Read DRAWN Online

Authors: Marian Tee

DRAWN (39 page)

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          It takes me a while to understand what he’s saying and what they did.

          “You bet on my virginity?” I whirl around to my parents. “
Scott and Drew---” My eyes widen.

          Jason grins sheepishly. “Sorry, angel. But think of it this way. It’s because I really believe in you.”

          “Don’t think that way,” Kelly says. “Your father is setting a bad example for your brothers. Should I take my money now to punish him?”

          “Mom, you still made a bet. You’re as bad as the rest of them.” I wish I had, like, a visual machine gun so I can glare at all of them with one blast.

          Holiday get-togethers are so not cool when you’re the baby of the family and you’re always the
to have something happen to you. No one’s made a bet when Scott lost his virginity when he was 13, did they?

          Shaking my head, I mutter, “I’m going up to change.”

          “Your boyfriend’s still a wuss,” Scott calls after me.

          “If you don’t stop calling him that, I’ll tell everyone what I saw in your computer.”


          Grinning, I go inside my room and immediately dive into bed, already reaching out for my iPhone on the bedside table as I do.

Hey. What are you doing right now?
It’s my first text message as Yuki’s girlfriend. I think I’m going to save this.

Just thinking of you, senpai. Where are you?
I’m so going to save this, too. Come to think of it, I’m probably going to have this in my

Bedroom. Why?

Five, ten minutes pass and I still don’t get an answer. Shite. Does that sound like I’m coming on too strong? Biting my lip in worry, I jump off my bed and open the windows, hoping it’s just poor reception that’s preventing me from getting a response. Instead, I get the shock of my life.


          He leaps inside my room in a lithe and graceful motion. It makes me wish human brains have a replay function. I’d love to capture that in my drawings.

          “H-how did you get here so quickly? I thought you had something to do with your dad?”

          Yuki closes the windows before answering. He’s so tall the top of his head almost grazes the ceiling. He makes the room feel so small. And hot. And wet. Or maybe that’s just me.

          He grins as he places a brown package on my desk. “I lied.”

          When Yuki starts looking around interestedly, I realize it’s his first time to see my bedroom. His gaze lingers at the whitewashed walls, the wooden built-in cabinets, and my study table. “Somehow,
this room seems too ordinary for you.”

          I breathe a sigh of relief. “Well, that’s me, I’m just an ordi---what are you doing?” I stumble in my haste to stop him from lifting the various pairs of jeans I have hooked to my front door.

          “It’s the only messy part of your room,” he says. Lifting all my jeans away, Yuki uncovers the life-sized drawing I painted on the door.

          He turns to me with a grin. “
the drawing looks so much like me, doesn’t it?”

          I turn red. “Piss off. Bloody piss off NOW.”

          Laughing, Yuki opens my bathroom door, where a rainbow selection of bathrobes are hooked on the other side.


          “Yuki, don’t.” But of course I’m too late. Why can’t curiosity kill gods, too?

” Yuki’s voice is filled with wonder. “I’m practically nak---”

          “Did you come here to ask me out on a date?” I blurt out, anything to just get him to stop staring at my drawing.

          Yuki is successfully distracted. “A date?” he repeats blankly as he closes the bathroom door behind him.

          “Uhh, never mind that. Why
you come here?”

          Yuki crosses the room and takes the brown package he left on my desk. “A surprise,
I went back home to get this.”

          It’s the latest edition of

          My heart goes squee.

          “No! Don’t open---” Yuki sighs because I’m already opening it.

          I gasp when I see all the text bubbles. Tiny carefully cut pieces of paper filled with printed English translations have been pasted over each and every one of them. Tracing the pasted pieces of paper with trembling fingers, I ask, “How?”

          Yuki glares. “It’s no big deal,
. We don’t celebrate Christmas, remember? So I had some free time.”

Free time?
is 400 pages long, it probably took up
his time and he’s just too…I look up at him with blurry eyes.

          Yuki looks like he wants to throttle me. “DO NOT say it.”

          Oh, that’s too cute. He’s speaking like me now when he’s embarrassed.

          It’s too much for my squee-ing and ba-thumping heart.

          “You’re just too sweet and cute and---”

          Yuki pinches both my cheeks, hard. “Don’t you ever learn?”

          “But you’re shwill shweet.” It’s hard to speak with my cheeks stretch wide, but I do my best.

           Yuki lets go of my cheeks and walks past me.


          And then he locks the door.

          Oh, shite.

          Here we go again.

          Sometimes, being Yuki’s girlfriend is not much different from being his toy.

          “Now, Yuki…”

          “How do you feel about third base,

I start to shriek when he sweeps up in his arms, but the sound gets lost in his kiss.

          When he lifts his head, he says, “Ssssh,
. Your family might hear.”

          “Then stop this---”

          Yuki dumps me on the bed.

          Oh, shite.

          I think I know this scene. Thanks to Jace, I think I know this pretty well.

