Dragon Alliance Dark Storm : Dark Storm (66 page)

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Dark Storm

ing Ibliss’s servant reached in and helped his master from the partially collapsed tunnel. As he was being pulled from the dusty passageway, he was swearing at the Alliance and the dragons. “Curse the demon metallic dragons, their infidel riders, and all the nonbelievers of that evil land,” the battered and dirty sultan swore out loud as his personal servants and senior generals gathered to get their king on his feet.

“Yes, my sultan, they dare to attack your holy palace in these our sacred lands,” his primary servant answered his master’s rant.

“General Dumad, I want all of the Black Scarabs in our kingdom to move immediately to the Alliance and kill as many of their dragonriders, leaders, and citizens as they can before they are martyred,” the Ibliss spat out.

“My king, their stronghold and palace in the north has been decimated along with their guild master and most of the assassins themselves. The dragons and their cursed minions saw to that. Those that remain in Dagrad and in our southern cities have done what they do best and gone to the shadows. Almost all of the assassins in their land have been killed or captured,” his senior general answered.

“Then if I can’t strike back at the Alliance until after the invasion, I want our western army to lead our simpleton neighbors to attack the Alliance’s cursed ally Ian and destroy those vermin,” Ibliss angrily ordered.

“Sire, the Ianese are too strong to attack directly even with the aid of the armies of Ayrais, Naydanj, and Teyej combined. They have had too much training and received much equipment from the Alliance. Their land dragons are also too powerful, and their weaponry is superior to ours. We must wait and reconstitute our whole army if we are to attempt this grand an attack,” General Dumad explained.

“The Alliance dragons will perish under the combined might of the Morgathian and Kallysh attack. And after the two unholy dragon armies kill each other, it will be the time for the united armies of the faithful, for all believers in Kallysh, to rise up and conquer the Alliance once and for all. Then we will usurp all of Ariana, take the kingdom of Hindus, and then Morgathia will fall to us, Kallysh willing,” Ibliss went on in a delusional rant. “So gather our allies and begin the planning for the attack at once,” he ordered.

“Sire, we have just lost our Dagrad division and most of the manticores. Our southern army is in shambles and has suffered heavy losses. The eastern army was mostly sent with the Morgathians, and what remains must stand guard in case the Arianans decide to attack from across the Ontaror Straits,” the general continued to try to convince his king it was an unwinnable war he wanted to start.

“The troops stationed around Dagrad, while loyal, were nothing more than the sheiks’ spoiled sons and nephews, and not worth much in a fight. That dog Dalmach wouldn’t dare attack us, especially with Hasera being recently destroyed by the Morgathian dragons. We have enough holy warriors to conquer those vile infidels, and as our attack occurs, the Alliance will be too busy or simply defeated to come to the aid of their Ianese pig compatriots. Once we conquer them and take their wealth, our next step is Ariana; we will usurp their treasury and gem mines and then attack east through Hindus and eventually Morgathia,” Ibliss angrily countered.

“Sultan, this will leave our lands almost defenseless. I implore you to reconsider. We are not ready for a war with them right now. It could mean the survival of our kingdom,” the general pleaded. King Ibliss walked over to his chief war counsel with a smile and gave him a kiss on each cheek and an embrace.

“General Dumad, first, this is my kingdom,” the almost insanely mad king whispered in his ear as he grabbed the general’s ceremonial jeweled bone-handled dagger. He thrust it deeply into his back and twisted it to ensure his heart was cut. “And secondly, I have no room for disobedience and cowardice in my kingdom,” he added as he released the general, who fell to the ground, blood pouring from his back as he gave a last gasp of pain and disbelief. “Now, are there any others here willing to question my authority?” he stated. All of his remaining advisors quickly capitulated and bowed to the mad king.


All of the Talon Covenant and the Usurper Five had gathered at the request of Tiamat and Stalenjh. There was both a sense of excitement and trepidation at the massive scale of the operation they were about to unfold. However, with the volatile nature of both the queen dragon and her sorcerer counterpart, nothing was taken for granted. “I want everyone to be silent. Dreadstone, Doomshadow, what is the status of the fleet and my dragons?” Tiamat’s red dragon head asked as the Talon sorcerer’s image was projected from the large dark crystal in the center of the huge circular room beside the immense dragon’s body.

