Don't Read in the Closet: Volume Four (46 page)

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Authors: Various Authors

Tags: #Don't Read in the Closet, #mm romance, #gay

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Then abruptly, the man pushed his head further down below

Matt’s groin. He pushed at Matt’s legs, until Matt, realizing what was

wanted, folded his knees, pulled his legs to his chest, and thrust his ass

up in the air. The man used his elbows to push Matt’s thighs apart,

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 267

then used his hands to wedge apart Matt’s ass cheeks. The man stared

wide-eyed at the hole nestled in the mounds of Matt’s ass. It pulsed.

Matt was beside himself with lust. The man licked his index finger

and slid the tip of it around the edge of Matt’s butthole, which again

pulsed in a spasm. Matt had never before felt such a thing. He wanted

more than anything he could remember to feel the man press inside

him. The man pulled Matt’s cheeks apart even wider, and pushed his

finger down into the hole.

Then they fell onto their sides. Matt now was in position to pull

the man’s legs apart until he too could explore the crevice between the

man’s ass cheeks with his fingers. The two men finger fucked each

other with abandon: teasing, probing, growling with primal, guttural

sounds, until they realized they would drive themselves mad if they

did not end it soon. Each man was accumulating a reservoir of cum in

his balls that could not be held back much longer.

So they flipped again. Now they lay side by side. They kissed

each other, probing into each other’s mouth, while staring into each

other’s eyes. They rubbed their bodies together. Each felt the penis of

the other pressing against his own. Then as the friction on their cocks

increased, the impending eruption began to rise irreversibly. It grew

so strong that they could not slow it. They rubbed faster and faster,

until they were sliding their bodies frantically together. They reached

such a frenzied pitch that at last they both came. Each man exploded,

spurting his semen onto the chest and torso of the other’s body. The

cum shot out of their cocks with such copious force that it was like a

thick coating of adhesive. For a moment, they were stuck so tightly

together by the glue of their own semen, that they could not separate.

For a long time, they didn’t. They lay together in silence for an

hour, each feeling only the beating heart of the other. Then, in the

middle of the night, when the passion of their feeling had quieted

enough that he could speak, Matt said, “I think I understand now why

your father hates you.”

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 268

The man nodded. “Yes,” he said. “He’d rather kill me than live

with a son that is queer.”

“Then I have an idea,” said Matt. “Come back to Michigan with

me. I can loan you some money. You can live with me while you pay

it back. I realize it is sudden for me to be saying this. We hardly know

each other. But I trust my instincts. I want you with me. From the

moment we first touched, I felt like something mysterious was

happening between us.” Matt stared into his lover’s eyes. “I’ve always

wanted to be the person I am in this moment. I know it’s because of

you that I feel this way. I feel like myself for the first time.”

A look of astonishment appeared on the man’s face. “Me too,” he


“Then come back with me, live with me. Maybe if we like each

other enough, we can stay together. In Michigan you’ll be beyond

your father’s reach.”

Tears began to roll down the man’s face. “It is so much,” he said.

“I have waited all my life for this. Since childhood, I have been

trapped with people who are not like me, who do not understand me. I

have never been able to find someone who was the same as me. But

the moment I saw you, I wanted you. When I tied the t-shirt on your

leg, I looked at you and thought, ‘this is the handsome man from my


“Then let’s not analyze it,” Matt said. “Let’s do it.” Matt leaned

over and caressed his lover’s face. “Tell me your name.”

“I am Paolo.”

“Paolo, I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you. Come with

me. Be with me. We’ll be together and learn about each other. Even if

things change between us, what does it matter? I would always regret

it, if I lost you now.”

“Then I will come with you. Eu vou com você, e eu vou aprender

a amar vocês.” Paolo was so overcome that he had to speak in

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 269

Portuguese. “It means, I will come with you, and I will learn to love



Also from David Greene:

Unmentionables: A Novel (Historical Fiction)

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Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 270

Kathleen Hayes – BROKEN (Hurt/Comfort)


tattooed men, men with pets,

Dear Author,

hurt/comfort, first time/virginal, tear jerker

I want to know more about


this modern day Job. His

tattoos represent milestones


in a rough and largely

unkind life that have aged

by Kathleen Hayes

him beyond his 28 years.

