Read Don't Read in the Closet volume one Online

Authors: various authors

Tags:, #anthology, #m/m romance

Don't Read in the Closet volume one (79 page)

BOOK: Don't Read in the Closet volume one
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It was getting
dark and with a start he realized that it was almost seven o’clock. He rushed
back home and laid out the professional suit he planned to wear for the
interview. After getting everything ready, he curled up on his bed and tried to
sleep but couldn’t—he was too excited. He went over all the questions he’d been
asked on interviews in the past, such as his strengths, weaknesses, why he
wanted the job, and so on.

It was midnight
before he finally felt confident with his answers and fell asleep.

He woke up
still excited about the interview, but slowly the feeling changed from
happiness to nervousness. What if he didn’t get the job? His heart would be
Stay positive, Wendell.
He got out of the bed and went into the
bathroom to do his business.

Wendell turned
on the shower and felt the water until it was lukewarm. He stepped under the
spray, enjoying the sensation of the water running over his body. Suddenly his
cock was hard as hell. He moaned as he slowly touched it.

He soaped his
body really well but leaned away from the stream of water as he started to jerk
off, using the slippery soap as lubrication. He closed his eyes and let his
mind wander to his newest fantasy, one which involved Caleb (if that’s who the
bear man even was) and he, himself, could hear.

sugar, you’re looking sexy tonight.” Caleb complimented as he joined Wendell in
the shower, pressing against him for a long, sweet kiss.

murmured against Caleb’s mouth, “So are you, sexy.”

water poured down on Caleb as they continued kissing, tongues wrestling, hands
touching all over each other, and cocks rubbing together.

Wendell moaned
loudly, body jerking as he increased his speed. He continued imagining himself
being touched by Caleb.

stopped kissing, sliding down onto his knees,
water splashing on his head. He opened his mouth and guided Wendell’s dick in.
Wendell shouted, a stream of babble leaving his mouth after feeling the amazing
warmth inside Caleb’s mouth.

started to fuck Caleb’s face fast and hard. Caleb took it all with no signs of
gagging. It was as if Wendell’s cock was made for his throat.

Wendell’s legs
became wobbly as he approached his orgasm. As the fantasy continued, he wished
he could shoot in Caleb’s mouth.

gonna come.” Wendell barked as he pressed the back of Caleb’s head, his cock
all the way inside Caleb’s throat. Caleb accepted it all, swallowing around

Wendell shot
hard against the shower wall, his legs nearly giving out on him. His head was
dizzy with a crazy sex high. “Oh, Caleb.” He sighed deeply, wishing it was

After the long,
hot, steamy shower, Wendell ate breakfast, brushed his teeth, and got dressed.
He strolled down the beach toward Luscious Love. He kissed a piece of chocolate
mint hard candy for good luck then popped it into his mouth, saying a little
prayer to himself that he’d get the job.

His heart
fluttered as soon as he saw the store. He hated to be so nervous, afraid of
being rejected due to his deafness. He was a little early so he slowed his pace
a bit, giving himself a chance to calm down. There were still butterflies
battling in his stomach as he approached the shop. He took a deep breath and
knocked softly on the door.

No answer. He
knocked little harder. The sign on the door indicated that the shop was closed
every Sunday. When there wasn’t an answer, he knocked again.
Had Caleb
forgotten about the interview?
He wondered, feeling paranoid.

At last, the
door opened and it was the same man from last night. Up close, he was even
better, with gorgeous bright blue eyes and straight, white teeth that showed as
he smiled. As Caleb gestured him inside, Wendell said, “I’m here for a job
interview.” Since he couldn’t hear himself talking, he wasn’t sure if he said
the words correctly, which made him nervous, but from the look on Caleb’s face,
he could see that Caleb understood.

Caleb started
to speak, apparently assuming that if Wendell could talk, then he’d understand
him as well. Wendell was having a hard time trying to read Caleb’s lips,
though. He held out a hand and said, “Hold on.” He fished out the notepad and
pen he carried in his pocket and wrote, ‘I’m sorry, you talked a little too
fast. I can talk but I don’t read lips that well.’ Wendell hoped it wouldn’t affect
the interview.

Caleb mouthed
slowly, “That is okay.” He gestured for Wendell to follow him to the office
where the interview would be conducted.

As they walked
through the shop toward the office, Wendell inhaled deeply. The place smelled
so good, the scent of rich chocolate heavy in the air. He was lost in his
thoughts, imagining himself working behind the counter or in the backroom
making chocolate candies. He came back to reality when Caleb tapped his

“Sorry. The
place smells so good.” Wendell chuckled nervously, hoping Caleb understood what
he was saying. He had no confidence in his speaking ability.

Caleb laughed
and nodded showing he agreed with Wendell.

They sat down
and proceeded with the interview. Caleb mouthed, ‘Resume?’

Wendell took
his resume out of his bag and handed it to Caleb.

While Caleb was
reading the resume, Wendell wrote, “Would it be easier if we communicate via
Google Chat on my iPad?”

Caleb grinned
as he pulled out his iPad and gave a thumb up. They exchanged user names and
started the conversation.

With that
settled, Caleb asked many of the questions Wendell expected, which Wendell
answered as best he could. He even explained what he knew about chocolate.
Caleb seemed very impressed with Wendell’s answers.

Caleb smiled as
he typed, ‘I’ve a last question to ask. When can you start?’

Wendell’s eyes
were wide open when he read the question. He stuttered, “I’m h—hired?” He
couldn’t move his fingers to type what he just said, hoping Caleb would
understand him.

Caleb nodded
and mouthed, “When?”

