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Authors: Mercy Celeste

Double Coverage (2 page)

BOOK: Double Coverage
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“Are you in a hurry or something?” The elevator finally opened with a ding, and she thought the people on board would never get off before he backed her inside right up against the wall and ground his cock into her belly. She didn’t notice if they were alone; she didn’t care. “We can start right here.”

“I thought you wanted me beneath you?” She ran her fingers through his hair. Leaning into him, she flicked his lips with her tongue. “But here is fine too.”

“Don’t tease me, Kailey. I’ve dreamed about making love to you since freshman year. I might come in my pants, and this will all be for nothing.”

“Listen, Trig, I haven’t had sex in more than a year. I’m pretty much a sure thing. You don’t have to lie to get me naked, at least not tonight. I’ve had enough liquid courage to do the entire football team.”

“What makes you think I’m lying?”

Was he serious? She couldn’t help feeling as if he’d cut out her soul and fed it to her.

“You could have had me—freshman year or any year after that for that matter, but you never tried.” She hadn’t meant to admit that. Her crush on Trigger Morgan had been embarrassing enough then; now it was just pitiful. “I wanted you too. I used to lie in my bed wishing you would sneak in through my window. You lived two houses down. It wouldn’t have been a difficult feat to accomplish—sneaking in, I mean.”

“I thought about it, especially at the end of senior year. After you announced you were going to England to study at Oxford for the summer, I knew I’d never see you again.” The elevator slowed, then lurched to a halt on the fourth floor. The doors swept open, and they weren’t alone any more.

“Why didn’t you?” She waited until they stood in the corridor. Reckless abandon had now abandoned her. He held her hand, the simple contact the only thing keeping her from changing her mind.

“Because I was afraid of you, Kailey. I was afraid you’d laugh at me and call me a stupid jock, like you did downstairs.”

“I didn’t call you stupid. You’re a doctor and I’m just an archaeologist. I teach school; you heal people.”

“You teach school at an Ivy League college, and you travel the world. I work in a free clinic in New Orleans. Jesus Christ, Kailey, believe me—you have the bigger dick in this contest. Stop making excuses. I
just a dumb jock who went away to school and finally had some sense knocked into me. There is no comparison.” There was sincerity in his voice and longing in his eyes. “So did you mean it when you said you were a sure thing? Damn, Kailey—that makes me hard just thinking about it.”

“How much farther to your room?” Why the hell were they standing around talking? What did it matter what happened fifteen years ago? That was then and this was now, and Trigger Morgan had a big dick, and she wanted to taste it.

At least that’s what she told herself as he opened the door to his room and held it open for her. She was swimming in self-doubt. Her sorry husband was all she knew. What if Trig didn’t like what he saw when she stepped out of her clothes? What if she’d been doing it wrong all these years? Was that why Charlie had looked elsewhere, because she didn’t give good head?

Once inside, he crossed the room, pulling at the tie hanging loosely around his neck. She followed, feeling lost and cold and out of her league. Everyone downstairs knew she’d come up to his room.
Oh good God—things can’t get any worse.
What the hell was she doing?

Getting naked with the quarterback at the reunion—how cliché.

Cliché or not, she laid her purse on top of his jacket and closed the distance between them. “Trig,” she said softly. “I’m broken. I don’t know how to play this game, but I want to be with you. So maybe if you stop talking and go back to kissing me, we can find out how good we can be together.”

He looked at her with those big brown eyes of his. There was a question behind them. She saw it burning brightly, but he didn’t say anything. He simply reached out and cradled her face in his long fingers. Oh God, he really did have soft hands.

He smelled faintly of beer and aftershave, his breath hot on her lips. He didn’t kiss her, just teased, licking her with his tongue, gently touching his lips to hers, only to pull away.

“You’re killing me.” She groaned, pressing her body to his. His cock—still rock hard and hot—felt so good against her. His shoulders beneath her hands were wide and hard. There was too much material between them, and the buttons on his shirt were tiny and frustrating. “Kiss me, please … Trig.”

“I thought you’d never ask.” He smiled against her lips, his eyes filled with lust, and then she saw nothing. Her eyes fluttered closed the very second he closed his mouth over hers, his moan of pleasure all she needed to turn her knees to jelly. “You taste so good.”

