Double Dare (A Neighbor from Hell Book 6) (22 page)

BOOK: Double Dare (A Neighbor from Hell Book 6)
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Chapter 38

              “I’m not who-
Oh, my God, stop doing that!

              “Then stop arguing with me,” he said, sliding his tongue back inside her and nearly coming on the spot when he felt her passage tighten around his tongue, desperate to keep it inside her.

              “Bastard!” she gasped as he reluctantly pulled away, but not before he ran his tongue through her slit one last time.

              “You are an incredibly beautiful woman, Marybeth. You’ve always been beautiful,” he whispered reverently as he slowly kissed his way up her body. “Any man would kill to have you as his wife,” he whispered against the swell of her breast as he reached down between them and released his cock.

              She moaned softly as he ran his tongue over her large breast and licked her firm nipple before taking it in his mouth and gently sucking on it as he shifted between her legs. He slid his cock against her wet slit, loving the way that she wrapped her legs around his waist and tried to pull him closer.

              “I was never meant to be any man’s wife,” she stated so simply on a gasp that he knew without a doubt that she truly believed that bullshit.

              He released the firm nipple from his mouth and continued to kiss his way up, savoring the sweet taste of her skin against his tongue as he pulled back and slowly entered her. They moaned as she welcomed his cock, coating it with her arousal as he reached between and cupped one large breast in his hand when he finally reached his destination.

              “You were always meant to be my wife,” he informed her just as he leaned down and kissed her the way that she was meant to be kissed.

              “You deserve better, Darrin,” she argued even as she moaned.

              “I deserve the best and that’s you,” he told her firmly as he pulled back slowly, teasing them both and making it more difficult with every passing second not to give in and fuck her hard and fast and put them both out of their misery.

              She chuckled even as she tried to pull against her restraints. “Take these off, Darrin.”

              Taking her bottom lip between his and gently suckling it, he reached up and placed his hand over the cuff keeping her right where he wanted her. He brushed his thumb over the small metal button where the keyhole should be and pressed. The cuff instantly opened, freeing her hand. He did the same with the other, keeping his thrusts shallow.

              With her hands finally free, she pressed her hands against his chest and pushed. He rolled over onto his back, groaning when she followed after him. In seconds, he was back inside her. She pushed back, taking his cock deep inside her as she sat up.

              “I don’t want to end up being the biggest mistake of your life,” she admitted on a moan.

              “Are you still planning on divorcing me?” he forced himself to ask when all he wanted to do was to reach up and take her large breasts in his hands and savor the feel of her wet pussy gripping his cock.

              Smiling warmly down at him as she shook her head, “No.”

              “I’m not letting you go through this alone, Marybeth,” he swore. “I’m switching my ticket out and I’m coming home with you. I’m going to take some time off work and take care of you. After that we’ll take it slow, figure things out, save our money and start filling out every adoption application that we can get our hands on, but I will be there with you, Marybeth. No more games, sweetheart.”

              She averted her gaze as she stopped moving. “I don’t want you to see me like that.”

              “Like what?” he whispered as he reached up and cupped her beautiful face in his hands.


              Sitting up, he wrapped his arms around her and held her close. “You’re not broken, damaged or flawed. Do you hear me? You are absolutely fucking perfect and you’re

              She chuckled and rolled her eyes in exasperation. “Only you would see a woman that couldn’t have children as perfect.”

              “That’s because you are perfect,” he said, tilting his head so that he could brush his lips against hers. “Besides, who says that you can’t have children?”

              “About twenty doctors including your father and brother,” she said dryly, giving him hope because for the first time since he’d found out the truth, she didn’t sound like a small piece inside of her was dying at the reminder that she couldn’t have children.

              It gave him hope that one day she’d be able to look in the mirror and see the beautiful woman that he loved.

              “What if I told you that there was a way to have a baby without having to worry about stretch marks and the disturbing cravings that went along with pregnancy?” he asked offhandedly as he used his hold on her to get her to start moving again.

              “What are you talking about?” she asked, moaning softly as she took over by rolling her hips, riding him slowly while she waited for an answer.

              “Are you going to do that thing with your hips that drives me out of my fucking mind if I tell you?”

              “Maybe,” she said, smiling down at him.

              “Do it first.”



              “Yeah, I don’t think so. You tell me what I want to know and then maybe I’ll think about doing that thing with my hips,” she said, making him sigh heavily, because really at this point she should know better.

              “Fine, then I guess that I’ll just have to double dare you to do it all while you scream your undying love for me.”