I was staring out my window trying to tell

Buried under a surface of

myself it wasn’t because I was waiting for him

scars, dirt and grime “Job”

retains a gentleness few

to come out. It was either stare out my window

people ever witness. Tell me

or stare at my wall. My gaze swept across what

about his life; about his

my landlady, Mrs. Liu, liked to call a courtyard.

tattoos. What special

someone is helping him

It was really just a patch of mud in the middle

overcome his past? Who is

of the four buildings that made up the apartment

he sharing the names of his

complex. Where the water came from to make it

feline friends with?

mud instead of dirt was something I didn’t want

[PHOTO: A man wearing

to contemplate as it hadn’t rained in ages and

jeans and a worn out button

up work shirt which is half

there was no way Mrs. Liu was going to pay to

open sits on a wooden

water the dirt in hopes that grass would

porch. He gently holds four

magically appear. I watched as a group of four

kittens in his arms as they

kittens wandered from under the stairs to the

attempt to explore. He has

many tattoos over his chest

building just to the left of mine. Mrs. Liu tried

and arms and from the look

like crazy to get rid of the cats that infested the

of him you can tell he has

“courtyard” and she never could figure out why

had a hard life.]

they wouldn’t leave. It was because every night,


after she went home, he came out and fed them.


My beautiful stranger lived in the building

with the kittens and my back window had the

perfect view of the steps up to the door. Every

night I watched as five feet eleven inches of

pure man sat on the steps and cuddled kittens.

He was covered in tattoos and looked a little

over 30 years old. He had gorgeous green eyes

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 271

and dark brown hair that looked like it might curl if he would just

grow it out a bit. He looked rugged and determined, like he hadn’t had

an easy life but wasn’t going to give up anytime soon. Over the weeks

I had grown increasingly jealous of those cats.

Tonight was no different. I wondered what it would be like if I

could just gather the courage to go down and say hello to him. Daniel

would be laughing so hard if he could see me. I’ve tried not to shut

myself off since he died, but I am just so damn shy. I own my own pet

store, for goodness sake. It’s not like I didn’t have an ice breaker. I

sighed as I continued to stare. Tomorrow. I would go down and say

hello tomorrow.

A sudden rattle from across the room startled me out of my

reverie. I jumped and then realized it was just Mickey getting a little

over excited on his exercise wheel. Yes folks, I have a pet mouse

named Mickey. Go ahead and laugh. My little sister came over the

first day I had him and named him before I got a chance.

When I turned back to the window I was shocked to see my

beautiful stranger staring up at me. Our eyes met for a second and I

wondered if he knew I had been watching him. As I realized our eyes

were still locked, I panicked and spun around, trying to get out of

sight as quickly as possible.


I reached over to snag Lucy as she tried to escape. I didn’t get

much time to play with my kittens, so I wanted to take advantage of it.

There were four of them. Lucy was white with vertical tan markings

that ran from her nose all the way over her head and down her back.

She was the most adventurous of the group. Then came Chloe. She

was also white with tan markings but they were not as prominent. She

and Lucy spent half their time fighting and the other half getting into

trouble together. The boys were both orange but Oscar was larger than

Charlie. Oscar tended to get in trouble along with the girls. Charlie, on

the other hand, was the quiet one. He tended to be happy to just let me

cuddle him close whenever I got the chance.

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 272

Lucy, Chloe, Oscar and Charlie were all I had. I learned long ago

that you can’t count on people; they will always let you down. Or

you’ll let them down. The kittens were simple though. I fed them and

played with them and they came back every day. I was a little worried

about them because Mrs. Liu’s “courtyard” was becoming more and

more mud these days. They stuck around because I fed them, but soon

there wouldn’t be anywhere dry for them to stay during the day.

As I settled Lucy back into place I glanced up to see if my

personal spy was watching out his window. He had straight blonde

hair that fell just above his ears and looked to be about five feet seven

or eight inches tall. He was skinny, but didn’t look like he would blow

over in a strong wind, and I had never seen him in anything but a

green polo shirt. I never could get a good look at his face. I guess he

was trying to be stealthy about his spying.

I don’t know if he was watching me or the kittens but he sat at the

window every damn day, staring. He didn’t seem to be dangerous, so I

tried to ignore him for the most part. He had been turned away from

the window but as I looked up, he turned around and our eyes met. I

had never seen his eyes before. They were a piercing blue, like the

color of the ocean in one of those tropical island pictures. Our eyes

met and held for a split second and then he hurriedly ducked out of the

window. But that was enough. I flashed back to another pair of

piercing blue eyes.

These blue eyes were more like the sky on a clear summer day.

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