Read Don't Read in the Closet: Volume Four Online

Authors: Various Authors

Tags: #Don't Read in the Closet, #mm romance, #gay

Don't Read in the Closet: Volume Four (128 page)

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men naked, even. But Mateo was…special. It wasn’t to do with his

muscles or his pretty eyes or anything physical. It was this something

down deep inside that had drawn Elias to him from the first time he’d

laid eyes on the man months ago. There wasn’t any way to really

explain it, it just was.

And suddenly he knew. Mateo had sent him the flowers. All those

beautiful flowers, speaking to him in the only way Mateo could.

Because…oh my god. Elias’s head spun as he suddenly realized

something else… Mateo hadn’t snubbed him that day in the grocery.

He just hadn’t
him! So he’d found another way to speak to

Elias, to tell him how he felt. Oh god, Elias thought he might do

something stupid like cry, eyes burning as he reached up and cupped

Mateo’s face in his hands.

“I wish you could understand me,” he whispered, bending to press

a kiss against Mateo’s stomach. “I wish I could tell you that I think I

love you.” It was foolishness, but he didn’t care. If he was honest with

himself, he’d been falling for this man for a long time. Knowing

Mateo returned those feelings, even a little, was the only nudge he

needed to tumble right over the edge. “I’d tell you that I think you’re

perfect. That you didn’t need flowers or secrets or anything. All you

had to do was say hello.”

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 782

Mateo slid his hands down, cupping Elias’s ass and god, the touch

was so intimate. And yet it wasn’t enough. Not nearly enough. Elias’s

hands braced on Mateo’s shoulders, arching his hips back into those

strong hands. Rough hands, all shivery and delicious on his skin. He

had never been touched by anybody like Mateo and he was

discovering that it was a special sort of eroticism, the way Mateo’s

rough fingertips felt against the tender skin of his ass, even more so

when the other man reached further down and stroked one finger

against his entrance.

Oh god, that felt good. Elias shuddered and bent to bury his face

in Mateo’s neck, panting softly. “You’re going to kill me, or at the

very least ruin me for any other man.”

Something told him that if Mateo could understand him, he’d think

that was just perfectly fine with him. He was so…alpha. Elias had the

insane desire to ask him if he planned to drag him off to his cave

afterwards. Elias wouldn’t mind in the least.

Then Mateo rolled them, stretching Elias out beneath him once

again and Elias’s heart raced. There was something different in

Mateo’s dark eyes, a sort of…possessiveness. It told Elias in no

uncertain terms, language or not, that Elias belonged to him. And that

Mateo wasn’t going to let Elias take it back later. God, like he’d want

to. Not a chance.

“Please,” Elias whispered. “Don’t stop.”

Mateo didn’t say anything, but that didn’t matter. Elias for once

didn’t care about pretty words and sensual promises and things that

never seemed to last in the light of day. Mateo made no promises, but

Elias felt them anyway. Every touch of his hand was like the man was

saying “Mine. You are mine. I won’t let you go. I’ll protect you.” It

was foolish daydreams, he was sure, but deep down…he wondered if

maybe there was more. Maybe it wasn’t foolish. Maybe.

After all, Mateo
protected him, hadn’t he? He’d rushed to the

rescue and even though Elias probably could have handled the frat

boys on his own, he hadn’t had to. Mateo had been there. And the

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 783

flowers. Every one had meant things that indicated more than just lust.

Love, passion, promises of forever, even. So, was Elias really foolish

to hope it was all true? He didn’t think so. Who wouldn’t hope, in his


“If you asked,” he murmured, arching toward Mateo, “I would

give you whatever you wanted.” Elias opened his eyes and smiled up

at the other man. “Starting with myself.”

Lo que estás diciendo, amorcito, sigue diciendo lo. Lo que estás

prometiendo, lo acepto y te doy el mío a cambio.

Elias’s lips curved, the soft words, the gentle, tender tone

wrapping around him like a warm blanket. He didn’t need to know the

exact meaning to understand. He nodded, lifting his head to brush his

lips against Mateo’s. “Yes.”

Mateo had the lotion in his hand, then, and Elias’s heart raced.

Now. Oh, it was happening now and he was torn between wanting to

hurry Mateo and also wanting to slow it all down so it would last and

last and he could remember it all perfectly the next day, the next

month, the next year. Forever. But thoughts were a waste of time

when Mateo reached down between them to slide two slick fingers

against Elias’s entrance, rubbing the cleft of his ass. Elias could no

more think than he could breathe, Mateo stripped any ability to do

either from him with the stroking of his rough, warm, slippery


“Oh Jesus,” Elias groaned, reaching down to grab the back of his

own thigh, pulling his leg up and out more to let Mateo get better

access. It was delicious, and Elias couldn’t stop moving. Hips

twitching, free hand sinking into Mateo’s messy, inky hair, lips

panting as one, then another, finger sank inside him. “Yesss,” he

hissed, arching.

Mateo had a look of intense concentration and intense satisfaction

on his handsome face. Like he knew exactly how good he was at this

and exactly how turned on Elias was. Well, it wasn’t as if Elias was

keeping it a secret, with all the moaning and writhing and lifting hips

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 784

to get his fingers deeper. And then there was the begging. ‘Please,

please, please’ chanted in rhythm with the slow fucking of Mateo’s

fingers in and out, stretching him. Elias wanted to shout that he was

ready, he’d
ready, but he didn’t because he had the sense that it

had nothing to do with prep and everything to do with Mateo wanting

to watch him go a little crazy.

