I owed Chase an explanation first. Yes, Chase had lied to me, but I’d been lying to him also.
Yesterday, I’d told Chase that I wanted to spend time with Jake and Mariska today, and he had told me to tell them hello. He hadn’t asked if he could come with me, or questioned my preference. Brianna had worked the night shift at the Paloma, so I hadn’t had to exclude her. I wouldn’t have felt good if I’d told her that I was going to be with Jake and Mariska and not her as well, because she was becoming a good friend of theirs.

Sighing, I pulled
Chase’s gray hoodie from underneath my pillow and slid my arms into it. Even though it’d been laundered recently, Chase’s scent lingered from the last time we’d been together—before I’d met Hunter. Hearing the
of the bedroom door being closed, I rose from my bed with my cell phone clutched in my hand.


” Chase turned on the lamp on the bedside table. The light only illuminated Chase’s face and the top half of the bed where he was, and I shut my mouth. I came to the bed and his eyes flicked over the hoodie I had on. Relief visibly washed over him.

“I texted you all night,” he said
, and took off his shoes and his pants. “But you didn’t answer. If you don’t wanna talk yet, fine. But I am gonna fall asleep with you tonight.”

Nodding, I fell onto the bed, craving to have Chase with me so much. I’d only gotten sleep this week from pure mental exhaustion. Chase hooked his arm around my chest
, my breaths came fast and shallow as quivers ran up and down my hypersensitive body. He threaded through his fingers through my scalp. Lifting my head to look at him, Chase’s mouth smashed my lips. I thrust my tongue inside hungrily. As Chase pushed me on my back, I reached for his face. His scar looking more severe than it was. He stretched his hand out to turn the light off.

The light stays on.” I said, staring at him. I’d never had sex with the lights on before, but I wasn’t about to just have sex. I was with Chase.

pulled off his shirt and I made quick work of his shorts with my feet. A huge smile broke out over his face. He hoisted his feet up and grunted.

“No panties tonight?
” He arched a brow. “Were you expecting another visitor?”

I shook my head as if I was trouble. I kind of felt like I was. What was I going to say? That I expected a tall dark, and handsome guy to come into my guestroom and fuck me senseless? I didn’t even thin
k I could tell him that with my anger at Hunter for cutting his face so raw, and wanting Chase to make love to me. To delight in every inch of me, like he had from day one. I watched the muscles in his chest and arms tauten. My gaze locked to the depths of his hazel eyes and I blushed fast, forgetting all of the reasons I wanted to yell at him for lying to me.

cock prodded against my core, moisture from his pre-cum wetting my inner thigh. “Fuck! I don’t have a rubber on me.”

“I am on the pill,” I
told him, my voice cracking as I rolled on the other side of the bed and got a small case from underneath the bed. Most of my personal items were in it. I retrieved a condom for extra measure. “Thank God,” Chase said. I tore it open and crouched down. I rolled the condom on his length with my mouth, like I’d learned to do in a magazine. Looking up, Chase cursed and hauled me down again on the middle of the bed, my legs spread as wide apart as I could handle. He captured my mouth and surged inside me, mimicking the force of his kiss. Twining our fingers, I squeezed his hands as I met each of his thrusts. The light made it so that I could see every pore, every tiny hair on his face and body. He was so available to me right now.

He jerked inside me as he continued to fill my
core, stretching my tissue more than he had our first time together. I wailed as a rush of gratification flooded through my body. Tightening my core around his cock, Chase clamped his eyes closed for the first time tonight. He freed my hands. And with one final push against him, he slammed into me. His balls hit beneath the space between my core and my back entrance, the impact singeing my body with devastatingly warm sensations.

“Ah, babe. I haven’t seen you in four long
-ass days.” He opened his eyes. “You’ve fucking ruined me.” Still joined, he raised my hips up. I sank on his length while he pinched my stiffened nipples. The force of Chase’s hand crushed me down, so I took him to the root as he palmed my tender breasts. Quivering, I squeezed him in and out of me. The pulsing sensations greatened. Chase’s hands traveled from my breasts to the middle of my back. My abdomen clenched as a tremor ran from my nipples to my clit, unleashing an orgasm that made me contract around him. Throwing me on my back again, Chase cupped my fists, and with one hard surge, his semen spilled inside me. The feeling was unreal. What he didn’t know was that I was ruined for other men. As much as I loved Gregory, I loved Chase with everything I had. Before Chase, I’d only had room to love Cindy, Jake, and Mariska, but Chase had taken a permanent spot in my heart, in my consciousness. I couldn’t let Chase go. He’d have to leave me also. Cindy knew that. I hadn’t been strong enough to let her fly on her own, so she’d made empty promises to pacify me.

Sometime afterwards, the air conditioner made the hairs on my body prickle. Chase drew me into his arms like I’d
hoped he would. “I love you. That won’t change. That’s the one constant in my life.”

And when I was about to tell Chase that I loved him even more, he pressed my head against his chest, almost as if he didn’t want to
hear me utter a sound.






At the kitchen table, Gavin sorted the sections of the newspaper he read in order of importance. I drank some of the freshly brewed coffee. I shifted my gaze to my computer screen and read the comments my new boss Maxwell Dobbs and his partners had about the layouts I’d sent him for his skateboarding company. It was sweet to redo all of their branding for their nationwide launch. Their skateboards were hot, but their logos, brochures, and portfolio were too busy. It worked for the skateboards and some of the bicycles they designed, but their investors weren’t going for it. That extra course in digital layout and drawing came in handy. If Pierce hadn’t given my information to Mr. Penverick, I wouldn’t have been commissioned for a job and Mr. Penverick wouldn’t know to recommend me to Mr. Dobbs.

There was a knock on the door and
Gavin answered it.

“Good morning, Mrs. Pruitt.”

She smiled at him and gave him a rounded container covered in aluminum foil. He placed it on the counter. “Good morning, Gavin. I am…just making an unannounced visit.”

“You haven’t done this
in years,” he said with an amused tone, and gestured for her to come inside.

“But you haven’t forgotten about them.”

“No. Pierce liked them the most. You should go to Rylan’s too.”

“Oh, I have,” she said with emphasi
s. “And he was overjoyed that I kicked that girl that he’d had in his room out!”

Gavin snickered. “Can I get you a cup of coffee?”

“No, thank you,” she answered him. “I came here to talk to Chase.”

Gavin snapped his fingers. “My car could use a cleaning.” He took his keys from
his jacket and left.

“You were more than welcome to have breakfast with Beth this morning.” She
joined me at the table. “I apologize for not coming to you after Anton kicked you out. I know how much you liked him.”

“He was a great boss and I learned a lot from him.”

She huffed. “At every age, men can be so hard-headed.” She fell silent for a moment. “Thank you for not speaking ill of my family. I didn’t defend you like I should have. I knew that nothing had happened between Cassidy and you.”

I closed my laptop. “Mrs. Pruitt
, I don’t need defending. It’s all in the past. I had myself a good stay in your home. And I left.”

BOOK: Drawn To You (Paloma's Edge)
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