Double or Nothing (8 page)

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Authors: N.J. Walters

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Double or Nothing
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She laughed and then groaned when she tried to stand. Wes removed the problem by simply lifting her off the ground. He held on while she steadied herself. “Try to walk a bit before you climb back on your horse.”

Cherry gave a rueful laugh. “Not sure that’s going to help, Wes. I’m stiffer than I thought I’d be. I’ve been doing some riding since I came home, but not for longer than a half hour at a time and not as often as I would have liked.” She swiped the dust off the backside of her jeans and began to stiffly walk around. “I’ll need a hot shower when I get home.”

Remy’s cock stirred at the thought of having Cherry naked and wet, hot water running over her supple body. When they’d renovated the main bathroom a few years back, they’d decided to put in a large shower stall, something they could use without banging their elbows on the walls. It would certainly be big enough for two—he glanced at his brother—or three if it came to it.

He turned away and adjusted his dick as best he could with the damn thing standing up like a spike. He grabbed the empty bottles of water and tucked them back in the saddlebag.

Wes was beside Cherry, making sure she was steady on her feet. It was Wes who helped her mount and handed her the mare’s reins. Remy was grateful to his brother. If he’d touched Cherry right now, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to keep from tossing her on the ground, stripping her jeans off and taking her there in the hot Texas dirt.

Remy pulled his hat down low over his brow and swept his gaze across the land. This all belonged to him and his brother. His eyes stopped when they landed on Cherry. She was smiling at something Wes said to her. She belonged to them too, just as the land did.


Chapter Seven


Cherry knew she was going to be sore tomorrow, but she wasn’t sorry. The ride under the hot sun with Wes and Remy had soothed her soul, leaving her feeling more at peace than she had in a long, long time. Her father’s death had left an aching void in her life. She was an orphan now, essentially alone. Remy and Wes had filled that space, at least for a short time. That reprieve made her feel stronger, more able to handle the tasks ahead.

No, spending the morning with them had been the right thing to do even though the ride back had been strangely silent, all of them lost in their own thoughts.

She breathed a sigh of relief when she finally urged the well-mannered mare into the barn. The cool shade made her shiver slightly after the unrelenting heat of the morning sun.

“Don’t try to dismount on your own, sugar. I’ll help you.” She got a funny sensation in her stomach every time Wes called her sugar. Some women wouldn’t like it, would find it demeaning, but she knew he meant it as a sign of his affection for her.

“I wouldn’t dare,” she told him. She had a feeling she was going to be a little less than graceful climbing off the horse than she’d been getting on.

Strong hands clasped her waist and lifted her off her mount. Wes kept his hands around her as her thighs quivered and her knees shook. “You doing okay?”

She nodded. “Yeah, I just need a second.”

Remy took the reins of all three horses and headed farther into the barn. Now that she was paying attention, Cherry could hear male voices in the background. She raised an eyebrow in question and Wes grinned.

“That will be Dan Gibbons and Robert Vardy. They’re the two hired hands Remy mentioned when we were out by the creek. They help us care for the horses and do some basic training.”

“I should get going.” It was fine to spend the night and even the morning, but the day was wasting and this was a working ranch. Both Wes and Remy had spent time with her they didn’t really have to spare. After all, she knew and understood the demands of a full-time ranch.

Remy returned just in time to hear her pronouncement. He scowled at her and then at his brother. Wes raised his hands in mock defense. “I didn’t do anything.”

Cherry frowned and started toward the door. It was more a shuffling than a walk until she got going. The more she moved, the easier it became as her muscles loosened up. “You’ve got work to tend to and I’ve got a hundred things to do with Dad’s estate, not to mention my own business.”

Wes fell into step beside her. She had a feeling he was watching her every move in case he had to catch her if she took a header. “Your father mentioned you had a graphic design business.”

“Yes. It was part-time for years while I built it from scratch, but now it’s full-time.” No more waitressing for her. She loved to draw and create and her own business gave her that opportunity.

“What exactly do you do?” Even though Wes asked, she sensed a keen interest from both men. Quite frankly, it surprised her. She hadn’t figured they’d be interested in what she did in Boston.

