Dragon Dreams

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Authors: Laura Joy Rennert

BOOK: Dragon Dreams
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Royal Princess



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Text copyright © 2012 by Laura Joy Rennert

Illustrations copyright © 2012 by Melanie Florian

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Rennert, Laura.

Dragon dreams / Laura Joy Rennert ; illustrated by Melanie Florian.

p.   cm. — (Royal Princess Academy)

Summary: Attending her first year at the Royal Princess Academy, Emma prefers soccer to ballroom dancing and dreams of one day riding a dragon.

ISBN: 978-1-101-59139-0

[1. Princesses—Fiction. 2. Individuality—Fiction. 3. Sex role—Fiction. 4. Dragons—Fiction. 5. Schools—Fiction.] I. Florian, Melanie, ill. II. Title.

PZ7.R2903Dr 2012





To my darling Emma, her Chihuahua sidekick Lola, and
her terrific group of princess friends. You’re my inspiration!
And no, Emma, we CAN’T get a dragon!!—L.J.R.

1. All About Me

2. Princess Problems

3. Uh-oh

4. Let the Contest Begin

5. Woof!

6. Saved by the Ball!

7. Dragon Dreams

8. I Definitely Need a Plan

9. My Very Own Dragon Kit

10. The Dragon Caverns

11. A School for Gnomes

12. Dragon to the Rescue

13. Putting the Pieces Together

14. Birthday Surprises


Chapter 1

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