The image of his long face appeared in front of her. He was the only one of the Covenant taking part in the large-scale attack, apart from Doomshadow, the black Usurper dragon. Dreadstone was sent by Stalenjh himself, mostly to get his chief rival away from Aserghul and Morgathia. He worried the tall, sinister sorcerer was becoming too powerful, and Stalenjh felt his province needed to contribute more.

“Queen Mother Tiamat, Stalenjh, the fleet has separated and are almost at their assigned attack points. The Shidanese have been somewhat difficult, but nothing a little brute force did not solve. The saragwin are pushing the sea elves away from the coasts to keep them from warning the Alliance. With most of their warships sailing toward Shidan and their dragons destroying that mongrel kingdom, we should have a relatively defenseless population to wreak havoc upon,” Dreadstone reported.

“Queen Tiamat, our dragons are all airborne and waiting to quench their thirst for vengeance and metallic treasure. They have not forgotten the defeats on the plain and along the Smoking Mountains, and especially during the last Dragon War,” Doomshadow added to the sorcerer’s update.

“This is good. Ensure that as many of the Shidanese vermin are destroyed as possible; their king’s arrogance offends me. After they attack and are annihilated, then send in all our dragons. Hit their cities hard, and when you capture their large coastal seaport, occupy their weir, relieve it of all treasure and magic items, and prepare to defend it against the returning Alliance fleet and the metallics. As a precaution, have the city ready to burn or be razed as a bargaining chip against Michenth’s hateful spawn. After all your attacks culminate, I want all ships and dragons to consolidate at the primary target city for any fight to come there, and a last stand if necessary,” Tiamat’s black head instructed.

“That will not be necessary, Queen Mother, we will overpower the remaining Alliance defenses and seize and hold their city. This will give our traitorous friends in their senate a means to sue for peace with us, and then soon, their whole republic will fall to our might,” Reigngrim, Dreadstone’s chief death knight added.

“Your overconfidence will be your undoing, Death Knight. I have just gotten word that the Alliance dragons and their supporting forces have destroyed the assassin guild fortress in the north and have leveled Ibliss’s palace, the Dagrad division, and most of the coastal defenses in a very short order. So I would take more of a cautious mind-set,” Ashram interjected to bring a slight sense of foreboding or reality into the almost jovial atmosphere and also to set a slight amount of doubt in Stalenjh’s grand plan.

“You still reek of your defeat in the plains, lich,” Reigngrim spat back.

“That is what Marlok said before his army and the fire giant army, as well as a dozen squadrons of our dragons were crushed in the Smoking Mountains,” Ashram quickly replied.

“The Alliance defeat of the desert mongrels is no major accomplishment, as we have proven this ourselves in Hasera,” Stalenjh quickly countered to stem Ashram’s statements.

“Even if the invasion fails, it will still go a long way to distract and continue to spread the Alliance and their false dragons thin. It will also give our fool supporters within the Alliance something to focus on. So the sacrifice of the desert mongrels is an effective measure no matter what the outcome of this campaign,” Tiamat’s green head answered to quell the argument.

“But of the armies that each one of us committed to this grand scheme; if it we were to fail, what is the consequence?” Tbok stated in a slightly irritated tone.

“That is not my concern. Victory or defeat from the perspective of the provinces of Morgathia is of little matter, but it is my utmost priority to weaken the Alliance. We can conscript more to serve me and all of you under arms. With the supply of meat and gemstones from the Canaris Twins and the increased supply of dark crystal from the drow for sorcerers and weapons of power, along with our dragons reproducing at an increased rate as is their precious stone supply to strengthen them; any losses that are incurred will be made up in a short time. Even if we lose them all, if that is what is required, then so be it. Are there any questions?” Tiamat’s blue head sharply and forcefully stated. All were silent, even the drow priestess Yveshra, who was usually the only one with enough courage to question the dragon queen. “Good, then we shall watch the games and the blood of the Alliance and their blasphemous dragons spill,” the white dragon head of Tiamat finished.


In spite of it being early in the winter, the day was somewhat warmer than usual as the Atlean dock fishermen cast their lines into the sea. Within moments, both of the fishermen pulled out large game fish. “The fish seem to be almost fighting to get on our lines. A good day this will be,” one said.

