Double Play (24 page)

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Authors: Jill Shalvis

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Double Play
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Eyes still closed, his lips curved. “Very nearly.”
Good. That made them even. With her body still quivering, she slipped off him to her side and sighed with a bone-deep pleasure. “That should be a required bedtime activity.”
“Agreed. Every single night.” He still didn’t move, and she didn’t mind because the sight of him sprawled there on his back, arms and legs wide, was like a vacation for her senses.
“Did that do it?”
He sighed and blindly reached out a hand for hers, stroking a finger over her palm. “Get you out of my system? No. Not even close.”
She felt herself relax, as if she wasn’t relaxed enough. “I have another question.”
He lifted her hand to his mouth, kissed her palm. “Shock.”
She smiled, but it faded readily enough. “You definitely need surgery?”
His hand went still in hers.
“I’m taking that as a yes. Why didn’t you tell me?” She paused, and when he didn’t speak, she did. “I figure it’s one of two things. Either it slipped your mind, or you didn’t trust me with it.”
He opened his eyes, stared up at the ceiling, and sighed. “It was neither.”
In all the time she’d spent with him, he always seemed so big, so utterly invincible. Lying next to his tough, built body now, suddenly, she saw something else.
A hollowness, and a vulnerability.
And right then and there, her heart melted. Not good, but apparently she couldn’t control her own heart any more than she could control him. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “So damn sorry—”
“Don’t.” His voice was low, rough. “I can’t take the pity, I’ll—” He shook his head. “Just don’t. Please, don’t.”
She wanted to hug him. Wanted to make it better and couldn’t. “When?”
“When did I find out? The minute I did it in New York. I knew.”
“I meant the surgery.”
“Day after tomorrow.”
She let out a breath, some of the tension he’d just gotten rid of for her coming right back. “You didn’t tell me because you think I’m the press leak. That, or you thought I’d blog about it.” Either way, a shitty realization.
“It’s bad enough that the rumors turned out to be true.” Turning his head, he met her gaze with his own. “I didn’t want to face it.”
She opened her mouth to tell him that she wouldn’t have repeated it, but nothing came out. Because the truth was, there’d been times in her life where little had been more important than the story she’d been telling, nothing more critical than dispensing the facts, without much concern for the aftermath.
Or people’s feelings.
And that, she realized, made her cold, and maybe just a little bit hard.
With a low exhale, Pace turned on his side and settled a big hand on her hip. His hair was disheveled, his eyes dark and sleepy and damn sexy.
And he had a bite mark on his neck. She’d done that.
“I can hear the wheels spinning,” he said softly.
“You don’t trust me, but you slept with me.”
“I’d like to point out the definite lack of sleeping.”
He drew a deep breath, which filled his chest, which in turn brushed against her nipples, making them tight and achy all over again. Pace’s gaze locked in on one of them, his hand drifted up her ribs, and he lightly ran the backs of his fingers over her nipple, watching it pucker up even more. “It’s not a matter of trust.”
“It most definitely is.”
“Okay, it is.” He lifted his gaze to her. “I like you, Holly. I like you a whole lot.”
“But you still don’t trust me.”
He didn’t say anything for several beats. “I don’t trust easily. You might recognize that little issue.” He looked at her, seeing that she did, and nodded. “Yeah. But I can tell you this. I want to be able to trust you.”
“Did you pick a fight in that New York hotel just so I’d leave you alone with your misery?”
The easy, ready admission should have made her feel better, but it didn’t.
“Look, Holly, I realize my work is public. I also realize I should be used to my life being the same, but I’m not.”
That much she believed. “So what’s going to happen?”
“I’m on the DL for fifteen days minimum, to be reassessed after surgery. That news will hit soon enough.”
She settled her fingers on his chest, felt the warmth radiating through him, the stable and sure beat of his heart. She met his steady gaze and let out a breath. “I meant what’s going to happen between us.”
He just looked at her, and suddenly feeling extremely naked, both physically and mentally, she rolled to her belly to get out of the bed. She nearly escaped before he caught her, wrapping his fingers around her hip. “What are you doing?” she asked with remarkable calm and a good amount of attitude as he easily kept her pinned, even without the use of his right arm.
“Wondering where you’re going.”
“To get dressed. And you’re leaving, by the way. I no longer sleep with people who don’t trust me. It’s a new thing. Call it a self-improvement.”
He merely shifted his body over the top of hers, his chest against her spine. “It’s because I was honest with you and pissed you off.”
“Okay, yes. That, too.”
“You want me to trust you, but you don’t have to trust me. That sucks, Holly.”
She spit a strand of hair out of her mouth and shifted her head to the side so she didn’t suffocate, which wasn’t to say that she didn’t like the way his weight felt holding her pinned to the mattress, because she did.
A lot.
And she especially liked the way he thrust a thigh between hers, using it to spread open her legs. She just didn’t want to like it.
He nuzzled the back of her neck. “You, Holly Hutchins, are a conundrum.”
Dammit, so was he. He was supposed to be just a big, sexy jock. What the hell was he doing using a word like conundrum, whispering to her in that soft, sexy voice, using a powerful thigh to hold hers open as his mouth found the sweet spot between her neck and shoulder that she loved, loved, when he kissed. “I’m really mad at you right now.”