              With a teasing smile, she leaned in and brushed her lips again his ear. “What if I whisper it?”

              “It won’t be the same.”

              “And why’s that?” she asked, moaning as she rolled her hips sensually.

              “Because my parents have the room across the hall and I would really appreciate it if you could help me out by screaming my name, your undying love and if it’s not too much trouble, a few ‘Dear Gods’ wouldn’t hurt. Maybe you could…
why the hell are you laughing, woman?
I’m serious!” he snapped, which for some reason only made her laugh harder.


Five Months Later…

              “Can I have another root beer, please?” Marybeth asked with a sweet smile as she held up her empty glass.

              “Of course, sweetheart,” he said, leaning down to kiss her as he took the glass from her.

              “Could I please have a glass of apple juice and another plate of macaroni and cheese?” Zoe asked as he stood up, drawing his attention to the small woman sitting on the couch next to Marybeth.

              “You can have anything you want,” he promised her with a smile and a wink as he picked up her empty glass from the coffee table.

              “I’ll take a plate and a coke, thanks,” the large bastard sitting on the other end of the couch said, sounding bored as he gestured for Darrin to get on with it.

              “Then I suggest you get up and get it,” he said, gesturing towards the kitchen.

              “I would, but I’m too busy sitting here, holding my wife’s hand, giving her the love and support that she desperately needs as she does her best to provide your unborn children with a warm, nurturing environment in which to grow,” Trevor said with a long suffering sigh as he placed his hand over the soft swell of Zoe’s stomach.

              “I see,” he murmured, chuckling even as he headed for the kitchen to get his pain in the ass cousin a huge plate of macaroni and cheese.

              Trevor had more than earned it, he decided as he opened the oven and grabbed one of the pans of macaroni and cheese that his mother had dropped off an hour ago on her way to the airport when she’d stopped by to check on Marybeth. Thinking about Danny stuck down in Florida in that hospital turned his stomach the way it did anytime he thought about his brother. He should be down there helping his brother and watching over Jodi, but he couldn’t leave his wife. She was still having a hell of a time after her surgery and probably would continue doing so for a few more months.

              Her surgery had been brutal. There had been a lot more damage from the tissue than they’d expected. They’d only been able to discover the extent of the damage once they’d removed her uterus and then…

              Then the real work had started. The tissue had grown past her lungs, over her spine and had been heading north. Thank fucking God they’d moved her surgery up, because he didn’t even want to think about what could have happened if they had put it off any longer. They’d removed as much tissue as they could, but it had taken two additional surgeries to do it.

              She’d been scared out of her mind while he’d been fucking terrified. The only thing that had kept them sane was Zoe and Trevor and the promise that they had made them to try to carry a child for them. The fact that three embryos had taken was more than they could have ever asked for.

              “Can I get a plate of that?” Marybeth asked, smiling as she slowly walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him.

              “You should be resting,” he reminded her, leaning down to steal a kiss.

              “And you should be getting my food,” Trevor pointed out as he walked into the room and headed for the fridge where they kept a case of ginger ale for Zoe.

              “Is her stomach upset?” Marybeth asked, looking concerned as she stepped out of his arms and grabbed a cup of ice for Trevor.

              Trevor chuckled. “Don’t worry about it. She’s got this.”

              “I don’t think we’ll ever be able to thank you enough for doing this for us,” Marybeth said, still managing to look as shocked today as she was when he’d told her about the gift that Trevor and Zoe had offered them.

              “No worries,” Trevor said, taking the cup from her with a wink, “it’s what Bradfords do for each other.”

              “Thank you,” she said, looking close to crying, again, as she reached up and wrapped her arms around Trevor. “Thank you so much,” she said, sniffling as Trevor carefully returned the hug all while he glared at him and mouthed, “I still hate you.”

              Grinning, Darrin mouthed back, “I know.”

              With a kiss on the top of her head, Trevor stepped back, grabbed the plate of macaroni and cheese out of his hands and headed for the living room. As soon as they were alone, Darrin took his wife back and in his arms and closed his eyes, intent on savoring the feel of the woman in his arms.

              “I love you,” she said as she held him tightly.

              “Not as much as I love you,” he promised her as he leaned down and kissed her forehead.

              Nodding with a sigh, she stepped away and headed for the fridge. “That’s probably true.”

              Chuckling, he stepped up behind her and carefully wrapped his arms back around her. “It really is a shame,” he said, kissing her throat.

              “What is?” she asked warily, going still in his arms.

