Dragon Ugly (Dragon New Year) (17 page)

Read Dragon Ugly (Dragon New Year) Online

Authors: Selena Illyria

Tags: #werewolves, #shapeshifters, #Paranormal Erotic Romance, #dragon shifters, #Interracial Romance

BOOK: Dragon Ugly (Dragon New Year)
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The conversation turned back to sex. “What else would you like to try?” Brent asked.

“What do you want me to say?” Carissa blushed, but then blurted out: “I’d like to try a ménage.” The idea of two men focusing all their attention on her sent a bolt of liquid need straight to her sex. Anticipation tingled along her inner thighs as her pussy fluttered with want. She could feel the buzz from last night starting all over again. Carissa tried to shake it off. She watched him, waiting for him to tense up or become disgusted. “Did I tell you that werewolves hate surprises?” she asked, trying to change the subject.

Brent just chuckled. “Not as much as dragons. If you want a ménage, I can set one up. One time deal only, and I’ll be picking the other guy. Okay?”

“Okay.” They fell into silence eating their breakfasts until her cell phone rang. She answered. It was Anna.

“Hey, Carissa, can you come in early? I want to open up before our usual time. I figure that way we won’t be so swamped.”

“Okay, I need to talk to you anyway. Will Jez be coming in early too?” Carissa hoped that Anna’s radar would go up.

“Jez is picking up our order that got waylaid at Shadow Onyx City. She’ll be in by this afternoon. Okay, see in a few.” Anna hung up.

“That Anna?” Brent asked as he cleared their dishes and utensils.

“Yup. Jez is picking up an order that went astray in the city, so I’ll have time to talk to her. That’s if opening early doesn’t mean we’re going to be swamped with people looking for a deal.” She went into the kitchen and gave him a kiss on the cheek and a pinch on his butt. “Thanks for breakfast. I’ll see you later?”

“Yup, for lunch.” He turned around and kissed her on the back of her head as she poured coffee into a thermos.

Carissa left with her spirits high. She didn’t even care that he would be alone in her house…

“Crap,” she swore and rushed back through the door. “There’s an extra key in the key dish. OK, bye.”

Carissa rushed away again, got into her car and headed into town. As she walked to the store, she could already see a line forming outside the door. She checked her watch; it wasn’t even eight o’clock.

One of the women in line grinned at her. “Thank you so much. This is my third time to this store. Only one on the block that actually listened to me about my needs. Everyone else tried to foist the super expensive crap on me. And you all treated me so well.”

Carissa allowed the customers to come in and browse. When Anna met her, she looked confused. “I’m letting them in because it looks like it wants to rain. Let’s get to work, shall we?”

Anna didn’t comment on Carissa’s decision to let people in before they were ready. Instead, they put up the new displays and refilled the candy bowls. Anna shrugged and began ringing people up, handing out the bottles of water with each purchase. The gratitude on the customers’ faces and the promises of recommendations and return visits made up for the early start time. When they had a lull, Anna took her aside. “So what’d you want to talk to me about?”

Carissa wasn’t sure how to broach the subject.

Anna beat her to the punch. “Let me guess. You think that I used magick to bring in all those customers, don’t you? I don’t blame you in the least. We’ve had more than anyone else has and there have been some odd occurrences in the other stores. Jez beat you to the punch and asked me a few days ago. And the answer is no. I didn’t use magick. Happy now?” She didn’t say it as if she was annoyed. In fact, she seemed amused by Carissa’s concern.

“Yes, more than satisfied. So let’s get to work.” Now that that was dealt with she hoped Anna wouldn’t ask about Brent.

“So, how’d your date go?” Anna sidled up the Carissa at the counter as they rang up more people. “Did you give him the massage? I saw some bottles from our new stock missing.”

Heat flushed Carissa’s face. “Yes. It went well, but we didn’t use the bottles. Fell asleep.” The pinpricks crawled down her neck and spread through her chest as her pussy tingled.

“Oh, you must have had a really good time last night. I can smell the werewolf pheromones and…” Anna leaned in and sniffed her. “…a little male musk.”

“Ew, did you just sniff me? How can you even know that? I took a shower this morning.” Crap. Carissa realized she’d just told Anna that Brent had spent the night without actually saying the words.

“First, we witches have an excellent sense of smell. Especially this witch. How else am I supposed be able to put scents together? So what was it like? What was he like? Who is he? Tell me all.” Anna gazed at Carissa like cornered prey. Carissa wasn’t going to be able to get away without telling her the juicy bits.