He slid a hand down her body, slipping it between her and the sheets, cupping her between her legs, feeling exactly how not mad she was. “Mmmm,” he said in a voice thick with appreciation as he played in her slippery heat. “Tell me you still want me to leave.”
She opened her mouth to do just that but his fingers—God. She moaned instead.
“Yes or no, Holly.”
“Stay,” she managed.
He pulled out another condom from the box, put it on, and then slid inside her from behind as he kissed his way along her shoulder to her neck.
She opened her mouth to tell him that they were doing this but she was still mad, but only moaned as he gave a slow thrust, filling her deeply, so deliciously that her hands fisted the sheets on either side of her head to hold on tight. She bit her lip to keep her next moan in, but she couldn’t stop herself from arching for the next long, slow thrust. “Still mad,” she gasped.
He covered one of her fists with his hand, entwining their fingers, while his other slipped beneath her, stroking her where they were joined, slowly driving her straight to heaven without a seat belt. “Then I should stop.”
Her toes were already curling, her thighs quivering. She only needed one more thrust, maybe two . . .
“Don’t even think about stopping, not until—”
“Not until,” he promised, and pulling her up to her knees, set about making good on his promise.
Chapter 18
I’ve come to the conclusion that the two most important things in life are good friends and a good bullpen.
—Bob Lemon
next day, Pace entered the Heat’s facility for a lower-body workout before his team meeting, torn between terror over his impending surgery and feeling damn good about the night he’d just spent with Holly.
Red was in the bullpen barking orders at Ty, but brightened at the sight of Pace. “It’s not the same without your ugly mug around here.”
“Yeah.” Pace stood next to him and watched Ty throw, wishing he was the one out there.
“You’ll be back in no time,” Red said.
They both knew that was likely an empty platitude. Ty was doing a good job, throwing tight and fast. “He’s coming along.”
Red nodded along with that, then kicked at the ground. “A month, tops.” He coughed at the dirt he’d stirred up, and pulled out his inhaler.
“Are you—”
“Fine.” He pushed away Pace’s concern. “Get to your meeting.”
Pace headed inside and found Wade on his laptop. He was skimming the blogs, but he took one look at Pace’s face and nodded. “Nice.”
“You finally stepped up to the plate. Was it good? Never mind, she’s hot, so of course it was good.”
Pace grabbed a Dr Pepper with an utter lack of guilt since he was done playing for a while—Christ—ignoring Wade’s knowing grin as he popped it open.
“Want to talk about it?” Wade asked.
“No.” He nodded to the laptop. “What’s up?”
“Not you. It didn’t get out yet.”
“Yeah, well. Holly knows.”
Wade leaned back in the chair. “So?”
“So . . . she’s a reporter, in case you missed that.”
“Maybe she’s not wearing her reporter hat with you. You ever think of that?”
“I don’t think the hat comes off just for me.”
“Then she would have reported it in her blog by now, but she hasn’t.”
“Not yet.”
Wade shook his head. “You know, I thought it was your shoulder that was fucked up, but really, it’s your head.”
sure she’s not our leak?”
Wade was quiet a moment. “Actually, I thought you were that sure. Look . . . you keep waiting for her to screw up so you can be over her, but she isn’t screwing up, at least not that we know of, so what’s next? How will you push her away now?” Wade shook his head. “Hope you have a parachute for that fall, buddy.”
“What fall?”
“The one you’re taking for her. You’re falling hard and fast.”
Which was just true enough to scare the hell out of him. And suddenly, the cool clubhouse felt hot, way too hot. “I need a water.” He set down the soda.
Wade handed over his Nalgene water bottle, which was only a quarter full but Pace took it. Downed it.
Sam came into the room, carrying her newly printed brochures for the upcoming Poker Night. “Pace? You okay? You look pale.”
“I’m fine.”
Gage came in next and also gave him a funny look, but didn’t say anything. Pace managed to avoid sitting next to him, sitting instead next to Ty, who had returned from pitching practice with Red and was now leaning back in his chair, eyes closed, waiting for the rest of management to arrive. Ty could be counted on not to ask questions. And also to carry water. Spying Ty’s water bottle, Pace picked it up and chugged it, and finally began to relax.
When Pace set the empty bottle back down, Ty opened his eyes, looked at what Pace had done, and said, “Hey.”
“I’ll get you more—”
Ty stopped him from getting up. “Don’t worry about it. But I had a mix in it.”
“Tucker’s vitamin pack? Or did I just drug myself?” Pace joked.
Ty laughed. “Yeah, good thing we’ve already both had our testing for the season.”
“Yeah.” So he’d just doubled his vitamin intake today. Hell, maybe it would perform some miracle on his aching body. His shoulder was killing him, and he couldn’t get comfortable no matter what position he did.
Well, that wasn’t quite true. Flat on his back with Holly riding him had been a pretty great position. So had been being on his knees behind her . . .
Somehow he survived the team meeting, listening to Gage talk about the upcoming game he wouldn’t be playing. Afterward, in the parking lot, Gage caught up with him and gave Pace a long look.
Ah, Christ. He braced himself. “What now?”
“You’re looking a little loose.”
Was he wearing a Just Been Laid sign? “Don’t worry, Dad, I used protection.”
“Oh, and I also doubled up on the vitamins today, so all is good.”
Gage sighed.
“Don’t start. I’m having surgery tomorrow.”
Gage’s face filled with sympathy. “I know.”
Pace turned away, looking at the Santa Ynez Mountains, not seeing the peaks but his own bleak future. “I guess I just needed . . .” He shook his head and closed his eyes.
“Yeah.” Gage sighed and shook his head. “Forget it. There’s something else anyway.”
At the serious tone, Pace turned back to him, a little surprised to see the somber light in Gage’s eyes.
“You remember after Ty and Henry’s thing, the commissioner said they were going to randomly test some of us.”

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