Dragon Legacy (11 page)

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Authors: Jane Hunt

BOOK: Dragon Legacy
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“It's fine. When I fell into it, I noticed its clean smell. It may be a little dank where it doesn't flow, but its spring water.”

Lukas dipped the cloth into the cold water and wiped the cuts on his back and shoulders as he walked towards Fleur.

“Let me help. You can’t reach, and you rub too hard. They’ve bled even more now.”

Fleur ignored his brusque manner towards her. He hurt, despite his denials. They didn't refer to their passionate interlude, but it would keep. She wouldn't be clingy. If he only loved her once, it would be enough for her. She shook her head at her own stupidity. She lied. She wanted the dragon man for keeps. If only she could convince him.

Chapter Eleven

Lukas suffered her gentle ministrations in silence. A moan escaped. He bit his tongue, the pain a solace against the sting of his renewed arousal.

“I'm sorry. I'm hurting you."

“I’m fine. They feel much better, thanks. Let’s finish dressing so I can find a way out of here which doesn’t involve swimming.”
Or flying,
his subconscious piped up. Fleur still hadn’t questioned how he’d found her. Maybe she believed he dived in from the top as she did. If he couldn't find another way, and Zane didn’t come soon, flying would be their best option. Fleur slumped against the cave wall. She appeared both disillusioned and physically exhausted.

“There doesn’t seem to be another way out of here.”

Lukas sat next to her and pulled her into the safety of his arms. “There’s always a way, Fleur. We both managed to get in here. Besides, this cave does have compensations.” He kissed Fleur’s upturned face and for a few delicious moments, their problems faded.

Fleur ended the kiss first, a puzzled look on her face.

“I still don't know how you found me, Lukas.”

“I told you about the dragon.”

“Yes, I know the dragon rescued me.”

He should tell her the truth. Fleur believed and accepted all he’d told her so far. Even made love with him. He should appreciate her remarkable qualities and treat her with the respect she deserved. "The dragon's transformation left me with the ability to fly.”

“You’re joking, right?"

“Did you read about dragons in your fairy tales as a small child?" Lukas asked. Fleur nodded. "Well, I'm like them."

“You said human storytellers' demonized the dragons because they didn’t understand them. I don't see what fairy tales have to do with this.”

“I didn’t realise you’d overheard all our conversation last night."

“I heard and saw most of it. The images you showed Grace and Jasmine scared me. They looked so real. As if I walked into something magical, I didn’t understand. ”

Lukas looked at Fleur with renewed respect. She already knew so much about his life, yet still wanted to be with him. His heart opened and, for once, pushed aside his head’s rationality. He accepted the possibility of Fleur as his soul mate. Fleur stared into his golden eyes.

“Dragons fly in fairy tales.”

Lukas smiled. “Yes.”

Fleur frowned. "So you can fly at will."

Her body trembled. Lukas' arousal built again. Fleur’s intellect and open-mindedness amazed him and turned him on. “So far.” Lukas bent his head and kissed Fleur with all the tenderness he possessed. He tamped down his arousal. The next time they made love, it would be somewhere beautiful and warm so they could relax and enjoy each other fully. He broke the kiss and resisted the invitation in Fleur’s eyes. He made a promise he hoped they wouldn’t regret. “If it’s what you want and are prepared for a risk.”


Fleur’s excited interruption stopped Lukas’ carefully phrased speech. “I could fly us out of here.”

“If it’s possible without killing us both, we should go for it.”

She kissed him to seal the agreement. Lukas returned her kiss. He should tell her about his change of heart. No, he would wait. He’d already made one promise he might not keep. If they survived, he would tell her. “Right, let's get started. I managed to land there. If I use the rock to stand on and you jump on my back, I’ll give it a go.”


Fleur’s heart plummeted. Not the words she expected. Disappointed, but not surprised, she couldn't force Lukas into an emotional response he didn't feel. She found a believable smile and turned in his now loose embrace. Soon they would kiss to seal an agreement of a more personal nature.

Roller coaster rides never appealed to Fleur. Too fast with too many death-defying plunges, she always avoided them. Her childhood fear of fast fairground rides paled into insignificance compared with flying in a dark, water-filled cave perched on a dragon man's back. Fleur hitched her bottom into a more comfortable position on Lukas’ broad back. Her long legs seemed small in comparison to his muscular chest. The sensation she experienced defied description. Certain tender parts of her anatomy were stretched a little too much for comfort, while her position subjected other delicate body parts to a high degree of friction. Lukas organized his clothes and stretched his body in preparation for their journey. She couldn't believe she accepted this bizarre situation. A man flying without an engine, or at the least, fiberglass wings couldn't be normal.