          I quickly back away, but Yuki’s too fast, too strong, too much a god in other words. He captures my ankles and pulls me down easily with one swoosh, legs dangling from the bed. “Now,
stop struggling.”

          “Then stop torturing me,” I wail.

          “Sssh.” He’s unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans before I realize what he’s doing. We play another tug of war as he tries pulling my jeans off and I try keeping it where it is. Worse, he’s tickling me, too, and I don’t know if I should shriek or giggle.

          “Stop it,” I gasp, clinging to my jeans for life.

          Yuki’s grinning, and the sight of it makes my body react. It’s just so rare to see him so openly happy. So his age. No issues whatsoever.


          Yuki stops.

          I pull him down and he comes willingly, his body fitting nicely on top of me like we’re really made for each other. I hug him tightly. “I love you, Yuki,” I whisper.

          “You’re so unfair,
,” Yuki grumbles even as he kisses my forehead.

          I hug him more tightly, which makes him laugh, like I want him to.

          He hugs him back, so tightly I groan, which makes him laugh again.

          Mmm…that doesn’t seem right.

          “You haven’t said it yet,” I prompt him.

          “Said what?” he asks with wide-eyed innocence, but his baby blues are gleaming. A small smile plays on his lips. He’s simply too gorgeous for words, honestly. When I look at him, there are still times when I can’t believe he’s mine. That he
to be mine. Just mine.

          “Come on, say it.”

          “I don’t want to. It’s uncool.”

          That totally makes me laugh. He’s a god. He can puke in front a hundred girls, and he’d still be cool. “Come on, say it.” I pout.

          Yuki coughs.

          My eyes widen.

          Wow. I think that’s his version of a figurative nosebleed.

          Taking a hold of his face, I look into his eyes and pout again.

          Yuki’s ears turn red at the edges.

          “You think I’m pretty when I pout,” I gasp.

          Yuki lifts himself above me, leaning on his elbows. A dangerous gleam glints in his eyes. “If it’s war you want…”

          Blast it, I woke up the demon.

          “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

          He smirks. “Too late.” Yuki shifts his body and I freeze when I feel something down there that’s

          “I love you,
,” he whispers.

          I close my eyes with a moan, and then I moan again when the thing which isn’t still keeps getting harder and bigger.

          “I’m light years ahead of you in this area so don’t even think of seducing me.” Yuki shifts again, as if to prove his point. The movement brings his thing come into contact with, umm,

          Silken heat spreads all over my body and I bite back another moan.

          “Open your eyes,

          “I don’t want to.” If I do, it’s a nosebleed for me.

          Yuki’s body stops moving. His voice breaks when he asks, “
, you will tell me if I’m doing anything that makes you feel bad, won’t you? I don’t want to---”

          My eyes fly open at the worry in his voice. “Yuki, of course you don’t---”

          Yuki grins.

          Bloody hell, the arse’s tricked me again.


          With one impressively swift move, Yuki’s pulled off my jeans and throws it to the floor.

          “Yuki!” I try to wriggle away from him.

          “Sssh!” He tears off my undies.

          The tearing sound of silk is…a huge turn-on.

          I cover my eyes. I’m so embarrassed I don’t think I can ever look at Yuki while I’m naked down there.

. I think you’re better off grabbing a pillow.”

          “A pillow?” For what? Are we going to sleep like this? Does he want me to hug it while I cry in embarrassment?

          Yuki clasps my hips. “You’ll see,” he whispers, the air coming from his mouth tickling my skin. And then he goes down. On me.



          I grab the pillow, bite into it, and scream.

          Someone knocks on the door.

          Bloody hell.

          I toss the pillow away. “Yeah?”

          “I just want to know if, aah, you need to talk about anything with your mom and me?” It’s my dad. Bloody hell, it’s my dad.

          “Uhh…none. I’m okay. Yuki and I are…” I can’t speak, my body arching like I’m the girl in The Exorcist as Yuki’s hands join his mouth.

          Bloooody heeeeell.

          “Are you okay?”

          I try to move my hips away, but Yuki’s fingers just dig deeper into my skin, locking me in place. I try pulling his hair, but he doesn’t even budge. I am going to diiiiiiiieeeee---

          Yuki licks me, top to bottom.

” My hands swipe desperately for something to grab. The fluffy bed covers pool toward me, its edges accidentally knocking the lamp off the table.

          Jason knocks again. “Is everything okay there?”


          Yuki’s fingers start rubbing my sweet spot.



          Faster and faster.

          “I’m fine,” I gasp out. “I just spilled…ink…all over my
so I need to fix this before it gets worse. Can we just talk tomorrow?” At the rate I’m going, I think I have a shot at winning the Guinness record for the world’s fastest speaker.

          “Oh, okay. That’s fine. Good night, angel.”

          Yuki lifts my hips up for the deepest kiss imaginable.

          “Night,” I strangle out.

          When Jason’s footsteps fade, Yuki lifts his head and grins at me.


          Yuki’s head goes back down.

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