“I create and design logos and graphics for various companies. Most smaller businesses don’t have anyone on staff who can do that kind of thing for them, and a lot of larger companies have downsized and contract out that work now. I also have my own line of stationery and greeting cards that’s doing really well.” She hadn’t created any new designs in the past few months, not since she’d come home to tend to her father. The most she’d managed was to keep with the corporate and small business accounts she had.

She probably had dozens of emails and a ton of work waiting on her laptop. She really needed to get back to the ranch and get to work.

There was a low bark and then Bourbon came trotting toward her with Whiskey hot on his tail. Both dogs had been missing this morning when they left to go riding, but neither man had been worried about them, telling her the dogs liked to run in the morning when it was cooler.

“Hello there.” She petted each dog, rubbing their sides and getting wet kisses and hand licks in return. Bourbon barked and Whiskey whined when she stopped. She had a feeling they’d stay there all day if she’d keep scratching them. “That’s it, for now.” She laughed at the two animals as they sighed and walked back to their shady spot on the corner of the porch. They stopped by their water bowl for a quick drink before plopping down onto the wooden deck.

She went up the steps and reached for the handle on the screen door. “I’ll get my purse. Can one of you take me back to my truck?” She really hoped whatever was wrong with the truck wasn’t serious. She didn’t want to waste time or money repairing something she was going to have to sell. No way did she need a truck in Boston. The thought was absurd. She didn’t even have a car. Public transit was fine and cut down on the cost of living as garage fees were high if you didn’t have an apartment with a parking spot, not to mention the cost of gas and insurance.

The screen door slammed shut behind them. When neither man answered her, she turned. They were standing side by side just inside the doorway, two tall, broad-shouldered men. Their cowboy hats were pulled low, covering most of their faces, exposing their granite-like jawlines. Neither of them was smiling.

A shiver went down Cherry’s spine. There was an intensity surrounding them that was almost frightening. These were two dangerous men, but not to her. Never to her.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

It was Wes who stirred, slowly removing his hat to reveal intense blue eyes. He set his hat on the table and squared his shoulders. “We’re not letting you go.”

Wes ignored the shocked expression on Cherry’s face as he strode toward her, the heels of his boots thumping on the kitchen floor. He stopped when he was in front of her, so close they were almost touching.

She swallowed hard and her breathing quickened. “What do you mean, you’re not letting me go?” He listened hard, not hearing fear, but more questioning with a hint of arousal.

He removed her hat and tossed it aside. Her hair was damp and flat against her skull, but several curls were springing to life. Her skin was so soft, so lovely. He brushed her cheek with the tip of his finger. He was so much bigger, rougher than she was. The contrast was arousing as hell and his dick swelled with an unrelenting need for this particular woman.

“I want you to stay with me. With us.” Wes sighed and shook his head. “We want you to stay with us.”

Confusion filled her pretty face and she frowned. “But that’s impossible. We agreed to one night.”

He shook his head in denial. “Nothing is impossible, sugar. You just have to want it enough.”

Remy stepped up beside them, his face set in angry lines. “And we want it enough. Do you?”

Wes could tell they were confusing the shit out of her. They knew what they wanted. Had known for a long time. But this was all new to Cherry. They had to tone it down before she bolted like a frightened filly. They’d scared her away once before and he didn’t want the same thing to happen this time.

Wes lightly placed his hands on her shoulders and rubbed. The muscles of her neck were tight. “Stay with us. Stay the day. We can talk some more. Spend some time together.”

Cherry nibbled on her bottom lip and Wes groaned at the sight of her lush mouth being lightly chewed by her small white teeth. Her eyes flew to his and her eyes widened.

“Yeah, I’m aroused. I’m always aroused around you.” Wes wanted her to understand she wasn’t powerless in this relationship. If anything, she held the bulk of the power because they both wanted her so damn much.

He took her hand and guided it down to his growing erection. Her fingers brushed him through the thick denim, but it might as well have been flesh on flesh considering the reaction he had. His dick jerked and hardened to the point of pain. Wes gritted his teeth, the muscles in his jaw flexing.

“Stay.” He kept his tone low and cajoling.

