Dragon's Ward (7 page)

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Authors: LeTeisha Newton

BOOK: Dragon's Ward
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She never thought she’d be this ridiculously happy ever in her life. She was alive. She was safe, and she had her men surrounding her. Only one thing could make it better.

“I love you guys, do you know that?” she whispered and they stilled against her.

“I love you, more than you know,” Stefan whispered before he kissed her forehead.

“I have been waiting to tell you how much I love you,” Cadoc said and then laughed.

“My love, watching you out of it these last few weeks has been hard on us all,” Nero said then, kissing her shoulder again.

“A few weeks?” she croaked.

“The wound took a very long time to heal. He shot you at nearly point-blank range, right in the chest. We couldn’t stop you from rushing him,” Stefan said then.

“You got in the way. We have been so used to working as a triad that we didn’t include you in our metal plan,” Cadoc said then, sighing.

“Mental plan?” she asked.

“We can talk like this to each other. We didn’t think to include you. We should have.
” Nero’s voice was strong and true inside of her head. Even knowing that it was him though, she jumped in her skin when she heard it.

“You were planning to do something to Roach weren’t you?” she asked then.

“Stefan was going to grab you and turn so he could shield you,” Cadoc said then. “Nero was going to go for his gun arm and then I was going to finish him. You were never supposed to be hurt, never see what happened to Roach. We just had to keep him talking until we got him into position. And then your anger took over.”

“I am sorry for that, love,” Stefan said then. “You were newly turned. As such you couldn’t have controlled your rage. You tapped into powers you weren’t ready to control yet and the Phoenix just worked for you.”

“What did I do?” she whispered then, not sure she wanted to know the answer. She had glimpses of blood, Roach’s face twisted in agony, and the feeling of ripping him a part. She didn’t know if she had been dreaming or not.

“You got to him before we could and he took a shot. He shot you in the chest but your anger was so strong you couldn’t control it,” Nero said.

“Just tell me what happened,” she urged. Stefan sighed above her.

“You tore him apart before we could stop you. We cleaned up and brought you back here. You needed time and the heat of your nest in order to heal. They have all been here taking care of you. When we knew your wound was nearly whole, we readied you to meet your people,” Stefan explained.

That explained the dress and the warm sea of bodies she had woken up under. Her people had been healing her, giving her their heat in order to force her skin to knit together quicker. That was where the ache in her chest had come from. It was gone now but it was all from her healing ability and her people surrounding her. They had all been keeping her safe. After not being safe for so long she didn’t know how to handle being safe now. She stepped back, forgot the bed was there, and sat down abruptly.

“You did what you had to do, Brook. You freed yourself from that monster,” Nero said, kneeling at her side. He was always kind, always pacifying. He would try to lessen her pain if he could, she could see it in his eyes.

“Anyone would have done that if they had been given the chance. You were protecting yourself from a threat,” Cadoc said then, coming to kneel at her other side. Her warrior. He would have seen what she did with great honor. He would have done the same to remove a threat, and he couldn’t see anything wrong with what she did.

“I would have done it for you if I could have,” Stefan said then, squatting in front of her. He was a king. He would have saved any of his people from heartache, from the ugliness of reality. He wished that he could have done it for her. She could see it in his face, read it in their connection.

A sudden sense of happiness and freedom welled up in her. She was free. Finally free and that freedom had come with the greatest of things. Love. Pure, unconditional love. She had once been the dragon’s ward and now she was his mate. She couldn’t be any happier. She laughed and leaned forward, knowing their arms would come around her.

“I love you all. I couldn’t be any happier then I am right this second. Now, introduce me to my people. Don’t you think they’ve been bowing long enough?”

The End

About the Author

LeTeisha is the author of a plethora of Fantasy, both Urban and High, Romance, Erotica, and Paranomal novels. She can’t seem to stop daydreaming and from those daydreams evolve alpha males who make hearts throb, feisty heroines that make you want to stand up and give them applause, and sex that scorches the sheets. Now if she could just convince everyone that peanut butter and chocolate should be a world staple then she will have accomplished world peace!

Table of Contents


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

About the Author

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