Double-Crossed (20 page)

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Authors: Barbra Novac

Tags: #BDSM Contemporary

BOOK: Double-Crossed
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“I can't go out in public dressed like this!” Marianne looked down at the outfit that Jen had placed in her hands. The most modest part of the outfit was the boots.

“You can in the Cross, babe, but we'll take you out the back way, and I'll put you in my latex trench coat. You'll be hidden well enough. Cool?”


Jen grabbed something else off the shelf. “I'll be back in a sec.”

Alone, Marianne wondered about these clothes.

She slipped off the skirt she wore, along with her underwear. She put the leather shorts on; they sat just above her pubic hair in front and high on her backside. Firm cheek flesh stuck out the bottom of them at the back. Buckling up the sides, she exposed enough ass tissue to reveal she had no knickers on; a thrill shot through her. She sat on the chair and stepped into the fishnets. They came halfway up her thigh. She pulled the other one up her leg. They filled her with sexual confidence, the costume allowing her to play the part. Fishnets had the sexual mystery of the docks about them, as if only wild girls wore them.

After she had them successfully on, she slid her legs into the long boots. They were patent leather with laces up the front. The heels were crazily high, but so much fun. It took ages to hook up the first one, which came to just below her knee. Then she started on the second.

Half way through the second boot, Jen walked in. She looked amazing. She wore a full-length, skintight, black leather cat suit that laced up at the front and exposed the delicious curve of her large breasts. She had her long black hair out, straight and parted down the middle.

“Wow, you look hot, except for the T-shirt!” Jen said. “It so doesn't work.”

Marianne laughed. She still wore her white Morrissey T-shirt, and it did not suit this outfit.

“These boots are taking forever.”

“The POS starts at ten, and we have to get going, girl. Here let me.”

Jen started to lace up the rest of her boot, and Marianne reached for the top that Jen gave her. Marianne lifted her T-shirt and took off her bra. Jen gave a low whistle.

“How long have I wanted to see those beauties?”

“You can look, but don't touch, babe. I have no permission to be here. I'm just watching, remember?”

Jen put on a disconsolate face and went back to lacing up the boots. Marianne hooked the latex top over her head and then moved it so that it covered her breasts. This had buckles as well. She turned to get Jen to hook her up at the back. The beautifully shining latex had a fresh coat of silicone. Marianne had to cup each breast into place to get them sitting the way the top intended, to have the effect of the rubber pushing the breasts round and high.

“Wow! Come here and take a look!” said Jen.

Marianne moved to a mirror to see the final effect. She had to admit the transformation remarkable. Her pussy started to pulse in response to her own image. She felt brave and alive and as though she was challenging everything that insisted she be a good girl.

“God, Jen, I feel great! I look so hot!”

Jen leaned in and gave her the cuddle of a great friend. “You sure do, honey. All I can see is a big ball of great fun. I don't see any problems here.”

“Let's go,” said Marianne, full of confidence.

* * *

The walk down to the POS wasn't as bad as Marianne had feared. She had terrible thoughts of someone she knew seeing her and recognizing her dressed like a goth in heat.

Only a few doors down anyway, she saw her concerns were ill-founded. She laughed and talked easily with her friends, very glad to be there. On the way, Bill filled her in with some logistics.

“This isn't a regular munch. It's a play optional social. You'll hear a talk from an expert, and then we'll have some play. It's not full-on BDSM play, but there'll be enough sex to make everyone hot. People will fuck there, or they'll go home and fuck. Jen and I are going home today, and we're taking Jen's new little girlfriend with us. You'll meet her there. She can be a little jealous, so don't mind her at first.”

Bill looked great. He wore nothing but tiny black boy-leg shorts and boxing boots. The huge bulge at his crotch distracted Marianne, and it took all the will power she had to stop staring at it. His body was unbelievably beautiful. The washboard chest, with perfectly proportioned muscles rippling under deeply tanned skin. Not Marianne's type of male body, but definitely one to admire. Jen and Bill were an incredible couple.

