Don't Tempt Me (6 page)

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Authors: Amity Maree

BOOK: Don't Tempt Me
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"We'll see to it, Craig," Jenna nodded. She excused him and then started going down her list of associates, intending to speak with as many as possible today, and then finish up tomorrow. Hopefully she would have more background information on everyone by then.

Most of the people she interviewed didn't set off any warning bells, and by five o'clock, she was feeling a bit frustrated. The only good thing, she'd eliminated several people from her list. She decided to call Jeff to see if he'd learned anything worthwhile. The call took quite a while, and once she ended the call it was nearly six o'clock. The drive home would get her in after nine, and she would have to leave early to make the three hour drive in the morning. Jenna decided she was going to get a hotel room for the night, and enjoy room service. She kept an 'emergency' bag packed in her car with the necessities, and she could make a quick stop at a Mall and find an appropriate suit to wear the next day. She could always use a new addition to her wardrobe. Her mind made up, Jenna called Will's voicemail to tell him she wouldn't be home, and promised to call later and tell him where she was staying for the night.

She packed her briefcase and then left the conference room, turning off the light. She wasn't surprised to find the offices empty, but just as soon as she thought she was the last one there, she heard what sounded like arguing coming from an office. Jenna wasn't above eavesdropping if she thought she could learn something that would help her client. She quietly made her way toward the noise and was surprised to realize it was Nadine and Craig. Maybe things weren't as lovey-dovey as they pretended. She decided to listen and see what she could learn.

"How could anyone believe me, Craig? I am even beginning to think I am guilty!"

"That is ridiculous, young lady. You are innocent, and Jenna Fields is going to prove it."

"How? If I don't have a clue who is framing me, how can she?" Nadine demanded.

"Your attitude needs adjusting. Jenna is a sharp as nails attorney; she told me she believes you innocent, and I believe her. She wouldn't have said it if she didn't believe it."

"Just because she is an attorney doesn't mean she is a god, Craig. Attorneys are people just like the rest of us, believe me."

"The woman is here to help you, Mrs. Warner, and you have gone too far with this 'poor me' attitude. I want to see my sweet wife, not this shrew who is making herself miserable."

"How would you feel if someone framed you?" Nadine demanded.

"Angry, but I wouldn't take it out on you," Craig promptly answered.

"Well, excuse me. I never claimed I was perfect. Why don't you just go home, Craig, and let me finish up this project for your Dad? He wants it by noon tomorrow, and I want to get it done."

"You aren't hiding here at work. You're coming home, and we're going to Michele and Aaron's party tonight."

"No. I'm not going. I don't feel like facing all the questions, or even worse, having people whispering about me behind my back."

"You are not going to act like you have something to hide. We are going, and that is final."

"Don't you dare take that tone with me, Mister!" Nadine snarled angrily. "No... NO! Don't you dare!" she squealed. "Craig, noooo! Owwwwww!" she cried out in pain.

Jenna felt her face turn red as she realized that Craig was spanking Nadine. The young woman had certainly gone out of her way to provoke a spanking, and Craig was doing a thorough job of it.

"Stop, Craig! You are hurting me!" Nadine cried out. His answer was to push up her skirt and then tug her panties down to bare her bottom, which bore evidence of his handprints on her skin. "Noooo! What if someone is still here?" she said, embarrassed.

"Well, if it is Dad, he'll applaud and tell me it's about time I set your bottom on fire. I've been too patient with you, Nadine, and you need a good spanking. You might just as well resign yourself to the fact you are going to be here for a long while."

"No... Not the ruler, Craig! Ouch! Ouch! Owwwwww! It hurts!" she burst into tears.

"It's supposed to hurt. It's supposed to get your attention, young lady," Craig scolded her.

He continued to spank her with the ruler and Jenna felt her face turn red. She knew how embarrassing it was to get a spanking. Part of her wanted to make a noise and interrupt them, but the other part of her knew the spanking was earned. She decided to mind her own business and just leave.

