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Authors: Eric Berg

BOOK: Dr. Frank Einstein
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In two thousand and four, the United States Congress made Sun Myung Moon the King and absolute Ruler of the world.   Each of the world‘s former countries are now provinces of the One World government.  The antichrist has blended every religion into an ecumenical church called the Unification church.   Therefore, all mosques, churches, temples now adhere to the Unification church.   The leaders, of Iran, Al Quada, the Taliban, The Christian Right, the Roman Catholic Church-- all religions-- have accepted Moon, as the coming of Christ, in exchange for massive amounts of money.   The fore mention groups will deny they follow Moon.  They will deny it, until they all are ready to reveal that they believe in Moon-- and not Jesus, not Judaism, not the Quran.  They can now practice the same rituals, as they have done the past in their formal religions,  but now their rituals are for him—Sun Myung Moon.

       This recorded event will demonstrate this fact:  The antichrist went to Pope John Paul II and ask the pope, “How much would it cost to buy the Roman Catholic Church?”  The pope answered, “10 billion dollars.”  The antichrist gave him 10 billion dollars.   Therefore, the Antichrist now owns the Roman Catholic Church.

        The Bilderberg Group is the political machine behind the Antichrist.  It controls the Global Military Industrial Complex‘s One World government that rules every country in the world.  The Builderberg group presents itself benignly as just a sponsor of an annual conference of World leaders of,  both government and business, that comes together to share ideas.  The group as a whole professes a desire for one world government, but state that they do not have the authority to enact it.  Secretly, this group controls the whole world with an iron grip with Moon as its leader.  Every United States Presidents, since Ford, has attended this group's annual meeting.  In addition, many other Heads of government have been there. In the summer of two thousand and eight, both Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama were summoned to the Builderberg Group meeting that was in Virginia.  It was there that Clinton got the distressing news that they had chosen Barack Obama, as their puppet president.  McCain had never been considered.  This is why the Builderberg group sent Carl Rowe to sabotage McCain’s campaign.   In addition, the Builderberg group made the decision to make Sarah Palin his running mate.  This decision guaranteed he would never be elected.  

In nineteen fifty, Moon was nearly broke just after escaping to South Korea from North Korea.  Nevertheless, he made billions of dollars by his only job--convincing people that he was the Christ.  In the late fifties major Japanese and South Korean industrial cartels decided it would be expedient to Use religion for profit.  They felt that Moon’s church best fit their religious needs to exploit people for profit.  This partnership has net Moon and his church tens of billions of dollars, which he uses to buy all the World's religious and political leaders.       

In the nineteen seventies, Timothy LaHaye started an anti-communist Christian organization called CAUSA.    This organization struggled because of lack of funds.  It struggled until Sun Myung Moon gave it fifty thousand dollars to keep it afloat.  LaHaye came repeatedly back to Moon for money until Moon eventually took over CAUSA.  Moon kept financially supporting LaHaye’s activities. LaHaye became Moon's devoted Apostle.  Outwardly, LaHaye claimed to be a born again Christian, writing the Left Behind novels series, all the while organizing events to get other evangelicals to support Moon and the Unification Church.  Thus, he led many Evangelicals to follow Moon as the second coming of Christ.

    In the mid-Eighties, I was a Moonie for a short time.  I worked at the New Yorker Hotel, the Unification Church National Headquarters.  I was at a meeting led by Moon.  He told us that he had raised fifty million dollars to start a newspaper in Washington, DC.  This Newspaper would be his voice.  This newspaper would indoctrinate the American people to the way they should live as defined by Moon.  The Newspaper would be called the Washington Times, Twenty devotedly -Five years later the Washington Times is still the Voice of the Unification Church.  It is also the voice of the Republicans and the Christian Right because of its right wing views.  Its readership tends to be around the Washington, DC area.

   A few weeks after this meeting I attended, Moon was sent to prison for Tax evasion for a year.  This happened despite organized protests from not only LaHaye, but also Jerry Farewell and Bob Grant.  In addition, President Reagan wanted to Pardon Moon.  However, Moon said he was not guilty so he did not need to be pardon.  President Reagan agreed and blamed the over reach of the liberal government for Moon’s conviction. President Reagan was a devoted reader of the Washington Times. Like LaHaye, since then, Grant, Farewell, and their ministries have received millions of dollars from the Unification Church.  Thusly, they have been seduced into being devotees of Moon.  Over the next twenty-five years, others would receive millions of dollars and thereby be seduce into Moon’s fold. They are Dr. James Dodson, Both President Bushes, and the Republicans Party. 

       Moon’s businesses in Japan and South Korea have made billions in profits. He takes these profits to seduce the Republicans, Democrats and the Christian Right to lead the American people to be indoctrinated to live by his way as the Second Coming of Christ.


    In nineteen eighty four, at rallies to protest Moon’s incarceration for Tax evasion, Joseph Lowery, Martin Luther King Jr.’s adviser, joined Jerry Farwell to host these rallies.  This is not to say that Martin Luther King Jr. had anything to with the Antichrist.  Moon’s effect on America occurred after King was assassinated.  King followed Christ’s teaching of love, pacifism and simple living. However When I sold flowers for the Unification Church, I sold them to Joseph Lowery. There he expressed his support for Moon's cause.   Twenty years later, in two thousand and four, he was there again supporting Moon's coronation as king of the world at the United States Capital building.  Georgia Congress John Lewis, who was once a young adviser to Martin Luther King Jr., was a keynote speaker at Moon’s Coronation.  How does Moon get the support of Leaders who were from Martin Luther King’s godly tutelage?  Lots of money.   That is how he gets anybody to do anything.

