Drawing Blood (32 page)

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Authors: Mary Lou George

BOOK: Drawing Blood
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“Now tell me about this man you’re seeing.”

Holly slid Avery an exaggerated dark look and said, “Avery has a big mouth.”

“Oh no! I’m so glad she told me! Don’t be mad at her. This is exciting! I can’t wait to meet him.”

Avery and Holly laughed. Avery said, “Don’t worry, she’s not ticked. I’d have to do a hell of a lot more than that to make her mad. She’s dying to talk about him.” She scowled and pointed at her friend. “Don’t you dare deny it.”

Chapter 24

Avery was right. Holly did want to talk about Stryker. Their relationship was so new there wasn’t much to say and of course there were obvious aspects of his character she couldn’t tell her sister, but it felt good to confide in Alison for a change.

After their visit to Bracebridge, the three of them drove back to Avery’s for a swim. Holly’s jaw almost dropped when her sister appeared in a cream colored bathing suit almost the same shade as her skin. At first glance she looked naked, but that impression was dispelled as the sun caught the bead work and sent prisms of light dancing around her.

“Wow, that’s some suit, Alison. Are you sure you want to wear it swimming in our lake. It’s a lake…you know…the kind with fish and weeds?” Avery cautioned.

Alison waved a hand at her. “Who cares? It’s just material.”

Holly scoffed. “Yeah, material made from Marilyn Monroe’s Happy Birthday, Mr. President outfit.”

“That’s it!” Avery said. “I knew there was something familiar about it.”

Alison grinned and struck a pose. “It’s just us girls. I promise not to sing.”

They laughed as they strolled the pathway that led down to the water. It was an easy walk, the earth packed firm by hundreds of trips to the lake and back made it easier for Alison to navigate in her espadrilles.

Alison was the first in the water but she didn’t stay in the lake for long. She dropped her towel over one of the Muskoka chairs on the spacious dock and dove into the lake. She executed a technically perfect front crawl and headed back, using the ladder attached to the dock to pull herself out.

“That was quick,” Avery said.

Alison nodded and looked at Holly. “I don’t have Holly’s skin. Mine burns badly. I keep sun block handy at all times.” And she proceeded to smear her delicate flesh with thick white lotion.

Happy she didn’t have to be so vigilant, Holly dove in the lake. Avery followed. Surfacing mere inches from one another, they exchanged a look. Sound carried over water so they dared not talk about anything they didn’t want Alison to hear, but they had the kind of friendship that often didn’t need words.

Avery’s look told Holly that she was happy Alison was making an effort. They both longed to talk about Stryker’s people and the man himself, but they had to settle for pointed glances shared occasionally throughout the afternoon.



“Mommy! Holly!!”

The kids were home. As usual when they didn’t find their mother in the house, they sought her out. The fact they had found her on the dock with Holly and a beautiful blonde in an invisible bikini just made the scene that much sweeter.

Their childish voices and laughter broke the silence but complemented the scene. The warm summer sunshine and cool lake water welcomed them as if waiting all day for their attention. The day took on a luster that promised to be remembered long after the sun went down.

Avery managed to grab Aaron’s arm before he jumped off the end of the dock.

She said, “Come on, you. We have a guest I’d like you to meet.”

Holly made the introductions and was pleased to see that the little tutorial Avery had given them on firm handshakes and steady eye contact, had taken root. Alison greeted each child sweetly and when Connor stood there in awe, his hand still gripping hers, she laughed and kissed his forehead.

Avery said, “I think you’ve made yet another conquest there, Alison.”

Connor snapped out of it and said, “Ahhh, Mom.” He blushed, turning his tanned cheeks ruddy. “She looks like The Lady of The lake. You know, from my book?”

Avery and Holly looked at Alison speculatively. Holly was the first to respond.

“You’re right, sweetie. She does look like The Lady of the
from your King Arthur book.”

Connor smiled. “She even sparkles.” His voice held a sense of awe and all three women smiled. Holly couldn’t help herself. She had to grit her teeth to keep from squeezing him too tightly as she gave him a huge hug.

The words, “Watch me, Alison!” joined the ever ringing, “Watch, Mom!” and “Holly, watch me!” as the kids played on the water trampoline.

Tears welled up in Holly’s eyes. It was an unexpected treat to have her families together and she was grateful for that rare moment.

* * * *

The magic didn’t last into the evening though. Holly was disappointed that Stryker was unable to join them for dinner. She understood of course, figuring that in his position he would have endless responsibilities. Alison tried to make her feel better.

She put a cool hand on Holly’s forearm and said, “Don’t worry. There will be plenty of time for me to meet him.”

“Of course, you’re right.” She pointed at her sister for emphasis and said, “You have to promise to come again soon and stay longer.”

