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Authors: Terry Bolryder

Double Dragons (11 page)

BOOK: Double Dragons
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She arched against Draven, feeling his slick chest in front of her while Ran’s was behind. Being pressed between them, both of them focused solely on her pleasure, was the most amazing feeling in the world. As Ran withdrew his finger to circle and press once again on her clit, she felt almost lightheaded at the pleasure of it all.

Draven’s tongue was merciless, entwining with hers and stroking deep as his hands played with her soft breasts. She felt completely trapped, unable to jerk away from any of the pleasure being lavished on her, and when the build started deep within her body, she knew there was nothing she could do to stave it off.

She didn’t want to.

She relaxed into the oncoming wave and let the orgasm take her in a refreshing, soaring sensation that had her feeling almost out of body as her muscles clenched and released and ecstasy rolled through her. She murmured her pleasure into Draven’s lips and his hands held her tight as Ran’s wrapped around her midsection, keeping her grounded and warm as she rode out the incredible release.

There was such peace to it, yet as it subsided, there was a roaring hunger that seemed even stronger now. She turned to face Ran with hungry eyes, and lust lit the deep green there as one corner of his mouth quirked.

“Ready for more?” he asked.

She nodded, nuzzling against him, and he looked over her shoulder at Draven.

Her heart was racing and she could feel Ran’s heart pounding beneath her hand as she lay on his tanned chest. He and Draven seemed to be deciding what to do next.

She ran a hand through Ran’s hair, which was wet from steam. “Will you be able to? I mean, you’ve been hesitant before.”

He kissed her, his warm lips moving over hers and making her instantly breathless with a confidence he hadn’t seemed to have before.

When he pulled back, his gaze dipped to her lips and then trailed over her body, making her light on fire again in anticipation of what he could do. “I’ve never been able to trust that I could let go and things would be okay.” He trailed a hand between her breasts and over her navel and played along the sensitive inner rim, making her gasp. “With you, I can trust.”

“I want you inside me,” she said, knowing it was true. “Both of you.” Draven stiffened slightly behind her, and she grinned. “You too.”

“Ran, I’ll be here,” Draven said. “It’s okay. This time, you should take our mate.”

“You first,” Ran said. “I want to make sure she’s ready. I’m not… experienced with this.”

Draven nodded and turned Melissa to face him. “Are you ready?”

“Here?” she asked, looking around the tub. “Won’t we—”

He lifted her and slid smoothly into her, and she gasped at the heat of the water around her and the contrast of the heat inside her, filling her completely.

Warm like dragon fire.

“That’s…” She trailed off as she leaned back, clenching her body around him, loving the feel of him as little sparks began to shoot through her. “Unreal.”

“No,” Draven said, taking her chin and gently forcing her to look in his eyes. “It’s very real. It’s more real than anything that’s come before. And after this, you’ll be my mate.”

Ran was silent, and she nodded as Draven began to move, thrusting and making the water rush around them as he filled her again and again. Each time he went inside her was a mild shock, as if she could barely take him, and then her body would adjust and the pleasure would feel so intense she could barely take it, and then he’d withdraw and it would start all over again. She gasped and held on to his shoulders, letting the steam and hot water pour over her as he moved inside her, taking her toward something completely new. This didn’t feel like it was leading to a normal orgasm.

She could feel fire deep inside her, feel the hunger she had for him burning, and could feel her pleasure heightening to an unbearable level.

He knew just the angle she liked at this point, and she loved his intense gaze on her breasts, her face, and the place they were joined. Right now it was just her and Draven. Draven, who’d always protected her. Draven, who’d been there to hold her. Draven, who was now taking her somewhere she’d never been.

When the pleasure built to a needle-sharp intensity, she felt herself tip into a new universe of pleasure, feeling so intense she couldn’t breathe as the first wave broke, making her entire body shudder. She felt Draven’s strong arms wrap around her tight, hard like steel bands, and she felt safe there as she came apart, screaming his name as she felt her body explode in ecstasy.

She couldn’t take it, and she dug her nails into his back as another surge came.