It was deliciously erotic, their gazes locked, letting Mateo see

everything he was feeling. Elias was the sort to usually hide what he

could from his lovers. He felt too vulnerable, too bare, too exposed

and it made him want to hide.

Not from Mateo. Mateo had him sprawled out on the shop floor

naked and begging to be fucked and Elias felt not an ounce of shame.

For all that it was completely inappropriate, it didn’t matter because it

felt fucking right. Everything about it felt right, and Elias didn’t want

to hide anything from this man. He felt, instead, the overwhelming

urge to lay all his secrets and fears and doubts in Mateo’s hands. He

could almost hear that sultry voice whispering to him to do so.

Then Mateo’s fingers were gone, and Elias panted softly in

anticipation, watching in rapt fascination as Mateo rose up onto his

knees, reached for his coveralls, pulled a condom from his wallet and

tore it open. There was no shame in the man, his cock bobbing

proudly between his strong thighs, the length of it thick and hard, the

tip angry red and slick. God, he made Elias’s mouth water and he

couldn’t resist sitting up quickly and for just a second bending to take

the hot length of Mateo’s cock into his mouth, pulling off with a loud,

obscene, wickedly sexy ‘pop’.

He grinned at his lover and leaned back onto his elbows, hips

lifting and heart pounding. “Fuck me,” he demanded, teeth catching

his lower lip.

Mateo heard that loud and clear, and the next instant was on him,

pushing him back to the floor, hiking Elias’s leg over his arm to

spread him wide and slowly, unrelentingly, pushing inside him.

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 785

Oh god, he was big. Or maybe he just felt that way because it’d

been months since Elias had gotten laid last. Either way, he felt

stretched to the limit, but even the light burn felt good. He shuddered,

arms sliding around Mateo’s shoulders, fingers digging into his strong

back. “God damn, yes…fuck, more, Mateo,” he panted, arching.

Dios mio, Elías… no te muevas, que me vas a matar… mierda…

There was a frantic, gritty sound to the words that made Elias grin.

He clenched in response and let out a rough laugh when Mateo let

loose a string of curses that were understandable in any language.

“Glad to know I’m not the only one losing his damn mind,” Elias

teased, breathless.

Mateo stared down at him, eyes dark and hooded, narrowed on

him and it was such an intense look it made Elias’s heart skip a beat.

¿Quieres jugar a juegos, cielito?
” Mateo asked, one brow lifting in a

wordless challenge. ”
Ni siquiera conoces las reglas.

And before Elias could wonder what he’d said, Mateo had

captured his mouth and his hips snapped, driving him fully deep in

one thrust and oh god, who needed words or brain function or

when there was this? Madness and desperation and need,

clawing to get out, demanding relief and the one person who could

satisfy it was right there, kissing him like his life depended on it.

He lifted his hips, only to have Mateo curl his hand under his ass

to lift him closer, urging Elias to match his deep, slow rhythm. Oh, it

felt good. Rushes of shivers raced through him, and Elias could barely

catch his breath through the kisses Mateo claimed from him. Breath

was over-rated anyway. He moaned, crying out when finally the kiss

broke and Mateo slid his mouth down along his neck, teeth scraping,

tongue soothing, leaving shudders of pleasure in his wake.

“Please, please…holy god damn, Mateo,” Elias gasped, clenching

around him. “Faster, dammit, faster, please.”

He didn’t know if Mateo understood his words or his body

language, but either way his lover gave him what he demanded, hips

Don’t Read in the Closet – volume four 786

snapping harder, faster, the delicious slide and friction enough to send

anyone right out of their mind. Elias let out broken, panting moans,

head tilted back, both hands deep in the silky mess of Mateo’s hair.

He’d never felt anything like this. He felt wild, out of control,

completely uninhibited. Shy little Elias the wallflower? Gone. In his

place was wicked and wanton Elias, writhing around beneath a near-

stranger and pleading for more, more, more.

It was heaven. And a delicious hell at the same time. Elias would

damn well have things to confess this Sunday, after all.

It seemed to go on and on forever, their bodies slick with sweat

and raw with mutual, frantic need. But before Elias was ready for it to

be over, he could feel his body betraying him, cock throbbing harder

and harder, shudders deep and clawing to take over. He groaned and

reached one hand down between them to wrap around his cock.

Mateo immediately pushed up to his elbows, staring down

between them, dark eyes fixed on the sight of Elias stroking himself in

matching pace with their fucking. ”
Dios maldiga,
” Mateo choked, lips

parted and eyes hot.

Elias had never felt so powerful than he did just then, with Mateo

watching him, an awestruck expression on his face. Bolder than ever,

Elias gave Mateo a show, stroking tight, arching, thumb rubbing the

slick head and then, with a wicked grin at his lover, bringing that slick

thumb up to lick it clean. The shuddered groan he got for that was

well worth the burning blush he couldn’t help.

“Mateo, please…so close, please,” he panted, stroking faster,

giving Mateo a sharp nod to try and explain that he was there, he was

going to come.

He needn’t have bothered, it turned out, because the fucking growl

Mateo let out as he sped his thrusts, slamming into him so hard Elias

thought they’d go sliding along the hardwood, stole Elias’s breath and

if he hadn’t been on the verge of coming before, he sure as hell was


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