“Fleur, I must concentrate.”

“I know.”

“I understand you’re nervous, but I would be less distracted if I carried a litter of bouncy puppies.”

“Oh sorry, Lukas, I'm comfortable now. When we're airborne, I won't look or move.”

“Fine, so you're comfortable."

“I think so.”



“You can do this? I'm afraid I didn't give you any choice.”

Lukas laughed fire in his gaze. “The power you have over me, sweetheart, is sexual. I’m nobody’s lap dog, not even yours. Got it?"


“I can do this.”

Fleur took deep breaths. “I’m sorry. I’m frightened.”

“You must trust me.”

No hesitation, whatever their difficulties, she trusted him. “Yes, I do." The imminent flight pushed all other thoughts from her mind. Fleur shut her eyes. Her mouth moved in silent prayer, her instinctive response when frightened.


She trusted him. A warmth bathed Lukas’ battered heart. Throughout his long existence, he avoided permanent commitment, never became entangled in anyone's emotional welfare. Fleur must be his cardinal rule’s exception. A myriad of conflicting emotions coursed through his mind—confusion, hope, and fear all battled for supremacy. He pushed them all away. He could think about Fleur and her expectations later; her physical safety was most important now. “Thank you, Fleur. Your trust is important to me.” He brushed the hand on his shoulder with his lips. Fleur shuddered in response. The fires of arousal flared in her gaze. He blew a kiss at her rosy lips. “Right, let's do this." Fleur's eyes closed as she crouched low on his back.

Lukas was calm, almost serene, his task clear and defined in his clutter-free mind. He inhaled and concentrated on his chosen destination: the cave far above them, shrouded in darkness. He imagined every small detail: the broken pathway, the walls covered in slimy fungi and algae, the scurry of insects and rodents as they went about their lives, the ever-present screech from the bats hung along the cave's roof. After a few moments, the cave's image imprinted in his mind. He even saw the thin shaft of light where it shone through the narrow entrance. Fleur fidgeted on his back and uttered a suppressed scream. He turned and checked. The reason for her distress became clear as the ground fell away below them. They soared towards their freedom. The air rushed past his streamlined body and ruffled his long, straight, black hair.

Fleur’s delicate body wrapped around him like a second skin, the memory of her naked form wrapped round him earlier flashed in his mind. His body hardened at the erotic image. Sex with Fleur was a revelation. The ecstasy he’d experienced was indescribable. A tender experience, the emotion so pure, it frightened him a little. The genuineness of her love humbled him. Her unique ability broke through his self-inflicted emotional barriers gave him a new freedom. Serendipity, indeed. Fleur changed him. Gave him back his human soul. He could recognise and accept his emotions. A positive step forward. Now he needed greater courage. He must tell Fleur how he felt about her, them. They flew towards the cave's top, ever closer to their destination. He would never let her go. Insurmountable problems threatened his chances of a permanent relationship with her. He would solve them all, he promised in his heart. The demon slayer would remove all the barriers to their happiness. He didn't have a choice. His life without her in it stretched before him like a baron wasteland, an existence he no longer wanted.


She closed her eyes tight. The air rushed across the exposed parts of her body not in contact with Lukas. She shivered. Her frenetic downward plunge into the inky pool hours before flashed in her anxious mind. This experience differed. Scary, yes. It numbed her mind, but Lukas would ensure her safety. Close physical contact with Lukas excited and tortured her. Her need for his touch sent her libido into overdrive. Every slight movement of his back muscles rubbed against her and caused a delicious friction. She wanted them naked and not separated by so many layers of clothes. Fleur's serendipitous first encounter with Lukas fueled the wildfire nature of their relationship. It challenged her most fundamental beliefs. She re-evaluated herself and recognized her attributes as a clever, resourceful woman. Now she lived a stranger’s life, full of passion, excitement, and danger, as she had become her murder mystery character, Megan Wilde. Whatever the cause, her current life suited her. Lukas’ transparent delight in her body made Fleur believe in her unique and special qualities. In his eyes, she was beautiful. The discovery caused her pain. Her previous blind acceptance of her ex-lover’s opinion became a self-fulfilling prophecy for both of them.