To her absolute mortification, Mr. Warner was standing outside his office, and she knew she'd been caught eavesdropping. He motioned for her to come inside his office, and she knew she had no choice but obey and take the scolding she deserved.

"I hope you aren't upset with Craig, Ms. Fields," Frank Warner said calmly. "I know that spanking isn't considered politically correct these days, but it works, and little Nadine needs exactly what Craig is doing. I certainly hope you don't intend to report him for domestic abuse. A spanking isn't abusive if it is given with love." When Jenna smiled, he asked, "What is so amusing, young woman?"

"I was expecting you to scold me for eavesdropping," she admitted. "I didn't mean any harm, but was hoping that whoever was in that office might reveal something to help me figure out who is framing Nadine. The last thing I would do would be to interfere in a domestic situation like that. It's not my place to judge, and even if it were, I couldn't fault Craig." Her face was pink with embarrassment.

"I see," Frank nodded. "Am I correct in assuming that you might understand the nature of a traditional marriage?" he asked softly.

"Yes, I am married to a man who loves me enough to express that love firmly at times," Jenna admitted.

"It is nothing to be ashamed of, Ms. Fields. I can tell you for a fact that I love my wife in the same manner, and Craig loves his Nadine. When they leave here, she will be all smiles and happy and secure in the knowledge that my son loves her. I do think it best we hide out in here until they are gone, however. I wouldn't wish to embarrass Nadine."

"I agree."

"How are you proceeding with your questioning?" Frank asked, and Jenna gave him a full report, and explained that she was waiting for more background information to surface. Frank asked more questions and she answered patiently.

"I will be staying in town tonight so I can be here early tomorrow morning," Jenna told him with a smile. "I hope to learn more as quickly as possible so we can do some damage control."

"I already know that we will have to settle. Someone here leaked or sold information. I won't tolerate that... I won't permit anyone to frame my daughter-in-law. I want to know who and why."

"I promise I will get to the bottom of things," Jenna said. There was a tap on the door and Craig opened it and came in.

"Oh, sorry, Dad. I didn't realize Jenna was with you. I just came to say goodnight and tell you that Nadine and I are leaving. You aren't planning on working too late are you?" he asked in concern for his parent.

"No, son. Jenna and I just finished talking and are ready to leave, too."

"Did you learn anything today, Jenna?" Craig asked hopefully.

"I eliminated a few people as suspects," she smiled, "but I don't know who framed Nadine yet."

"Eliminating some people is progress," he said. "Good night now."

"Good night, son," Frank said.

"Jenna, would you like to join my wife and I for dinner tonight?" Frank offered politely.

"To be honest, Frank, I need to work. I planned to have room service and work most of the evening. Thank you for the offer, however."

"If you change your mind..."

"I won't," she smiled as she got to her feet. "I'm tired and a quiet evening is a good thing."

He shut off the lights and followed her out to the parking lot, making sure she got to her car in the parking garage safely, and then said a final good night. Jenna quickly found a hotel close by, registered, and was pleased to learn they had several very nice stores off the lobby. She found a nice suit, and a couple of other things, and arranged to have them delivered to her room. She was soon settled in, showered, and relaxing in her robe when her cell phone rang.

"What is going on up there, Jenna Suzanne Fields Cole, and if you say 'nothing', I will get in my car and drive up there and turn you over my knee."

"Hello, darling. It's nice of you to call," Jenna giggled in spite of herself.

"I just got your message," Will growled. "I don't like the idea of your staying overnight somewhere without discussing it with me first."

"Will, please calm down. I've done this sort of thing before. It's a three hour drive home and back tomorrow. I don't feel like doing that. I have a nice room in a perfectly safe hotel, and I'm ordering room service and staying in tonight. I'll be home tomorrow evening."

"Are you ill?" he asked in concern.

"No, just tired, and the thought of driving for three hours tonight, just to go to bed and sleep a few hours and get up and drive back here just seemed ridiculous. Besides, I can deduct this as a business expense," she teased her stern husband.

"What is this case about?" he wanted answers. Will didn't want Jenna meddling in something that could get her hurt.

