Don't Read in the Closet volume one (52 page)

Read Don't Read in the Closet volume one Online

Authors: various authors

Tags:, #anthology, #m/m romance

BOOK: Don't Read in the Closet volume one
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He didn't know
how he'd survive it if this was over. If what Duke was really saying was that
he was ending

But then Duke
smiled. "I thought maybe ... maybe it would be nice to have one that was
about a beginning."


Hesitantly, Duke reached over, as if waiting to see if Ben would stop him. He
ran a tentative hand down Ben's thigh, eventually resting the warm weight of
his palm on his knee. "That's what this is, right?"

Ben couldn't
help himself. Although he could barely manage it with how broadly he was
smiling, he leaned halfway out of his seat and grabbed Duke by the neck to
plant a firm, chaste kiss against his lips.

And it felt so
fucking good.

It was only
when Duke laughed and squeezed his shoulder than Ben remembered himself. He
opened his eyes to see Mike staring at them with a knowing grin and a shake of
his head. Blushing, Ben started to pull away sheepishly, but Duke didn't let
him get far. He pressed another warm kiss on Ben's lips and grabbed his hand.

"The new
tattoo? I'm thinking I'm going to get it here," Duke said. He placed Ben's
hand against his heart.

A dim memory of
lyrics moved across Ben's mind.

in my heart, you're in my soul.

be my friend should I grow old.

are my
you're my best friend...

The steady
pulse of Duke's heart beneath his hand made Ben's smile crack and his eyes
prickle. "Here?" he asked.

Duke agreed. Leaning in close so he could speak into his ear, he added,
"Right where you belong."


bio: After brief, unsatisfying careers in advertising, teaching, computers, and
homemaking, Jeanette Grey has returned to her two first loves: romance and
writing. When she isn't writing, Jeanette enjoys making pottery, playing board
games, and spending time with her husband and her pet frog. She lives, loves,
and writes in North Carolina.



Author Profile:


Jambrea Jo
Jones – WILD BLUE YONDER (Military/Coming out)*

Selected by Jambrea Jo

Dear Author,

I would love to hear the story about how these two beautiful men
found their way to this tender moment of love and lust. Were they friends? Or
enemies? Or was one captured by the other?

Or perhaps they are both in the force and could no longer deny
their attraction to each other, finally finding a secluded area to be able to
indulge in each other?

[PHOTO: In brightly-lit
black and white, two strong naked young men with dark hair cut military short
share a sensual embrace. One, seated in a wooden chair, licks his lover's
nipple, hands tight on his lover's ass. The other man leans over him, hands
braced on the chair, looking down at that caressing tongue with taut affection.]




Air Force, DADT



by Jambrea Jo Jones

“Damn it, Rick. I
want more. A quick fuck here and there isn’t working for me anymore.” Bruce
Weaver glared at his lover, Rick Croft. Why did he stay with the asshole? Oh,
that’s right, he loved the prick.

“Bruce, we can’t—”

“Don’t give me that shit, Rick. We’ve been together for four
years. Count them.” Bruce held up his fingers for emphasis.

“It isn’t like we can be out here. We were almost caught that
time in the laundry room. Do you want to be dishonorably discharged?”

“That’s because you like risky sex. Admit it. But I’m getting out
soon anyway and besides, they can’t kick us out just for being gay anymore.
This is the new Air Force. Hell, the new military,” Bruce declared.

“Do you really think no one would say anything? Be honest. I
don’t know about you but I don’t want to get my ass kicked anytime soon. It’s
too pretty to be bruised.” Rick winked.

“Seriously? You’re joking now?” Bruce fumed.

Rick moved closer, but Bruce wasn’t having it.

They were in Bruce’s room in the dorms at Offutt Air Force Base.
The nice thing about being a Senior Airman was that you got your own room. Beat
spending money on rent. His was on the first floor while Rick had a room at the
top of the complex. They usually crashed in his because it was closer. Well,
when they managed to get on the same shift and Rick wasn’t out bar hopping and
pretending to be straight.

“Come on, babe. I have to go in soon.”

“Stop it with your sex voice.”

“My what?” Rick laughed.

“That tone you get when you want some. Is that all we are? Fuck
buddies? Because if that’s all you’re interested in, I need to know.” Bruce put
his desk between them.

“Babe, we won’t see each other for weeks,” Rick wheedled, his
dark brown puppy eyes begging, plump red bottom lip trapped by perfect white

God, Bruce wanted to replace those teeth with his own. He held in
a groan.

“No. We won’t. So answer my question.” He needed to stay the

“Can’t we do this later?” Rick looked away.

“I think you should leave.”


“I’m sick of the bullshit, Rick. I don’t need or want two more
months of ‘later’.”

“I still have a year left. What do you want me to do?” Rick ran
his hands through his hair, making it stand on end.

“I’m not asking you to go marching in a gay pride parade with me.
I’m asking for you to commit to me. To us. If you can’t do that, then—” Bruce
paused. “Then it’s time for us to go our separate ways.” Fuck, he didn’t want
to do this now. His heart ached. But his relationship with Rick—if he could
even call it that—was unhealthy. He wanted more. He was proud of
he was and he was ready to live a normal life.


“Good-bye Rick. You have some things to think about and I’m
tired.” He couldn’t let Rick talk him into forgetting where he stood on this.
He had to be strong.

Bruce stalked to the door and didn’t stop until Rick’s back was
pushed up against it. He trapped Rick with his body, covering every inch with
his own. This could be the last kiss he shared with the man he loved and he was
going to make it a great one.

