Drama Queen (2 page)

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Authors: La Jill Hunt

BOOK: Drama Queen
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Whoever said it's better to have loved and lost than never loved at all was a ign'ant ass,
Kayla thought as she checked herself in her rearview mirror. It had been a year since her breakup with Geno and she still felt like shit. She had tried to throw herself into teaching and becoming a better person, but even that wasn't helping to mend her broken heart. Her girls had discovered this new sports bar called State Street's and actually convinced her to come. She wasn't all that enthused, but hell, maybe a night out was what they all needed.
All of Kayla's girls were single with no kids. They were hard working, smart, educated black women who were attractive both inside and out. Any man would have been blessed to be with one of them, but they found themselves man-less at the present. Kayla had affectionately named them the Lonely Hearts Club and they had fun, nonetheless, just hanging out, living the single life. Their group consisted of Roni and Tia, two of Kayla's college buddies, and Kayla's co-worker, Yvonne.
The club was not overcrowded, but there were quite a few people. Kayla had just arrived and was looking for Yvonne when she felt someone grab her hand, startling her. When she turned around, she had to do a double take. For a moment, she thought it was Geno, but it wasn't. Although they had the same caramel complexion and similar features, this guy had a bald head, where Geno kept his thick curls cut close. He wore a mustache and goatee, as did Geno, and they had the same athletic build.
“Oops, my bad,” he said when he saw the confused look on her face. “I thought you were someone else.”
He checked out Kayla with her cocoa brown skin, dimpled smile, curvaceous figure and short-cropped hair cut. It was no doubt he liked what he saw.
“Oh, no problem.” Kayla finally found her voice. “Excuse me.”
“At least let me buy you a drink. I know you wanted to slap me for grabbing you like that.” He smiled at her and extended his hand. “Craig.”
“Kayla, and you don't have to do that, really, it's okay,” she answered, shaking it. She quickly turned and spotted Yvonne and Roni coming toward her. She maneuvered past him and shook her head, forcing herself not to turn back around.
“Who is that, Geno's cousin or something?” Roni asked.
“I don't know. He accidentally grabbed me, thought I was someone else or something. His name is Craig.” Kayla shrugged.
“He looks just like Geno, except he got a bald head and he got the thug thing going on. Better watch out,” Yvonne said. Yvonne thought all hard looking guys were criminals, and she and Roni always had comments about drug dealers and jailbirds.
They found a table near the dance floor and were having a ball drinking and laughing. Soon, Roni and Tia were on the dance floor as Kayla and Yvonne watched. The deejay was spinning old school jams that they had not heard in years. Kayla could not stop rocking to the beat. Then, as if on cue, Craig pulled her out of her chair and onto the floor. He had some moves. She could not help but laugh and demonstrate moves of her own. For the first time in a long lime, she was enjoying herself.
“How about that drink?” he asked when the deejay decided to slow it down. She didn't think twice as she followed him to the bar. He seemed like a nice guy and they vibed for the remainder of the evening. She was surprised when she looked at her watch and realized it was after midnight.
“I gotta go,” she told him reluctantly.
“The club doesn't close until three. What's the rush?” he asked. “You got a man at home waiting for you?”
“No. If I had a man, do you think I would have let you up in my face all night?” She laughed.
“Oh, I was all in your face, huh? That's how it is? Well if that's the case, can I at least get your number so I can stay up in your pretty face?” He looked at her with such intensity she felt a chill down her spine.
“Let me get your number and I'll think about it,” she said. He asked a passing waitress to borrow her pen then grabbed a napkin off her tray, writing his number on it.
“Well you do that. But at least call and let me know you made it home safely.” He placed the napkin in her hand.
“Won't you still be here until three?” Kayla put the paper in her pocket without looking at it.
“I put my pager number on the top. Call and put in code o-o-one. I'll know it's you.”
“Oh, no. I pick my own code. And you'll know it's me. I don't want some code you probably give to all your club chicks.” Kayla gave him a quick hug and went back to the table to bid good-bye to her girls.
“I thought you and him went to get a room or something,” Tia joked.
“Girl, please. I just met him. I didn't even give him my number.” Kayla smirked.
“But I bet you got his,” Yvonne threw at her. “I guess you won't be going home pining away for Geno tonight, huh?
“Why? She met the next best thing tonight. He looks just like him,” Roni said. “I ain't mad at you, though. You know my motto. The best way to get over a nigga is to get under another one.”
“All of y'all are sick. I'm out,” Kayla said and headed out of the club. As she turned to leave, a familiar face in a crowd of females caught her attention.
“Kayla, isn't that—”
“Yeah, that's her.” She cut Roni off before she could finish her question. She wanted to walk by and pretend she didn't recognize her, but the pretty woman waved and headed in her direction.
