Drawing Blood (42 page)

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Authors: Mary Lou George

BOOK: Drawing Blood
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“Get me to Dakota,” Stryker murmured.

She turned to him, confused. “Who? Oh, you mean your horse?”

He closed his eyes and nodded almost imperceptibly.

“You don’t need the horse, I’ve got my car. I’ll drive you to the closest hospital.”

“No…a hospital won’t do. Get me to Dakota. He’s faster than any car and knows where to take me.”

Holly decided not to argue and helped him to cross the room. The going was slow, but when they made it up the stairs and out the kitchen door, Dakota was waiting for them. Miraculously, the majestic stallion kneeled to assist Stryker in mounting.

From atop the horse, Stryker said, “He’ll take me to a doctor who knows how to help me.” He slumped against Dakota’s neck. “I’ll be okay, Dakota knows what to do. Get in your car, lock the doors and drive. When you can get a phone signal, call Stephen. Stephen will know where they’ve taken me.” He was gone. Holly didn’t even see what direction they’d taken.

“I guess Dakota
faster than any car…” she murmured and made her way to the car.

As she drove, she kept an eye on her phone. The second she picked up a signal, she placed her call to Stephen. He understood immediately and gave her directions to where he figured Dakota had taken Stryker. Before he hung up, he reassured Holly.

“Don’t worry. Vampires don’t have to die from bullet wounds to the chest. It sounds like he fought the worst battle right before your eyes. From what I’ve learned about his kind, large amounts of human blood like that should have driven him insane…feral. It
have been impossible for him to resist taking Alison and you too, eventually, bloodmate or not.”

She’d told him nothing about her own blood sacrifice. Holly caught a sob in her throat and Stephen handed the phone over to Avery.

Chapter 32

He was back in her home the next day. Holly kept touching him to make sure he was real. Stryker didn’t appear to mind in the least. As always he welcomed her touch.

“I love you Holly,” he said as they snuggled on the couch. “I loved you even before that day in the supermarket. I just didn’t know it. I think I’ve loved you since the day you were born. That’s the way it is with bloodmates.” He kissed the long length of her neck. “It was your voice, your scent that gave me the strength to fight the hunger, the madness. Through it all I could sense you. I didn’t want to lose myself…I didn’t want to lose you.”

“You’ll never lose me.” She sighed. His teasing lips sent shivers through her body. “We’re bloodmates, remember? I have no choice. When I saw you chained to that wall, I thought I’d go mad.”

“Good thing you didn’t. Had you broken down, shown any kind of reaction, I’m not sure I could have controlled myself. I would have felt your emotions and let my own go. I couldn’t have come back, Holly. Seaton would have succeeded.”

“I don’t believe that. Yes, inside, you wage a battle. Lots of people do, but you
that battle every day. You could never be a monster. I know it. I can feel it in here.” She placed a hand against her heart.

He took hold of her hand. “But you understand that there is a savage side to my nature, don’t you? You’ve witnessed it first hand. Not many humans do and live to tell about it. It doesn’t go away. I’m ashamed of what I did to you. I drank from you. Can you get past what you saw in me? What I did?”

She frowned, pushing away from him to look into his face, head on. “I don’t want to get past it. It was the most incredible experience of my life. You only took what I offered gladly. That savage inside is part of you and I love you. All of you.” She put a hand to his cheek, “Without hesitation, you gave yourself to save Connor. How could I
love you? You are the most noble man I’ve ever known.” Feeling serene in that belief, she smiled. “I guess I’ll have to marry you now and have lots of vampire babies.”

His smile warmed her blood the same way it did the first day they met. He said, “We’re bloodmates, remember? You have no choice. But my people call it handfasting and it’s forever. Truly. You’ll see.” He touched his forehead to hers. “I’m looking forward to exploring all your developing abilities. We have so much to look forward to.”

Her smile held a touch of sadness. “Yes, but as I age you’ll stay the same.”

He shook his head. “Not so. Haven’t I told you? When you’re pregnant with my child you will inherit the same longevity as the baby. That’s the best part of vampire human breeding. I couldn’t bear to watch you age and die. You are my life. When you leave this earth, I will go with you.”

“I guess that’s part of being bloodmates, eh?” She frowned.

“Yes, it is. Does that bother you?”

She shrugged, trying to make light of her concern. “To be honest, yes. It’s like you have no choice but to love me. Even if you’d rather not.”

“Trust me, Holly. I’d love you whether we were bloodmates or not. What’s not to love? How could you doubt it? You’re funny, smart, beautiful and sexy as hell. You have the biggest heart I’ve ever seen and I’ve been around a while.” He wound a strand of her hair around his finger. “You’ve made me a part of this world. For so long I’ve obsessed over my mission, my responsibilities, my self discipline. You make me want more. You’ve given me hope. With you I can be so much more. I can laugh, love – live. Sweetheart, I’d choose you no matter what and I’m prepared to spend ten lifetimes proving that to you.” He nuzzled her neck.

His lips made her bones melt and his words left her speechless. But still she didn’t smile.

“What is it?”

“I can’t help thinking about poor Arnie. He’s lost Candace. Will he never fall in love again? Will he never know what we have?”