“It was fantastic. He’s a dragon shifter. Water dragon to be specific, and I’m meeting him for lunch. That’s only if you can handle things here and Jez gets in on time.” She didn’t want to give anything else away.

“Rocked your world, huh? Those dragons can be kinky bastards, or so I’ve heard. Lucky you. Lunch, huh? Well, make sure it’s a long lunch.” Anna gave her a playful swat on the butt.

The morning went by quickly, with as many customers as there had been in the days before. By the time Brent called to let her know where to meet him, she felt ready for a nap. Her feet ached and her back was sore from all the standing and restocking she’d had to do.

When she met Bret outside the Spell Bound café, she was ready for some junk food and dessert therapy. But she forgot all that when Brent swept her up in his arms and gave her a hungry kiss with teeth and tongue. She groaned and stood up on tiptoe to wrap her arms around his neck and bury a hand in his hair. Instead of his usual spikes, he’d let it stay combed-back. It felt soft and smooth against her fingers.

“Ready for lunch? We have a dinner date at ten. I managed to get my shift switched so I have to close up on Saturday.” He gave her a kiss on the lips and grabbed her hand. “Come on.”

She didn’t protest, and she let him lead her into the café. They got a table toward the back and settled into the booth. Once they placed their orders for drinks and the waitress had given them time to look over the menu Carissa began to relax.

“I have a present for you.” He handed her a velvet-covered, rectangular box. A silver heart with two golden apples was emblazoned on the top. “When you get back to work, I want you to put these in. One for your gorgeous ass and the other for your beautiful pussy. Use the lube, and then call me. Use the hands-free device. If anyone asks, say you’re on the phone with a supplier. Don’t tell anyone what you’re doing and don’t come until I tell you.” His voice was stern and commanding.

Carissa ran her fingers over the fabric. The warmth and roughness of the cloth sent a thrill up her arm. “This is from the Velvet Palace. I’ve always wanted to go there but I don’t make enough even to splurge on a simple vibrator from there. You need an appointment just to get into the shop.” She stared at the box in awe.

“I know the owners and I get a discount,” Brent explained. “I helped them pick out the furniture, Fletch put together their website and Tor got the dragons to invest in the shop. I went in this morning after you left, called in a favor, and here we are.” He brushed her hair over one shoulder and ran his fingertips over the nape of her neck.

Threads of electricity rushed down her back, making her more aware of him. Her senses came alive. She could smell the greasiness of the food, the sour sweat from the waiters and waitresses rushing to and fro, Brent’s unique watery male musk and her own arousal. Pressure curled in the pit of her stomach as her pussy throbbed, demanding a quickie with her mate. She ignored it. This wasn’t the time or the place. Instead, she flipped the box open and gazed down at the silver bullet and the slim anal plug. Both of them looked so sleek and alien. They looked like advanced technology, but in reality they were going to be used for her pleasure. How though?

She flipped them over, trying to understand how they worked. Small packets of lube sat in a little alcove in the top of the lid.

Hands-free, he had said. She didn’t see any ear set. Carissa turned the box over. The bottom of the box was solid, as was the indentation in the lid. “Where’s the—?”

She looked up at Brent. He grinned and handed her the ear piece. “I’ll call the number and all you have to do is push talk and there we go. Just relax and let me control your pleasure.”

“How—?” She didn’t understand.

“Wireless. The ear piece is specially programmed to send a signal to the bullet and plug. I have the program on my laptop and the frequency, so I can change the speeds. But this is just the beginning of our fun. Today, no panties, not even for our dinner date. Wear thigh high stockings, some sexy heels and a strapless dress. No more questions. And you’d better put that box away. I’ve seen women get into screaming matches over the last vibrator from the VP.” He turned his attention to plastic-covered menu.

Carissa tried to stifle the excitement growing in her body. Her nipples had tightened and her juices had already dampened her thighs. Just the beginning? What had she gotten herself into? She couldn’t stop a grin from spreading across her face. It looked like Brent was going to be the fun and inventive lover she’d been looking for.

“Looking forward to tonight?” he asked, without looking at her.

“Just so long as you let me return the favor,” she purred. She wanted to give him as much pleasure and fun as he was giving her. It had nothing to do with obligation; she knew that she would enjoy giving him pleasure as much as he would enjoy receiving it.