“Kayla! Didn't think I'd run into you!” She smiled.
“Anjelica. I should say the same thing.” Kayla didn't even try to fake a smile.
“Well, some friends and I drove up this afternoon. It
my birthday.”
“Happy birthday, Anjelica.” Roni raised her eyebrow at what could be Kayla's twin.
“Thank you, Roni. At least you can acknowledge it, unlike some people. But what can I expect from someone who blames me for every nigga that did her wrong?”
“Whatever, Anjelica. If I were you, I'd get outta my face, you jealous trick. Green was never a good color on you.” Kayla turned to leave.
“Geno thought I looked good in green.” Anjelica smiled wickedly. She knew that would get a rise out of her sister.
“Don't play with me. I already owe you an ass whooping. And I have no problem giving it to you on your birthday,” Kayla growled as she stepped into Anjelica's face. She knew that although her sister talked a good game, she was weak and would never fight her.
“Whoa! Hold up, ladies. I think you two need to separate.” Kayla felt a hand on her arm and looked up. It was Craig. He led her out to the parking lot and walked her to her car. She let her girlfriends know she was okay as they stood and talked for a few more minutes.
“Who was that?” he asked.
“That was my sister, the bitch.” She smiled at him. She felt so safe next to him; it was somewhat arousing.
“Damn, I thought y'all was about to throw down in there.” He laughed. “That was your sister?”
“Yep and today's her birthday. I shoulda gave her ass some licks. That is the tradition, isn't it?”
“I like you. You got spunk. I think that is so damn sexy.” He leaned near Kayla.
“I'll call you and let you know I made it home.” She winked at him as she got in her car and drove off, leaving him standing in the parking lot.
She thought about Craig all the way home. After all the crap Geno had put her through, maybe she deserved a little uncommitted fun. Maybe Craig was just what she needed. While sitting on the side of her bed, Kayla looked at the piece of paper Craig had given her, wondering if she really should call. Her eyes fell on the picture she still had on the dresser. She and Geno had taken it the day they graduated from City College. Although she hated to admit it, she still loved him. Probably always would. But he had moved on and so should she. Reaching on the nightstand, she grabbed the cordless phone from the charger. She dialed the pager number and after the series of beeps, she entered her cell number along with the numbers six and eight. Smiling, she climbed under her covers and went to sleep.
The next morning, she had a message waiting for her. “I'm happy you made it home safe, and even happier that you called me. I really want to get together later. If you're interested, give me a call.” Craig's voice sounded so sexy on the phone.
“Call him, girl,” Roni advised her. “He was cute and you can have some fun. Don't be all serious. He can be your rebound man.”
Kayla should have known not to ask Roni, but she had popped up at the music store to meet Kayla for lunch and she couldn't resist telling her about the message.
“What do I say?” Kayla asked her. Out of all her friends, Roni was considered the wild one. She always had a trail of guys who she had on call, so if there was an event she wanted to attend that required an escort, she had an abundance of men to choose from. She never got too serious or “caught up” and always said she would never get married.
Because of this, Kayla thought, she had never had her heart broken.
“Come on, Kay. Say you're interested. Go out. Have fun. Get some. Girl, you are young and free. Enjoy it,” she said between bites.
“I don't know, Ron.”
“I know you ain't still dwelling on that nigga Geno. Kayla, he's had no problem getting footloose and fancy-free. I know you heard about his new girl. You better get real. How long has it been? A year?”
“A year and some change. But you're right. I do need to get on with my life.” Kayla nodded. She didn't dare tell Roni that she had hooked up with Geno last month on a whim. They had talked occasionally and run into each other at the music store.
“Get out and get some, Kayla. Call him. Go out. What's the worst that can happen?” Ron reached for the check. “It's on me, girl.”
“Which one of your suitors hooked you up this weekend?”
“Trey. He got his income tax check and he won't be here next weekend for Valentine's. He feels bad.” Roni laughed. “I guess I'll have to go out with Darren so
won't feel bad, huh?”
“You are crazy. You give the word player a whole new definition. I can't wait for the day you fall in love.”
“Never that, sweetheart. I got too much game.”
“Okay, game. Let's go before I get fired,” Kayla said and rose to leave.
“So, when are you gonna call?”
“After I get off.”
“Handle your business, girlfriend. And let me know how it goes.” The two women parted ways and Kayla went back to work. She decided to return Craig's call during her last break. She found the paper that she put in her pocket before she left for work and again paged him with her cell number and the code sixty-eight. She hoped he would call back as soon as she paged him because her break was only fifteen minutes long.
I can't believe I'm doing this
. The vibration of her phone startled her to the point that Kayla nearly jumped out of her skin. She looked at the caller ID and recognized the other number Craig had written on the piece of paper. She took a deep breath and let the phone ring twice more.
