Don't Read in the Closet volume one (19 page)

Read Don't Read in the Closet volume one Online

Authors: various authors

Tags:, #anthology, #m/m romance

BOOK: Don't Read in the Closet volume one
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In answer to
Jack’s question though, Dale said one more thing. “I love the fact that you
have integrity.”

“How so?”
Jack’s palms flattened out a little, the heat of his hands now burning into
Dale’s skin. Dale tried to concentrate on Jack’s question, but with every
passing second he found it more difficult to do so.

“You could have
just taken advantage of me once you knew how I felt,” he said, remembering the
look in Jack’s eyes when he’d said he wanted him.

“I wouldn’t do
that, Dale, and anyway, I don’t think you’d let me.”

Dale wasn’t so
sure. If Jack had shown the slightest interest in him, Dale was pretty sure he
would have spread his legs and just been grateful. As if sensing what might
have been going on in Dale’s mind, Jack slid his arms around Dale’s chest and
hugged him. Dale couldn’t stop his groan of pleasure at the unexpected
affection and he leant back into Jack’s embrace.

“I’m not going
to take your love lightly, Dale. In fact…” Jack sighed, his hot breath misting
over Dale’s neck as Jack rested his chin on Dale’s shoulder. “I think I love
you too.”

Stunned, Dale
pulled on the reins and slowly looked over his shoulder so he could stare into
Jack’s dazzling green eyes. “You love me?”

“Is that so difficult
to believe?”

Not sure what
to say, Dale didn’t say anything, but he damn well wasn’t going to sit there
any longer and not
something. In a move that was not very graceful,
but absolutely necessary, Dale turned around completely in the saddle so he was
now facing Jack. Thigh to thigh, chest to chest with not a spare inch between
them, Dale damned the consequences, and giving in to his earlier need, took
Jack’s lips with his own.

Jack’s low
growl warned him this kiss wasn’t going to be a simple joining of mouths, and
Dale wasn’t disappointed. Jack tightened his arms around him and pressed
forward with his tongue, and when Dale opened for him, Jack plunged in deep,
claiming Dale’s mouth the way Dale wanted him to claim his body. He shuddered
as Jack’s tongue swept against his own and groaned when Jack encouraged him to
suck on it.

Dale had no
illusions about who would be the most dominant in their relationship, and he
was more than willing to submit to Jack’s strength, but tasting Jack, having
him hold him, want him, had Dale dizzy for more. He shifted his hips, rubbing
himself up against the hard bulge now evident in Jack’s jeans. He’d held back
way too long and now he couldn’t help himself, searching for and finding just
the right friction in a bid for release.

“No, Dale.”
Jack’s firm hold stopped him and Dale threw his head back, surprised.

“Need it. Need
you,” he whimpered, afraid but unable to suppress how he felt.

“I know, but
we’re not doing it on the back of a horse.” Jack’s smile took the sting out of
his refusal. “We’ll be home in a few minutes, Dale. And then I’ll have
something better for you.”

The promise in
Jack’s words didn’t alleviate the tension in Dale’s body; it tripled it. He
groaned and dropped his forehead on Jack’s shoulder. Jack moved his hand down
Dale’s back in an effort to soothe, but Dale was so strung out, the touch just
turned him on more. He was hanging on by the barest thread and when Jack prompted
the mare to start walking again, Dale closed his eyes and silently urged her to
go faster.

He barely
noticed when the horse stopped, but was fully aware when Jack slid warm lips
against the side of his neck.

“We’re here,”
Jack said, grinning down at him.

Dale smiled
back, but he was suddenly nervous, worried about the punishment Jack had
mentioned. As they dismounted, Jack linked their fingers together.

“I’ll get Pete
to come and pick her up and I’ll ask about Dirk.”

Dale nodded
absently, his mind on what would happen once Jack got him inside the house. He
was shaking slightly and he wondered what Jack would think of his obvious lack
of confidence. But Jack didn’t say anything as he led Dale up the wooden steps
of the porch and in through the front door.

Having never
been inside the house before, Dale took a quick opportunity to look. Neat, but
sparsely furnished, Dale noticed a soft leather lounge, polished wooden floors,
and a huge flat screen TV, but he had little chance to see anything else as he
was ushered into a room which housed a beautiful four poster bed, two bedside
tables and an old rocking chair. Even all that was taken in with a cursory
glance as Jack didn’t stop there but drew him into a smaller room off to the

“You need a shower,”
Jack informed him.

Dale couldn’t
really disagree, but he was surprised when Jack just left him there and
disappeared back into the bedroom. Confused, but not wishing to prolong the
time away from Jack, Dale peeled off his boots and placing his hat on a chair
that sat next to the sink, stepped under the hot water spray. He’d barely
finished when Jack came back. Overly conscious of the way Jack looked at him
with a hooded gaze that was full of desire, Dale marveled at how quickly things
had changed. Two hours ago, Jack would never have looked at him like that, and
despite the nerves that were biting at his stomach, Dale grinned.

“On the bed and
wait for me,” Jack instructed. His tone brooked no argument, but the light
shining in Jack’s eyes gave Dale room to ask why, and he would have done, if
Jack hadn’t started stripping just then. Riveted, Dale watched as clothes
peeled away to reveal toned, tanned skin and a hard body with well-defined
muscles, but before Dale had a chance to see the one thing he was dying for,
stopped and turned his back.

“The bed,
Dale,” Jack said, his fingers hooked in the waistband of his jeans, denying
Dale even a view of his ass.