Wendell tried
to get his mind moving. His fingers were frozen on the keyboard. He was hired,
just like that. At last, he typed, ‘Wow, sorry, how about tomorrow? If that’s
okay with you?’

‘Absolutely! I
need help badly and I think you’ll do just fine. I start at six in the morning.
Will that be a problem for you?’

‘I’ll be here,’
he typed with excitement ready to burst out of his body. He stood up and shook
Caleb’s hand and quickly spoke, “Thank you so much.” He gathered his stuff,
putting it in his bag as he left Luscious Love.

As soon as
Wendell was away from the shop, he shouted at top of his lungs, “I got the
job!” It had been a year since he actually worked. Being so excited, he ran the
entire way to his small studio apartment. To make it all even better, his was
only a couple miles away.


It was five o’clock
when Wendell woke up.
Unbelievable, I’m working for real.
He was
thrilled as he got ready and rode his bike to Luscious Love.

Caleb was
already there. Wendell let himself in and greeted him.

Caleb mouthed,
“You’re here.” He gestured for Wendell to come into his office.

There was a
stack of papers on his desk for him. Apparently, Caleb spent time the night
before writing the general information about Luscious Love, and the duties
Wendell was expected to perform.

Caleb wanted
Wendell to start his day in the backroom where they could make the various
chocolate candies. Wendell tried his best to follow the directions Caleb wrote
for him. Caleb remained patient throughout the process, offering encouragement.

The backroom
was an organized flurry of machines and equipment, ranging from a huge machine
that melted the chocolate, to a vast number of chocolate molds organized by

‘So, I put the
chocolate in the glass and press the start button?’ He typed on his iPhone,
turning it to show Caleb.

Caleb pressed
the touch screen button, ‘Yes, let me show you first, then you can do the next
one.’ Caleb was careful to show Wendell each step before allowing him to try it
on his own.

Once Wendell
understood what he was supposed to do, Caleb went back into his office. A huge
knot in his stomach made Wendell cringe. He worried that the shiny machines
would cost a fortune if he broke one.
Get a grip
, he scolded himself.

When he finally
calmed down, Wendell surveyed the table that contained the chocolate types:
dark, sweet, semisweet, milk, and white. The directions told Wendell to mix the
dark and white chocolate in the melting machine.

He put the
chocolate in a big pitcher that was connected to the machine. When he saw how
many buttons were on the machine, he became confused. He read the directions
again, trying to find the one that explained which button to press. It didn’t
mention that step in the directions, so he guessed a button and pushed one.

Wendell had
forgotten to put on the cap that closed the pitcher to prevent chocolate from
splashing out as it melted. He realized this as the chocolate melted,
splattering all over his face and clothes. He cursed without thinking, but was
relieved that the chocolate wasn’t as hot as he thought, or he’d been burnt.

Caleb heard Wendell cursing. He rushed from his office to the backroom. Wendell
was wiping the chocolate off of himself. He apologized to Caleb for making a
mess, but kept his eyes on the floor, afraid of Caleb’s reaction.

After a moment,
he felt a hand on his chin and looked up. He expected Caleb to be upset, but
instead he just looked amused. He mouthed, “You missed a spot.” He reached to
Wendell’s cheek to brush off the smudge of chocolate, and licked it from tip of
his finger. The act went right to Wendell’s cock, making him hard in an

Caleb’s smile
was mischievous. “I’ve been watching you down at the beach for weeks.”

understood each word Caleb was saying, but it took him a while to process what
the words meant. His eyes were wide open by the time he got what Caleb was
saying. He stuttered, “Wh—what? You’ve been wat—watching me?”

Caleb took out
his cell and typed, ‘I’ve always noticed you. I liked your eyes, very sexy.’
Wendell looked up and Caleb smiled hesitantly.

Wendell was at
a loss for words. He searched the room waiting for a camera man to jump out,
everyone laughing at a joke on the poor Deaf guy. Caleb stopped his panicked
thoughts with a tender kiss on the lips. Wendell’s eyes were still open, and he
slowly closed them as he kissed his fantasy man back.

Wendell opened
his mouth, inviting Caleb's tongue. As their tongues wrestled, he enjoyed the
taste of chocolate in Caleb's mouth. The combined aroma of chocolate permeating
the shop, together with the chocolate on Caleb’s tongue filled Wendell with
thoughts of throwing Caleb to the floor and covering him in the rich brown

As much as
Wendell wanted to continue the kissing, he had to stop Caleb. The job was new,
and he wanted to keep it. Getting involved with the boss probably wasn’t the
best idea, no matter how tempting.

The light above
the door leading to the main counter area blinked, letting them know a customer
had entered the shop. “Chocolate. Customers.” The two words were enough to stop
Caleb and get him back to reality.

“Right.” Caleb
chuckled as he adjusted his cock in his pants, trying to make it less obvious.

couldn’t help but stare. He wanted to get rid of Caleb’s boner right there
but…he wanted to get to know Caleb better before moving things too fast.


As days went
by, Wendell managed to quickly pick up how all the machines worked. He also
worked the front, taking orders from customers. It wasn’t as difficult as he
thought it’d be. A dry erase board was placed in front of the cash register,
informing the customers that Wendell was Deaf. If customers had any questions,
they would write them on it.

So far, not one
customer was upset by any miscommunication with Wendell. If there was a problem
with an order, he’d call for Caleb to solve the situation. Having to call for
help when facing a tough situation with a customer was what Wendell loathed the
most. He wanted to prove to Caleb that he could handle it and so far he had.

BOOK: Don't Read in the Closet volume one
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