Bill leaned forward and opened a small black door in the back of a building. Marianne knew a news agency and a chemist stood on the other side, but with all the graffiti, this side looked sleazier. A narrow piece of slippery tar, the laneway curled around the Cross, lined with ramshackle building frontages, each with crooked doors gaping from the buildings like twisted teeth.

“Wow, I've been living in this place for years, and I had no idea there was a club down here.”

“It's a private club,” said Jen. “You can get grog if you want, but we don't like to do that at the morning events.”

As she moved in behind Bill with Jen following her, Marianne thought the last thing she felt like at ten a.m. would be alcohol. Jen closed the door to the street, and a red glow filled the small alcove at the top of a large set of stairs descending into darkness. The light came from stark, red lightbulbs jutting out from the walls. Bill walked forward, and Marianne followed. The descent into a kind of Hades had Marianne's heart racing.

The stairs were almost unmanageable in her superhigh heels, so the rail on the wall saved Marianne. The long staircase obviously took them down a couple of floors into the earth under the building. Thumping music reached up to greet them, then accompanied them down the stairs into the darkness below. The bottom landing turned hard right into a narrow, red-lit corridor, spiraling right, almost too tight for two people abreast. It wasn't long before it opened out into a large, restaurant-type area. The room's light came from many of the same red lights she had seen earlier; a dull fogginess thickened the air even though everything appeared properly visible. If it had been any other time with any other people, Marianne would have been mortally terrified to enter a place like this. However, she felt brave and safe with Bill and Jen.

Heat rose from the room, but the spinning overhead fans lightened the oppressive mood a little. The walls were of exposed brick. Large, chunky wooden tables had the most unusual people sitting at them. In the middle sat one long table, and smaller tables surrounded it. The room already held about sixty-five people and looked like it could take another thirty or so, and the people were dressed up in every manner of costume.

Most of the men wore outfits similar to Bill's, full uniforms, or basic black. Two Hitlers sat at the long middle table and were talking to a couple; both were dressed as naval officers. The second officer, shorter than the first, had a funky kind of look, and it took Marianne a while to realize the second was actually a woman with a thin moustache drawn on her upper lip. Next to her sat a nurse talking with a very round, silver-corseted redhead, who turned slightly to speak with a woman in full biker leathers. Costumes drifted by in every direction. It looked like a fantasy come alive.

Wow, if I felt worried about my look, I didn't have to b
! Marianne thought as a woman with enormous breasts jutting over the top of her latex nurse's uniform walked by.

Jen indicated to Marianne that players sat at the long middle table for this social and the outer tables were for today's voyeurs.

“We'll be sitting at an outer table,” Jen yelled into Marianne's ear, competing with the heavy music, like a cross between heavy metal and punk rock.

Across the room, a young woman in a schoolgirl's uniform jumped up and down, waving to them.

“Jen's subbie,” whispered Bill.

The woman's eyes clouded over when they landed on Marianne. The three all walked over to the table, dodging three women dressed identically in red PVC shorts and yellow latex bustiers. A wide-eyed Marianne stared around at everything, but the young woman couldn't take her eyes off Marianne.

“Who is this?” she demanded.

“A friend,” said Bill with a tedious tone in his voice. “She's straight.”

“You don't ask me questions like that,” said Jen in an authoritarian tone. Marianne wondered how this woman ever disobeyed Jen with that kind of manner and the way Jen looked, but she soon found out the game went a little further than she supposed.

Jen looked at the woman sternly. “Assume the position,” she demanded.

The young woman gave Marianne a filthy look and then bent at the waist over the table. Jen spread the schoolgirl's legs and lifted her skirt so that her bare buttocks were exposed. Jen spoke to the humiliated woman so that Bill and Marianne could hear.

“Bitch, my friend is here to watch, not touch me or anyone else, but I am going to give her a real good look at your pussy now, and maybe she'll get so turned on, she'll want to fuck me when she sees it.”

“Oh, Mistress, I am sorry,” apologized the young woman, squirming on the table.

“Come and look, Marianne.”