Stryker frowned. “What happened to Arnie and Candace is tragic, yes. But Arnie is one of us now. Perhaps one day he’ll find a deeper understanding. He’ll have plenty of support and love. Sadly, he’ll never know love like ours, but our love is rare indeed. He’ll find happiness though and
will help him. I’m sure of it. There are many kinds of happiness. We’ll all help him. He won’t be alone.”

She finally smiled. “That’s good to know.” But her smile faded once again as she remembered all Alan and Alison Seaton had done. Stryker didn’t speak this time, instead he waited for Holly to organize her thoughts and finally put a voice to what was bothering her.

“My father killed Nicole. She was just a child.” She bit her trembling lip.

He shook his head. “He wasn’t your father, Holly. Mackenzie Holister was your real father. We’ll find out about the man for whom your mother gave up everything.” His eyes followed every expression that crossed her face. “Alan Seaton must have known that your friend Nicole had latent abilities which meant she had a vampire bloodline however diluted. That’s what bloodstalkers do, sweetheart. They kill without conscience. He couldn’t afford to have Nicole awaken your abilities. When Alison told him about the aura you saw around Nicole, he knew she had to be taken from your life and he didn’t hesitate.”

“She died because of me.” She spoke in a flat tone. “They all died because of me.”

Stryker frowned. “You can’t blame yourself for what Seaton did. You were his victim too. You couldn’t have known what he was up to.” He bent his head to hers and kissed her trembling bottom lip. “It’s over now.”

They heard Stephen clear his throat as he and Avery entered the room.

“You’re sure Connor’s experiencing no adverse effects?” Stryker asked them.

“Right as rain, thanks to you. He suffered no ill effects from the drug Alison administered. Avery gave him the, ‘be careful of strangers’ talk again though he keeps insisting that Alison wasn’t a stranger.”

Holly smiled. “He’s a very smart kid.”

Avery sat on the couch beside her.

She said, “I can’t believe what we’ve been through in the last twenty-four hours.” She smiled ruefully at her friend. “Sorry, Hol, but I’m glad Alison and Alan are dead. After all they did. I could kill them myself for taking my son.”

Holly accepted her comment with a nod. Truth be told, she felt the same way. She shuddered to think that her association with Alison had put the children at risk. “Alison must have hatched that heinous scheme when she was here the last time. The kids were all excited about
Madness and probably mentioned it. And of course there were all those posters in Bracebridge.” She put a hand to her heart. “Can you ever forgive me for bringing those monsters into your lives?”

“Don’t be silly. There’s nothing to forgive. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again you’re not responsible for the sins of others.” Avery frowned then changed the subject.

“So when’s the wedding?” She smiled expectantly.

Stryker said, “Not soon enough for me.”

Holly snuggled closer to him. “Me either. I want to start having lots and lots of vampire babies. We really should set a good example.” The look she sent Stryker was deadly serious. He nodded approval.

She said, “So as soon as we can arrange it, let’s get married or handfasted or whatever you call it. I’d like my brother Matthew to meet some of your friends. I’m sure there’s a vampire woman out there for him.”

Avery laughed. “That will be worth seeing.”

“Have you heard from Declan yet?” Stephen asked.

“Just briefly. He’s taken matters in hand and connected with local law enforcement. Irene’s ex-husband is officially cleared and the murders here in Muskoka are closed. Now we mourn our loss. The Seatons weren’t the only bloodstalkers out there. Alan wasn’t the leader. I believe for here and now, the worst is over, but they know we’re here in Muskoka. The war will wage on.” He pulled Holly a little closer. “As usual, my brother’s trying to keep the whole thing under raps. We don’t want the police involved. It’s best that the Seaton name isn’t dragged through the mud at this point. How could it be explained anyway? Who knows what domino effect all of this will have. They’ll come up with a good story to cover Alison and Alan’s deaths.”

“I have to speak to Matt.” Holly said.

“We’ll talk to him together,” Stryker promised. “He’ll have to take over the Seaton business holdings. A change is gonna come. Something tells me that’s a good thing. He was already suspicious of his father, but Alison’s part in all of this is going to come as a shock I think.”

“He has to be told the whole truth. Now more than ever, I want my brother in my life. Is Declan okay with letting one more person in on the secret?”

Stryker grinned. “No, but he doesn’t have a choice. The bloodstalker network won’t take kindly to losing control of Alan Seaton’s power when it passes to your brother. Declan can help with that. Besides, Matt is going to be my brother-in-law. He’s family.”

Holly blushed. “It doesn’t bother you that you’ll be marrying into a family of bloodstalkers?”

Stryker shook his head. “Naw, after all, my brother and I are blood suckers. It takes all kinds to make up a family.”

Avery’s eyes met Holly’s. “You can say that again.”




Mary Lou George lives within driving distance to
where she is fortunate to have the best of both worlds, the city and the country. She’s worked in the design studio of a major Art Museum for over twenty years. The creative atmosphere there has helped to keep her imagination fertile and her humor well exercised. In her personal life, she’s surrounded by family, friends, and an animal or two, or three. It’s no surprise that her books include four legged characters. She comes from a long line of animal lovers and earth mothers. Her home is filled with love and laughter. She believes there’s a little bit of magic in each of us and working hard for the happy ending is always worth the extra effort.

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