Read Don't Read in the Closet: Volume Four Online

Authors: Various Authors

Tags: #Don't Read in the Closet, #mm romance, #gay

Don't Read in the Closet: Volume Four (54 page)

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and out of Scott’s ass.

Kevin shifted several times until he hit the magic spot inside Scott

that turned him into a begging mess. “Ah!” A wolfish grin replaced

the concentration on Kevin’s face and he nailed the place again. “Ah!”

“You’re mine now,” the self-confident guy declared. He grasped

Scott’s hips and with great deliberation set to fucking his brains out,

aiming for his gland and driving a ragged cry from him with every

Oh, hell yeah, the man was even better with his dick than he

was with his tongue.
He’d never be able to settle for anyone else


His cock throbbed and bounced with every impact of hips on his

ass as Kevin drove into him. What had started out slow and gentle

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 316

soon became rough and hurried. Kevin sped toward his release and

forced Scott to keep pace. He had never come from just being fucked

before, but Scott could feel his orgasm fast approaching, powerless to

slow the coming explosion.

Voice gravelly from crying out, he growled his release in an

indistinct shout. “Kevin! Oh, Kevin!” His cock pumped out strings of

pearly cum onto the blue cloth below him as he slammed back onto

the man buried in him. The sharp smell lost in his post fuck haze.

Kevin rode Scott through his orgasm. Driving deeper and deeper

until Scott feared he’d never stop coming. When the sensations were

almost too much, the other man drove in one final time and

shuddered. “Oh yeah! Oh fuck yeah!”

The exhausted man collapsed on Scott, driving him down onto his

own cum, in a tangle of sweaty overheated limbs. The mix of sex and

warm male heady, lulling the senses.

“Damn! That was good, babe. We should’ve done that a long time

ago. We have a lot of catching up to do. I hope you weren’t planning

on getting much sleep tonight.”

“Why would I want to sleep if you can fuck like that? But a little

nap right about now sounds like heaven. I don’t think I can even roll

over after that.”

Lips nibbled on his neck and ear. “A nap sounds like a good idea,”

his friend replied languidly and slipped from his body. He rolled off

of Scott and gazed into his eyes. “I’m glad we came here. Who knew

I’d have to come half way around the world to claim you?”

Scott couldn’t muster the strength to reply. As he drifted off to

sleep, he hoped Kevin would interpret the smile on his face correctly.


Bird calls and the sound of rain intruded on the wonderful warm

sensation focusing his attention on his cock. When no cold rain drops

showered down on him, Scott hazily remembered the waterfall.

Blinking muzzily, he forced his sleep grainy eyes to focus on his lap.

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 317

Kevin smiled up at him, one hand wrapped around his cock and

tongue extended to take another swipe over the head.

“I wondered how long it would take you to awaken, my sleeping


“Then why didn’t you just kiss me like the story says?”

“I thought this might be more effective.”

“Was it?” He shifted away from the twig poking him in the hip.

“It looks pretty effective to me.”

Kevin’s wet mouth engulfed the crown and his tongue stroked the

edge of the corona before probing his slit. When his hips came up off

the blue cover, Kevin pulled off and took advantage of the momentum

to roll them both over with Scott on top. Laughing a little shakily at

the mayhem they had managed to avoid, Scott pushed up on his knees

and turned to straddle Kevin’s face.

“Maybe we should be more careful with the acrobatics.”

“If you’re going to complain, I’ll just have to find something else

for your mouth to do.”

“I can find that on my own, thanks,” Scott replied as he reached

for the mouth-watering dick waving before his eyes. A thick bead of

precum welled up, just threatening to roll down the length throbbing

in his hand. He lapped the salty drop up, his first taste of his new

lover, like some exotic love potion made him want to swallow the

man whole.

Taking Scott’s cock in his hand, Kevin guided the wet tip to his

mouth. He pulled the head between his lips and sucked lightly. Then

he tipped his head back and urged Scott’s hips forward until his lips

pressed into the curls around the base of Scott’s cock, showing him

what he wanted.

Scott swiveled his hips, taking care not to choke the man beneath

him. He must have been too tentative, for fingers dug into his ass and

pulled him deep into that hot wet suction. Throwing caution to the

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 318

winds, he plunged back inside the willing mouth, fucking Kevin’s

face. Wet, slurping sounds accompanied by a happy humming assured

him his lover wanted this.

Returning his attention to the cock in his hand, Scott lowered his

mouth down the firm hot length, sucking as hard as he could. A moan

sounded from deep inside Kevin and vibrated on Scott’s cock. His

head bobbing in time with his thrusts, Scott wrapped his arms around

the other man’s strong thighs and spread him wide. The fragrance of

warm musky male filled his nostrils and made him light headed with

desire. The wonderfully obscene wet sucking sounds coming from

both of them would have made him blush if he wasn’t already flushed

with desire.

Dragging his fingers over his lover’s perineum and through the

saliva collecting there, Scott traced his way down Kevin’s cleft and

over his pucker. The other man surged up into his mouth and Scott

watched as his balls drew tight.

Stroking the rosy spiral with his finger tip, Scott slowed his pace.

