Dorothy Parker: What Fresh Hell Is This? (82 page)

Read Dorothy Parker: What Fresh Hell Is This? Online

Authors: Marion Meade

Tags: #American - 20th century - Biography, #Women, #Biography, #Historical, #Authors, #Fiction, #Women and literature, #Literary Criticism, #Parker, #Literary, #Women authors, #Dorothy, #History, #United States, #Women and literature - United States - History - 20th century, #Biography & Autobiography, #American, #20th Century, #General

BOOK: Dorothy Parker: What Fresh Hell Is This?
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Mendum, Georgie Drew


Merrily We Roll Along (Kaufman and Hart)


Milford, Nancy


Millay, Edna St. Vincent


Milne, A. A.


Monroe, Marilyn


Moodie, Betty


Mooney, Mary


Mooney, Tom


Morning Telegraph


Morris, Wright


Morse, Lee


Mostel, Kate


Mostel, Zero


“Mr. Durant” (Parker)


“Mrs. Hofstadter on Josephine Street” (Parker)


Münzenberg, Willi


Murphy, Baoth


Murphy, Gerald


Murphy, Honoria


Murphy, Patrick


Murphy, Sara Wiborg


“Musical Comedy Thought, A” (Parker)


Music Box Revue


Myers, Alice Lee


Myers, Dick



Naked and the Dead


Nash, Ogden


Nast, Condé


Vanity Fair
published by


Nathan, George Jean


National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)


National Institute of Arts and Letters


(Parker and Benchley)


New Masses


New Republic


“News Item” (Parker)


New York Daily Mirror


New Yorker


early struggles of


Parker and


Ross and


New York Herald Tribune


New York Journal-American


New York Sun


New York Times


Woolcott’s drama criticism for


New York Tribune


New York


No Sirree


Not So Deep as a Well



O’Dwyer, Paul


“Oh, He’s Charming!” (Parker)


Oh, Lady, Lady!
(Wodehouse and Kern)


O’Hara, Helen


O’Hara, John


One Hour Late


Open End


Oppenheimer, George


Over Twenty-one



Parker, Anne O’Brien


Parker, Dora


Parker, Dorothy:


abortion of


alcoholism of


appendectomy of


arrest of


articles of


autobiographical content in works of


birth of


blacklisting of


book reviews of


childhood of


clothing taste of


cocktail parties of


collaborative work of


colleagues’ impressions of


Constant Reader column of


country home of


cynicism of


dance school job of


death of


death images in works of


as depicted in dramas


depressions of


divorces of


dogs owned by


domesticity lacking in


drama criticism of


dramatization of works by


earnings of


education of


European travel of


expressive eyes of


fame of


feminism and


film writing of


first literary job of


first published poem of


four-letter words used by


game playing of


government investigation of


handwriting of


hats worn by


Hemingway poems about


in Hollywood


homosexuality and


honors awarded to


hysterectomy of


illnesses of


irascible behavior of


Jewish background of


late assignments of


love affairs of


male types preferred by


marital separations of


on men


men attracted to


money attitudes of


money problems of


“Mrs. Parker” preferred by


perfume used by


physical appearance of


plays of


poetry of


political activism of


portraits of


pregnancies and miscarriages of


pseudonyms of


psychiatric treatment of


public speaking of


quotes attributed to


rebelliousness of


reputation of


reviews of


Rothschild name distasteful to


Round Table and


sarcasm of


self-assessment of


sexuality of


short stories of


speaking style of


suicide attempts of


unfinished novel of


as visiting college professor


wealthy friends ridiculed by


weddings of


will left by


wit and humor of


on women


working methods of


on writing


writing techniques of


Parker, Edwin Pond


Parker, Edwin Pond


alcoholism of


army service of


background of


business career of


death of


divorce of


morphine addiction of


Parker’s marriage to


Parker’s relationship with


Parker’s stories at expense of


physical appearance of


Round Table group and


second marriage of


Parker, Harris


Parker, Harris, Jr.