“And you have too many clothes on.” He took advantage of her open mouth to glide his tongue deep inside to tease and torment her. She sighed a short while later. “There are too many buttons.”

“Really?” He tore his lips from hers, and taking both sides of his shirt in his long-fingered hands, he pulled roughly, sending buttons flying everywhere. “How’s that?”

“So much better, thank you.” She found flesh. Hot, silky smooth flesh rippled with muscle. Oh yes, that was so much better. She ran her hands over his stomach. He sucked in his breath; his eyelids fluttered when she licked his throat. “You taste pretty good yourself.”

“Shit, Kailey, that’s not fair. I’m about to burst as it is.” He struggled for breath when her mouth found his nipples. She licked, drawing one hard point into her mouth as she slid his shirt down his arms.

“So nice.” She breathed against his belly, running her fingers over each defined muscle. The man had a six-pack—oh sweet lord, he was nice and hard all over. His body quivered when she dipped her tongue into his navel. “So, so nice.”

The carpet beneath her knees was soft, his belt argumentative, his cock hard and long when she freed it. His hands in her hair felt deliciously wicked. The ragged sounds that escaped his throat when she blew on the tip of his erection drove her wild. “Kailey, what are you doing to me?”

“Tasting you, Trigger. You have a big beautiful cock, and it’s just begging me to taste it.” She blew over his cock again, and again watched him throw his head back and groan as the organ in front of her face pulsed, growing larger, seeming to beckon to her.

“Kailey?” His voice was ragged, his hands gentle in her hair.

She ran her tongue over the blunt head; he tasted salty and sweet and carnal as sin.

“That feels so damned good.”

“You taste nice, Trigger, like candy. I’m going to suck all the sweet off of you.” She tugged his pants down his hips, leaving them in a puddle around his ankles. Wrapping her hands around his hips, she gripped his tight ass and did just as promised, taking him into her mouth and slowly easing him deeper until she felt him at the back of her throat.

His moans of pleasure sent ripples coursing through her body. Desire dripped and puddled between her legs. She squeezed her knees together; her clit throbbed ruthlessly, robbing her of breath. His fingers clenched in her hair; his cock grew taut. His breathing turned shallow and fast. She eased away from him, looking up into his eyes. “Are you in a hurry, Trigger?”

“No.” He tugged her to her feet, then kicked off his shoes and pants. “We’ve got all weekend.” He touched his mouth to hers, his tongue hot, insistent, as he delved into her mouth, sucked her tongue into his mouth—forcing a thrust and parry that had her writhing against his naked body. The fabric of her dress was rough against her nipples when she rubbed against him.

“I think I’m overdressed for the occasion.” She broke off the kiss. Standing on tiptoe in her gold strappy sandals, she still wasn’t tall enough to meet his eyes directly. “And my panties are soaked.”

“Well, damn, I think we need to do something about that.” Before she could protest, he lifted her off her feet, carried her over to the massive bed that sat in the middle of the room, and tossed her on top of the comforter. “It’s a pretty dress. I love green on you. The color makes your eyes dance.”

He placed a knee between her legs, his cock jutting proudly as he skimmed her thighs, drawing her skirt up as he crawled onto the bed.

“Damn, Kailey, you’re right. You soaked them clean through,” he drawled, watching her face as he ran a finger along the edge of the lace just below her navel. “Do you want these off?”


His mouth hitched into a smile, his eyes flashed wickedly, and she moaned at the touch of that one finger tracing her lower belly, toying with the elastic. She grabbed the comforter with both hands, arching into his hand. “Please, take them off.”

“I don’t think so.” His smile turned evil. He bent over her, brushing a kiss on her belly. Just as she had done to him earlier, Trig dipped his tongue into her navel and swirled it a couple of times before moving downward.

She cried out when he settled between her legs, his breath hot on her already throbbing clit as he blew across the soaked lace that covered her pussy. “Trigger?”

“Yeah, Kailey?” He smiled up at her expectantly.

“Do that again.”

* * * *

Lust swirled painfully in his loins. His cock throbbed against the bed, begging for relief, demanding he climb between her legs and bury himself deep inside her. He ignored his cock and his baser instincts. This was Kailey; he didn’t want to fuck this up and end it all too soon. He wanted to savor every moment, but she’d surprised him when she went down on him. Her talented mouth had him on the verge of disgracing himself.