“Just say when and I’m game. But for now, I call the shots.” He gave her a kiss on the cheek and went back to studying his menu.

“Just remember the ‘for now’ part.” She grinned as she looked over her options. “Anyway, what looks good? I need a junk food fix. I know it’s not healthy, but I’m hungry and need carbs, badly.”

“I’m having the BBQ rib burger and steak fries with a coke. I suggest that or the boneless wings. I would share my order with you but I’m a selfish bastard when it comes to my fries.” He chuckled.

She could only grin back at him. “Don’t worry, me too. And that does sound good. You can order for both of us, and I want an iced tea with mint and lime rather than lemon. I’m going to the bathroom.”

Before he could respond she slipped out of the booth and headed for the bathroom. She entered the large, clean space with simple sinks and four empty stalls. Carissa entered the nearest stall, put down the toilet lid, sat, and opened the box. She ripped open the lube, squirted some on her fingers, lifted her skirt with her free hand and spread her legs. Although she was already damp, she wanted a bit of extra slipperiness. Once she was good and slick, she slipped the silver bullet into her vagina and squeezed her muscles around it. She repeated the process with her anus, which proved to be difficult. Her muscles protested at her ministrations and refused to relax as much as she wanted them too.

A knock on her door almost caused her to drop the plug.

“Open the door, honey. Let me help you.” Brent’s voice came through the thin partition and she almost swore.

She didn’t want to admit it but she needed help, and he was being oh-so-naughty. She unlocked the door with one hand and stood back. Brent crowded into the stall and shut the door behind him. He used his body to keep the entrance blocked.

“Turn around, honey.” He lifted her skirt and he caressed her buttocks before he gave each a sharp slap. Heat burned through her groin, replacing the pain with pure desire. She groaned and pushed her backside towards him. He didn’t smack her again. Instead, he petted the flesh and parted the cheeks. She felt the rough glide of his shirt against her bare bottom. He gave her anus a few licks as his fingers slipped over dewy petals. Carissa planted her hands against the wall and pushed her ass towards him, hoping for more stimulation. It didn’t matter that they could get caught at any second. She just wanted more of his touch.

When his tongue rimmed her vaginal entrance, her knees shook. He took quick swipes, going back and forth between her pussy and her back entrance, not spending too much time in one area, alternating the rhythm so she couldn’t guess what he would do next. Brent pinched her nether lips, then licked the pain away, then gave her ass a slap. Over and over again, she felt her thoughts fall to pieces as fire built in her belly. Her muscles relaxed, and she felt a gentle pressure at the mouth of her anus.

“More,” she urged. Carissa pinched her nipples through her blouse, tugging on the small barbells through the thin fabric.

Brent gripped her hips and continued to eat her out. Her juices dripped onto her thighs as her clit pulsed, demanding attention. She reached down and stroked the aching bundle of nerves as his fingers worked into her back entrance. Carissa’s muscles relaxed around his blunt fingertips, allowing them to work their way in. He pulled them out, ripped open the packet of lube and then went back to helping her muscles adjust for the plug.

Pressure built and coiled within her, filling every nook and corner until she was sure she would come.

“Don’t you dare come, not until I say,” he growled, as he rocked his fingers deeper into her, pushing past the first ring of muscle.

She didn’t feel full enough. Carissa needed his cock in her, now. Whether it was in her ass or her pussy she didn’t care; she just wanted some satisfaction.

“No,” he murmured. He withdrew his fingers and then rocked them in further until they were knuckle deep. He scissored the digits in her ass—push, pull, stretch. Sweat beaded on her brow. Carissa bit her lip but the muffled groans still came out.

She felt him withdraw his fingers and then she felt the thick plug being wedged in until it filled her completely. Brent gave her pussy one last lick and then pulled the skirt down over her bare ass. She felt him rise. Frustration and endless pressure swirled in her body, fired her blood. Her vaginal walls clenched and relaxed as her clit throbbed. She felt Brent’s hand wrap around her wrist and she groaned when he pulled her hand away from her dripping slit.

Carissa shivered when she felt Brent’s thin, rough tongue lap away her honey before he turned her around. She looked up at him. His lips were slick with her juices. His tongue flicked out, lizard-like in its thin, forked shape. His eyes had become dark as the sky with flecks of sea-green floating in the depths. He blew out a stream of steam, and then he bent down and kissed her.

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