Parker, Laura


Parker, Ruth


Parker, William


Parsons, Louella


“Passionate Screenwriter To His Love, The” (Parker)


Payson, Joan Whitney


Pemberton, Murdock




Perelman, Laura West


Perelman, Sidney J.


Parker and


Perkins, Maxwell


Pfeiffer, Pauline, see Hemingway, Pauline Pfeiffer


Philadelphia Story, The


Pictorial Review




Portable Dorothy Parker, The


Porter, Katherine Anne


President Roosevelt


Pride of the Yankees




Pulitzer, Ralph


Pulitzer Prize


Putnam, George Palmer



“Rainy Night” (Parker)


Rascoe, Burton


Remodeling Her Husband


“Risumé” (Parker)


Reynolds, Quentin


Rice, Elmer


Road to Miltown, The


Roosevelt, Eleanor


Roosevelt, Franklin Delano


Root, Esther, see Adams, Esther Sayles Root


Ross, Harold


Parker and


Round Table and


see also New Yorker


Rothschild, Bertram (brother)


Parker’s relationship with


Rothschild, Eleanor Frances Lewis (stepmother)


death of


marriage of


stepchildren’s relations with


Rothschild, Eliza Annie Marston (mother)


birth of


courtship and marriage of


illness and death of


Rothschild, Elizabeth Barrett (aunt)


Rothschild, Harold (brother)


Rothschild, Helen, see Grimwood, Helen Rothschild Droste


Rothschild, Jacob Henry (father)


business career of


illness and death of


marriages of


Parker’s fictional treatment of


Parker’s relationship with


verse composed by


Rothschild, Martin (uncle)


Rothschild, Mary (grandmother)


Rothschild, Mate “Tiny,”


Rothschild, Samson (grandfather)


Rothschild, Samuel (uncle)


Rothschild, Simon (uncle)


Roussel, Yvonne



Saalburg, Allen


Saalburg, Muriel




Sacco, Nicola


Salisbury, Leah


Samuels, Arthur


Sanford, Laddie


Saturday Evening Post


Saturday Review


Schayer, Richard


Schulberg, Budd


Scottsboro case


Screen Guilds’ Magazine


Screen Writers Guild




Seal in the Bedroom and Other Predicaments, The


Seldes, Alice


Seldes, Gilbert


Selznick, David O.


Sex Life of the Polyp, The
, (Benchley)


Shawn, William


Sherwood, Mary Brandon


Sherwood, Robert


at Life


Parker and


Vanity Fair


Show Boat
(Kern and Hammerstein)


Shroyer, Frederick


Smart Set


Smash—Up: The Story of a Woman


Smith, Thorne


Sobbing in the Conning Tower, see Enough Rope


Soft Music
(Parker and Rice)


see also Close Harmony


“Soldiers of the Republic” (Parker)


Soma, Tony


“Song for the First of the Month” (Parker)


“Song of Perfect Propriety” (Parker)


“Song of the Shirt, 1941” (Parker)


Songs for the Nearest Harmonica
, see Sunset Gun


Sonnets in Suicide, or the Life of John Knox (unpublished) (Parker)


Spanish Civil War


Spanish Earth, The




“Standard of Living, The” (Parker)


Starbuck, Betty


Star Is Born, A


Stars and Stripes


Steichen, Edward


Stewart, Beatrice Ames


Stewart, Donald Ogden


Parker and


political activism of


Stewart, Rosalie


Stoddard, Haila


Stowe, Leland


Strassman, Toni


Stromberg, Hunt


Subway, The


“Such a Pretty Little Picture” (Parker)


Sullivan, Frank


Sun Also Rises


Sunset Gun


Susskind, David






Swope, Herbert Bayard


Swope, Maggie



Targ, William


Tarkington, Booth


Tavenner, Frank


Taylor, Deems


Parker’s affair with


Taylor, Laurette


Taylor, Mary Kennedy


“Telephone Call, A” (Parker)


Thackeray, William


Thalberg, Irving


Thanatopsis Literary and Inside Straight Club, The


Theobald, Hannah Rothschild (aunt)


This Side of Paradise

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