Then Draven jerked inside her, and another wave of intensity moved through her, lighting her up from the inside out with something so strong it couldn’t even be called an orgasm.

She gasped out his name, too out of breath to scream.

“My mate,” he said hoarsely, holding him so close to her they felt like one person.

When the waves finally subsided, her body felt somewhat pleased yet incomplete.

She turned to Ran, who was watching with glowing eyes.

“Damn, I know it’ll be great to be inside you, but I’ll never get tired of seeing you go, even if I’m not the one doing it.”

She bit her lip, not knowing what to say to that. Her body felt flushed with heat, still pulsing with echoes of her pleasure, and as Ran moved forward, she met him, wrapping her arms around him and grounding herself against his beautiful body. She could feel Draven’s eyes on them, knew he was watching out for them as they came together for the first time.

She reached down to touch him, loved the velvety feel of his hard length, so large, so thick. She could hardly wait to have it. Ran hesitated, running his hands over her body with a look of awe in his gorgeous green eyes.

His masculine jaw clenched in focus, and his muscles seemed tensed in anticipation. She leaned in and placed her cheek to his and felt him relax against her.

“Calm down. I’m here,” she said, letting the new power in her reassure him. “I’m not running.”

Ran abruptly slid his hands under her and stood, lifting her out of the tub and stepping out onto the tile. He set her down, wrapped a towel around her, and then easily picked her up in his arms again and strode with her toward the bedroom.

“Ran? Wait—” She was cut off as he abruptly tossed her onto the bed and looked down at her.

She felt small and vulnerable beneath him, and his eyes narrowed as he looked over her body. Draven joined them, standing behind him.

“Ran? What’s—”

Without a word, Ran jumped onto the bed, straddling her with thick, strong thighs. Then he grabbed both her hands and pinned them above her head. She tried to move them, just to test him, and found steel.

She sometimes forgot just how incredibly strong Ran was. It made sense. His was the most powerful dragon, even if he was often humble about it.

He pressed her hands back hard and ran his body over hers, bringing them eye to eye as he pinned her down. “This is how I’ve wanted you. Willing, beneath me. I don’t want gentle. I want to pound into you until you can’t take anymore. I want to hear you scream.”

She felt wetness pool between her thighs at his words.

He was strong; he was fierce. He was her mate. Her body ached for him, any way it could get him.

He dropped his knees between hers and spread her legs achingly wide.

“I’m going to take you now. And then you’ll be mine forever. Mine to protect. My mate.”

She nodded, closing her eyes in anticipation as she felt his tip at her entrance.

He slid in with a hard stroke that had her arching off the bed, stopped by her pinned arms. Her eyes flew to his and his mouth crashed over hers before she could utter a cry of surprise. Ran was so large, so tight, her legs spread so far.

And the sensation was more extreme because she couldn’t move, because his weight was pinning her, because he held her hands down.

It was utterly hypnotic, and she slowly relaxed into the rhythm of his kiss.

Then he started moving again. It was jarring, each thrust stroking directly against the sensitive spot inside her, sending sparks of electricity through her as pleasure started to build.

It was amazing, like it had felt with Draven, but it was different. She could feel Ran, scent him, and knew this was a completely different joining, another beginning that would be just as new as what had happened when she came apart with Draven.

This time she closed her eyes, looking forward to whatever Ran was bringing.

Ran’s strokes were
almost vicious
like the dragon inside him. But his kiss was soothing, his hands gentle while they pinned her. He was the perfect mix of strength and restraint, and she felt totally safe in his arms.

She looked up to see Draven watching, utterly entranced by the scene. The thought that she was being watched turned her on more. She loved that her men put her pleasure before anything else.

Ran’s face was tense, his eyes drawn in wonder at what was happening between them. But he was focused on drawing every last spark from her as he drove deep inside her, reaching places only he could reach.

Between the two of them, she felt no human woman would ever be luckier.

She had her protectors, and she would protect them with her life if needed. She was home.