"A young woman was accused of selling information from an account to a competitor. Our client wants me to find out who did it so the right person is prosecuted."

"He doesn't think the accused young woman did it?" Will asked.

"No, she is his daughter-in-law, and he knows she is innocent. I believe she is innocent, too."

"What about her husband? Is he part of the company?"

"Yes, but he's not guilty, either. Neither of them have a clue why someone is trying to frame her this way."

"Does the husband have another woman? Or does she have a lover?" Will suggested.

"No. I already asked all those questions. I have quite a few more interviews tomorrow, and Jeff is working on the background checks... looking for something that makes sense."

"Do you want me to cancel court in the morning and come up there tonight?"

"No!" she practically yelled at him. "Honey, think about it. You'd get here late... and I really need to work a bit and then get some sleep. I promise to make it up to you tomorrow night."

"What aren't you telling me, Jenna?" Will demanded.

"Why are you always so suspicious?" she asked, annoyed.

"I'm not, but I can tell when you are hiding something from me, young lady."

"Don't be ridiculous, William Cole. There is some frozen lasagna in the freezer in a container. Pop it in the microwave and you'll have dinner. I'll see you tomorrow night, honey. I do love you, even if you are utterly pompous and ridiculous at times!"

"Jenna, for two cents I would drive up there and spank you soundly."

"You don't know where I am... buster!" Jenna hung up the cell phone and let it go to voice mail when he called back. She would probably get her fanny smacked tomorrow evening, but for now it felt good to have the last word. How on earth did Will get so good at reading her? And what would he have to say when she told him the truth? There was no way she could claim ignorance. He would see through that in an instant.

Jenna put her thoughts aside when her cell rang again and it was Jeff. He told her he wanted to fax her some information that their investigators dug up; Jenna gave him the hotel's fax number, and once they hung up, she called down to the desk and asked to have the papers delivered to her room as soon as they arrived. The customer service representative assured her they would arrive as soon as possible, and a few minutes later they were dropped off as promised and Jenna immersed herself in studying the documents. When she went to bed a few minutes later, she was pretty sure she knew who the guilty party was.

* * *

Will was not happy and the desk attendant seemed to shrivel under the man's dark eyed stare as he demanded to know what room his wife was occupying. "I understand your policy, but you are not going to call my wife and that is final. What you are going to do is take me to her room at once and when she verifies that I am indeed her husband, you will disappear and hope that I don't see you again while I am here," Will was his most intimidating, and the younger man swallowed nervously and nodded.

"I'll be happy to accommodate you, sir. I don't want to ruin your surprise, of course."

"Very considerate of you," Will was sarcastic, but he knew Jenna was up to something, and he was going to get to the bottom of the matter. The desk clerk took him to the eighth floor and led the way down the hallway. When the clerk stopped in front of the door, Will saw that Jenna had indeed had room service deliver dinner. There was only one serving plate on the tray, so that ruled out the possibility of her meeting with someone.

"There is a 'do not disturb' on the door, sir. It is against hotel policy to bother a guest when..." He didn't finish the statement before Will reached out and knocked loudly.

"Jenna Suzanne. Open this door now," he growled.

"Sir, people are sleeping!" the young man was scandalized.

Jenna opened the door a minute later, groggy from sleep. "Will? Is something wrong? What are you doing here?" Jenna was trying hard to wake up and figure out what was wrong.

"You know very well why I am here, young lady," Will said quietly. "Please tell this young man that we are married and that I am not here to harm you so he will give us some privacy and stop annoying me."

Jenna felt sorry for the red-faced young man. "You can leave us alone. If I'd known that my husband was going to surprise me, I would have left word at the desk to give him a key and the room number. I'm sorry for the confusion."

"No problem, Ms. Fields. It's just that your names didn't match, and..."

Will cut him off with one word. "Go!"

He left, leaving Jenna alone with an angry husband. "You might as well come inside since you're here," she said in resignation. "I was asleep, Will," she complained. "Come on to bed."

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