Don't want him to think I'm sweating him.
“Hello,” she answered.
“So what's with the sixty-eight, Beautiful?” Craig asked in his deep voice.
“I'll always leave you wanting more. What's up with you?” She was trying to sound nonchalant.
“I'm doing better now that I've talked to you. You sleep a'ight?”
She could hear him stretching and wondered if he had just gotten up.
Maybe I should have called later.
“I slept fine. Thanks for asking. You busy?”
“No. I'm 'bout to hit the gym and then grab me some food. Would you care to join me?” he asked. She didn't know if he meant the gym or dinner.
“No, I have to work until four. As a matter of fact, my break is almost over. I did want to return your call, though.”
“Well, can I take you out later? After you get off? I mean, that's still early. We can catch a movie or something.” He seemed really interested in her and she was flattered.
“Okay. What if I call you around seven and we can meet somewhere?”
“A'ight. I'll talk to you then. Bye, Beautiful.”
“Bye.” Kayla couldn't help smiling as she put her phone back in her pocket.
They met for drinks and a movie that night. Kayla had to catch her breath when she saw him for the second time. The resemblance to Geno was still noticeable; there was no denying the boy was fine. But Craig had a hardness about him that Geno didn't have. He told her he was a chef at a local hotel. He took much pride in his cooking skills and offered to demonstrate them the following weekend, which was of course, one Kayla was dreading. It was Valentine's Day.
“I have to think about it and let you know,” she told him as he walked her to her car. She looked at him and still could not deny the attraction she held for him. It wasn't that he looked like Geno. Craig had that same sparkle in his personality that made her laugh, something she hadn't done in a while.
“What's there to think about? You already got plans? I know it's the day for lovers, but it can be for friends, too.” He grabbed her hand and held it for a moment as he looked into her eyes. She immediately felt self-conscious and looked away. “Do you know how beautiful you are?” he said.
This totally took Kayla by surprise. She'd been told before how attractive she was. She had even been called beautiful before, but Craig said it with such intensity that it stunned her. She looked up at him and as if on cue in a romance film, he pulled her to him. He kissed her so passionately that time seemed to stand still.
That kiss stayed on her mind for days. It was on her mind Monday when she woke up and got dressed for work. It was on her mind when she was stuck in traffic, leaving school and headed to the music store listening to Musiq sing about “love.” It was on her mind as she listened to the messages Craig left on her voice mail at home and on her cell phone.
“Hi, Kayla. I know you're at school, but I woke up with you on my mind and I wanted to hear your voice. So, your voice mail will just have to do until I talk to you, if you decide to grace me with a phone call. Have a great day, Beautiful.”
Kayla could not help but smile as she hung up the phone late that Thursday evening. She still had not decided what she would do for Valentine's Day. Yvonne wanted everyone to go out, but Roni of course had plans and so did Tia. Kayla figured she would play it by ear. She had a long week and didn't really feel like going out and seeing other couples all hugged up, knowing that this time last year she was happily involved herself.
Geno. Wonder what he'll be doing tomorrow? Probably with his new trick
, she thought. At that moment, the phone rang and she was surprised to see Geno's cell number on the caller ID.
Taking a deep breath, she answered with a low, “Hello.”
“Hey, Kay. How's it going?” He sounded great, as usual. The sound of his voice caused waves of memories to come flooding back.
“Great, G. And you?” she asked, monitoring her breathing.
“I've been good. I just called to check on you. I mean, it's been a while since we talked and I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“I'm fine, G.” She didn't know what he wanted to hear at this point.
“You weren't busy, were you? I mean, you sound kinda distant. Am I disturbing you or something?”
“No. I just got in from work. But I do have some papers I am about to grade. And I gotta get these gift bags together for my kids.” She sighed, still wondering what brought this phone call on. She and Geno had not parted on the best of terms, but they had gotten to the point where they were at least friends. It still hurt her to know what he had done, but it hurt even more that they were no longer together.
“Well, I'm not gonna keep you long, Kay. I just wanted to wish you a happy Valentine's Day and make sure you're doing all right,” Geno said quietly. She could hear him fumbling in the background.
“Where are you, Geno? You sound muffled,” Kayla asked him, straining to decipher the background noise.
“The door is locked!” She heard a female voice yelling.
“I'm picking my friend up from work. Hey, it was nice talking to you. I'll call you back later,” he quickly said and the phone went dead.
That nigga had the nerve to call me while he was picking up some other chick from work.
She shook her head and threw the phone on the bed. She had to remind herself that they were no longer together so she had no right to be mad. Again, she told herself that he had moved on, so it was time for her to do the same thing. The kiss again was on her mind as she picked up the phone and dialed Craig's number.

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