When the light inside her felt white hot, she burst over the edge into a free-fall through clouds of pleasure, each hitting with the intensity of a hundred other orgasms. She reached up and clung tight to Ran, then felt him tighten inside her. Heard him shout her name as he held her close.

She clung on, screaming out as her body convulsed around him, utterly filled, on the verge of being finally satisfied. It all came together, the pleasure with Draven, the pleasure with Ran, sharing their blood.

An eternity with her dragons.

She screamed once more with her release and felt Draven behind her, between her and the headboard, lending her his steadying strength, giving her a dragon protector on either side as she came to grips with the magnificent thing that was their mating.

When the last wave receded, she went limp in their arms, and they stayed there for a moment, holding each other, breathing hard.

Ran looked at Draven. Draven looked at Ran. They both looked at Melissa, who grinned up at them in return.

It was finished. They were mates. They stayed like that for a long moment and then all flopped back on the bed.


,” Melissa said, putting a hand up to wipe sweat off her forehead. “That was unlike anything I could have imagined. Will it always be like that?”

“No,” Draven said. “Just the mating. Disappointed?”

She shook her head. “I don’t think I could go through something like that again if I tried.”

Ran just pulled her possessively against his shoulder, tucking her there as Draven pouted, pushing himself up on his elbow to face them.

“So you gonna get all possessive now that you can share everything?” Draven asked.

Ran thought about it. “Maybe. But I’m sure you will as well. Still…” He stroked a finger down Melissa’s back, and she gave a little gasp and arched in surprise. “I’m sure there’s plenty of this to go around.”

Melissa grinned as Draven pulled her close and Ran tugged back until the two dragons settled with her right between them, resting on her back with each of them at her sides. “That was amazing,” she said. “All of it.”

Ran smiled and then drew his brows together in consternation. “Damn, we forgot to show you our treasure.”

“Treasure?” she asked, sitting up and stretching, loving the languid feel of her body after orgasm.

“Right,” Draven said, rubbing his chin. “Totally forgot. Well, we didn’t have time with Drake showing up to ruin everything.”

“Or did he?” Melissa asked, wrapping her hands over her knees and rubbing lightly. The silky water in the tub had left her skin fresh and soft, and she loved the feel of it. And the masculine, clean scents of her mates around her. “After all, if none of this had happened, maybe I never would have had to courage to become your mate.”

Draven raised an eyebrow. “Oh, somehow I doubt that. I’m pretty sure you’re about as bad as Ran when it comes to getting what you what.”

“Hey, I wanted the noble sacrifice. If I hadn’t been dying, I’d have stopped her,” Ran said.

Melissa raised her hands in triumph, laughing when both pairs of male eyes went straight to her breasts. “I win.”

“Why you little…” Ran let out a playful growl and pulled her back down between them, trapping her with his weight against her side. “Still, I think we’re the ones who won in the end, right, Draven?”

Draven nodded. “I just wish we could have shown you our treasure. We were hoping it would sweeten the deal.”

“What is it?” she joked, joining her hand with Ran’s, loving the look of their different skin colors together. Her other hand caught Draven’s, and he relaxed against her. “Gold and jewels? In a cave or grotto?” She laughed and then noticed both dragons weren’t saying anything.

“You’re kidding,” she said. “Not seriously…”

Draven scratched his head. “Well, sort of an underground cave. And there are some old swords and such… But yes, gold and jewels. When we go back there, we’ll pick out your ring.”

She blinked. “Ring?”

“Right,” he said. “To show the world you’re our treasure.”

She frowned. “You don’t own me.”

Draven nuzzled her neck. “We don’t have to own you to treasure you.” Then he let out his breath and went silent for a moment. “I don’t know how to thank you. Brave, stupid, I don’t know what you are. I guess you’re a dragon-heart, which is a misnomer, because I swear you’re braver than I am…”

She shook her head. “No, I—”

He put a finger to her lips. “Let me finish. I don’t know how to thank you. For saving my partner, for completing my life. For being so ridiculous that we had to bring you back here and take a chance on you. I guess what I mean to say is thanks for turning my life upside down and giving it back to me right side up.”