He started with a slow brush of lips. Rick tried to wrap his arms
around Bruce, but he couldn’t let the other man touch him or it would be all
over and he’d be bent over something getting fucked. Not this time. He had to
take a stand or in a few months he’d be alone. He had to make Rick realize this
was important. He clasped Rick’s wrist and held them to the wood. Bruce was in

His tongue played with Rick’s lips. He didn’t let Rick take over.
He wanted this to last. Finally, Rick’s breath hitched and Bruce invaded.
Rick’s mouth became his playground and every ounce of desperation he felt he
let bleed into the lip lock. His cock throbbed in his pants. Bruce rocked his
lower body with Rick’s. His lover groaned and it broke the spell.

Bruce released Rick and stumbled away. “Have a good night at

No way could he watch as Rick walked out, maybe for the last
time. A hand brushed his back then he heard the snick of the door opening and
the thud when it closed. He didn’t turn around for a few minutes, but when he
did he went back to the door and rested his forehead against it.

What have I done?


Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,

Rick didn’t know what he was going to do. That kiss had felt like
goodbye. Usually he could worm his way back into Bruce’s good graces, but this
time it was different. His chest hurt at the thought that it could be over. He
clutched a hand over his heart like it would stop it from breaking. He wasn’t
ready for this. A commitment. Coming out, loud and proud. He could imagine the
conversations with his father now.

“Hey, pops, I know you’re
disappointed that I didn’t follow in your foot steps into the Marines, but—and
I think you’ll love this—I like to suck cock. And by the way, this is my
boyfriend. Let’s shake hands and grab a beer.”

That was
happening. Rick trudged up the steps to his room. He had to fix this. It
couldn’t be goodbye. Bruce was his best friend. He couldn’t imagine not having
the man in his life. There had to be a compromise. Something that wouldn’t make

Is that really fair?

Should he just let Bruce go? Say goodbye? Rick stopped and
clutched the railing.

“Hey, Croft, you okay man?”

“Yeah. Just winded. I’ll be fine.” He waved the other Airman away
and continued on.

He couldn’t have a breakdown in the stairwell. Hell, he couldn’t
break down anywhere. He’d man up, let Bruce go so he could be happy and open

No way. Fuck that shit. He was a Croft. He didn’t take no for an
answer. Rick stood tall and took the stairs two at a time. He had a man to woo
and needed to figure out a way to make this work. He loved the dipshit and
Bruce was crazy if he thought Rick would just let him go without a fight.

Rick grinned as a plan began to form in his mind. He had some
calls to make.


Bruce looked down at the paper in his hands. This was the place.
Why Rick wanted him to meet him at a hotel was anyone’s guess. But Bruce was
holding strong. If Rick wouldn’t give them a chance, this would be the last
time they saw each other. As much as it hurt, Bruce had to be firm. Of course,
he knew in the next few months he’d see glimpses of Rick but it would be easier
once he was discharged. He could move back home to Indiana and forget all about

Yeah, sure, I’ll keep
telling myself that.

Not like it would make any difference to his fucking heart. He
grimaced and headed over to the reservation desk, determined to get this over
with. He gave the clerk his name and waited. Rick didn’t say if he should check
in. Maybe he should have given them Rick’s name?

“Yes, sir. I have your name on the reservations list. You’re in
room three-fifty-eight. Take that elevator to your left.” The clerk pointed him
in the right direction. “Here’s you’re key.” He passed over the envelope with
the key. “Is there anything else I can do for you today?” the man asked with a

Bruce worked up a facsimile of a smile. He wasn’t really in the
mood for pleasantries and there wasn’t anything that could be done for him.
“No. Thanks.”

He hit the button that would take him to what could possibly be
the worst encounter of his life. He poked the button again. He knew it wouldn’t
make the elevator doors open any faster, but it made him feel better. Like he
was doing something. In control. Which was total BS because he was spiraling so
far out of control he was almost

God damn it.

The ping of the doors opening made him stand up, shoulders back,
chest out. Time to stop fucking whining and get on with his life. Next stop,
third floor.

Bruce hesitated outside the room, unsure if he should knock or
just go in. Was Rick even there yet? Only one way to find out.

A quick knock. “Rick, you here?” Bruce opened the door. “Rick?”

He stepped in then paused, letting the door slam shut behind him.
He couldn’t move even if the room had been on fire. He was shocked at what he
saw. His cock, however, was not frozen.

Rick sat in what had to be the desk chair. He’d placed it front
of the window with the curtains open so only the gauzy white liner protected
them from the outside world. Sunlight poured over the room lighting up Rick’s
body. He sat with his legs spread, his cock flaccid and laying against his
thigh. Under Bruce’s stare it started to fill.

Bruce jerked his gaze away, still stunned. Rick had always been
handsome and he never looked better. Bruce licked his lips and moved one step
forward before remembering himself.

“Sex won’t fix it this time, Rick.” Bruce put his hands in his
jeans pocket because if he didn’t he would rush the room and show Rick what
he’d be missing.

Rick cleared his throat. He made as if to stand but stayed
seated. They gazed at each other, the moment filled with tension. Neither one
was giving. Finally Rick broke and lowered his eyes.

“I know. That isn’t what this is about.”

Bruce cocked a brow. Rick was naked in a hotel room. What else
it be about? For the first time
since Bruce met Rick, the other man’s body flushed red. He was
. Bruce smiled.

“Okay. It might be a
about sex. But not all about sex. Listen—”

Bruce held up a hand. “Stop. How am I supposed to listen or take
you seriously when you’re naked?”

“I have things to say and when I’m done, I’m hoping you’ll get as
naked as I am and we can spend the afternoon, here, together. I figured,” Rick
shrugged, “it would make it easier if I was already minus clothes. I mean—if
you want, you can undress now too. Save us some time?” Rick grinned and that
wicked twinkle in his eye was almost Bruce’s undoing.

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