“Yes…please! You just have to!” Connor added his own encouragement. He’d insisted on sitting next to Alison throughout dinner. Periodically, he’d look up at her, his grey eyes shining with wonder. She was good with the kids. Holly felt a little guilty for being surprised, but she had never seen her sister interact with children. Maybe she had more in common with Alison than either of them had ever known.

Gently, Alison smiled at Connor then at Aaron and Jessica.

“Oh you’ll see me again. I promise.” She stroked Connor’s hair and Holly saw him shiver at the contact. He’d always been a sensitive boy.

* * * *

Holly and Alison walked back to Holly’s house after helping Avery and Stephen put the kids to bed. Alison had read to them from Connor’s book about King Arthur. It seemed fitting.

Her night vision kicked in and made Holly even more surefooted than usual. Alison commented on it.

“Wow, you’re pretty familiar with this path, eh?”

“I should be. I take it often enough.”

“It’s so dark though. I can barely see my hand in front of my face.”

“I could walk this path blindfolded,” Holly insisted. There was no way she was prepared to talk to her sister about her enhanced senses.

“Well, you’re sure walking it blindfolded tonight.” She put her hand on Holly’s back and let her lead the way.

In Holly’s kitchen Alison accepted the offer of coffee.

She said, “I’d love a coffee. I have a long drive ahead of me. I don’t want to doze off.”

“You could stay the night if you want.”

Alison shook her head regretfully. “No. After taking today off, I’ve got to get to work early tomorrow, but thank you.”

“Well, you have a standing invitation,” Holly said as she started to make the coffee. While they waited, Holly sat across from her sister at the kitchen table. She felt closer to Alison than she had for many years.

She plucked up the courage and asked. “Do you remember much about our mother?”

Alison looked shocked and took a second before replying.

“I was young when she died, but I have a few vague memories. You know what I mean? She would kiss my boo boos, read bedtime stories and I remember her voice. Low and husky, just like yours.” Her eyes were sad when they met Holly’s.

“Did she have any friends? She had no family left. Surely she had a close girlfriend,” Holly ventured.

Alison laughed without humor. “Not everyone has a best friend like you do, Holly. Friendship like that is rare. I should know.” She nodded to the coffee and said, “I think that may be just about done.”

Holly looked over her shoulder and stood up. She wasn’t ready to drop the subject of their mother yet though and as she poured Alison a cup of coffee she persisted.

“So you don’t remember a single friend of Mom’s?”

Alison said, “I barely remember her, Holly.”

Holly looked disappointed and Alison sighed with what sounded like impatience.

“I recall the name Carrie because Matt had a hard time pronouncing her name and called her, “Care-we”.”

Holly was excited. “What about a last name? Anything else?”

Alison gave Holly’s question some thought. Finally she said, “I remember it was a color. I was coloring and she commented on the fact that I was using my left hand, just like Mom. I think I connected one of the crayons with Mom’s friend Carrie. It made sense at the time.”

Holly stayed silent giving her sister all the time she needed to work it through.

“Black? Brown? White? Green?...No, what was it? How many colors are there?...Blue!!!!” She snapped her fingers and smiled triumphantly. “Carrie Blue. That was her name! Wow, it’s been forever since I thought of her.”

“Was she married?”

“You mean is Blue her married name?”


Alison said, “I can’t remember ever seeing a man with her or anything, but I guess that’s not a sure thing.”

“That’s great! It’s a place to start. Thanks, Alison.”

“What’s brought on this sudden interest in Mother’s friends?” Alison looked unsure of herself.

Holly answered as honestly as she could. “I have no memories of her. Though vague, at least you have something, and I imagine Matt does too, but I have nothing. All Father will tell me is that I’m very much like her and he loved her beyond reason.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard that too.” Alison looked a little uncomfortable.

“You’ve given me the first new information I’ve had in years,” Holly said with enthusiasm.

She frowned. “What can you do with that information?”

“Nothing probably, but if I can find someone who knew her, they might be able to help her take shape for me.”

Alison shook her head. “You should go to Daddy with this.”

“Trust me, Alison, I’ve tried.”

“But if he knew you were going to this much trouble, maybe he’d feel obliged to tell you more.”

Holly rolled her eyes, “We’re talking about the same father right? That is Alan G. Seaton? Our father?”

Alison grinned reluctantly. “Yes, silly. I think he deserves one more chance.”

“That’s fine by me. Feel free to tell him what I’m doing. Tell him if he has anything he’d like to tell me, he has my address.”

“That’s a little harsh, don’t you think?”

Holly shook her head. “Not harsh, just realistic. I’ve decided not to live under a cloud anymore. I want to know it all. As Helene Seaton’s children, we deserve to know what kind of a woman she was. Don’t you think?”

Visibly reluctant, Alison said, “I guess so, but you don’t have to hurt Daddy’s feelings in the process.”

Surprised, Holly said, “Why would it hurt him?”

Alison shrugged. “I don’t know. I just think it should be your father who tells you about your mother, not some stranger.”

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