“Draven! How romantic,” Ran teased, earning him a dark glare.

“Don’t you have anything to say? She saved your life,” Draven retorted.

Ran went still and thoughtful, beautiful features tensed. “No. I think I’ve already said what I wanted to, back when we mated.” Then he pushed up on an elbow, looking down at her. “But I do want you to know I’ll always protect you and love you, with everything I have. I love you, Melissa.”

Her eyes widened as Draven joined Ran, brushing back her hair and looking in her eyes. “That goes for me too. I’ll love you with everything I have. And I’ll protect you more than you would ever want.”

“That’s for sure,” Ran muttered.

She laughed and wrapped an arm around each of their necks, pulling them close in a hug and then letting them go. They stared down at her, looking like typical, confused males. She grinned up at them. “I couldn’t love you more. Both of you.”

Ran lay back beside her. “Yeah, I sort of got that when you risked your life for a one-in-six chance to save me.”

Draven lay back as well. “I still can’t believe you did that.”

She thought about it for a moment. “I guess I should have known I’m a dragon-heart after all.”

“Huh? Why?” Draven asked, looking disturbed that there was something she’d picked up on that he hadn’t.

“I mean, in the end, I’m all about the treasure. Greedy.”

“What do you mean?” Ran asked, rising on an elbow to glare at her. “You didn’t even see the treasure.”

She looked at them meaningfully. “Hell yeah, I did. Something worth more than gold. Something once in a lifetime. I was willing to pay any price.”

The dragons looked at each other in confusion.

She slapped a hand over her face. “The treasure is you. You’re the treasure,” she snapped, and they both widened their eyes in comprehension.

“Sorry,” Draven said. “Dragons can be kind of literal when it comes to treasure.”

“Yup,” Ran said. “But I have to say, ever since you walked into our lives, no other treasure has seemed to matter.”

“It’s settled, then,” Draven joked. “You two have the metaphorical treasure, and I’ll handle the rest.”

Ran grinned and pulled Melissa against him. “Okay.”

Draven’s eyes narrowed. “Never mind. I changed my mind. My treasure too.”

Melissa laughed as she once again felt herself pressed between two possessive dragons as they argued about treasure.

Still, it was all more wonderful than she’d ever hoped. She didn’t need jewels or gold or powers. The greatest treasure was just having someone to love and be loved by. And she had that in Ran and Draven.

She felt calm pulsing through her veins and realized just how different life was going to be from here on out. When the men got tired of arguing, they looked at her curiously.

“What’s wrong?” Draven asked, looking worried.

She shook her head. “Nothing. I was just thinking that nothing will ever be the same from now on.”

“That’s right,” Ran said. “Is that a problem?”

“No,” she said, relaxing into the sheets and the feeling of safety she had from being with both of them. “It’s actually pretty wonderful."

The men relaxed into the bed for a nap, cuddling her in a tangled mass of limbs, utterly overwhelming as usual. Melissa could hardly believe how full her heart felt as she listened to their relaxed breathing.

She didn’t know what dragon-hearted truly meant. She didn’t know how she’d earned the incredible gift she’d been given. She just knew whatever she was, she belonged to her dragons.

And they belonged to her.

That thought was the greatest treasure of all.

, thanks so much for reading Melissa, Ran and Draven’s book. I hope you enjoyed it and if you did I hope you’ll leave consider leaving a review to help other readers find them.

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There’s a sample for my newest book, Alpha Hero, on the next page, if you’d like to check it out. It can be read fully standalone (there’s a first book in the series but the second is still at introductory .99 pricing so I’d start there and wait for a sale on the other). Alpha Hero is about a hot MMA wolf shifter taking a break from his career to work with a curvy PR coach who needs his help with a dangerous stalker.

Thanks so much for all your support in buying and reading and reviewing my books. I’m so grateful to have the best fans and readers in the world. It means everything and keeps me writing every day.

I appreciate you all so much,


Terry Bolryder

Also, you can visit me on
Terry’s Facebook

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Or write me at
[email protected]

I’ll be hard at work on the next story!

BOOK: Double Dragons
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