              “I feel a double dare coming on,” he admitted with a smile and a chuckle as his words sank in and his wife tried to make her escape, but unfortunately for her, she didn’t move fast enough.

A Little Something Special as a Thank You…

              “Take the painkillers, Jodi! For the love of God, take the painkillers!” Danny begged, biting back a scream even as she released a bloodcurdling scream that would haunt him for the rest of his life.

              “Take the pills!” Darrin begged from the other side of the table where he was taking his turn holding Jodi’s other hand. “Oh God, take the pills!”

I can’t
!” Jodi growled, tightening her grip around their hands just as another contraction tore through her, earning twin shouts of pain and pleas for mercy.

              “Jodi,” Aidan quietly said, drawing Jodi’s rage towards him while Danny sagged in his chair, not sure if he’d be able to survive another contraction without drugs, “you’re only at two centimeters, sweetheart. I think it might be time to start rethinking your choice for a natural childbirth.”

              “No!” she bit out through clenched teeth, sounding somewhat demonic and scaring the ever-living hell out of all three of them. “I will remember having these babies!”

              “Baby,” he said slowly, hoping not to startle his wife into turning her homicidal rages on him, “I understand that you don’t want to go into one of your ‘states,’ but I don’t think that you want to be in this much pain for the next few hours either. Do you?”

              She turned her glare on him so fast it was a wonder that he didn’t fall out of his chair. “I am not taking drugs!”

              “O-okay,” he said, swallowing nervously as he gently pat the back of her hand, trying to soothe her before she decided to go for his balls.

              “Why don’t you boys give us a minute?” his father said with a warm smile for Marybeth as he walked into the room, wearing a pair of navy blue scrubs.

              “Thank God,” Darrin muttered, pulling his hand free with a wince as Danny did the same.

              “We’ll just be in the hallway,” he promised his wife, deciding that mentioning the ice pack that he planned on hunting down for his hand would probably only piss her off.

              “Okay,” she mumbled, panting a bit as she placed her hand protectively around the large swell of her belly.

              He leaned down and kissed her. “You’re doing great.”

              “Ice chips. I need more ice chips,” she said with the determination of a woman who truly believed that ice chips would make all the difference in the world and somehow ease her pain.

              “I’ll get more ice chips,” he promised her, resisting the urge to cradle his hand against his chest.

              “Thank you,” she said, sighing with relief as she laid back and closed her eyes.

              “We’ll be right back,” he said, ignoring the panicked look in his brother’s eyes as they headed for the door, not knowing that his father was about to make a liar out of him.

              An hour later, he was finally allowed to return.

              “Danny!” Jodi said excitedly with a big smile, giving him his first clue that something was seriously wrong.

              “Umm, hey, sweetheart. I brought your ice chips,” he said, holding up the cup that was mostly water now.

              Her beautiful eyes teared up as her chin quivered. “You are the sweetest man alive. I love you so much, Danny Bradford,” she said with a little sniffle that immediately put him on edge.

              “Oh, shit….”

              They’d drugged her.

              Somehow his father had managed to do what no one else had been able to do and convinced her to take the pain medication. He was glad that someone was able to convince her to take the medication, because he hated the idea of his wife suffering even one second of pain, but there was a part of him, a very big part of him, that was absolutely terrified of what the next twelve hours or so were going to hold for them.

              “She’s numb from the waist down. She won’t be able to leave that bed,” his father said with a knowing smile.

              “Thank God,” he said, sagging with relief, thankful that he wasn’t going to have to worry about his very pregnant wife trying to escape her bed all night and getting into God only knows what.

              At least this way they’d be able to keep a close eye on her and make sure that she-

              “I can’t wait to have sex again,” Jodi said, sighing wistfully. “I really miss sex.”

              “Ummm, Jodi,” he said, trying to get his wife’s attention before she could-

              “Only with Danny of course, because he has a really large penis and he knows how to use it,” she announced as he stood there, trying to pretend that he wasn’t blushing as he desperately tried to get his wife to stop.

              “Here, sweetheart. Why don’t you have some water?” he suggested, holding the cup out to her, praying that she took it before she said something that would make this worse.

              “He knows how to use his tongue, too,” she added thoughtfully as everyone in the room suddenly found one of the walls or the floor interesting.

              “It’s going to be a long night,” his father said with a sigh and sympathetic smile as he closed his eyes in defeat.

              They definitely had a long night ahead of them, he decided when she suddenly broke out in hysterical tears when she realized that her ice chips had melted.

              A long fucking night…

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