There was time, so much time, and he didn’t want to waste a second of it on a quickie. He sure as hell didn’t want to disappoint her after all these years of dreaming about her.

Her soaking-wet panties sent waves of lust shooting into that very part of his body he was trying to control. She smelled musky and sweet and hot. Goddamn, she was hot, scorching hot. He could feel the heat radiating off her body; he could see her clit pulse beneath the black lace. “Do that again,” she demanded, her voice low, almost a whisper. Desire burned like fire in her eyes as she looked at him, pleading with him. He throbbed and ached and lusted.

“As you wish.” He dipped his head and blew long and hard on that spot that pulsed just behind the lace. She cried out, arching her hips toward his mouth. Oh Christ, she tasted so damn good. He licked the spot, catching her just below her clit, the soaked lace rough against his tongue. Her voice echoed in the room when she swore and buried her fingers in his hair.

She was wild. Brainy, reserved Kailey was wild. She bucked under his mouth when he closed his lips over her clit and suckled her gently, flicking her with his tongue while she thrashed and cussed and begged for more. She tasted so sweet, he wanted more. He wanted her wild and thrashing and crying out his name.

He slipped a finger under the lace and tugged the material to the side. She froze beneath him, her breath caught in her throat as if waiting. He blew across her swollen flesh, deep pink and throbbing, and watched as she pulsed, her vagina opening for him, throbbing, pulsing, slick with cream.

“Trigger.” She breathed his nickname; the sound made him groan. That name had never sounded as good as it did coming from her.

“You're so sweet, like honey.” He blew again and watched her eyes glaze over before he dipped his head between her legs again, this time tasting her without the lace barrier. Just like before, he drew her clit into his mouth, suckled deeply—flicking her clit with his tongue until she arched into his mouth, her body going rigid; her cries were hoarse, almost strangled.

“Trigger.” Her cries enflamed him; her orgasm pulsed beneath his mouth; and he groaned against her.

“I’m sorry, Kailey. I can’t wait any longer.” He crawled up her body, drawing her legs to his hips. Her vagina throbbed around his cock, and he moaned with her as he pushed inside her.

“Hurry.” She turned unseeing eyes on him. Wrapping her arms around his shoulders, she pulled him to her. Her mouth became greedy as she thrust against him, drawing him deeper inside where she pulsed around him, as another orgasm built and swirled around him, taking him with her.

“Trigger?” she said a while later her voice barely a whisper. “Why am I still dressed?”

Chapter Three

“Why did you stop coming out to play with the neighborhood kids?”

Sated and hovering blissfully on the precipice of sleep, Kailey lay against his side listening to his heartbeat. Maybe it was her foggy mind or the alcohol finally catching up with her, but she didn’t have a clue what he was talking about. “When? I don’t remember.”

“When we were all kids—me, you, Sarah Beth Lawrence, and a bunch of younger kids. Your brother would come out, dragging you with him, and we’d all toss around the football. You stopped coming out.” He lifted a strand of her hair, tugging gently as he rubbed it between his fingers.

“Oh, that. I was the only girl left by the time Brad escaped babysitting detail. Sarah Beth had moved on to cheerleading and gymnastics. I felt awkward, like a tomboy. I was never that interested in football, you know. I just played because Brad made me.”

“You know he was one of the reasons I played ball. Bradley Whitmore could throw a wicked spiral. We all idolized him. Pity he stopped playing. Where is he now? If you don’t mind my asking?”

“He quit school, got his GED, and went into the Marines. Seven years ago—well, let’s just say the war in Iraq happened to him.”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”

“He died doing what he loved, I guess you could say. Mom and Daddy split after that. I was in New Jersey; Brad was gone. I guess they just got tired of pretending. They both left to find new lives. Mom is down in Boca Raton doing hair at a salon. Daddy is still driving trucks; he remarried a few years ago.” She shrugged a shoulder. None of that mattered anymore. “I don’t like talking about that time; we weren’t exactly the picture of the perfect middle class family.”

“Perfect?” She detected a hint of bitterness in his laugh. “No one had a perfect home life, Kai.”

“You did. You had the clothes, the car, the attitude of a spoiled-rotten athlete, and the popularity that goes with that.”

BOOK: Double Coverage
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