He didn’t want either of them to come until he was buried in the

moaning man. He pressed his finger in, the man’s passage alternately

squeezing and releasing him.
That was going to feel so good on his


He pushed deeper until he found the sweet spot. Kevin bucked up

into his mouth and forgot everything else. Scott pulled out of his

lover’s mouth and focused on the man writhing under him.

Without his cock in Kevin’s mouth acting as a gag, the other man

acted like a dam had broken open and a flood of words poured forth.

“Yeah. Just like that. More… Deeper… I need to feel you in me.”

He worked one finger after another deep into the man’s clenching

passage. All the while licking and sucking the rock hard cock in his

mouth. He worked just the crown, stroking the rim and probing the


Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 319

“Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Fuck me… Fuck me!” His friend begged with

an edge of desperation in his voice.

After a final slurp, Scott pulled off the glistening dick and shifted

until he was on his knees between Kevin’s outstretched legs. His lover

lay there in a wanton sprawl completely open to Scott’s view. The

purple swollen head of his straining cock twitched, leaving sticky

trails in the dark hairs below his navel as his pink pucker clenched in


Scott fumbled for the condoms, clumsy in his haste.
Finally! His

fantasies were about to come true.

Kevin reached behind his knees and pulled his legs up nearly to

his chest, exposing himself to Scott. With a groan that rivaled the

waterfall, he pushed into the velvet vice of his lover’s channel. He

sank as deep as he could, until his balls rested on the other man’s ass.

He reveled in the sensations he had only dreamed of, thinking that

even if he died now he’d already arrived in heaven.

“Move already! I need you to fuck me.”

With a startled glance at the man pinned under him, Scott leaned

forward holding himself up on his arms and plowed into his

demanding lover, hoping he wasn’t too aggressive. He needn’t have

worried. Kevin made it clear he liked it a little rough.

“Ah! That’s what I’m talking about. Give it to me!”

All the demanding talk distracted him. He had never been with

someone so noisy. Thinking to silence the man so he could focus on

fucking him, Scott leaned down and kissed him. But he hadn’t

reckoned on Kevin’s other oral skills. The kiss stole his breath and his

rhythm. With a growl of frustration, he broke the kiss and

concentrated on slamming into the body below him as hard and fast as

he could.

“Deeper… Faster….”

In an effort to get Kevin off faster, he grabbed the other man’s

bobbing cock and slid his hand down as he shoved into the willing

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 320

embrace of his lover’s body. His breath came in big tearing gasps as

he set a brutal pace. He didn’t know how Kevin found the breath to

say anything and in another setting it might have been comical, but he

urgently needed to come.

“Yeah! Yeah! I’m gonna shoot!”

In a sprint for the finish, Scott redoubled his efforts, pistoning in

and out as Kevin thrust up against him. The other man bucked and

thrashed in a frenzy as he shot cum over Scott’s hand onto his chest

and shoulder.

“Fuck! Fuck! Yeah!”

Kevin’s tunnel pulsed and contracted, squeezing him

rhythmically. A few more ragged slams had him emptying his balls

into the rubber in long delicious pulses. “Yes… Kev!”

Unable to hold himself up any longer, Scott crashed down on the

welcoming form below him. The hot wet body slack with release.

Now, finally, he’s quiet.
That in itself reason to celebrate. He

wondered if making love would be like that every time. If the sex was

always this good, did he really care?

He rested while the sweat dried and he cooled down, while the

sticky mess between them threatened to glue the two of them together,

while their breathing synchronized and slowed.

“What a hell of a ride, man! Think you can do that again?” The

laughter in Kevin’s voice pulled him in and made him part of the fun.

“Not right now. I’m starving.”

“Yeah, me too. Let’s clean this off,” Kevin gestured at his chest,

“and have something to eat.”

They waded into the stream and washed up. Kevin splashed him

and tried to topple him into the water. Scott grabbed the mischievous

man and grappled with him. He didn’t keep his footing for long before

they both ended up sitting in the stream. By the time they were done

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 321

tussling and laughing, the sun had gone down behind the western wall

of the gorge, casting their little world into shadow.

Clean and happily breathless again, Scott plopped down on the

tarp while Kevin stirred up the fire. He admired the strong lines and

tanned skin of the backlit man. Neither one had bothered to get

dressed. He felt like Adam in the Garden of Eden, admiring his very

own helpmeet.

“I haven’t had this much fun in ages,” he sighed. “It’s a shame

that Kauati will ‘rescue’ us tomorrow. I wouldn’t mind staying here

for a while with my own man Friday.”

“Glad to be of service to you,” the salacious way he stressed the

word service made Scott shake his head.

“You’re incorrigible!”

Kevin performed an elaborate bow, showing off more of his body.

“Now which one do you want? Beef ravioli or cheese tortellini?”

“That one.” He shrugged and pointed at one randomly. “Not like

one is better than the other.”

They tore the bags open, poured water in with the meal, dropped

in the heating compound and tucked the whole thing back in the boxes

to heat. Scott settled back on the ground cloth and watched Kevin

build up the fire for the night. He also set three little rings of stone

with a few coals and put some wet green leaves over them. Smoke

boiled up and Scott fanned it away.

“A little smoke is better than the mosquitoes,” the Eagle Scout

pointed out as he handed Scott the Mr. E meal. His turned out to be

the tortellini.

“So what are we going to do now?”

Scott shrugged. “I hadn’t thought past letting you know how I

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