Dale headed into the bedroom, and as he heard Jack restart the shower, Dale lay
down on the bed. The mattress was soft, the covers cool, but Dale wasn’t
particularly taking much notice. His attention had been drawn to the four
timber posts that cornered the big bed, and the leather straps which hung from
each one. Dizzy excitement suddenly twisted through his chest as he begun to
figure out what his punishment might entail. Fingering one of the thin pieces
of leather, Dale was imagining having it wrapped around his wrist when Jack
spoke from the bathroom doorway.

“Are you into
leather, Dale?” The question had a little edge to it that ramped up the
anticipation already pumping through his veins. Dale nodded and the slow smile
Jack gave him was filled with such pleasure Dale couldn’t help but smile back.
“Maybe your punishment is not going to be so much of a punishment after all.”

Jack came into
the room, his hips covered by a white towel. Dale eyed it with resentment. He
wanted to see Jack nude, wanted to see all of him, touch all of him. But Jack
wasn’t giving in to Dale’s wants. Not that one anyway.

“Turn over.”
Instantly obeying, Dale rolled onto his stomach, feeling the dip of the
mattress as Jack climbed on behind him. He twisted back to look over his
shoulder but Jack shook his head. “Eyes forward.”

Closing them,
Dale rested his forehead against the feather pillow, but when Jack reached for
his wrist and he felt the warm, supple leather bind around it, he snapped them
open to watch.

“Am I going to
have to blindfold you as well?” The threat was real, but that would have been pushing
Dale one step too far. If he was going to be bound, he needed to see. He shook
his head quickly.

“No, don’t.

Jack’s hand
smoothed up his back, his palm slightly rough, but gentle. “I won’t do anything
you don’t want, Dale,” he said, his voice as soothing as his touch.

Dale believed
him, he knew how Jack treated people, and he knew Jack wouldn’t harm him. “I
know,” he said, just in case Jack needed him to say it. And as if that was
exactly what he was waiting for, Jack moved to Dale’s other wrist and bound it
as tight as the first.


Tugging to see
how secure they were, Dale swallowed audibly, a tingle of eagerness flowing
across his skin. “Yes.” He squirmed a little, getting comfortable, but
wondering what else Jack was going to do.

“Don’t move,”
Jack said.

“In case you
haven’t noticed, I can’t.”

Warm lips
pressed against the back of his neck, and then a wet tongue snaked across
Dale’s shoulder. “Yeah, I noticed. Kind of hot.”

Dale groaned
and shuddered as Jack’s tongue continued down his back, then he jerked against
his bindings when Jack spread his ass cheeks apart and slid deep between them.
“Oh fuck, Jack!”

Jack didn’t
answer, unless the soft probe of his tongue was his way of communication.
Moaning, writhing, Dale managed to bring his knees under him
pushed his hips up off the bed, effectively offering himself to Jack for more
of what Jack was giving him. Except Jack stopped and gave him a hard slap
across the backside instead.


“I said don’t

Dale bit his
lip to stop a retort, but he couldn’t hold back on a low moan when Jack rubbed
the spot he’d just smacked. Heat spread from the spot and goddamn if it didn’t
spread to his balls. He waited, not knowing what Jack was going to do next, and
was surprised when he felt a slicked finger press against his hole.

“So hot, so

Yeah, it was.
The way Jack slowly pushed into him had Dale panting and straining not to lift
his ass a little higher, but though Jack didn’t want him to move, he didn’t seem
to mind when Dale made noises of any kind. In fact, the more Dale moaned, the
more Jack did. With two fingers now inside him, Dale gasped when Jack slid his
free hand underneath and cupped his balls. Unable to help it, Dale spread his
legs a little wider to give Jack better access, and was rewarded by another
hard smack.

“Shit, Jack!”

“I’m not going
to warn you again, Dale. You wanted me to notice your ass. I have. You don’t
need to keep thrusting it into my face.”

The giggle that
slipped out of Dale’s throat couldn’t be contained, but as he felt the gentle
rub of Jack’s palm against the sting it turned into another moan. “Okay, no
moving,” Dale promised, but it was so hard when Jack started to stretch him in
earnest, adding another finger to make him ready. And Dale hadn’t even seen
what Jack was going to put inside him yet.

He wanted to
look, wanted to see how thick, how long Jack was, but he held still, even when
he felt Jack remove his fingers and heard the sound of a foil packet being
ripped open.

“How long has
it been for you, Dale?”

“You won’t hurt
me,” Dale answered, tensing a little as something heavy and thick rested
against the entrance to his body.

“That’s not
what I asked,” Jack said, his fingers finding a tight grip on Dale’s hips. “How

“Just over two
years,” Dale told him wondering why Jack wanted to know.

“Since you met

Dale nodded,
hoping Jack was going to allow him that movement. “Since I fell in love with

“Jesus, Dale.”
The soft whisper was accompanied by that thickness pushing into him and Dale
instinctively arched his back to accommodate it. Jack’s fingers tightened,
holding him steady as he pushed deeper still.

“Christ, you’re
so tight.”

Dale didn’t
think it was that, just that Jack was so thick. He grunted, clenching his hands
into fists as the burn of Jack entering him peaked, then thankfully, as Jack
seated himself fully, Dale felt the pain ease into pleasure. He hung his head,
sweat dripping from his brow into his hair. God he was full. How big

“You okay,

“Yeah, just…
don’t move for a second.”

“Did I hurt
you?” The concern in Jack’s voice had Dale’s heart expanding. He shook his head
a little.

“No, I’m fine,
but I’ve never had anyone as big as you before. Why didn’t you warn me?” Dale wanted
to look over his shoulder, wanted to look at Jack but he didn’t dare.

“I’m not that
big.” The smile Dale heard made him smile in return.

Dale knew he
could argue the point, but he couldn’t be bothered. There were more important
things to say. “You can move now.”

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