Lukas acted like a catalyst. He accelerated all the positive events in her life. Life without him daunted her even after such a short acquaintance. His nomadic, solitary life didn't include a long-term relationship. Could he change his lifestyle so they could be together? If she wanted him in her life, she could bend a little further too. The dank smell flooded into her nostrils, She half-opened her eyes. Darkness greeted her. Cave walls towered on both sides, but they didn't move and enclose her. Fleur sighed. Lukas covered her legs with his arm as he turned.

“Open your eyes. We've landed.”

“Wow, we made it.”

“You doubted me?”

“No, but we got here quicker than I imagined.” His arm stopped her descent from his back.

“Wait. I’ll help you.” He squatted. “You can jump now.”

Fleur let go of Lukas’ shoulders and slid from his back. A rat squeaked and scurried pass them. She jumped, but it ran away. She calmed herself. Lukas diminished the space between their bodies. He pulled her even closer. “I prefer you this way 'round.”

She smiled as she looked into his eyes. His gaze filled with the passion. Fleur played his game. “Why?”

“I imagined this on our flight.” He kissed her mouth, his touch so light. Her lips reciprocated. He kissed her again, this time with a little more passion. She kissed him back with increased enthusiasm. Fleur lost herself in desire as it ignited between them. He pulled his lips away.

"I did too." Impatient, Fleur kissed Lukas. His lips opened under hers. She let her tongue invade his mouth and enjoyed their battle for supremacy.

“Mmm, thought-provoking. It's definitely time for the next fantasy. Your turn, I believe.”

"Let's try this?” She unzipped his jacket and sweatshirt. He shivered as the damp cold air penetrated his thin shirt. “I hope you aren't too cold. I want to play." She licked her lips as she remembered how good he tasted the first time.

Lukas stared at her. “Whatever you do, I can reciprocate.”

Fleur ignored his provocative answer. She undid each shirt button, the last garment between her hands and his bare skin. Her progress slow because her fingers trembled.

Lukas indulged her. “Well, I’m not cold now.” He allowed her a little more leeway as she tortured him by undoing two more buttons before he helped her reach her goal by popping the remaining buttons from his shirt as he tore it apart. “Done,” he grabbed her hands and laid them on his naked chest and abdomen. “Your move.”

Fleur couldn't hide her delight at his lack of control. She caressed the wide expanse of his muscled torso with her small, long-fingered hands. She knew her smile resembled a satisfied cat that drank all the cream. "So many muscles, Lukas." The hardness of his lower abdomen rippled under her hand. She ran her fingers along the line of dark hair until it disappeared into the waistband of his jeans. Lukas lost the battle with his self-control. His golden-eyed gaze flared. She must have pushed him too far. His gaze hardened.

“My turn, I think.”

The sexual heat rose. The bulge in Lukas’ jeans filled her with lust. She regretted he stopped her game. “I haven’t finished yet.”

"I'm finished. Reciprocate. Remember our agreement.”

“I didn’t say I agreed to your terms.”
“They weren’t negotiable, Fleur.” He pulled her hands away from his lower body and his obvious erection. He held them behind her back, imprisoned in one of his. “Now you're mine.”


Lukas used his other hand and unzipped Fleur's rain jacket and sweatshirt. She wore no T-shirt. She had used it for his cuts. He raised Fleur’s hands above her head, her half-naked body at full stretch. After a slow perusal and caress of the soft, silky skin he revealed, his hand rested on her jean's waistband. Lukas flicked open the top button. His fingers caressed the delicate skin there before he skimmed back up her body. Fleur licked her lips as Lukas ran his fingers across her silk and lace-covered breasts, drifted further, and stroked her rounded navel. He revisited the spot where he freed the button of her jeans. Fleur moaned as he undid the zip. Her jeans slid halfway down her thighs. She opened her legs a little wider. They stopped mid-thigh. He released her hands. With his free hand, he caressed her bottom and pulled her closer. He dropped onto his haunches and found his center of balance. He lifted her suppliant body and laid her sprawled across his hard thighs. He held her startled gaze and covered the tiny silk triangle, which hid her feminine secrets with his open mouth. Fleur arched her back and pushed against him. He liked her desperate for his next caress. Lukas toyed with her before he eased a finger under the lace-covered waistband of her thong and pulled. The delicate creation snapped and the triangle of protection fell away.

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