Sun Myung Moon’s death does not change anything.  According to his doctrine he controls the church from the spirit world. His specter is constantly with his sons Hyun Jin and Kook Jin, now the leaders.  Actually Sun Myung is still true father.  He does not care if he, himself,   is dead.


      The antichrist is rich.  He teaches his followers that they can be rich if they first give all their possessions to him.  Then they will start over in his financial plan: first, they will become slaves for the church, second, in about twenty years; he might give them some processions like a house and a car.  He teaches that he owns everything in his church and he owns nothing.  He and his family live in luxury.  He used freely many luxury cars; has many mansions.  His oldest son shovels tons of coke up his nose. This coke is paid by church members who live in slavery.  I saw a church video of his ranks on coke. The video was supply by his ex-wife.

       The antichrist teaches you can only maintain peace through the use of military action.  In the nineteen
eighties, he gave a million dollars to the Contra to fight the Marxist Sandinista.  His Washington Times supported President Reagan attempts to overturn the Bole amendment so the United States military could invade Nicaragua.  He supported and finance politicians who supported the large military buildup.  He supported both invasions of Iraq. He supports the military build up to combat the terrorism of Islamic extremists.  (Islamic terrorism is a myth).

       The truth is the Antichrist’s backers are major arm dealers.    The anti-Christ and his backers make incredible profit off of wars.  The antichrist aims to keep the world in a perpetual state of war to generate massive profits.  The antichrist says he is an anticommunist but his tactics are straight out of Marx’s Das Kapital.  He believes in dialectic materialism.  That is, there will be global perpetual violent struggle until its so-call fulfillment miraculously comes where the world will decide to accept him, Moon, as Christ.  Then everybody will live in divine socialism. [Master Speaks]


       Now that we know who is the anti-Christ we must do more than ever to win souls for Christ.  However, we must also totally separate ourselves from the world so the antichrist cannot touch us.  We must avoid all mass communication including the false teaching of the so-called Christian Right.  We have the Bible, we have our local church—we do not have to go beyond this.  My suggestion is, be Amish.  The Amish have almost totally cut themselves from the world.  What does the Antichrist have to do with them?  They are one people that cannot be touch by him.

       Extremist Islamic Terrorist is a myth. As I stated Islam does not exist.  It has been absorbed into the One World Religion.

nineteen seventy nine, The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan.  A resistance movement, the Mujahedin, formed to repel the Soviet from Afghanistan and formed an independent country.

       In nineteen
eighty one, The United States began providing financial assistance, weapons and guidance from the Central Intelligence Agency to repel the Soviets.  When the Soviets were repelled, United States and the Central Intelligence Agency involvement in Mujahedin Hardin supposedly terminated. Then Mujahedin turned its view into radical Islamic group.  The United States government calls them Al Qaeda.  But is this true?  Did Central Intelligence Agency really terminate their relationship with Muja Hardin now Called Al Qaeda? Al Quada is now an Agent of the Central Intelligence Agency and the United States.

       Afghanistan politic has nothing to do with Islam.  Clan Politics dominates not only Afghanistan, but China, Japan, Korea, Cambodia Philippines—all Asian countries,  Clan politics  uses Shinto’s, animism, communism, Hinduism Christianity  to justify the right to rule.  Warlords have battling each other for power and wealth. Religion is just another tool to oppress and control the Common people.  Of course, this is not limited to Asians, Europeans, for centuries; disguised their gang warfare into the guise of national patriotism and religion as their kings sacrifice the common person for their personal greed and power.

If you do not want to follow the antichrist this is what you must do:

      Christians cannot follow the Old Testament.  They must only follow the New Testament.  Anyone who follows the Old Testament cannot be a Christian.  Jesus Christ and the New Testament writers commanded us, to not follow the Old Testament.  This article will discuss the many New Testament verses that command Christians to follow only the New Testament.

      This article is for errant Christian.  It is not an attack on the Jews.  The Old Testament is their sacred Text.   No righteous Jew will ever be deny God nor ever spend a second in Hell.

Hebrews 8: 7-13 says


               Now he has obtained so much more excellent a ministry as he is mediator of a better covenant, enacted on better promises. For if that first covenant
had been faultless, no place would have been sought for a second one. But he finds fault with them and says: "Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will conclude a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah. It will not be like the covenant I made with their fathers the day.    I took them by the hand to lead them forth from the land of Egypt; for they did not stand by my covenant and I ignored them, says the Lord. But this is 
the covenant I will establish with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put my laws in their minds and I will write them upon their hearts. I will be their God, and they shall be my people. And they shall not teach, each one his fellow citizen and kinsman, saying, 'Know the Lord,' for all shall know me, from least to greatest. For I will forgive their evildoing and remember their sins no more." When he speaks of a "new” covenant, he declares the first one obsolete. And what has become obsolete and has grown old is close to disappearing.

          These verses tell us that we only can follow the New Testament because the Old Covenant (Testament) is obsolete. By being of obsolete, the Old Testament was once true.   It was true before Jesus Christ.  With the resurrection of Jesus Christ and Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Christians have been given, by God, a new truth, the New Testament (covenant).   The word Covenant means a contract.  Thus Hebrews 8:7-13 teaches that there is a new contract.  This new contract replaces the old contract that was between God and His people.  When there is a new contract, the new contract always nulls and voids the old contract. It is a legal principle. Hebrews 8:13 agrees with this principle.

Mathews 5:17-19 declares, "Think not that I came to destroy the law or the prophets: I came not to destroy, but to fulfill. 5:18For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one title shall in no wise pass away from the law, till all things be accomplished. 5:19Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 5:20For I say unto you, that except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven.

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