“Almost too good—the schools of fish are crowding too close to the shore and here at the docks. Something is scaring them from their normal feeding areas, and on a large scale,” the fisherman’s friend replied.

“Even when the sea elves put on a drive, they don’t clear out as many fish as this. It doesn’t make sense,” the older fisherman stated.

“Wait! What is that gathering on the horizon?” one asked.

“A storm approaches,” the other replied.

“No, the weather forecast from the weirs did not talk of a storm today, but there it is.”

“A single large storm cloud is forming, maybe a thunderhead or squall that they missed.”

“Since when does even a small storm and storm cloud form both in the sky and on the water? That is no real storm, it is an invasion; it is a dark storm of thousands of black sails and dragons approaching. Atlean is under attack. Go sound the alarm. I’ll warn the weir!” the retired naval veteran fisherman yelled out as they dropped their poles and ran in separate directions. Unbeknownst to them and the Alliance in general, the sea elf communities were under a massive attack from the saragwin that had started late the previous night and could not warn the republic due to them fighting and not being able to recon the enemy fleet. They had been fighting with all they could muster to keep from being driven from their undersea strongholds, and with the majority of the Alliance fleet several days’ sail from their ports along the Alliance coast, the seaport cities of the republic were now lightly defended.


Lawrent’s three raider ships had finally made it past the twin weirs that guarded the mouth of Sauric Bay or Sauric Strait and were sailing in open sea. There was a stronger than normal headwind, so he had his ships cross-section their sails and put his new prisoners to hard labor with the oars to make up some time. The lookout on his ship called out that a storm was approaching, but as he looked down at his sword, he saw that the sapphire dragonstone was glowing intensely. He knew there was something very wrong about to happen. He grabbed his spyglass from his shipmate and peered at the approaching armada. He stopped counting at well over one hundred ships along with dozens of dragons and other flying mounts bearing down on them and the twin weirs behind him. He immediately yelled for his men to prepare arms and have his raider ships go to battle status. He then quickly called Mkel to inform him of what was happening.

“Lawrent, the first wave of ships are Shidanese pirates bearing the Blood Wolf standard,” the raider captain’s new wizard Rainebard stated.

“Then my plan will be a little easier than I thought,” Lawrent thought out loud as he pulled his seeing crystal out again. “Kerlaw, Stasnel, pick out the two lead pirate ships and stop them but don’t sink them or become too engaged in a hand-to-hand fight. Set them on fire, and then we must break for Sauric Bay to draw them into the twin weirs’ catapult and ballistae batteries. Then when Rom and Rem start pounding them and the chaos begins, we will turn and strike. This is our type of fight now. They have made a big mistake actually trying to fight like men for once. We will show them their blunder. Raiders, prepare to take blood!” Lawrent bellowed out as his ships prepared for battle.

Five full squadrons of chromatics approached the raider ships. Lawrent yelled out for his men to hold fast and only fire ballistae and arrows if they were attacked. He knew that if they turned on his ships, they would not last long, not against that kind of power. “Hold, my boys! Hold!” Lawrent yelled to his men while saying a quick prayer. Luckily, the dozens of chromatics flew at top speed past the raider ships. Lawrent thanked the Creator and then refocused on hitting those lead Shidanese vessels.

The chromatics flew straight through the gauntlet of fire from Rom and Rem Weir and did not even move to strike them as they were in a headlong rush to get to the Capital Weir and Draconia. The longest-range ballista gunners were getting hits on several of the chromatics and even brought down nine of them. The almost tree-sized ballista spears could smash through the weaker chromatic dragon shields and inflict incredible damage.

As soon as the over one hundred dragons flew out of range of the twin weirs, the Capital Weir’s Second and Third Wing roared a challenge as they drew close to each other. The bronze dragon Validenth was at the lead of the Second Wing, and the fierce copper dragon Taeranth was leading the Third. The two wedge formations then began an amazing crisscross flight pattern that took the chromatics off guard. This maneuver confused the chromatics enough to allow the Capital Wings to avoid the majority of the enemy dragons’ initial barrage of breath weapons and spells and come together just behind the leading edge of the chromatic attack. As the two groups of dragons met, the Capital Wings cut into the mass formation of chromatics and sliced the hoard into three pieces, taking out dozens of their ancestral enemies in the process with the shock effect of the combined strikes.

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