“I have so much work to do,” she began, but he could see she was weakening. He could smell her heated skin, the light scent of soap mixed with perspiration and sunshine. It was earthy and sensual. And just below it was the slightest smell of arousal. “And I have a life back in Boston. I don’t live here anymore.”

Wes wasn’t sure who she was trying to convince of that—him or herself. “You could have a life here with us.”

“That’s crazy.” Her words were little more than puffs of air against his face. He leaned inward and rubbed his cheek against hers before gently kissing the corner of her mouth.

“Not so crazy,” he whispered back. Wes inhaled deeply and carefully moved his hands over her shoulders and down her arms, using touch to gentle her as he would any high-spirited horse. Just as when dealing with the proud, large animals, Wes wanted to soothe Cherry, not do anything to upset her.

“I live in Boston.” There was a sense of desperation in her tone that worried him. “And what would I do if I stayed, live with you both?”

“Yes.” Remy had obviously lost patience, which surprised Wes, considering his brother was renowned for his low-key manner with animals. But Cherry was different. She was important to both of them. Remy wanted her as much as he did.

He wanted to warn his brother to go slow, but knew it wouldn’t make any difference. It was already too late. Remy sensed Cherry was getting ready to bolt and was getting ready to rein her in. Wes feared if he did she’d eventually run and this time she’d never be back.

“Remy.” There was a wealth of warning in his tone, but his big brother wasn’t listening.

“No, if she’s going to leave, I want to give her something to remember.” Remy shouldered him aside and scooped Cherry into his arms.

“What are you doing?” she demanded. “Put me down.” She slapped at Remy’s shoulders but didn’t really struggle.

Wes followed his brother up the stairs and into Remy’s bedroom.

“Put me down,” she demanded again.

“Anything you say, darlin’.” Remy opened his arms and dropped her onto the bed. She gave a small scream and bounced on the mattress before settling. She started to scramble away, but Remy pulled her back. “Oh, no you don’t. You’re not getting away so easily.”

“Remy,” Wes began, slightly worried about what his brother would do next. Oh, he knew Remy would never hurt Cherry, but he could make her mad enough to leave for good.

Remy tossed her back onto the bed and reached under the bed by the bedside table. Wes’ eyes widened when he saw the length of old bridle in his brother’s hands. Cherry saw it too and scrambled toward the other side of the bed.

She almost made it too, but Remy grabbed her and quick as a wink wrapped the leather around her hands, binding them together. Then he looped the length of leather through the slats in the heavy wooden headboard, tying them off.

Cherry pulled at her bonds, but she wasn’t going anywhere.

Remy knew he should stop and let her go, but he couldn’t. Hearing her talk so casually about leaving snapped some tether deep inside him and unleashed the more primitive side of his nature. His woman wanted to leave him.

The more logical part of his brain argued that she wasn’t his woman, not yet, and maybe not ever if he didn’t let her go. But the more emotional side of him urged him to stake his claim, to make her understand exactly what lengths he’d go to in order to keep her with him.

He knew Wes was concerned about him and the situation, but there was no turning back, not for him. And Remy knew that no matter what he did, Wes would back him.

Sure enough, Wes sighed. “What now?”

“Now you two Neanderthals let me go.” Cherry was so mad she was practically spitting fire at them. Her lips were set in a firm line and her glare scorched him.

Remy went to her feet, capturing one when she tried to kick him in the balls. He grinned. Cherry was on hell of a woman. “Now I remove all your clothes.” He tugged on her shoe, tossing it aside. His words stunned her enough that he was able to remove her other shoe without worrying about serious injury to his person.

“Then I’m going to kiss and lick every inch of your delectable body.” He slowly peeled her socks off. Her lips were parted now, her breath coming in short puffs. Her cheeks were no longer pale, but a pretty pink. “Then I’m going to fuck you until you come again and again.”

Cherry licked her lips. “Why? I don’t understand.”

Remy paused with his hands at the snap of her jeans. “Why? Because you belong to me. To us. Don’t you see? Don’t you feel it?” ‘Cause he sure as hell did. Remy knew he was a lot like the animals he worked with. He listened to his instincts and understood his own nature. Cherry was the right woman for him and Wes. He’d spent the last decade without her, living but not truly happy. Having her here made everything seem…right.

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