Fascinated, Marianne tentatively walked over and looked at the pink pussy. Its swollen fleshiness fell open of its own accord due to the intense arousal of the young woman. Jen slid a long middle finger in and pulled it out; a thick strand of clear liquid followed, stuck to her finger. Marianne felt her pussy clench. Suddenly, fucking Jen felt like a wonderful thing to do.

If only Peter were here
, she dreamed to herself.

“Stand up, bitch.” The young woman stood up. Jen offered her finger to the woman, and she happily sucked her own juice off it.

“Get another chair for my friend.”

The young woman ran to do so. In her absence, Marianne had a chance to settle in. To get her mind off the heated sexuality of her friend, she glanced around the room with interest.

Toward the back stood a bar that Marianne hadn't noticed before, and five nuns were standing, drinking. While they were talking, a priest walked up behind one of them and reached into the folds of her habit to reveal a naked breast. From behind, he fondled the breast as the nun kept talking with the other nuns. One of the nuns talking leaned over to lick the nipple of the exposed breast, then stood again and kept talking.

It was the most unbridled public sex Marianne had ever seen. The costuming gave these people the freedom to act as though they were in a fantasy, and this set them free from their inhibitions. In a way, the costumes made it possible to be properly naked.

From the small stage at the end of the room, a man in SS-style uniform interrupted Marianne's observations, announcing they were starting in ten minutes. Marianne turned back to the religious folk at the bar to see one of the nuns on her knees before the priest now, sucking his dick while he kissed the first nun and fondled both her breasts. It looked hotter than her videos. Her hole ached, and she knew moisture pooled at the opening.

God, this is going to be much harder than I thought. How am I going to do this without coming?

As if to answer her question, she jumped when a large vibrator banged on the table in front of her. She turned to see Jen smiling, her own hand fondling the breast of her schoolgirl.

“Just in case it all gets too much, love. I want to keep you faithful to your guy. You'll get to see plenty of these in the future. Just be a good girl, and do what you're told until he tells you to play.”

With that, she turned to resume a deep, open-mouthed kiss with her little woman.

Placing the vibrator in her lap, Marianne turned her head away to look at the rest of the room. In a corner with two other men who fought each other for his attention, Bill sat relaxed and confident. The man in the SS uniform announced that the POS had started. Bill suddenly appeared at Marianne's side with a tray of coffees, as the music died down. He handed them out, then went back to the bar with the tray.

Jen leaned over and whispered in Marianne's ear, “Today Bill and I are playing with my naughty little girl here, but it looks like next month, it will have to be those two boys over there.”

The two men were still fighting for Bill's attention as he returned his tray. The nun had stopped sucking the priest's cock, and they'd returned to their table, but the men with Bill hadn't even noticed.

“They look gay to me.” Marianne wondered how they'd feel having to play with Jen.

“They are. Don't worry; they'll lick me so they get to be with Bill. It's the condition with us.”

Marianne smiled. “Wow! I knew you guys were free, but I never quite knew how free.”

Jen's fingers absentmindedly flicked the erect nipple of the woman to her right.

“There are so many choices, Marianne. Bill and I won't want to do this forever. Eventually we will settle down and be monogamous. This is our promise to each other. No one can take from Bill and I; we have complete and total trust, therefore there is more that we can do than most. I don't recommend our lifestyle to everyone. Bill and I have something very special.”

Bill returned, and the man up at the front announced a speaker, George Sand, and welcomed her to the stage. Dressed as a man, she announced her talk as “Stimulation of the Submissive.”

Sand's severely spare figure, dressed in a masculine tuxedo complete with starched white shirt and black bow tie, dominated the stage. “The growth of the submissive depends upon pushing them past their limits, both emotionally and physically. Emphasis is always on the submissives growth. The more the sub can tolerate and endure, the better they will show the talents of their Master, and the better they will manage in real life.”
This must be why they told me BDSM is therapy
, thought Marianne. She wished she could ask Peter.

Soon, George Sand called on her submissive to stand next to her, and the talk became even more interesting. The woman dressed in beautiful lace: a lace shift, which stopped just below her pubic area, knee-high fishnets like Marianne's, and high heels. Jen would call them “fuck-me shoes.” She had long blonde hair and enormous breasts. Just looking at her felt satisfying.

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